786 resultados para Behavioral psychology|Management|Finance
BACKGROUND: This observational research study investigated the association of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status with repeated measures of 24-hr ambulatory blood pressure (24-hr ABP). Little is known about these associations and few data exist examining the interaction between cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status and the contributions of each on 24-hr ABP in youth. ^ METHODS: This research study used secondary analysis data from the "Adolescent Blood Pressure and Anger: Ethnic Differences" study. This current study sample included 374 African-American, Anglo-American, and Mexican-American adolescents 11-16 years of age. Mixed-effects models were used for testing the relationship between weight status and cardiorespiratory fitness and repeated measures of ambulatory blood pressure over 24 hours (24-hr ABP). Weight status was categorized into "normal weight" (BMI<85th percentile), "overweight" (85th≤BMI<95th), and "obese" (BMI≥95th). Cardiorespiratory fitness, determined by heart rate recovery (HRR), was defined as the difference between heart rate at peak exercise and heart rate at two minutes post-exercise, as measured by a height-adjusted step test and stratified into two groups: low and high fitness, using a median split. Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) was monitored for a 24-hr period on a school day using the Spacelabs ambulatory monitor (Model 90207). Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded at 30 minute intervals throughout the day of recording and at 60 minute intervals during sleep. ^ RESULTS: No significant associations were found between weight status and mean 24-hr systolic blood pressure (SBP) or mean arterial pressure (MAP). A significant and inverse association between weight status and mean 24-hr diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was revealed. Cardiorespiratory fitness was significantly and inversely associated with mean 24-hr ABP. High fitness adolescents had significantly lower mean 24-hr SPB, DBP, and MAP measurements than low fitness adolescents. Compared to low fitness adolescents, high fitness adolescents had 1.90 mmHg, 1.16 mmHg, and 1.68 mmHg lower mean 24-hr SBP, DBP, and MAP, respectively. Additionally, high fitness appeared to afford protection from higher mean 24-hr SBP and MAP, irrespective of weight status. Among normal weight adolescents, low fitness resulted in higher mean 24-hr SBP and MAP, compared to their fit counterparts. Among adolescents categorized as high fitness, increasing weight status did not appear to result in higher mean 24-hr SBP or MAP. Cardiorespiratory fitness, rather than weight status, appeared to be a more dominant predictor of mean 24-hr SBP and MAP. ^ CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this research is the first study to investigate the independent and combined contributions of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status on 24-hr ABP, all objectively measured. The results of this study may potentially guide and inform future research. It appears that early cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention should focus on improving cardiorespiratory fitness levels among all adolescents, particularly those adolescents least fit, regardless of their weight status, while obesity prevention efforts continue.^
Data from the 2009–2011 School Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) project were analyzed to examine the association between bullied status at school during the past six months and engaging in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days in a population of 8th and 11th grade Texas youths after stratifying by gender. As a secondary aim, this study also examined the association between weight status and the prevalence of bullied status at school. The final sample size for this study, after excluding missing data, consisted of 6,246 8th and 11th grade youths (girls, n= 3,237; boys, n=3,009) representing a total of 518,838 youths from 8th and 11th grade. Results from the multiple logistic regression adjusting for weight status, grade, and ethnicity, indicate that girls with a bullied status of at least two or three times per month had significantly lower odds of engaging in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days than girls who were never bullied at school (ORadj=0.62; 95% CI, 0.40, 0.96). Conversely, girls who reported a bullied status of at least once per week were significantly more likely to engage in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days compared to girls who were never bullied at school (ORadj=3.44; 95% CI, 1.56, 7.63). No significant associations between bullied status and engaging in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days were found for boys. Bullied status differed significantly across weight status for 8th grade girls (χ2(6)=63.7, p<.05) and 11th grade boys (χ2(6) =94.93, p<.05), with overweight and obese youths reporting a higher prevalence of being bullied once or twice, at least two or three times per month, and at least once per week than their normal weight peers. Our finding that girls with bullied status of at least once per week were more likely to engage in five or more days of physical activity than girls who were never bullied warrants future qualitative research to identify potential explanations for such results. Future research on relational and weight-based bullying is also needed and may help explain the inconsistent findings between bullied status and engaging in physical activity in girls.^
