1000 resultados para Breast câncer
Background: Reductions in breast cancer (BC) mortality in Western countries have been attributed to the use of screening mammography and adjuvant treatments. The goal of this work was to analyze the contributions of both interventions to the decrease in BC mortality between 1975 and 2008 in Catalonia. Methodology/Principal Findings: A stochastic model was used to quantify the contribution of each intervention. Age standardized BC mortality rates for calendar years 1975-2008 were estimated in four hypothetical scenarios: 1) Only screening, 2) Only adjuvant treatment, 3) Both interventions, and 4) No intervention. For the 30-69 age group, observed Catalan BC mortality rates per 100,000 women-year rose from 29.4 in 1975 to 38.3 in 1993, and afterwards continuously decreased to 23.2 in 2008. If neither of the two interventions had been used, in 2008 the estimated BC mortality would have been 43.5, which, compared to the observed BC mortality rate, indicates a 46.7% reduction. In 2008 the reduction attributable to screening was 20.4%, to adjuvant treatments was 15.8% and to both interventions 34.1%. Conclusions/Significance: Screening and adjuvant treatments similarly contributed to reducing BC mortality in Catalonia. Mathematical models have been useful to assess the impact of interventions addressed to reduce BC mortality that occurred over nearly the same periods.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar artigos, na literatura, que verificam o valor preditivo positivo das categorias 3, 4 e 5 do Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS®). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizada pesquisa na base de dados Medline utilizando os termos "predictive value" e "BI-RADS". Foram incluídos 11 artigos nesta revisão. RESULTADOS: O valor preditivo positivo das categorias 3, 4 e 5 variou entre 0% e 8%, 4% e 62%, 54% e 100%, respectivamente. Três artigos avaliaram, concomitantemente, os critérios morfológicos das lesões que apresentaram maior valor preditivo positivo na mamografia, sendo nódulo espiculado o critério com maior valor preditivo positivo. CONCLUSÃO: Houve grande variabilidade do valor preditivo positivo das categorias 3, 4 e 5 do BI-RADS® em todos os estudos, porém foram identificadas diferenças metodológicas que limitaram a comparação desses estudos.
Objetivos: describir el proceso terapéutico y la posible influencia de las neuronas espejo en la empatía kinestésica empleando la terapia a través de la danza y el movimiento en el cáncer de mama. Método: se utilizó un estudio de caso. Una paciente diagnosticada con cáncer de mama desde hace dos años fue derivada al Departamento de Ciencias fisiológicas II de la Universidad de Barcelona. Ella asistió a una intervención con terapia a través de la danza y el movimiento durante 5 meses (1 hora semanal, 20 sesiones). Su historia clínica y las anotaciones tanto de ella como del terapeuta fueron revisadas. Resultado: La paciente mostró una mejora en su bienestar psicofísico percibido después de participar en el programa de terapia a través de la danza y el movimiento. Este tipo de intervención facilitó la recogida de información tanto a nivel físico como psicológico de la paciente. El proceso empático fue relevante para ello. Conclusiones: El bienestar percibido y expresado por la paciente a lo largo de las sesiones permite entrever la importancia clínica de la terapia a través de la danza y el movimiento. Una futura propuesta sería realizar dicha intervención en un contexto grupal, ampliando y diversificando el proceso empático al añadir al binomio terapeuta-paciente el de paciente-paciente.
