915 resultados para Brasil - Municípios


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It were collected species of Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865 in many brazilian cities from Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Rondônia and Amapá states and in Paraguay and Uruguay, with the purpose to bring up-to-date their occurrence. Specimens collected on trips were identified at laboratory of Fca/Unesp/Botucatu-SP. It were recorded, for the first time, the occurrence of A. rugosus rugosus (F. Smith, 1858) in Paraná, Rondônia and Santa Catarina states; A. subterraneus subterraneus (Forel, 1893) in Amapá and Bahia; A. diasi Gonçalves, 1982 in Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná states; A. coronatus (Fabricius, 1804) in Paraná; A. balzani (Emery, 1890) in Amapá and A. subterranens brunneus (Forel, 1911) in Goiás.


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It may be difficult for small and medium cities to obtain information about the fluoride content of public water, because of the lack of equipments and technicians. This study aimed to analyze the fluoride levels of the water supplied by the public treatment stations of 40 cities situated in the northwest region of São Paulo State, during a period of 6 months, to verify if fluoridation occurs in a continuous manner and if the fluoride levels are within the recommended. Maps of the water distribution system were obtained from the water treatment companies and utilized to randomize the addresses of the collection sites, so that they included all regions with treated water sources. One water sample by month was collected and analyzed in duplicate using an ion-specific-electrode. Samples with 0.6 to 0.8 mgF/L were considered acceptable. In the 38 cities that regularly provided the samples in the 6 months of the study, water from 144 collection sites was collected and a total of 864 samples were analyzed, of which 61.81 percent were classified as unacceptable. It was observed that 33 cities performed fluoridation but in 78.79 percent of these cities there were variations in the fluoride level among the sites and in the same site during the period of study. One can conclude that most of these cities do not control the fluoride levels in the public water, since fluoridation occurs in a discontinuous manner and in most of the situations not within the recommended concentrations.


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Os filarídeos são nematóides parasitas de corpo alongado em forma de fio. Os filarídeos parasitas de cães pertencem à Família Onchocercidae, sendo representados principalmente pelos gêneros Acanthocheilonema, Dipetalonema e Dirofilaria. Estes filarídeos se desenvolvem em locais diferentes no hospedeiro vertebrado, necessitando da passagem por um hospedeiro invertebrado hematófago para completar seu ciclo. No cão, diferentes níveis de infecção podem ocorrer, desde assintomática, até o comprometimento cardiovascular, podendo levar à morte. Na Amazônia, pouco se sabe sobre a distribuição destes parasitas, e até o momento, não se realizou um estudo de diagnóstico diferencial. Este estudo foi realizado em dois municípios na Ilha do Marajó (Salvaterra e São Sebastião da Boa Vista), com um enfoque epidemiológico (com a pesquisa de microfilárias em amostras de sangue de cães domésticos), morfológico (pela análise de características taxonômicas de vermes adultos) e molecular (pela comparação entre regiões gênicas de microfilárias circulantes em sangue canino e vermes adultos). O percentual de cães microfilarêmicos foi de 37,34% em Salvaterra e 6,67% em São Sebastião da Boa Vista, resultando numa prevalência total de 32,45%. Os filarídeos adultos coletados em ambos os municípios são da Dirofilaria immitis, por análise morfolágica. Por análise de fragmentos gênicos, concluímos que as microfilárias encontradas na corrente sanguínea dos cães estudados também são da espécie D. immitis, e que estes cães não apresentaram infecção mista.


