994 resultados para Brassica pekinensis L.


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The most frequent insect visitors to the flower were: Apis mellifera, 80.6%; Trigona spinipes, 12.8% and Dialictus sp, 6.6%. -from Authors


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Bio³gicas (Farmacologia) - IBB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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El aceite de colza es comestible pero también puede utilizarse en la producción de biodiesel. Cuando el destino es el energético, el cultivo puede regarse con aguas residuales urbanas o cloacales. La mayor proporción del uso de éstas en el mundo ocurre en regiones áridas donde otras fuentes de agua son escasas, situación que se plantea en los oasis irrigados de Mendoza. En este trabajo se comparó el rendimiento de un cultivar invernal de colza regado con agua cloacal (AC) y agua subterránea (AS), y su potencial para producir biodiesel. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en una planta de tratamiento de agua cloacal de Obras Sanitarias en el departamento Tunuyán (33° 32’ 89’’ S; 69° 00’ 80’’ O; 859 m snm). El rendimiento de semilla de AC fue significativamente mayor que el de AS (7690 y 3886 kg/ha, respectivamente). La cantidad de biodiesel factible de producir por cada hectárea de cultivo asciende a 2800 kg en el tratamiento AC y a 1400 kg en AS. El uso de aguas residuales urbanas genera un nicho interesante para la producción de biocombustibles, utilizando un recurso hídrico con limitaciones para producir alimentos.


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Myzus persicae (Sulz.), Brevicoryne brassicae L. y Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) constituyen plagas del cultivo de colza canola, Brassica napus L., y de otras crucíferas cultivadas. Los pulgones fueron colectados en un cultivo de canola y se multiplicaron en un insectario. Para el estudio se criaron 2 cohortes de 20 hembras neonatas, para cada especie de áfido y cultivar de colza, a 20 ± 1°C, 60-70% de humedad relativa y 14:10 horas de fotofase. Las principales diferencias entre especies de pulgones se observaron en la duración de los períodos reproductivo y post-reproductivo, la longevidad y la fecundidad. M. persicae fue el áfido más longevo y fecundo en Impact, mientras que en Teddy el más fecundo fue L. erysimi y el más longevo M. persicae. Con respecto a los parámetros poblacionales, la mayor tasa de incremento poblacional (R0) fue de 58,43 (♀/♀/generación) para M. persicae en Impact. En cambio en Teddy la mayor R0 (63,17) fue para L. erysimi. La tasa intrínseca de crecimiento natural (rm) más elevada fue para L. erysimi en Teddy (0,29 ♀/♀/día) y para M. persicae en Impact (0,24 ♀/♀/día). Estos estudios indican que, de acuerdo con el cultivar de colza empleado, teniendo en cuenta la tasa de crecimiento poblacional de las diferentes especies de pulgones, se podría inferir cuál será la especie dominante y el daño potencial que ocasionarían al cultivo.


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We investigated the gene expression profiles of different members of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxilic acid (ACC) synthase (EC gene family in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) during the post-harvest-induced senescence process. Using RT-PCR, three different cDNAs coding for ACC synthase (BROCACS1, BROCACS2 and BROCACS3) were amplified from floret tissue at the start of the senescence process. The three genes share relatively little homology, but have highly homologous sequences in Arabidopsis thaliana, and could be functionally related to these counterparts. Southern analyses suggest that BROCACS1 and BROCACS3 are present as single copy genes, while there are probably two copies of BROCACS2. All three genes showed different expression patterns: BROCACS1 is likely to be either wound - or mechanical stress-induced showing high transcript levels after harvesting, but no detectable expression afterwards. BROCACS2 shows steady expression throughout senescence, increasing at the latest stages, and BROCACS3 is almost undetectable until the final stages. Our results suggest that BROCACS1 could be required to initiate the senescence process, while BROCACS2 would be the main ACC synthase gene involved throughout the post-harvest-induced senescence. BROCACS3's expression pattern indicates that it is not directly involved in the initial stages of senescence, but in the final remobilization of cellular resources.


