96 resultados para Breakpoint
BACKGROUND: The availability of multiple avian genome sequence assemblies greatly improves our ability to define overall genome organization and reconstruct evolutionary changes. In birds, this has previously been impeded by a near intractable karyotype and relied almost exclusively on comparative molecular cytogenetics of only the largest chromosomes. Here, novel whole genome sequence information from 21 avian genome sequences (most newly assembled) made available on an interactive browser (Evolution Highway) was analyzed. RESULTS: Focusing on the six best-assembled genomes allowed us to assemble a putative karyotype of the dinosaur ancestor for each chromosome. Reconstructing evolutionary events that led to each species' genome organization, we determined that the fastest rate of change occurred in the zebra finch and budgerigar, consistent with rapid speciation events in the Passeriformes and Psittaciformes. Intra- and interchromosomal changes were explained most parsimoniously by a series of inversions and translocations respectively, with breakpoint reuse being commonplace. Analyzing chicken and zebra finch, we found little evidence to support the hypothesis of an association of evolutionary breakpoint regions with recombination hotspots but some evidence to support the hypothesis that microchromosomes largely represent conserved blocks of synteny in the majority of the 21 species analyzed. All but one species showed the expected number of microchromosomal rearrangements predicted by the haploid chromosome count. Ostrich, however, appeared to retain an overall karyotype structure of 2n=80 despite undergoing a large number (26) of hitherto un-described interchromosomal changes. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that mechanisms exist to preserve a static overall avian karyotype/genomic structure, including the microchromosomes, with widespread interchromosomal change occurring rarely (e.g., in ostrich and budgerigar lineages). Of the species analyzed, the chicken lineage appeared to have undergone the fewest changes compared to the dinosaur ancestor.
The t(4;14)(p16;q32) translocation seen in c. 18% of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) cases, results in FGFR3 activation and creation of an IGH/MMSET fusion transcript. We have recently shown that FGFR3 is activated in only 75% of t(4;14)(+) cases, suggesting that alternative genes near the breakpoint may be involved in the transforming event. The gene, TACC3, located just 50 kb telomeric of FGFR3, with transforming capacity, therefore represented a candidate gene. Using a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction-based approach on a cohort of 54 patients, we found a statistically significant, twofold increase in TACC3 expression in t(4;14)(+) cases. TACC3, MMSET and p21 values were positively correlated in all cases and, of particular interest, six patient samples [three t(4;14)(-), three t(4;14)(+)] samples showed a joint up-regulation of TACC3, MMSET and p21. Although a poor prognosis is linked with elevated MMSET expression, an extended follow-up period will be required to evaluate the significance of elevated TACC3 and p21 expression in this subgroup of MM.
The eastern Canadian Arctic is home to Canada’s largest Indigenous population, which depends on local freshwater sources for drinking water. However, small watersheds have rarely been analyzed for long-term hydrologic response to changing climate. This study aims to address this issue by examining the Apex River, a small watershed with a long hydroclimatic record, near Iqaluit, Nunavut. Particular emphasis was placed on the long-term changes in climate and river discharge, and the seasonal variability of water sources between two snapshots in time, 1983 and 2013. Long-term hydrological data were obtained from gauge station 10UH002, operated by Environment and Climate Change Canada, and long-term meteorological data were acquired from Environment Canada–operated stations near Iqaluit Airport. Breakpoint analysis suggested that long-term mean annual surface air temperatures have increased since 1994. In contrast, no long-term total precipitation or annual discharge changes were observed. However, river flow initiation and cessation analyses of the Apex River flow season indicates that flow extended into the autumn since the 2000s. The 2013 flow season lasted 44 days longer than the 1983 flow season. Systematic river sampling was undertaken throughout the 2013 thaw season to determine contributing proportions of event (snowmelt or rainfall) and pre-event (baseflow) water to river runoff. Results from the stable isotope hydrograph separation for 2013 were compared to findings for 1983. Snow was the main source of water to the river during the snowmelt period in 1983 and 2013, however baseflow was still an important contributor. Although there was high similarity of water sources early in the season in 1983 and 2013, the two years differed during the autumn. In 2013 there was a high rainfall runoff response that was not present in 1983, suggesting high release of late-season sub-surface water storage and an increased sensitivity to late-season rainfall events in 2013. This research provides insights into the hydrologic response of the Apex River to long-term climatic change, and highlights the need for high-quality precipitation and discharge data for effective long-term hydrological assessment.