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A tuberculose (TB) é um grande problema de saúde pública, intimamente ligada aos fatores sócio-econômicos, e tem como principal agente etiológico o Mycobacterium tuberculosis. O Spoligotyping é uma técnica baseada em PCR-hibridização reversa que permite detectar e diferenciar simultaneamente membros do Complexo M. tuberculosis diretamente de amostras clínicas, como em amostras obtidas de lâminas de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), evitando problemas associados ao lento crescimento destes microrganismos, tornando-se assim uma importante ferramenta para o monitoramento de cepas em diferentes contextos epidemiológicos, sendo capaz de revelar o caráter biogeográfico destas. A possibilidade de caracterizar genética, demográfica e geograficamente estes microrganismos pode contribuir para o entendimento de como a doença é transmitida e para a implementação das ações para seu controle e combate. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo que avaliou amostras obtidas a partir de lâminas coradas pela técnica de ZN, confeccionadas por laboratórios da rede pública dos municípios paraenses de Belém e Ananindeua entre outubro de 2007 e março de 2008. A maioria (61,3%) dos 163 casos incluídos no estudo pertencia ao gênero masculino e 68,0% dos casos tinham entre 20 e 49 anos, com média de idade de 38 anos. A aplicação do Spoligotyping neste tipo de amostras apresentou bom rendimento, com 146 (89,6%) padrões de hibridização completos e concordantes entre si após as duplicatas. Destes, 142 foram considerados para comparação com o banco de dados internacional de Spoligotyping (SpolDB4), dentre os quais foram observados 67 espoligotipos ou genótipos distintos, compreendendo 95 (67%) casos com padrões compartilhados por duas a 20 amostras e 47 (33%) casos com padrões únicos. Quarenta e oito (71,6%) genótipos eram conhecidos e 19 (28,4%) ainda não haviam sido relatados no SpolDB4. As famílias LAM e T foram as mais frequentes, concentrando 56 (39,4%) e 35 (24,6%) casos, respectivamente, e as famílias Haarlem e EAI compreenderam 12 (8,45%) amostras cada. A geolocalização dos casos permitiu visualizar a distribuição dos espoligotipos nos municípios estudados, evidenciando alguns agrupamentos com mesmo genótipo, mostrando-se útil para direcionar e auxiliar investigações futuras.


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This work has as main objetive to analyze fiscal/tax collection of municipalities after the political-administrative decentralization in Brazil and its new role in this scenario, bringing up the competition for Decasa Sugar and Alcohol between the municipalities of Caiuá and Maraba Paulista in the context of expansion sugarcane cultivation in the Presidente Prudente Geographic Micro Region. The analysis has considered the geographic scales, in order to highlight the power relations on local/regional territory, determined by the Agroenergy Policy Guidelines in Brazil (2006-2011). The two municipalities have from the point of view economic dynamics, irrelevence, proven through the São Paulo Index of Social Responsibility (IPRS), maximizing the importance of the constitutional transfers, such as Participation Fund of Municipalities (FPM). Given this situation, we analyze the four taxes raised by the experts as the most impactful for municipal tax collection before the presence of sugarcane activity: the Territorial Urban Property Tax (IPTU), the Tax on Services of any Nature (ISSQN), the Tax Vehicles owned Motor (IPVA) and the Operations tax on the Circulation of Goods and on Transport Services Rendered Interstate and Intermunicipal (ICMS). It was verified, that only the ISSQN can be seen as an indicator increase in fiscal/tax collection before the presence sugarcane activity...


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Objective: to describe the profile of non-fatal cases related to interpersonal violence treated in an emergency care unit of reference that serves seven municipalities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2008 to 2010. Methods: the study data came from the cases reported from the Epidemiological Vigilance in Penápolis-SP to the Brazilian Information System for Notifiable Diseases; variables were shown according to the Notification/Investigation Individual Formulary of Domestic, Sexual, and/or other Types of Violences. Results: 109 occurrences were studied; most of the victims were young and female (93.6%); and the aggressors, mostly were men (57.8%), partners or relatives/acquaintances of victims. Physical violence was the main form of aggression (93.6%), principally in the home (67.9%), on Sunday (16.5%), between 6:01pm and 12:00pm (57.8%). Conclusion: the cases reported had a consistent profile of domestic family violence against women, different from other studies about interpersonal violence in large cities and metropolitan regions