El universo oncológico, aparentemente, constituye un ámbito de profundos consensos; aliviar el sufrimiento de pacientes y familias, la búsqueda de una cura efectiva o erradicar el estigma asociado al diagnóstico son objetivos que generan un amplio acuerdo social. Desde una perspectiva cultural, sin embargo, se constata la presencia de ciertas áreas de tensión y disidencia en torno al cáncer. En este artículo, aplicando conceptos analíticos de Gramsci y Foucault, se define en forma de decálogo lugares comunes que como el pensamiento positivo, la feminidad, la prevención o el espíritu de lucha conforman una cultura hegemónica en cáncer de mama enfrentada a los discursos de culturas subalternas como la feminista o ambientalista. Frente a la idea de unidad y consenso, el análisis de la literatura antropológica proporciona una imagen compleja donde la vivencia del cáncer, resignificando la enfermedad como un espacio de conflicto ideológico, es construida en términos de lucha de intereses y proyectos de control social.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o BI-RADS® como fator preditivo de suspeição de malignidade em lesões mamárias não palpáveis nas categorias 3, 4 e 5, correlacionando as mamografias com os resultados histopatológicos através do cálculo do valor preditivo positivo do exame mamográfico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trezentas e setenta e uma pacientes encaminhadas a um serviço de referência em tratamento de câncer em Teresina, PI, para realização de exames histopatológicos em mama no período de julho de 2005 a março de 2008, por terem mamografia de categorias 3, 4 ou 5, tiveram seus exames revisados. Das 371 pacientes, 265 foram submetidas a biópsia por agulha grossa e 106, a marcação pré-cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: Em relação às mamografias, 11,32% foram classificadas como categoria 3, 76,28% como categoria 4 e 12,4% como categoria 5. Os resultados histológicos demonstraram 24% de exames positivos para malignidade. Os valores preditivos positivos das categorias 3, 4 e 5 foram, respectivamente, de 7,14%, 16,96% e 82,61%. Foram calculados os valores preditivos positivos, separadamente, para as biópsias percutâneas (7,14%, 15,76%, 76,47%) e para as marcações pré-cirúrgicas (7,14%, 20%, 100%). CONCLUSÃO: Achados malignos foram subestimados pelo laudo radiológico e houve superestimação de achados benignos, o que resultou na realização desnecessária de alguns procedimentos invasivos.
En este artículo se analizan siete blogs escritos por mujeres con cáncer de mama. En primer lugar, se indaga sobre su forma de concebir el cuerpo en relación, por un lado, al impacto del cáncer en los órganos y procesos corporales ligados a la feminidad y, por el otro, a su carácter mortal. En segundo lugar, se analiza su atribución de agencia en relación a la enfermedad y su curación. Se observa que la responsabilidad en la curación se atribuye principalmente a los médicos, pero aparece con fuerza la idea que la mujer se puede sanar mediante cambios en su estilo de vida y a través del pensamiento positivo. Este establece un marco en el que las afectadas de cáncer encuentran dificultades para reconocer y expresar aspectos considerados negativos del proceso como la rabia, la desesperación o el miedo a la muerte, al mismo tiempo que marca una distinción entre pacientes con trayectorias de éxito en su curación y los que no lo consiguen, que son culpabilizados.
Breast cancer is the most common diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among females worldwide. It is considered a highly heterogeneous disease and it must be classified into more homogeneous groups. Hence, the purpose of this study was to classify breast tumors based on variations in gene expression patterns derived from RNA sequencing by using different class discovery methods. 42 breast tumors paired-samples were sequenced by Illumine Genome Analyzer and the data was analyzed and prepared by TopHat2 and htseq-count. As reported previously, breast cancer could be grouped into five main groups known as basal epithelial-like group, HER2 group, normal breast-like group and two Luminal groups with a distinctive expression profile. Classifying breast tumor samples by using PAM50 method, the most common subtype was Luminal B and was significantly associated with ESR1 and ERBB2 high expression. Luminal A subtype had ESR1 and SLC39A6 significant high expression, whereas HER2 subtype had a high expression of ERBB2 and CNNE1 genes and low luminal epithelial gene expression. Basal-like and normal-like subtypes were associated with low expression of ESR1, PgR and HER2, and had significant high expression of cytokeratins 5 and 17. Our results were similar compared with TGCA breast cancer data results and with known studies related with breast cancer classification. Classifying breast tumors could add significant prognostic and predictive information to standard parameters, and moreover, identify marker genes for each subtype to find a better therapy for patients with breast cancer.