Severe aplastic anaemia (SAA) is an uncommon disorder which may be associated with several congenital syndromes. However, it has rarely been described in association with a constitutional karyotypic abnormality. The breakpoint of the balanced t(6:10)(q13:q22) translocation described here does not disrupt any currently recognized gene of haemopoietic or stromal importance. This report also highlights the problems inherent in the use of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for treating multiply transfused aplastic anaemia patients.
The molecular characterization of balanced chromosomal rearrangements have always been of advantage in identifying disease-causing genes. Here, we describe the breakpoint mapping of a de novo balanced translocation t(7;12)(q11.22;q14.2) in a patient presenting with a failure to thrive associated with moderate mental retardation, facial anomalies, and chronic constipation. The localization of the breakpoints and the co-occurrence of Williams-Beuren syndrome and 12q14 microdeletion syndrome phenotypes suggested that the expression of some of the dosage-sensitive genes of these two segmental aneuploidies were modified in cells of the proposita. However, we were unable to identify chromosomes 7 and/or 12-mapping genes that showed disturbed expression in the lymphoblastoids of the proposita. This case showed that position-effect might operate in some tissues, but not in others. It also illustrates the overlap of phenotypes presented by patients with the recently described 12q14 structural rearrangements.
Human telomeres play a major role in stabilizing chromosome ends and preventing fusions. Chromosomes bearing a broken end are rescued by the acquisition of a new telomeric cap without any subtelomeric sequences being present at the breakpoint, a process referred to as chromosome healing. Conversely, a loss of telomeric function or integrity can lead to the presence of interstitial telomeres at the junction site in translocations or ring chromosomes. In order to determine the frequency at which interstitial telomeres or chromosome healing events are observed in target chromosome abnormalities, we conducted a retrospective FISH study using pan-telomeric and chromosome-specific subtelomeric probes on archival material from 40 cases of terminal deletions, translocations or ring chromosomes. Of the 19 terminal deletions investigated, 17 were negative for the subtelomeric probe specific to the deleted arm despite being positive for the pan-telomeric probe. These 17 cases were thus considered as been rescued through chromosome healing, suggesting that this process is frequent in terminal deletions. In addition, as two of these cases were inherited from a parent bearing the same deletion, chromosomes healed by this process are thus stable through mitosis and meiosis. Regarding the 13 cases of translocations and eight ring chromosomes, four and two cases respectively demonstrated pan-telomeric sequences at the interstitial junction point. Furthermore, two cases of translocations and one ring chromosome had both interstitial pan-telomeres and subtelomeres, whereas two other cases of ring chromosomes and one case of translocation only showed interstitial subtelomeres. Therefore, interstitial (sub)telomeric sequences in translocations and ring chromosomes are more common than previously thought, as we found a frequency of 43% in this study. Moreover, our results illustrate the necessity of performing FISH with both subtelomeric and pan-telomeric probes when investigating these rearrangements, as the breakpoints can be either in the distal part of the pan-telomeres, or in between the two types of sequences.