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No Brasil, a mortalidade por homicídios persiste como importante problema de saúde pública, principalmente entre homens adultos jovens. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o risco de morte por homicídios entre homens de 20-39 anos de idade e sua associação com características sociodemográficas dos municípios brasileiros. Foi realizado estudo ecológico, tendo como unidades de análise todos os municípios do País. Foram estudadas as tendências temporais entre 1999-2010 e as associações do desfecho com indicadores dos municípios em análise transversal referente ao quatriênio 2007-2010. Entre os quatriênios 1999-2002 e 2007-2010, houve aumento das taxas medianas de mortalidade por homicídios entre homens de 20-39 anos, de 22,7 para 35,5 por 100 mil habitantes. No quatriênio 2007-2010, os riscos de homicídios foram estatisticamente superiores (p<0,001) nos municípios de maior porte populacional, maior taxa de fecundidade, baixa proporção de alfabetizados, maior desigualdade aferida pela renda 20/40 e maior urbanização. Para a proporção da população de baixa renda e renda média per capita, as associações indicam excessos nas estimativas de risco de homicídios nos municípios com valores intermediários desses indicadores. Os achados podem auxiliar na focalização de políticas públicas.


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This dissertation considered the development of two papers, both related to mortality in Brazil. In the first article, "The context of mortality according to the three broad groups of causes of death in Brazilian capitals, 2000 and 2010", the objective was to analyze the mortality rate according to the three major groups of causes of death in Brazilian capitals. In the second article, "Typology and characteristics of mortality from external causes in the municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil, 2000 and 2010", it was built up a typology for the Northeastern municipalities taking into account information on mortality from external causes and a set of indicators related to socioeconomic, demographic, and infrastructure aspects of such municipalities, both articles for the years 2000 and 2010. Thus, we used data from the Mortality Information System of the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, it was used information from the Demographic Census for those years. The variables relating to socioeconomic and demographic conditions used in this study were those available on the home page of the United Nations Program for Development. The variables relating to socioeconomic and demographic conditions used in this study were those available on the home page of the United Nations Program for Development. Was used in Article 1 the pro-rata distribution method to accomplish the redistribution of ill-defined causes. Moreover, made use of the technique of cluster analysis with the aim of grouping the capital that had proportions of deaths from ill-defined causes similar to each other. Already in Section 2, we used the technique of Empirical Bayesian estimation; spatial statistics technique; and finally, the Grade of Membership method to find types of municipalities from information on mortality from external causes associated with socioeconomic, demographic and infrastructure variables. As the main results, it stands out in Article 1, in relation to data quality, we observed the formation of four groups of similar capital between themselves, as the proportion of illdefined causes. Regarding the behavior of mortality, according to the three major groups of causes of death, it was noted both for 2000 and for 2010 the prevalence of deaths from noncommunicable diseases for both sexes, although the reduction was identified rates in some of the capitals. Communicable diseases stood out as the second cause of death among women. Also, we found that deaths due to external causes are responsible for the second cause of death among men, as well as presenting an increase among women. As for the Article 2, stands out, in general, not just an extension of mortality from external causes in the municipalities, as well as an enlargement of the configurator stain existence of external cause deaths for the whole area of Northeast. Regarding the typology of municipalities, three vi extreme profiles were buit: the profile 1, which comprises municipalities with high rates of mortality from external causes and the best social indicators; the profile 2, that was composed of municipalities that are characterized by having low mortality rates from external causes and the lowest social indicators; and the profile 3, that brings together municipalities with intermediate mortality rates and median values considered in relation to social indicators. Although we have not seen changes in the characteristics of the profiles, we observed an increase in the proportion of municipalities that belong to the extreme profile 3, taking into account the mixed profiles.


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The present study carried out in the context of the Baseline Studies of the PROESF was aimed at evaluating the impact of the Family Health Program (PSF) on indicators for child health in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants in the Brazilian Northeast. Four cities were investigated. In each one, twenty censual sectors were selected randomly from areas covered by the PSF and compared with twenty sectors selected from areas not covered by the PSF on the basis of socioeconomic criteria. In most cases, no significant differences were found between the areas covered and not covered by the PSF. The only difference found was a significantly lower rate of hospital admissions due to diarrhea but this was on account of the Program of Community Health Agents. The PSF exerted no additional effect on the reduction of this indicator. It was also observed that the way by which the program is implemented in each city interferes directly in the results. Thus, there is no basis for considering the PSF per se ineffective or not differing from other programs with regard to its health care patterns. An evaluation of the PSF would necessarily have to include an analysis of the way the program is implemented and conducted in each case, besides considering its general socioeconomical and political characteristics.