1000 resultados para Bluff-Body


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Within a wind farm, multiple turbine wakes can interact and have a substantial effect on the overall power production. This makes an understanding of the wake recovery process critically important to optimizing wind farm efficiency. Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) exhibit features that are amenable to dramatically improving this efficiency. However, the physics of the flow around VAWTs is not well understood, especially as it pertains to wake interactions, and it is the goal of this thesis to partially fill this void. This objective is approached from two broadly different perspectives: a low-order view of wind farm aerodynamics, and a detailed experimental analysis of the VAWT wake.

One of the contributions of this thesis is the development of a semi-empirical model of wind farm aerodynamics, known as the LRB model, that is able to predict turbine array configurations to leading order accuracy. Another contribution is the characterization of the VAWT wake as a function of turbine solidity. It was found that three distinct regions of flow exist in the VAWT wake: (1) the near wake, where periodic blade shedding of vorticity dominates; (2) a transition region, where growth of a shear-layer instability occurs; (3) the far wake, where bluff-body oscillations dominate. The wake transition can be predicted using a new parameter, the dynamic solidity, which establishes a quantitative connection between the wake of a VAWT and that of a circular cylinder. The results provide insight into the mechanism of the VAWT wake recovery and the potential means to control it.


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This paper explores the ignition and subsequent evolution of spray flames in a bluff-body configuration with and without swirl. Ethanol and n-heptane are used to compare the effects of volatility. Ignition is performed by a laser spark. High speed imaging of OH *-chemiluminescence and OH-PLIF collected at 5kHz are used to investigate the behaviour of the flames during the first stages of ignition and the stable flame structure following ignition. Swirl induces a wider and shorter flame, precession, and multiple reaction zones, while the non-swirling flames have a simpler structure. The reaction fronts seem thinner with ethanol than with heptane. The dataset can be used for model validation. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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A series of flames in a turbulent methane/air stratified swirl burner is presented. The degree of stratification and swirl are systematically varied to generate a matrix of experimental conditions, allowing their separate and combined effects to be investigated. Non-swirling flows are considered in the present paper, and the effects of swirl are considered in a companion paper (Part II). A mean equivalence ratio of φ=0.75 is used, with φ for the highest level of stratification spanning 0.375-1.125. The burner features a central bluff-body to aid flame stabilization, and the influence of the induced recirculation zone is also considered. The current work focuses on non-swirling flows where two-component particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements are sufficient to characterize the main features of the flow field. Scalar data obtained from Rayleigh/Raman/CO laser induced fluorescence (CO-LIF) line measurements at 103μm resolution allow the behavior of key combustion species-CH 4, CO 2, CO, H 2, H 2O and O 2-to be probed within the instantaneous flame front. Simultaneous cross-planar OH-PLIF is used to determine the orientation of the instantaneous flame normal in the scalar measurement window, allowing gradients in temperature and progress variable to be angle corrected to their three dimensional values. The relationship between curvature and flame thickness is investigated using the OH-PLIF images, as well as the effect of stratification on curvature.The main findings are that the behavior of the key combustion species in temperature space is well captured on the mean by laminar flame calculations regardless of the level of stratification. H 2 and CO are significant exceptions, both appearing at elevated levels in the stratified flames. Values for surface density function and by extension thermal scalar dissipation rate are found to be substantially lower than laminar values, as the thickening of the flame due to turbulence dominates the effect of increased strain. These findings hold for both premixed and stratified flames. The current series of flames is proposed as an interesting if challenging set of test cases for existing and emerging turbulent flame models, and data are available on request. © 2012 The Combustion Institute.