L'hétérogénéité de réponses dans un groupe de patients soumis à un même régime thérapeutique doit être réduite au cours d'un traitement ou d'un essai clinique. Deux approches sont habituellement utilisées pour atteindre cet objectif. L'une vise essentiellement à construire une observance active. Cette approche se veut interactive et fondée sur l'échange ``médecin-patient '', ``pharmacien-patient'' ou ``vétérinaire-éleveurs''. L'autre plutôt passive et basée sur les caractéristiques du médicament, vise à contrôler en amont cette irrégularité. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de développer de nouvelles stratégies d'évaluation et de contrôle de l'impact de l'irrégularité de la prise du médicament sur l'issue thérapeutique. Plus spécifiquement, le premier volet de cette recherche consistait à proposer des algorithmes mathématiques permettant d'estimer efficacement l'effet des médicaments dans un contexte de variabilité interindividuelle de profils pharmacocinétiques (PK). Cette nouvelle méthode est fondée sur l'utilisation concommitante de données \textit{in vitro} et \textit{in vivo}. Il s'agit de quantifier l'efficience ( c-à-dire efficacité plus fluctuation de concentrations \textit{in vivo}) de chaque profil PK en incorporant dans les modèles actuels d'estimation de l'efficacité \textit{in vivo}, la fonction qui relie la concentration du médicament de façon \textit{in vitro} à l'effet pharmacodynamique. Comparativement aux approches traditionnelles, cette combinaison de fonction capte de manière explicite la fluctuation des concentrations plasmatiques \textit{in vivo} due à la fonction dynamique de prise médicamenteuse. De plus, elle soulève, à travers quelques exemples, des questions sur la pertinence de l'utilisation des indices statiques traditionnels ($C_{max}$, $AUC$, etc.) d'efficacité comme outil de contrôle de l'antibiorésistance. Le deuxième volet de ce travail de doctorat était d'estimer les meilleurs temps d'échantillonnage sanguin dans une thérapie collective initiée chez les porcs. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé un modèle du comportement alimentaire collectif qui a été par la suite couplé à un modèle classique PK. À l'aide de ce modèle combiné, il a été possible de générer un profil PK typique à chaque stratégie alimentaire particulière. Les données ainsi générées, ont été utilisées pour estimer les temps d'échantillonnage appropriés afin de réduire les incertitudes dues à l'irrégularité de la prise médicamenteuse dans l'estimation des paramètres PK et PD . Parmi les algorithmes proposés à cet effet, la méthode des médianes semble donner des temps d'échantillonnage convenables à la fois pour l'employé et pour les animaux. Enfin, le dernier volet du projet de recherche a consisté à proposer une approche rationnelle de caractérisation et de classification des médicaments selon leur capacité à tolérer des oublis sporadiques. Méthodologiquement, nous avons, à travers une analyse globale de sensibilité, quantifié la corrélation entre les paramètres PK/PD d'un médicament et l'effet d'irrégularité de la prise médicamenteuse. Cette approche a consisté à évaluer de façon concomitante l'influence de tous les paramètres PK/PD et à prendre en compte, par la même occasion, les relations complexes pouvant exister entre ces différents paramètres. Cette étude a été réalisée pour les inhibiteurs calciques qui sont des antihypertenseurs agissant selon un modèle indirect d'effet. En prenant en compte les valeurs des corrélations ainsi calculées, nous avons estimé et proposé un indice comparatif propre à chaque médicament. Cet indice est apte à caractériser et à classer les médicaments agissant par un même mécanisme pharmacodynamique en terme d'indulgence à des oublis de prises médicamenteuses. Il a été appliqué à quatre inhibiteurs calciques. Les résultats obtenus étaient en accord avec les données expérimentales, traduisant ainsi la pertinence et la robustesse de cette nouvelle approche. Les stratégies développées dans ce projet de doctorat sont essentiellement fondées sur l'analyse des relations complexes entre l'histoire de la prise médicamenteuse, la pharmacocinétique et la pharmacodynamique. De cette analyse, elles sont capables d'évaluer et de contrôler l'impact de l'irrégularité de la prise médicamenteuse avec une précision acceptable. De façon générale, les algorithmes qui sous-tendent ces démarches constitueront sans aucun doute, des outils efficients dans le suivi et le traitement des patients. En outre, ils contribueront à contrôler les effets néfastes de la non-observance au traitement par la mise au point de médicaments indulgents aux oublis