This study sought to assess the impact of health care professional (HCP) communication on breast cancer patients across the acute care process as perceived by patients. Methodological approach was based on eight focus groups conducted with a sample of patients (n ¼ 37) drawn from 15 Spanish Regions; thematic analysis was undertaken using the National Cancer Institute (NCI) framework of HCP communication as the theoretical basis. Relevant results of this study were the identification of four main communication components: (1) reassurance in coping with uncertainty after symptom detection and prompt access until confirmed diagnosis; (2) fostering involvement before delivering treatments, by anticipating information on practical and emotional illness-related issues; (3) guidance on the different therapeutic options, through use of clinical scenarios; and, (4) eliciting the feeling of emotional exhaustion after ending treatments and addressing the management of potential treatment-related effects. These communication-related components highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach in this area of cancer care
Microtubules are involved in many aspects of cellular biology and represent an important target of anticancer chemotherapeutics. In the past five years, novel natural products such as epothilones, discodermolide, sarcodictyin, eleutherobin, and laulimalide, all of which have biological activities similar to those of paclitaxel (Taxolâ), have been discovered. Taxolâ is an important antitumor drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of ovarian, breast and non-small-cell lung carcinomas and became the first natural product described that stabilized microtubules avoiding the cellular replication. The present article reports new natural products that are able to act on the stabilization of microtubules.
During the last part of the 1990s the chance of surviving breast cancer increased. Changes in survival functions reflect a mixture of effects. Both, the introduction of adjuvant treatments and early screening with mammography played a role in the decline in mortality. Evaluating the contribution of these interventions using mathematical models requires survival functions before and after their introduction. Furthermore, required survival functions may be different by age groups and are related to disease stage at diagnosis. Sometimes detailed information is not available, as was the case for the region of Catalonia (Spain). Then one may derive the functions using information from other geographical areas. This work presents the methodology used to estimate age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions from scarce Catalan survival data by adapting the age- and stage-specific US functions. Methods: Cubic splines were used to smooth data and obtain continuous hazard rate functions. After, we fitted a Poisson model to derive hazard ratios. The model included time as a covariate. Then the hazard ratios were applied to US survival functions detailed by age and stage to obtain Catalan estimations. Results: We started estimating the hazard ratios for Catalonia versus the USA before and after the introduction of screening. The hazard ratios were then multiplied by the age- and stage-specific breast cancer hazard rates from the USA to obtain the Catalan hazard rates. We also compared breast cancer survival in Catalonia and the USA in two time periods, before cancer control interventions (USA 1975–79, Catalonia 1980–89) and after (USA and Catalonia 1990–2001). Survival in Catalonia in the 1980–89 period was worse than in the USA during 1975–79, but the differences disappeared in 1990–2001. Conclusion: Our results suggest that access to better treatments and quality of care contributed to large improvements in survival in Catalonia. On the other hand, we obtained detailed breast cancer survival functions that will be used for modeling the effect of screening and adjuvant treatments in Catalonia
Introduction: The aim of this study was to describe breast ductal cancer in situ (DCIS) incidence trends in women in the Girona province during a period of 25 years. The influence of age, use of mammography and implementation of the breast cancer screening programs was explored. Incidence of subsequent invasive breast cancers (IBC) and DCIS treatment was also considered. Materials and Methods: Cases diagnosed with primary pure DCIS (n=416) during 1983-2007 were extracted from the population-based Girona Cancer Registry. The estimated annual percent change was estimated using joinpoint analysis. Results: DCIS incidence showed a sharp rise until 1998, followed by a less marked upward trend. Among women aged 50-69 the increase was particularly important between 1992 and in 1996, reflecting the spread in mammography use. Conclusion: The upward trend of DCIS was mainly related to an increase in mammography use either opportunistic or as a result of screening implementation