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Os cultivos de alface e couve-chinesa podem ter a produção reduzida devido à ocorrência da podridão-mole, causada por Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os tamanhos ideais das amostras para quantificação da incidência dessa doença em levantamentos no campo. Foram realizadas amostragens da incidência da podridão-mole em oito áreas de plantio de alface e cinco de couve-chinesa, situadas nos principais municípios produtores do Estado de Pernambuco. Considerando os resultados obtidos e um erro aceitável de 20%, em futuros levantamentos da incidência da podridão-mole em alface recomenda-se a amostragem de 32 parcelas de 4,5 m²/ha e 20 plantas/parcela, enquanto em couve-chinesa a amostragem de 22 parcelas de 10,5 m²/ha e 20 plantas/parcela. Para ambas as culturas não houve correlação significativa (P=0,05) entre os níveis de incidência da doença e os tamanhos das amostras.


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Em um solo aluvião eutrófico de classificação textural argilo siltoso, com 2,75% de M.O. foram estudados os efeitos de doses do herbicida bentazon (3 - isopropi l - 2,1,3 - benzotio-diazinona - (4) - 2,2 - dióxido) aplicado em pós-emergência. no controle de plantas daninhas dicotiledôneas na cultura da cebola. O delineamento experimental adotado foi um fatorial 2 x 5 x 2 + 4. constituído por duas cultivares: 'Baia Pe ri forme' e 'Texas Grano': cinco épocas de aplicação do produto: aos 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 dias após a emergência das plantas daninhas: duas doses de bentazon: 0,46kg. i.a./ha e 0,96 kg. i.a./ha e quatro tratamentos adicionais: 'Baia Periforme' capinada e sem capina e 'Texas Grano'. capinada e sem capina. . As plantas daninhas predominantes no experimento foram: botão -de-ouro (Galinsoga parviflora Cav.), picão-preto (Bidens pilosa L.), amendoim-bravo (Euphorbia prunifoiia Jacq.(, mostarda (Brassica campestris L.), joá (Physalis angulata L.) fedegoso (Cassia tora L.(, serralha falsa (Emilia sonchifolia (L .) DC) e mentruz (Lepidium virginicum L. Nas condições em que foi realizado o ensaio, o herbicida bentazon nas duas doses aplicadas mostrou-se eficiente no controle das plantas daninhas até 60 dias após o transplante. Nas doses empregadas o bentazon não apresentou efeito fitotóxico sobre a produção das cultivares 'Baia Periforme' e 'Texas Grano'.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de couve-chinesa minimamente processada e tratada com cloreto de cálcio (CaCl2), ácido ascórbico (vitamina C), ácido etileno-diamino-tetracético (EDTA) e mantida sob refrigeração. Foram realizados os seguintes tratamentos: T1: testemunha (imersão em água contendo 50 mg L-1 clorin/5 minutos); T2: imersão em solução contendo CaCl2 a 1%/5 minutos; T3: imersão em solução contendo CaCl2 a 2%/5 minutos; T4: imersão em solução contendo vitamina C a 1%/5 minutos; T5: imersão em solução contendo Vitamina C a 2%/5 minutos; T6: imersão em solução contendo EDTA a 1%/5 minutos; e T7: imersão em solução contendo EDTA a 2%/5 minutos. Após a realização dos tratamentos a couve-chinesa foi centrifugada, embalada em bandejas de polietileno expandido, recoberta com policloreto de vinila (PVC) e armazenada em temperatura de 5 ± 1 °C e umidade relativa (UR) de 90 ± 2% por 8 dias. As análises físico-químicas, químicas e sensoriais foram realizadas de dois em dois dias. A presença de Salmonella foi verificada somente após a realização dos tratamentos. A partir dos resultados obtidos procedeu-se à análise de variância (ANAVA) e aplicou-se o teste de Tukey considerando-se um nível de significância p < 0,05. Houve influência significativa dos diferentes tratamentos nas características físico-químicas e químicas, como também nas avaliações da aparência geral e escurecimento. Não foi detectada presença de Salmonella em nenhum dos tratamentos realizados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos conclui-se que a couve-chinesa minimamente processada nas condições experimentais utilizadas só estaria apta para o consumo até o quarto dia de armazenamento.