Le développement sexuel est un processus complexe qui dépend de nombreux gènes, une mutation pouvant entraîner un développement sexuel anormal. Par ailleurs, des anomalies chromosomiques peuvent avoir des répercussions importantes sur la détermination gonadique, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit du chromosome Y puisqu'il porte le gène clé du développement sexuel masculin. Premièrement, nous avons identifié par cytogénétique moléculaire le point de cassure chez 5 patients avec une translocation X;Y et 10 patients avec un chromosome Y isodicentrique. Nous avons ainsi démontré que certaines régions sont plus à risque d'être remaniées, notamment lorsqu'elles contiennent des palindromes ou d'autres séquences répétées. Nous avons également établi une relation entre la distance séparant le centromère et le point de cassure et l'instabilité des chromosomes Y isodicentriques lors des divisions cellulaires. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié en cytogénétique les gonades de 22 patients avec un chromosome Y normal ou remanié et présentant un développement sexuel anormal. Nous avons mis en évidence la perte du chromosome Y remanié dans une majorité de cellules gonadiques des 10 patients étudiés, expliquant leur phénotype sexuel anormal. Cependant, chez 11 des 12 patients avec un chromosome Y normal, aucun mosaïcisme expliquant clairement leur détermination gonadique anormale n'a été retrouvé. Finalement, nous avons analysé par immunohistochimie les gonades dysgénésiques de 30 patients avec une anomalie du développement sexuel et un chromosome Y normal ou remanié. Nos travaux ont montré la présence de cellules germinales immatures au sein de cordons sexuels primitifs sous forme de tissu gonadique indifférencié dans 15 gonades, dont 9 ont évolué en tumeur gonadique. Dans 13 autres gonades, ces cellules germinales immatures avaient disparues par apoptose. Dans l'ensemble, notre recherche met en évidence la susceptibilité du chromosome Y à subir des remaniements et à être instable lors des divisions cellulaires, et indique que le mosaïcisme peut avoir des répercussions sur la détermination gonadique. Nos travaux montrent également que le tissu gonadique indifférencié peut évoluer vers deux entités, une tumeur gonadique ou une bandelette suite à l'apoptose des cellules germinales, mettant en lumière la nécessité d'analyser le tissu gonadique des patients XY avec dysgénésie gonadique dont les gonades sont laissées en place.
Évaluation de l'acquisition de la résistance à la colistine chez Escherichia coli O149 chez le porc.
La diarrhée post-sevrage est une maladie d’importance dans l’industrie porcine et est principalement causée Escherichia coli O149. Le traitement habituellement utilisé est la néomycine. Cependant, en raison de l’antibiorésistance, les vétérinaires se tournent vers la colistine sulfate (CS). La CS lie les lipopolysaccharides (LPS) et provoque un déplacement des cations divalents causant la formation de pores entrainant la mort cellulaire. Le système à deux composantes PmrA/PmrB est le plus incriminé dans la résistance à la colistine en ajoutant un groupement 4-amino-4-déoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N) au lipide A des LPS, augmentant ainsi la charge du LPS et diminuant son affinité pour la CS. L’objectif principal est d’évaluer l’acquisition de la résistance à la CS d’E. coli in vitro et dans un modèle in vivo. Nous avons utilisé des souches associées à des cas cliniques d’E. coli O149 et avons créé 22 mutants résistants à la CS. La concentration minimale inhibitrice (CMI) a été mesurée par une méthode de double dilution et comparée au seuil de résistance. Suite au séquençage des gènes pmrA/pmrB, nous avons identifié sept nouveaux polymorphismes, trois dans PmrA : A80V, N128I, S144G et quatre dans PmrB : V87E, D148Y, D148V et T156M. Pour l’essai in vivo, nous avons suivi une souche expérimentale ETEC:F4 (E. coli O149) et isolé des E. coli de la flore commensale. Le séquençage des gènes pmrA et pmrB de ces isolats a montré un polymorphisme spécifique, G15R et T156M respectivement. Cependant, plusieurs souches récoltées possédaient une résistance à la CS, mais sans polymorphisme de PmrA/PmrB, suggérant d’autre(s) mécanisme(s) de résistance.