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In this paper the global flame dynamics of a model annular gas turbine combustor undergoing strong self-excited circumferential instabilities is presented. The combustor consisted of either 12, 15 or 18 turbulent premixed bluff-body flames arranged around an annulus of fixed circumference so that the effect of flame separation distance, S, on the global heat release dynamics could be investigated. Reducing S was found to produce both an increase in the resonant frequency and the limit-cycle amplitudes of pressure and heat release for the same equivalence ratio. The phase-averaged global heat release, obtained from high-speed OH- chemiluminescence imaging from above, showed that these changes are caused by large-scale modifications to the flame structure around the annulus. For the largest S studied (12 flame configuration) the azimuthal instability produced a helical-like global heat release structure for each flame. When S was decreased, large-scale merging or linking between adjacent flames occurred spanning approximately half of the annulus with the peak heat release concentrated at the outer annular wall. The circumferential nature of the instability was evident from both the pressure measurements and the phase-averaged OH- chemiluminescence showing the phase of the heat release on either side of the annulus to be ≈180°apart and spinning in the counter clockwise direction. Both spinning and standing modes were found but only spinning modes are considered in this paper. To the best of the authors knowledge, these are the first experiments to provide a phase-averaged picture of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in a laboratory-scale annular combustor relevant to gas turbines. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The tomographic reconstruction of OH* chemiluminescence was performed on two interacting turbulent premixed bluff-body stabilized flames under steady flow conditions and acoustic excitation. These measurements elucidate the complex three-dimensional (3D) vortex-flame interactions which have previously not been accessible. The experiment was performed using a single camera and intensifier, with multiple views acquired by repositioning the camera, permitting calculation of the mean and phase-averaged volumetric OH* distributions. The reconstructed flame structure and phase-averaged dynamics are compared with OH planar laser-induced fluorescence and flame surface density measurements for the first time. The volumetric data revealed that the large-scale vortex-flame structures formed along the shear layers of each flame collide when the two flames meet, resulting in complex 3D flame structures in between the two flames. With a fairly simple experimental setup, it is shown that the tomographic reconstruction of OH* chemiluminescence in forced flames is a powerful tool that can yield important physical insights into large-scale 3D flame dynamics that are important in combustion instability. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Increasing demand for energy and continuing increase in environmental as well as financial cost of use of fossil fuels drive the need for utilization of fuels from sustainable sources for power generation. Development of fuel-flexible combustion systems is vital in enabling the use of sustainable fuels. It is also important that these sustainable combustion systems meet the strict governmental emission legislations. Biogas is considered as one of the viable sustainable fuels that can be used to power modern gas turbines: However, the change in chemical, thermal and transport properties as well as change in Wobbe index due to the variation of the fuel constituents can have a significant effect on the performance of the combustor. It is known that the fuel properties have strong influence on the dynamic flame response; however there is a lack of detailed information regarding the effect of fuel compositions on the sensitivity of the flames subjected to flow perturbations. In this study, we describe an experimental effort investigating the response of premixed biogas-air turbulent flames with varying proportions of CH4 and CO2 to velocity perturbations. The flame was stabilized using a centrally placed conical bluff body. Acoustic perturbations were imposed to the flow using loud speakers. The flame dynamics and the local heat release rate of these acoustically excited biogas flames were studied using simultaneous measurements of OH and H2CO planar laser induced fluorescence. OH* chemiluminescence along with acoustic pressure measurements were also recorded to estimate the total flame heat release modulation and the velocity fluctuations. The measurements were carried out by keeping the theoretical laminar flame speed constant while varying the bulk velocity and the fuel composition. The results indicate that the flame sensitivity to perturbations increased with increased dilution of CH4 by CO2 at low amplitude forcing, while at high amplitude forcing conditions the magnitude of the flame response was independent of dilution.


