974 resultados para Black water streams
Human development and population growth during the twentieth century increased the water demand, tripling its consumption between 1950 and 1990. As the water streams were polluted; and as water is the source of minerals and also regulates vital functions, it becomes the vehicle of transmission and consequently spreads many diseases. Probably, the industries are the major responsible for this pollution when they dump untreated effluents to water streams, saturating the already insufficient net of sanitation facilities polluting water and soil. An effective treatment has been established with low cost in Europe and the United States, through constructed systems on wetlands Constructed Wetland Systems - CWSs, gradually used in other countries in the last three decades. Lately, we observe a continuous growth in Brazilian poultry business, and poultry industry showed greatest dynamism in the country, following the global market. Pondering this information and the efficiency of such treatment, this work aimed to study prototypes, in a laboratory scale, simulating ascending and descending types of CWSs, vegetated with aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and the uses of aggregates and soil, to treat industrial wastewater from slaughterhouses and aviary. We conducted the initial characterization of the effluent to have an idea of its constituents and to scale the system and the continuous flow. Furthermore, we characterized the soil to be used in this system. The collects are periodically made in the refrigeration industry FRICOCK FRIGORIFICAÇÃO AVICULTURA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA. for local treatment simulation. The effluent that was treated with 12 prototypes of CWSs are analyzed with some frequency. The results of these reviews were compared to the effluent coming from the industry... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study expands the current knowledge base on the nature, causes and fate of unused medicines in primary care. Three methodologies were used and participants for each element were sampled from the population of Eastern Birmingham PCT. A detailed assessment was made of medicines returned to pharmacies and GP surgeries for destruction and a postal questionnaire covering medicines use and disposal was used to patients randomly selected from the electoral roll. The content of this questionnaire was informed by qualitative data from a group interview on the subject. By use of these three methods it was possible to triangulate the data, providing a comprehensive assessment of unused medicines. Unused medicines were found to be ubiquitous in primary care and cardiovascular, diabetic and respiratory medicines are unused in substantial quantities, accounting for a considerable proportion of the total financial value of all unused medicines. Additionally, analgesic and psychoactive medicines were highlighted as being unused in sufficient quantities for concern. Anti-infective medicines also appear to be present and unused in a substantial proportion of patients’ homes. Changes to prescribed therapy and non-compliance were identified as important factors leading to the generation of unused medicines. However, a wide array of other elements influence the quantities and types of medicines that are unused including the concordancy of GP consultations and medication reviews and patient factors such as age, sex or ethnicity. Medicines were appropriately discarded by 1 in 3 patients through return to a medical or pharmaceutical establishment. Inappropriate disposal was by placing in household refuse or through grey and black water with the possibility of hoarding or diversion also being identified. No correlations wre found between the weight of unused medicines and any clinical or financial factor. The study has highlighted unused medicines to be an issue of some concern and one that requires further study.
Introducción El mal sistema de eliminación de aguas grises y negras está asociado con enfermedades infecto-contagiosas, tanto, en el ser humano, los animales y las plantas. Objetivo Determinar los sistemas de manejo de las aguas residuales domésticas en las viviendas e instituciones de la parroquia rural San Pablo de Shaglli del cantón Santa Isabel, durante el 2014. Material y métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en la población de 115 personas. Los datos se obtuvieron por encuesta y se analizaron con el Software SPSS versión 15. La edad fluctuó entre 18-86 años, y la mediana, de 45. El 51.3 % fueron hombres. El 63.5 % tenían instrucción primaria, el 3.5 %, analfabetos, y el 6.1 %, instrucción superior. El 52.2 % eliminan las aguas grises provenientes de la cocina al aire libre; mientras que el 55.7 % de aguas provenientes del aseo personal, también, se eliminan al aire libre, al igual que el 6.26 % de las aguas grises provenientes del lavado de la ropa, y el 47.0 % eliminan las aguas negras en el pozo séptico. Conclusión Más del 50.0 % eliminan las aguas grises provenientes de la cocina, del aseo personal, del lavado de ropa al aire libre, y un porcentaje similar elimina las aguas negras en el pozo séptico.
We describe the abiotic factors affecting the distribution of black flies at a microhabitat scale, rather than at the regional scale usually present in the literature on the Neotropics. Black fly larvae were sampled from the Tocantins River and three tributaries, located in the Brazilian savanna (state of Tocantins, Brazil) during six bi-monthly sampling periods from October 2004-August 2005. At each sampling site, 15 random quadrats (30 x 30 cm) were sampled each period and for each quadrat were determined mean water velocity, predominant substrate type (rocks, riffle litter or riparian vegetation) and depth detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to determine associations with current velocity, whereas correspondence analysis (CA) was used to estimate site specific current velocity associations. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to identify general microhabitat associations. The CCA showed that most species had a trend towards riffle litter, except for Simulium nigrimanum associated with rocky substrate and Simulium cuasiexiguum associated with riparian vegetation. The DCA showed a well defined pattern of water velocity associations. The CA revealed that the species showed different speed associations from one site to another, suggesting different competitive pressures resulting in the occurrence of different realized niches.