The central paradigm linking disadvantaged social status and mental health has been the social stress model (Horwitz, 1999), the assumption being that individuals residing in lower social status groups are subjected to greater levels of stress not experienced by individuals from higher status groups. A further assumption is that such individuals have fewer resources to cope with stress, in turn leading to higher levels of psychological disorder, including depression (Pearlin, 1989). Despite these key assumptions, there is a dearth of literature comparing the social patterning of stress exposure (Hatch & Dohrenwend, 2007; Meyer, Schwartz, & Frost, 2008; Kessler, Mickelson, & Williams, 1999; Turner & Avison, 2003; Turner & Lloyd, 1999; Turner, Wheaton, & Lloyd, 1995), and the distribution and contribution of protective factors, posited to play a role in the low rates of depression found among African- and Latino-Americans (Alegria et al., 2007; Breslau, Aguilar-Gaxiola, Kendler, Su, Williams, & Kessler, 2006; Breslau, Borges, Hagar, Tancredi, Gilman, 2009; Gavin, Walton, Chae, Alegria, Jackson, & Takeuchi, 2010; Williams, & Neighbors, 2006). Thus, this study sought to describe both the distribution and contribution of risk and protective factors in relation to depression among a sample of African-, European-, and Latina-American mothers of adolescents, including testing a hypothesized mechanism through which social support, an important protective factor specific to women and depression, operates. ^ Despite the finding that the levels of depression were not statistically different across all three groups of women, surprising results were found in describing the distribution of both risk and protective factors, in that results reported among all women who were mothers when analyzed masked differences within each ethnic group when SES was assessed, a point made explicit by Williams (2002) regarding racial and ethnic variations in women's health. In the final analysis, while perceived social support was found to partially mediate the effect of social isolation on depression, among African-Americans, the direct effect of social isolation and depression was lower among this group of women, as was the indirect effect of social isolation and perceived social support when compared to European- and Latina-American mothers. Or, put differently, higher levels of social isolation were not found to be as associated with more depression or lower social support among African-American mothers when compared to their European- and Latina-American counterparts. ^ Women in American society occupy a number of roles, i.e., that of being female, married or single, mother, homemaker or employee. In addition, to these roles, ethnicity and SES also come into play, such that the intersection of all these roles and the social contexts that they occupy are equally important and must be taken into consideration when making predictions drawn from the social stress model. Based on these findings, it appears that the assumptions of the social stress model need to be revisited to include the variety of roles that intersect among individuals from differing social groups. More specifically, among women who are mothers and occupy a myriad of other roles, i.e., that of being female, married or single, African- or Latina-American, mother, homemaker or employee, the intersection of all the roles and the social contexts that women occupy are equally important and must be taken into consideration when looking at both the types and distribution of stressors across women. Predictions based on simple, mutually exclusive categories of social groups may lead to erroneous assumptions and misleading results.^
No Brasil, o sistema de saúde é composto por duas estruturas: pública, representada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e privada suplementar, composta por 1.268 operadoras de planos de saúde, supervisionadas pela Agência Nacional de Saúde (ANS). No entanto, as operadoras têm sido consideradas ineficientes tanto na geração de resultados financeiros quanto na prestação de serviços aos beneficiários, destacando-se a necessidade e relevância para a saúde pública ao se buscar avaliar o seu desempenho sob essas perspectivas. O objetivo do trabalho foi, para um mesmo nível de eficiência na prestação de serviços, identificar as práticas administrativas que diferenciam as operadoras de planos de saúde (OPS) financeiramente sustentáveis. Para tanto, inicialmente foi aplicada a técnica da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) no intuito de identificar operadoras eficientes em transformar inputs em outputs e, a partir dos escores obtidos, selecionar duas OPS de nível de serviços semelhantes e desempenho financeiro opostos para que fossem comparadas por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos. A análise quantitativa indicou que as OPS de medicina de grupo apresentaram maior eficiência do que as demais modalidades. Já o estudo de múltiplos casos identificou que a gestão de políticas de crédito, de captação e aplicação de recursos, o planejamento tributário, a adoção de políticas de promoção e prevenção à saúde, as formas de remuneração dos médicos e a estratégia de composição de receitas diferenciaram a OPS de melhor desempenho.