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This paper presents flow field measurements for the turbulent stratified burner introduced in two previous publications in which high resolution scalar measurements were made by Sweeney et al. [1,2] for model validation. The flow fields of the series of premixed and stratified methane/air flames are investigated under turbulent, globally lean conditions (φg=0.75). Velocity data acquired with laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) are presented and discussed. Pairwise 2-component LDA measurements provide profiles of axial velocity, radial velocity, tangential velocity and corresponding fluctuating velocities. The LDA measurements of axial and tangential velocities enable the swirl number to be evaluated and the degree of swirl characterized. Power spectral density and autocorrelation functions derived from the LDA data acquired at 10kHz are optimized to calculate the integral time scales. Flow patterns are obtained using a 2-component PIV system operated at 7Hz. Velocity profiles and spatial correlations derived from the PIV and LDA measurements are shown to be in very good agreement, thus offering 3D mapping of the velocities. A strong correlation was observed between the shape of the recirculation zones above the central bluff body and the effects of heat release, stoichiometry and swirl. Detailed analyses of the LDA data further demonstrate that the flow behavior changes significantly with the levels of swirl and stratification, which combines the contributions of dilatation, recirculation and swirl. Key turbulence parameters are derived from the total velocity components, combining axial, radial and tangential velocities. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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In this paper we describe the time-varying amplitude and its relation to the global heat release rate of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in a simple annular combustor operating under atmospheric conditions. The combustor was modular in construction consisting of either 12, 15 or 18 equally spaced premixed bluff-body flames around a fixed circumference, enabling the effect of large-scale interactions between adjacent flames to be investigated. High-speed OH* chemiluminescence imaged from above the annulus and pressure measurements obtained at multiple locations around the annulus revealed that the limit cycles of the modes are degenerate in so much as they undergo continuous transitions between standing and spinning modes in both clockwise (CW) and anti-clockwise (ACW) directions but with the same resonant frequency. Similar behaviour has been observed in LES simulations which suggests that degenerate modes may be a characteristic feature of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in annular combustion chambers. By modelling the instabilities as two acoustic waves of time-varying amplitude travelling in opposite directions we demonstrate that there is a statistical prevalence for either standing m=1 or spinning m=±1 modes depending on flame spacing, equivalence ratio, and swirl configuration. Phase-averaged OH* chemiluminescence revealed a possible mechanism that drives the direction of the spinning modes under limit-cycle conditions for configurations with uniform swirl. By dividing the annulus into inner and outer annular regions it was found that the spin direction coincided with changes in the spatial distribution of the peak heat release rate relative to the direction of the bulk swirl induced along the annular walls. For standing wave modes it is shown that the globally integrated fluctuations in heat release rate vary in magnitude along the acoustic mode shape with negligible contributions at the pressure nodes and maximum contributions at the pressure anti-nodes. © 2013.