While the existence of black carbon as part of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been confirmed, quantitative determinations of dissolved black carbon (DBC) in freshwater ecosystem and information on factors controlling its concentration are scarce. In this study, stream surface water samples from a series of watersheds subject to different burn frequencies in Konza Prairie (Kansas, USA) were collected in order to determine if recent fire history has a noticeable effect on DBC concentration. The DBC levels detected ranged from 0.04 to 0.11 mg L−1, accounting for ca. 3.32 ± 0.51% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). No correlation was found between DBC concentration and neither fire frequency nor time since last burn. We suggest that limited DBC flux is related to high burning efficiency, possibly greater export during periods of high discharge and/or the continuous export of DBC over long time scales. A linear correlation between DOC and DBC concentrations was observed, suggesting the export mechanisms determining DOC and DBC concentrations are likely coupled. The potential influence of fire history was less than the influence of other factors controlling the DOC and DBC dynamics in this ecosystem. Assuming similar conditions and processes apply in grasslands elsewhere, extrapolation to a global scale would suggest a global grasslands flux of DBC on the order of 0.14 Mt carbon year−1.
The Pirapo river watershed (Parana State, Brazil) compounds a relatively industrialized and urbanized region, undergoing great pressure from the discharge of industrial, agricultural and domestic wastes. We evaluated the environmental quality of ten streams belonging to this watershed in April and June 2008 by performing acute and chronic toxicity tests with Daphnia similis and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii from water and sediment samples. We tested the hypothesis that the streams located in urban areas are more exposed to the influence of pollutants, than those outside the city limits. In addition, we obtained the measures of physical and chemical parameters, and identified the main polluted sources. Contrary to what was expected, the rural streams were more toxic than those located in urban area. These results demonstrate that the water bodies located in rural areas are being affected by the pollution of aquatic ecosystems as far as those found in urban areas, requiring the same attention of environmental managers in relation to its monitoring.
In this paper we address the complexity of the analysis of water use in relation to the issue of sustainability. In fact, the flows of water in our planet represent a complex reality which can be studied using many different perceptions and narratives referring to different scales and dimensions of analysis. For this reason, a quantitative analysis of water use has to be based on analytical methods that are semantically open: they must be able to define what we mean with the term “water” when crossing different scales of analysis. We propose here a definition of water as a resource that deal with the many services it provides to humans and ecosystems. WE argue that water can fulfil so many of them since the element has many characteristics that allow for the resource to be labelled with different attributes, depending on the end use –such as drinkable. Since the services for humans and the functions for ecosystems associated with water flows are defined on different scales but still interconnected it is necessary to organize our assessment of water use across different hierarchical levels. In order to do so we define how to approach the study of water use in the Societal Metabolism, by proposing the Water Metabolism, tganized in three levels: societal level, ecosystem level and global level. The possible end uses we distinguish for the society are: personal/physiological use, household use, economic use. Organizing the study of “water use” across all these levels increases the usefulness of the quantitative analysis and the possibilities of finding relevant and comparable results. To achieve this result, we adapted a method developed to deal with multi-level, multi-scale analysis - the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach - to the analysis of water metabolism. In this paper, we discuss the peculiar analytical identity that “water” shows within multi-scale metabolic studies: water represents a flow-element when considering the metabolism of social systems (at a small scale, when describing the water metabolism inside the society) and a fund-element when considering the metabolism o ecosystems (at a larger scale when describing the water metabolism outside the society). The theoretical analysis is illustrated using two case which characterize the metabolic patterns regarding water use of a productive system in Catalonia and a water management policy in Andarax River Basin in Andalusia.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has produced an 4 page article about how to assess Iowa's streams and rivers. How to use ambient monitoring.
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of water velocity speed on the local distribution and taxocenosis structure of blackfly larvae. The larvae were collected from two adjacent streams located in the municipality of Angra dos Reis (RJ): Caputera River and one of its tributaries. Riffle litter patches were sampled randomly using a 30 x 30 cm quadrat. Four blackfly species were found: Simulium incrustatum s. l. Lutz, 1910; Simulium (Inaequalium) sp. ; Simulium pertinax s. l. Kollar, 1832 and Simulium subpallidum s. l. Lutz, 1909. Among these species, Simulium pertinax s. l. was clearly associated with higher water current speeds, while Simulium subpallidum s. l. showed association with lower water velocities, and Simulium (Inaequalium) sp. had a relatively constant distribution along the water current gradient.