Objectives: Cognitive-behavioral pain management programs typically achieve improvements in pain cognitions, disability, and physical performance. However, it is not known whether the neurophysiology education component of such programs contributes to these outcomes. In chronic low back pain patients, we investigated the effect of neurophysiology education on cognitions, disability, and physical performance. Methods: This study was a blinded randomized controlled trial. Individual education sessions on neurophysiology of pain (experimental group) and back anatomy and physiology (control group) were conducted by trained physical therapist educators. Cognitions were evaluated using the Survey of Pain Attitudes (revised) (SOPA(R)), and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS). Behavioral measures included the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ), and 3 physical performance tasks; (1) straight leg raise (SLR), (2) forward bending range, and (3) an abdominal drawing-in task, which provides a measure of voluntary activation of the deep abdominal muscles. Methodological checks evaluated non-specific effects of intervention. Results: There was a significant treatment effect on the SOPA(R), PCS, SLR, and forward bending. There was a statistically significant effect on RMDQ; however, the size of this effect was small and probably not clinically meaningful. Discussion: Education about pain neurophysiology changes pain cognitions and physical performance but is insufficient by itself to obtain a change in perceived disability. The results suggest that pain neurophysiology education, but not back school type education, should be included in a wider pain management approach.
Variáveis como depressão, ansiedade, estresse e qualidade de vida, oferecem indicativos de saúde e doença de jovens, estudantes em fase de formação profissional; é importante detectar sinais e sintomas leves ou graves, uma vez que representam quatro das dez principais causas de incapacidade no mundo. Assim, o presente estudo apresentou como objetivos: a) Caracterizar o perfil sócio demográfico dos estudantes universitários das duas instituições em estudo estudadas; b) Avaliar sintomas de depressão dos estudantes; c) Avaliar sinais de ansiedade e estresse dos estudantes; d) Avaliar a qualidade de vida geral dos estudantes; e) correlacionar as variáveis qualidade de vida, sinais e sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e estresse dos discentes d) correlacionar as variáveis qualidade de vida geral, sinais e sintomas de ansiedade, depressão dos discentes. Participaram da pesquisa 570 Universitários, 344 eram estudantes da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo e 226 da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, dos gêneros feminino e masculino, entre 16 e 55 anos, estudantes de diferentes cursos universitários da área da saúde e humanas. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados os seguintes Instrumentos: questionário de dados socioeconômicos e culturais; WHOQOL Breve Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida composta por 26 questões e EADS Escala de Depressão, Ansiedade e Estresse composta por 21 itens; .Os instrumentos, autoaplicáveis, foram feitos aplicados em ambiente acadêmico de sala de aula, com a devida autorização do professor e direção, informo que o projeto foi e aprovação pelo do Comitê de Ética (Plataforma Brasil) das respectivas universidades em questão. Os dados foram avaliados estatisticamente com auxílio do Programa SPSS versão 2.0 para Windows. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria da amostra é do curso de Psicologia, Gestão em Recursos Humanos e Pedagogia (39%), sendo do 1º e 4º(32%) anos, a escolha do curso foi 1ºopção (66%), mora com familiar (76,9%) e não mudou de residência para estudar na Universidade (83,3%). Os resultados revelaram que o melhor nível de QV encontra-se nos domínios Psicológico e Social da Instituição UFAM localizada no Estado do Amazonas. Os domínios mais afetados, ou seja, aquele, em que os universitários encontram mais prejuízo é no que se referem ao domínio Físico e Meio Ambiente de ambas as Instituições estudadas. Com relação ao EADS, pode se observar que a maior média apresentada refere-se ao fator estresse das duas Instituições estudadas, sendo representado pelo resultado de 15.00 (UMESP) e 12.70 (UFAM) e a média menor foi no fator ansiedade UMESP (7,51). Assim sendo, observa-se que os estudantes obtiveram um grau leve de estresse, depressão e ansiedade em ambas instituições estudadas. Analisando e ao correlacionar os domínios de qualidade de vida e as variáveis ansiedade, depressão e estresse, observou-se uma correlação significativa negativa em todas as variáveis, sendo maior entre depressão e domínios psicológico e ambiental,.Isso significa que quanto maior a depressão, menor a qualidade de vida nos domínios psicológico e ambiental. A partir dos resultados, sugerem-se estudos mais aprofundados.