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Screech is a high frequency oscillation that is usually characterized by instabilities caused by large-scale coherent flow structures in the wake of bluff-body flameholders and shear layers. Such oscillations can lead to changes in flame surface area which can cause the flame to burn unsteadily, but also couple with the acoustic modes and inherent fluid-mechanical instabilities that are present in the system. In this study, the flame response to hydrodynamic oscillations is analyzed in a controlled manner using high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. The response of a premixed flame with and without transverse velocity forcing is analyzed. When unforced, the flame is shown to exhibit a self-excitation that is attributed to the anti-symmetric shedding of vortices in the wake of the flameholder. The flame is also forced using two different kinds of low-amplitude out-of-phase inlet velocity forcing signals. The first forcing method is harmonic forcing with a single characteristic frequency, while the second forcing method involves a broadband forcing signal with frequencies in the range of 500 - 1000 Hz. For the harmonic forcing method, the flame is perturbed only lightly about its mean position and exhibits a limit cycle oscillation that is characteristic of the forcing frequency. For the broadband forcing method, larger changes in the flame surface area and detachment of the flame sheet can be seen. Transition to a complicated trajectory in the phase space is observed. When analyzed systematically with system identification methods, the CFD results, expressed in the form of the Flame Transfer Function (FTF) are capable of elucidating the flame response to the imposed perturbation. The FTF also serves to identify, both spatially and temporally, regions where the flame responds linearly and nonlinearly. Locking-in between the flame's natural self-excited frequency and the subharmonic frequencies of the broadband forcing signal is found to alter the dynamical behaviour of the flame. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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En esta tesis se investiga de forma experimental el transporte pasivo de magnitudes físicas en micro-sistemas con carácter de inmediata aplicación industrial, usando métodos innovadores para mejorar la eficiencia de los mismos optimizando parámetros críticos del diseño o encontrar nuevos destinos de posible aplicación. Parte de los resultados obtenidos en estos experimentos han sido publicados en revistas con un índice de impacto tal que pertenecen al primer cuarto del JCR. Primero de todo se ha analizado el efecto que produce en un intercambiador de calor basado en micro-canales el hecho de dejar un espacio entre canales y tapa superior para la interconexión de los mismos. Esto genera efectos tridimensionales que mejoran la exracción de calor del intercambiador y reducen la caída de presión que aparece por el transcurso del fluido a través de los micro-canales, lo que tiene un gran impacto en la potencia que ha de suministrar la bomba de refrigerante. Se ha analizado también la mejora producida en términos de calor disipado de un micro-procesador refrigerado con un ampliamente usado plato de aletas al implementar en éste una cámara de vapor que almacena un fluido bifásico. Se ha desarrollado de forma paralela un modelo numérico para optimizar las nuevas dimensiones del plato de aletas modificado compatibles con una serie de requerimientos de diseño en el que tanto las dimensiones como el peso juegan un papel esencial. Por otro lado, se han estudiado los fenomenos fluido-dinámicos que aparecen aguas abajo de un cuerpo romo en el seno de un fluido fluyendo por un canal con una alta relación de bloqueo. Los resultados de este estudio confirman, de forma experimental, la existencia de un régimen intermedio, caracterizado por el desarrollo de una burbuja de recirculación oscilante entre los regímenes, bien diferenciados, de burbuja de recirculación estacionaria y calle de torbellinos de Karman, como función del número de Reynolds del flujo incidente. Para la obtención, análisis y post-proceso de los datos, se ha contado con la ayuda de un sistema de Velocimetría por Imágenes de Partículas (PIV). Finalmente y como adición a este último punto, se ha estudiado las vibraciones de un cuerpo romo producidas por el desprendimiento de torbellinos en un canal de alta relación de bloqueo con la base obtenida del estudio anterior. El prisma se mueve con un movimiento armónico simple para un intervalo de números de Reynolds y este movimiento se transforma en vibración alrededor de su eje a partir de un ciero número de Reynolds. En relación al fluido, el régimen de desprendimiento de torbellinos se alcanza a menores números de Reynolds que en el caso de tener el cuerpo romo fijo. Uniendo estos dos registros de movimientos y variando la relación de masas entre prisma y fluido se obtiene un mapa con diferentes estados globales del sistema. Esto no solo tiene aplicación como método para promover el mezclado sino también como método para obtener energía a partir del movimiento del cuerpo en el seno del fluido. Abstract In this thesis, experimental research focused on passive scalar transport is performed in micro-systems with marked sense of industrial application, using innovative methods in order to obtain better performances optimizing critical design parameters or finding new utilities. Part of the results obtained in these experiments have been published into high impact factor journals belonged to the first quarter of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). First of all the effect of tip clearance in a micro-channel based heat sink is analyzed. Leaving a gap between channels and top cover, letting the channels communicate each other causes three-dimensional effects which improve the heat transfer between fluid and heat sink and also reducing the pressure drop caused by the fluid passing through the micro-channels which has a great impact on the total cooling pumping power needed. It is also analyzed the enhancement produced in terms of dissipated heat in a micro-processor cooling system by improving the predominantly used fin plate with a vapour chamber based heat spreader which contains a two-phase fluid inside. It has also been developed at the same time a numerical model to optimize the new fin plate dimensions compatible with a series of design requirements in which both size and wight plays a very restrictive role. On the other hand, fluid-dynamics phenomena that appears downstream of a bluff body in the bosom of a fluid flow with high blockage ratio has been studied. This research experimentally confirms the existence of an intermediate regime characterized by an oscillating closed recirculation bubble intermediate regime between the steady closed recirculation bubble regime and the vortex shedding regime (Karman street like regime) as a function of the incoming flow Reynolds number. A particle image velocimetry technique (PIV) has been used in order to obtain, analyze and post-process the fluid-dynamic data. Finally and as an addition to the last point, a study on the vortexinduced vibrations (VIV) of a bluff body inside a high blockage ratio channel has been carried out taking advantage of the results obtained with the fixed square prism. The prism moves with simple harmonic motion for a Reynolds number interval and this movement becomes vibrational around its axial axis after overcoming at definite Reynolds number. Regarding the fluid, vortex shedding regime is reached at Reynolds numbers lower than the previous critical ones. Merging both movement spectra and varying the square prism to fluid mass ratio, a map with different global states is reached. This is not only applicable as a mixing enhancement technique but as an energy harvesting method.