A statewide study was performed to develop regional regression equations for estimating selected annual exceedance- probability statistics for ungaged stream sites in Iowa. The study area comprises streamgages located within Iowa and 50 miles beyond the State’s borders. Annual exceedanceprobability estimates were computed for 518 streamgages by using the expected moments algorithm to fit a Pearson Type III distribution to the logarithms of annual peak discharges for each streamgage using annual peak-discharge data through 2010. The estimation of the selected statistics included a Bayesian weighted least-squares/generalized least-squares regression analysis to update regional skew coefficients for the 518 streamgages. Low-outlier and historic information were incorporated into the annual exceedance-probability analyses, and a generalized Grubbs-Beck test was used to detect multiple potentially influential low flows. Also, geographic information system software was used to measure 59 selected basin characteristics for each streamgage. Regional regression analysis, using generalized leastsquares regression, was used to develop a set of equations for each flood region in Iowa for estimating discharges for ungaged stream sites with 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities, which are equivalent to annual flood-frequency recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 years, respectively. A total of 394 streamgages were included in the development of regional regression equations for three flood regions (regions 1, 2, and 3) that were defined for Iowa based on landform regions and soil regions. Average standard errors of prediction range from 31.8 to 45.2 percent for flood region 1, 19.4 to 46.8 percent for flood region 2, and 26.5 to 43.1 percent for flood region 3. The pseudo coefficients of determination for the generalized leastsquares equations range from 90.8 to 96.2 percent for flood region 1, 91.5 to 97.9 percent for flood region 2, and 92.4 to 96.0 percent for flood region 3. The regression equations are applicable only to stream sites in Iowa with flows not significantly affected by regulation, diversion, channelization, backwater, or urbanization and with basin characteristics within the range of those used to develop the equations. These regression equations will be implemented within the U.S. Geological Survey StreamStats Web-based geographic information system tool. StreamStats allows users to click on any ungaged site on a river and compute estimates of the eight selected statistics; in addition, 90-percent prediction intervals and the measured basin characteristics for the ungaged sites also are provided by the Web-based tool. StreamStats also allows users to click on any streamgage in Iowa and estimates computed for these eight selected statistics are provided for the streamgage.
Se estudian las comunidades de macroinvertebrados de los ríos del Parque Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i la Serra de l'Obac (Barcelona, NE España) y su relación con las condiciones de flujo de los ríos. Hasta 78 localidades se visitaron en dos ocasiones (invierno y verano de 1996) y en 26 de ellas se tomaron muestras de macroinvertebrados. Mientras en invierno el 63 % de los kilÛmetros investigados tenía flujo continuo y menos del 1% estaba seco, en verano solo el 26% tenía flujo continuo, un 20% estaba totalmente seco y el resto presentaba pozas en su lecho. A pesar de ello el número de familias de macroinvertebrados fue de 54 en invierno y 94 en verano, siendo dominantes en este último caso los heterópteros, coleópteros, odonatos y dípteros, mientras que en invierno los tricópteros y plecópteros eran más diversos. En general, la comunidad presentó una estrategia trófica recolectora aunque la proporción de los ramoneadores y depredadores aumentó en verano. El estudio de las comunidades mediante el análisis de su abundancia en los dos perÌodos, mostró que las variables temporales (flujo, temperatura) o las relacionadas con el incremento de la producciÛn primaria (oxÌgeno, pH) explicaban la mayor parte de la variabilidad con los elementos mas reófilos propios de invierno y los leníticos de verano, mientras que otros factores fisicoquímicos no eran relevantes. Calculado el índice biológico BMWP' se demostró que los valores en verano eran superiores o similares a los de invierno lo que se explica por la mayor diversidad aunque la calificaciÛn individual de cada una de las familias encontradas en verano fuera menor que las halladas en invierno.
This paper investigates phosphorus (P) transport and transformation dynamics in two contrasting sub-catchments of the River Kennel, England. Samples were collected daily under baseflow and hourly under stormflow conditions using autosamplers for 2 years and analysed for a range of determinands (full P fractionation, suspended sediment (SS), cations, pH, alkalinity, temperature and oxygen). Concentrations of SRP, SUP, PP and SS were higher in the flashy River Enborne (means of 0.186, 0.071, 0.101 and 34 mg l(-1), respectively) than the groundwater-fed River Lambourn (0.079, 0.057, 0.028 and 9 mg l(-1), respectively). A seasonal trend in the daily P dataset was evident, with lower concentrations during intermediate flows and the spring (caused by a dilution effect and macrophyte uptake) than during baseflow conditions. However, in the hourly P dataset, highest concentrations were observed during storm events in the autumn and winter (reflecting higher scour with increased capacity to entrain particles). Storm events were more significant in contributing to the total P load in the River Enborne than the River Lambourn, especially during August to October, when dry antecedent conditions were observed in the catchment. Re-suspension of P-rich sediment that accumulated within the channel during summer low flows might account for these observations. It is suggested that a P-calcite co-precipitation mechanism was operating during summer in the River Lambourn, while adsorption by metal oxyhydroxide groups was an important mechanism controlling P fractionation in the River Enborne. The influence of flow conditions and channel storage/release mechanisms on P dynamics in these two lowland rivers is assessed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.