Research Question/Issue - Which forms of state control over corporations have emerged in countries that made a transition from centrally-planned to marked-based economies and what are their implications for corporate governance? We assess the literature on variation and evolution of state control in transition economies, focusing on corporate governance of state-controlled firms. We highlight emerging trends and identify future research avenues. Research Findings/Insights - Based on our analysis of more than 100 articles in leading management, finance, and economics journals since 1989, we demonstrate how research on state control evolved from a polarized approach of public–private equity ownership comparison to studying a variety of constellations of state capitalism. Theoretical/Academic Implications - We identify theoretical perspectives that help us better understand benefits and costs associated with various forms of state control over firms. We encourage future studies to examine how context-specific factors determine the effect of state control on corporate governance. Practitioner/Policy Implications - Investors and policymakers should consider under which conditions investing in state-affiliated firms generates superior returns.
A magyar vállalkozók személyiségjegyei és azok kapcsolata a vezetői stílussal és a piacorientációval
A vállalkozók vezetői tulajdonságainak és személyiségének vizsgálata kifejezetten interdiszciplináris kutatási terület. A mai dinamikus és globális környezet kihívásai közepette a szervezetek sikeres menedzseléséhez jó vezetői kvalitásokkal rendelkező vezetőkre van szükség Ez a kutatás a hatékony vezetési stílusra jellemző személyiségtípusok azonosításával foglalkozik és vizsgálja a személyiségtípus és a vezetési stílus, valamint a piacorientáció kapcsolatát. A kutatások alapján vannak bizonyos személyiségtulajdonságok, amelyek jellemzőek a sikeres vezetőkre. A Myers-Briggs Type (MBTI) skála nagyon népszerű mérőeszköz a menedzserek kognitív tulajdonságainak vizsgálatára. A szerzők kutatása az első, amely a magyar SME-vállalkozók és menedzserek személyiségtípusait vizsgálja az MBTI-skála segítségével. Kutatási eredményeik alapján a magyar SME-vállalkozókra és menedzserekre az extrovertált személyiségtípus a jellemző és a többségük az ESTJ, ENTJ, ESTP és az ENTP-kategóriákba tartozik. A cikk felhívja a figyelmet arra, hogy a személyiségtípusoknak szignifikáns hatása van a vezetési stílusra és a vállalkozás piacorientációjára is.