Two types of ecological thresholds are now being widely used to develop conservation targets: breakpoint-based thresholds represent tipping points where system properties change dramatically, whereas classification thresholds identify groups of data points with contrasting properties. Both breakpoint-based and classification thresholds are useful tools in evidence-based conservation. However, it is critical that the type of threshold to be estimated corresponds with the question of interest and that appropriate statistical procedures are used to determine its location. On the basis of their statistical properties, we recommend using piecewise regression methods to identify breakpoint-based thresholds and discriminant analysis or classification and regression trees to identify classification thresholds.
Duplication at the Xq28 band including the MECP2 gene is one of the most common genomic rearrangements identified in neurodevelopmentally delayed males. Such duplications are non-recurrent and can be generated by a non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) mechanism. We investigated the potential mechanisms for MECP2 duplication and examined whether genomic architectural features may play a role in their origin using a custom designed 4-Mb tiling-path oligonucleotide array CGH assay. Each of the 30 patients analyzed showed a unique duplication varying in size from similar to 250 kb to similar to 2.6 Mb. Interestingly, in 77% of these non-recurrent duplications, the distal breakpoints grouped within a 215 kb genomic interval, located 47 kb telomeric to the MECP2 gene. The genomic architecture of this region contains both direct and inverted low-copy repeat (LCR) sequences; this same region undergoes polymorphic structural variation in the general population. Array CGH revealed complex rearrangements in eight patients; in six patients the duplication contained an embedded triplicated segment, and in the other two, stretches of non-duplicated sequences occurred within the duplicated region. Breakpoint junction sequencing was achieved in four duplications and identified an inversion in one patient, demonstrating further complexity. We propose that the presence of LCRs in the vicinity of the MECP2 gene may generate an unstable DNA structure that can induce DNA strand lesions, such as a collapsed fork, and facilitate a Fork Stalling and Template Switching event producing the complex rearrangements involving MECP2.
Background: The chromosome 17q21.31 microdeletion syndrome is a novel genomic disorder that has originally been identified using high resolution genome analyses in patients with unexplained mental retardation. Aim: We report the molecular and/or clinical characterisation of 22 individuals with the 17q21.31 microdeletion syndrome. Results: We estimate the prevalence of the syndrome to be 1 in 16 000 and show that it is highly underdiagnosed. Extensive clinical examination reveals that developmental delay, hypotonia, facial dysmorphisms including a long face, a tubular or pear-shaped nose and a bulbous nasal tip, and a friendly/amiable behaviour are the most characteristic features. Other clinically important features include epilepsy, heart defects and kidney/urologic anomalies. Using high resolution oligonucleotide arrays we narrow the 17q21.31 critical region to a 424 kb genomic segment (chr17: 41046729-41470954, hg17) encompassing at least six genes, among which is the gene encoding microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT). Mutation screening of MAPT in 122 individuals with a phenotype suggestive of 17q21.31 deletion carriers, but who do not carry the recurrent deletion, failed to identify any disease associated variants. In five deletion carriers we identify a <500 bp rearrangement hotspot at the proximal breakpoint contained within an L2 LINE motif and show that in every case examined the parent originating the deletion carries a common 900 kb 17q21.31 inversion polymorphism, indicating that this inversion is a necessary factor for deletion to occur (p< 10(25)). Conclusion: Our data establish the 17q21.31 microdeletion syndrome as a clinically and molecularly well recognisable genomic disorder.