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Transverse galloping is a type of aeroelastic instability characterized by large amplitude, low frequency, normal to wind oscillations that appear in some elastic two-dimensional bluff bodies when subjected to a fluid flow, provided that the flow velocity exceeds a threshold critical value. Such an oscillatory motion is explained because of the energy transfer from the flow to the two-dimensional bluff body. The 7 amount of energy that can be extracted depends on the cross section of the galloping prism. Assuming that the Glauert-Den Hartog quasistatic criterion for galloping instability is satisfied in a first approximation, the suitability of a given cross section for energy harvesting is evaluated by analyzing the lateral aerodynamic force coefficient, fitting a function with a power series in tan a (a being the angle of attack) to 10 available experimental data. In this paper, a fairly large number of simple prisms (triangle, ellipse, biconvex, and rhombus cross sections, as well 11 as D-shaped bodies) is analyzed for suitability as energy harvesters. The influence of the fitting process in the energy harvesting efficiency evaluation is also demonstrated. The analysis shows that the more promising bodies are those with isosceles or approximate isosceles cross sections.


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The Savonius turbine, although simple in construction, typically has a maximum power coefficient (cP) of about 0.2. This is significantly lower than the cP of the axial flow propeller-type turbine which typically can be as high as 0.5. However, a simple means to improve the cP of a Savonius turbine is to install it above a forward facing step, for example, a cliff or a building. In this work, prior experimental results of the tow testing of a Savonius turbine installed above a finite-width bluff body were used to validate computational fluid dynamics simulation of the same experimental conditions. The validated simulation settings were then used to obtain the maximum cP of a similar turbine of finite width but installed above an infinite-width forward facing step over a range of installation positions above and behind the step.


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The focus of the current dissertation is to study qualitatively the underlying physics of vortex-shedding and wake dynamics in long aspect-ratio aerodynamics in incompressible viscous flow through the use of the KLE method. We carried out a long series of numerical experiments in the cases of flow around the cylinder at low Reynolds numbers. The study of flow at low Reynolds numbers provides an insight in the fluid physics and also plays a critical role when applying to stalled turbine rotors. Many of the conclusions about the qualitative nature of the physical mechanisms characterizing vortex formation, shedding and further interaction analyzed here at low Re could be extended to other Re regimes and help to understand the separation of the boundary layers in airfoils and other aerodynamic surfaces. In the long run, it aims to provide a better understanding of the complex multi-physics problems involving fluid-structure-control interaction through improved mathematical computational models of the multi-physics process. Besides the scientific conclusions produced, the research work on streamlined and bluff-body condition will also serve as a valuable guide for the future design of blade aerodynamics and the placement of wind turbines and hydrakinetic turbines, increasing the efficiency in the use of expensive workforce, supplies, and infrastructure. After the introductory section describing the main fields of application of wind power and hydrokinetic turbines, we describe the main features and theoretical background of the numerical method used here. Then, we present the analysis of the numerical experimentation results for the oscillatory regime right before the onset of vortex shedding for circular cylinders. We verified the wake length of the closed near-wake behind the cylinder and analysed the decay of the wake at the wake formation region, and then studied the St-Re relationship at the Reynolds numbers before the wake sheds compared to the experimental data. We found a theoretical model that describes the time evolution of the amplitude of fluctuations in the vorticity field on the twin vortex wake, which accurately matches the numerical results in terms of the frequency of the oscillation and rate of decay. We also proposed a model based on an analog circuit that is able to interpret the concerning flow by reducing the number of degrees of freedom. It follows the idea of the non-linear oscillator and resembles the dynamics mechanism of the closed near-wake with a common configured sine wave oscillator. This low-dimensional circuital model may also help to understand the underlying physical mechanisms, related to vorticity transport, that give origin to those oscillations.