Auditor decisions regarding the causes of accounting misstatements can have an audit effectiveness and efficiency. Specifically, overconfidence in one's decision can lead to an ineffective audit, whereas underconfidence in one's decision can lead to an inefficient audit. This dissertation explored the implications of providing various types of information cues to decision-makers regarding an Analytical Procedure task and investigated the relationship between different types of evidence cues (confirming, disconfirming, redundant or non-redundant) and the reduction in calibration bias. Information was collected using a laboratory experiment, from 45 accounting students participants. Research questions were analyzed using a 2 x 2 x 2 between-subject and within-subject analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). ^ Results indicated that presenting subjects with information cues dissimilar to the choice they made is an effective intervention in reducing the common overconfidence found in decision-making. In addition, other information characteristics, specifically non-redundant information can help in reducing a decision-maker's overconfidence/calibration bias for difficulty (compared to easy) decision-tasks. ^
The reinforcing effects of diverse tactile stimuli were examined in this study. The study had two purposes. First, this study expanded on the Pelaez-Nogueras, Field, Gewirtz, Cigales, Gonzalez, Sanchez and Clasky (1997) finding that stroking increases infants' gaze duration, and smiling and vocalization frequencies more than tickling/poking. Instead of presenting poking and tickling as a single stimulus combination, this study separated poking and tickling in order to measure the effects of each component separately. Further, the effects of poking, tickling/tapping and stroking intensity (i.e., tactile pressure) were compared by having both mild and intense conditions. Second, this study compared the reinforcing efficacy of mother-delivered tactile stimulation to that of infant-originated tactile exploration. Twelve infants from 2- to 5-months of age participated in this study. The experiment was conducted using a repeated measures A-B-A-C-A-D reversal design. The A phases signified baselines and reversals. The B, C, and D phases consisted of alternating treatments (either mild stroking vs. mild poking vs. mild tickling/tapping, intense stroking vs. intense poking vs. intense tickling/tapping, or mother-delivered tactile stimulation vs. infant-originated tactile exploration). Three experimental hypotheses were assessed: (1) infant leg kick rate would be greater when it produced stroking or tickling/tapping (presumptive positive reinforcers), than when it produced poking (a possible punisher), regardless of tactile pressure; (2) infant leg kick rate would be greater when it produced a more intense level of stroking or tickling/tapping and lower when it produced intense poking compared to mild poking; (3) infant leg-kick rate would be greater for mother-delivered tactile stimulation than for infant-originated tactile exploration. Visual inspection and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the results. The data supported the first two hypotheses. Mixed support emerged for the third hypothesis. This study made several important contributions to the field of psychology. First, this was the first study to quantify the pressure of tactile stimulation, via a pressure meter developed by the researcher. Additionally, the results of this study yielded valuable information about the effects of different modalities of touch. ^
Sexual victimization of young women typically occurs within a context of alcohol use, such that women are more likely to be victimized on days on which they consume alcohol compared to days on which no alcohol is consumed. Additionally, most research on sexual victimization of women has focused on forced sexual acts; consequently, little is known about forms sexual victimization that college women typically experience, such as brief (e.g., unwanted touching) or verbally coerced experiences (e.g., doing sexual things to prevent a partner from leaving). Finally, there is a need for more research on the processes underlying college women's drinking and the specific mechanisms through which drinking increases risk for sexual victimization. This dissertation sought to replicate recent findings of a temporal association between alcohol use and sexual victimization, and to investigate whether or not binge use increased risk for victimization, within a sample of young Hispanic college women, using repeated-measures logistic regression. This study also aimed to identify and explore typologies of victimization experiences in order to better understand types of sexual victimization common among young college women. Finally, the validity of a model of alcohol use and sexual victimization was investigated using structural equation modeling techniques. The results confirmed and extended previous research by demonstrating an increase in the conditional probability of sexual victimization on days of alcohol consumption compared with days of no alcohol consumption, and on days of binge alcohol consumption compared with days of moderate alcohol consumption. Sexual victimization experiences reported in this study were diverse, and cluster analysis was used to identify and explore specific typologies of victimization experiences, including intimate relationship victimization, brief victimization with stranger, prolonged victimization with acquaintance, and workplace victimization. The results from structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses were complex and helped to illuminate the relationships between reasons for drinking, alcohol use, childhood sexual abuse, sexual victimization, psychopathology, and acculturation-related factors among Hispanic college women. These findings have implications for the design of university-based prevention and intervention efforts aimed at reducing rates of alcohol-related sexual victimization within Hispanic populations.