Recurrent submicroscopic genomic copy number changes are the result of nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR). Nonrecurrent aberrations, however, can result from different nonexclusive recombination-repair mechanisms. We previously described small microduplications at Xq28 containing MECP2 in four male patients with a severe neurological phenotype. Here, we report on the fine-mapping and breakpoint analysis of 16 unique microduplications. The size of the overlapping copy number changes varies between 0.3 and 2.3 Mb, and FISH analysis on three patients demonstrated a tandem orientation. Although eight of the 32 breakpoint regions coincide with low-copy repeats, none of the duplications are the result of NAHR. Bioinformatics analysis of the breakpoint regions demonstrated a 2.5-fold higher frequency of Alu interspersed repeats as compared with control regions, as well as a very high GC content (53%). Unexpectedly, we obtained the junction in only one patient by long-range PCR, which revealed nonhomologous end joining as the mechanism. Breakpoint analysis in two other patients by inverse PCR and subsequent array comparative genomic hybridization analysis demonstrated the presence of a second duplicated region more telomeric at Xq28, of which one copy was inserted in between the duplicated MECP2 regions. These data suggest a two-step mechanism in which part of Xq28 is first inserted near the MECP2 locus, followed by breakage-induced replication with strand invasion of the normal sister chromatid. Our results indicate that the mechanism by which copy number changes occur in regions with a complex genomic architecture can yield complex rearrangements.
The correlation between the microdilution (MD), Etest (R) (ET), and disk diffusion (DD) methods was determined for amphotericin B, itraconazole and fluconazole. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of those antifungal agents was established for a total of 70 Candida spp. isolates from colonization and infection. The species distribution was: Candida albicans (n = 27), C. tropicalis (n = 17), C. glabrata (n = 16), C. parapsilosis (n = 8), and C. lusitaniae (n = 2). Non-Candida albicans Candida species showed higher MICs for the three antifungal agents when compared with C. albicans isolates. The overall concordance (based on the MIC value obtained within two dilutions) between the ET and the MD method was 83% for amphotericin B, 63% for itraconazole, and 64% for fluconazole. Considering the breakpoint, the agreement between the DD and MD methods was 71% for itraconazole and 67% for fluconazole. The DD zone diameters are highly reproducible and correlate well with the MD method, making agar-based methods a viable alternative to MD for susceptibility testing. However, data on agar-based tests for itraconazole and amphotericin B are yet scarce. Thus, further research must still be carded out to ensure the standardization to other antifungal agents. J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 23:324-330, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Reindeer herding in Sweden is a form of pastoralism practised by the indigenous Sami population. The economy is mainly based on meat production. Herd size is generally regulated by harvest in order not to overuse grazing ranges and keep a productive herd. Nonetheless, herd growth and room for harvest is currently small in many areas. Negative herd growth and low harvest rate were observed in one of two herds in a reindeer herding community in Central Sweden. The herds (A and B) used the same ranges from April until the autumn gathering in October-December, but were separated on different ranges over winter. Analyses of capture-recapture for 723 adult female reindeer over five years (2007-2012) revealed high annual losses (7.1% and 18.4%, for herd A and B respectively). A continuing decline in the total reindeer number in herd B demonstrated an inability to maintain the herd size in spite of a very small harvest. An estimated breakpoint for when herd size cannot be kept stable confirmed that the observed female mortality rate in herd B represented a state of herd collapse. Lower calving success in herd B compared to A indicated differences in winter foraging conditions. However, we found only minor differences in animal body condition between the herds in autumn. We found no evidence that a lower autumn body mass generally increased the risk for a female of dying from one autumn to the next. We conclude that the prime driver of the on-going collapse of herd B is not high animal density or poor body condition. Accidents or disease seem unlikely as major causes of mortality. Predation, primarily by lynx and wolverine, appears to be the most plausible reason for the high female mortality and state of collapse in the studied reindeer herding community.