Background: Effective treatment for breast cancer requires accurate preoperative planning, developing and implementing a consistent definition of margin clearance, and using tools that provide detailed real-time intraoperative information on margin status. Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) may fulfil these requirements and may offer few advantages that other preoperative localization and intraoperative margin assessment techniques may notPurpose: The goal of the present work is to determine how accurate the intraoperative ultrasound should be to acquire complete surgical excision with negative histological margins in patients undergoing Breast Conservative SurgeryDesign: A diagnostic test study with a cross-sectional design carried out in a tertiary referral hospital in Girona within a Breast Pathology UnitParticipants: Women diagnosed with breast cancer undergoing a Breast Conservative Surgery in the Breast Pathology Unit at Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta
Breast cancer is the most prevalent neoplasm among women in the majority of countries worldwide. Breast cancer treatment include mastectomy which is associated to strong impact in women. Breast reconstruction is an option for many women to re-establish their body image and also to decrease psychological impact. However, breast reconstruction rates are low and many factors are involved in not undergoing breast reconstruction. Patient involvement in the decision-making process increases breast reconstruction rates and is associated to higher satisfaction and less anxiety and depression symptoms. More physician-patient relation and more education in terms of breast reconstruction are needed to achieve our objective. A new approach of medical care, called Patson Approach, is created in order to meet our goal with more patient involvement, as well as, physician and psychological counsellingObjective: to increase breast reconstruction rates in women who are candidates for breast reconstruction after mastectomy and are included in the Patson Approach compared to women included in the Standard ApproachMethods: the study design will be a randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial. 62 patients will be recruited during two years and randomly divided in two groups, 31 will be included in the Standard Approach and 31 will be included in the Patson Approach. Preoperative and postoperative appointments are established in order to do a follow-up of the patients and collect all the data
Patients with metastatic breast cancer, whereas liver is the only site of dissemination, may benefit from hepatectomy. Literature suggests that surgical treatment of these metastases may offer a longer survival rate than systemic chemotherapy and/or isolated homonal therapy. We report two cases of hepatic resection for liver metastases from breast cancer, with survival of 11 and 16 months without recurrence. One patient had a single metastases and the other two. No post-operative complications were observed.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a influência da fisioterapia realizada durante a radioterapia (RT) sobre a qualidade de vida (QV) de mulheres em tratamento para câncer de mama. MÉTODOS: ensaio clínico randomizado com 55 mulheres em tratamento radioterápico, sendo 28 alocadas no grupo submetido à fisioterapia (GF) e 27 no grupo controle sem fisioterapia (GC). A técnica fisioterápica utilizada para o GF foi a cinesioterapia para membros superiores, com emprego de 19 exercícios realizados ativamente, com uma série de dez repetições rítmicas ou alongamentos, englobando movimentos de flexão, extensão, abdução, adução, rotação interna e rotação externa dos ombros, isolados ou combinados. A QV foi avaliada por meio do Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast (FACT-B) no início, no final da RT e seis meses após seu término. As sessões de fisioterapia começavam concomitantemente à RT, em média 90 dias após a cirurgia. RESULTADOS: não houve diferença entre os grupos para as subescalas: bem-estar físico (p=0,8), bem-estar social/familiar (p=0,3), bem-estar funcional (p=0,2) e subescala de mama (p=0,2) nos três momentos avaliados. A comparação da subescala emocional obtida nas três avaliações demonstrou melhor comportamento do GF em relação ao GC (p=0,01). Ambos apresentaram melhora na subescala de mama entre o início e final da RT (GF p=0,0004 e GC p=0,003). Houve melhora dos escores do FACT-B ao final da RT em ambos os grupos (GF p=0,0006 e GC p=0,003). No entanto, seis meses após a RT, esta melhora manteve-se somente no GF (p=0,005). A qualidade de vida avaliada ao longo do tempo pelo FACT B (p=0,004) e Trial Outcome Index (TOI) (soma das subescalas bem-estar físico, funcional e subescala de mama) foi melhor no GF (p=0,006). Não houve evidência de efeitos negativos associados aos exercícios. CONCLUSÕES: a realização de exercícios para membros superiores beneficiou a qualidade de vida durante e seis meses após a RT.