The current study applied classic cognitive capacity models to examine the effect of cognitive load on deception. The study also examined whether the manipulation of cognitive load would result in the magnification of differences between liars and truth-tellers. In the first study, 87 participants engaged in videotaped interviews while being either deceptive or truthful about a target event. Some participants engaged in a concurrent secondary task while being interviewed. Performance on the secondary task was measured. As expected, truth tellers performed better on secondary task items than liars as evidenced by higher accuracy rates. These results confirm the long held assumption that being deceptive is more cognitively demanding than being truthful. In the second part of the study, the videotaped interviews of both liars and truth-tellers were shown to 69 observers. After watching the interviews, observers were asked to make a veracity judgment for each participant. Observers made more accurate veracity judgments when viewing participants who engaged in a concurrent secondary task than when viewing those who did not. Observers also indicated that participants who engaged in a concurrent secondary task appeared to think harder than participants who did not. This study provides evidence that engaging in deception is more cognitively demanding than telling the truth. As hypothesized, having participants engage in a concurrent secondary task led to the magnification of differences between liars and truth tellers. This magnification of differences led to more accurate veracity rates in a second group of observers. The implications for deception detection are discussed.
Adolescence and emerging adulthood are transition points that offer both opportunities and constraints on individual development. The purpose of this study is threefold: First, to examine two models (i.e., young adolescents in grades 7 and 8 and older adolescents in grade 12) of heavy episodic drinking and examine how heavy episodic drinking affects subsequent educational attainment. By utilizing two different developmental transitions, i.e., middle school to high school and high school to college, it may be possible to better understand the temporal effects of alcohol use and subsequent educational attainment. The second purpose of this study is to examine how alcohol use at Time 1 may lead to the problems in the adolescent's immediate context due to alcohol (i.e., problems with parents, peers, romantic relationships, problems at school) and to examine if these problems affect educational attainment over and above alcohol use alone. The third purpose of this study is to examine the potential gender differences in these models. The study uses data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which is a large scale, nationally representative school based sample of 20,745 adolescents who were interviewed in grades 7 to 12. Two longitudinal mediational models were evaluated utilizing structural equation modeling. Binge drinking and number of days drunk were used as indicators for a latent variable of heavy episodic drinking (i.e., LHED). In the 7th and 8th grade model, direct effects of LHED were found to predict educational attainment at grade 12. Additionally, in the 7th and 8th grade sample, a mediated relationship was found whereby educational attainment was predicted by problems with parents. Problems with parents were predicted by number of days drunk in the past year. In the 12th grade sample, there were no direct effects or indirect effects of alcohol on educational attainment. This study highlights the need for using a longitudinal framework when examining heavy episodic drinking's effects on educational attainment. ^
Financial innovations have emerged globally to close the gap between the rising global demand for infrastructures and the availability of financing sources offered by traditional financing mechanisms such as fuel taxation, tax-exempt bonds, and federal and state funds. The key to sustainable innovative financing mechanisms is effective policymaking. This paper discusses the theoretical framework of a research study whose objective is to structurally and systemically assess financial innovations in global infrastructures. The research aims to create analysis frameworks, taxonomies and constructs, and simulation models pertaining to the dynamics of the innovation process to be used in policy analysis. Structural assessment of innovative financing focuses on the typologies and loci of innovations and evaluates the performance of different types of innovative financing mechanisms. Systemic analysis of innovative financing explores the determinants of the innovation process using the System of Innovation approach. The final deliverables of the research include propositions pertaining to the constituents of System of Innovation for infrastructure finance which include the players, institutions, activities, and networks. These static constructs are used to develop a hybrid Agent-Based/System Dynamics simulation model to derive propositions regarding the emergent dynamics of the system. The initial outcomes of the research study are presented in this paper and include: (a) an archetype for mapping innovative financing mechanisms, (b) a System of Systems-based analysis framework to identify the dimensions of Systems of Innovation analyses, and (c) initial observations regarding the players, institutions, activities, and networks of the System of Innovation in the context of the U.S. transportation infrastructure financing.