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Four experiments conducted over three seasons (2002-05) at the Crops Research Unit, University of Reading, investigated effects of canopy management of autumn sown oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera var. biennis (DC.) Metzg.) on competition with grass weeds. Emphasis was placed on the effect of the crop on the weeds. Rape canopy size was manipulated using sowing date, seed rate and the application of autumn fertilizer. Lolium multiflorum Lam., L. x boucheanum Kunth and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. were sown as indicative grass weeds. The effects of sowing date, seed rate and autumn nitrogen on crop competitive ability were correlated with rape biomass and fractional interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by the rape floral layer, to the extent that by spring there was good evidence of crop: weed replacement. An increase in seed rate up to the highest plant densities tested increased both rape biomass and competitiveness, e.g. in 2002/3, L. multiflorum head density was reduced from 539 to 245 heads/m(2) and spikelet density from 13 170 to 5960 spikelets/m(2) when rape plant density was increased from 16 to 81 plants/m(2). Spikelets/head of Lolium spp. was little affected by rape seed rate, but the length of heads of A. myosuroides was reduced by 9 % when plant density was increased from 29-51 plants/m(2). Autumn nitrogen increased rape biomass and reduced L. multiflorum head density (415 and 336 heads/m(2) without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively) and spikelet density (9990 and 8220 spikelets/m(2) without and with autumn nitrogen, respectively). The number of spikelets/head was not significantly affected by autumn nitrogen. Early sowing could increase biomass and competitiveness, but poor crop establishment sometimes overrode the effect. Where crop and weed establishment was similar for both sowing dates, a 2-week delay (i.e. early September to mid-September) increased L. multiflorum head density from 226 to 633 heads/m(2) and spikelet density from 5780 to 15 060 spikelets/m(2).


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Three experiments conducted over two years (2002-04) at the Crops Research Unit, University of Reading, investigated competition between autumn sown oilseed rape cultivars (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera var. biennis (DC.) Metzg.) and Lolium multiflorum Lam., L. x boucheanum Kunth and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds., sown as indicative grass weeds. Rape cultivar (cv.) had a substantial effect on grass weed seed return. Over the six cultivars tested, L. multiflorum spikelet production ranged from just under 400 spikelets/m(2) in the presence of cv. Winner to nearly 5800 in competition with cv. Lutin. Cultivar competitiveness was associated with high biomass, large dense floral layers and early stem extension. There was some evidence of differential competitive tolerance between rape cultivars. The results suggested that rape cultivars could be screened for competitiveness by measuring floral layer interception of photosynthetic active radiation. L. x boucheanum cultivars varied in ability to compete with rape. In the absence of inter-specific competition, spikelet density was similar for Aberecho and Polly (circa 31000 spikelets/m(2)) but when grown with rape Polly outyielded Aberecho (i.e. 12 090 and 7990 spikelets/m(2) respectively).


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Successful pest management is often hindered by the inherent complexity of the interactions of a pest with its environment. The use of genetically characterized model plants can allow investigation of chosen aspects of these interactions by limiting the number of variables during experimentation. However, it is important to study the generic nature of these model systems if the data generated are to be assessed in a wider context, for instance, with those systems of commercial significance. This study assesses the suitability of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Brassicaceae) as a model host plant to investigate plant-herbivore-natural enemy interactions, with Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), the diamondback moth, and Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of P. xylostella. The growth and development of P. xylostella and C. plutellae on an A. thaliana host plant (Columbia type) were compared to that on Brassica rapa var. pekinensis (L.) (Brassicaceae), a host crop that is widely cultivated and also commonly used as a laboratory host for P. xylostella rearing. The second part of the study investigated the potential effect of the different A. thaliana background lines, Columbia and Landsberg (used in wider scientific studies), on growth and development of P. xylostella and C. plutellae. Plutella xylostella life history parameters were found generally to be similar between the host plants investigated. However, C. plutellae were more affected by the differences in host plant. Fewer adult parasitoids resulted from development on A. thaliana compared to B. rapa, and those that did emerge were significantly smaller. Adult male C. plutellae developing on Columbia were also significantly smaller than those on Landsberg A. thaliana.