985 resultados para BLOOD-GAS
Opioids are most commonly used for treatment of severe pain. However, the fear of respiratory depression has restricted the use of opioids. Depending on the monitoring system used, different modes of opioid respiratory effects have been noted in previous studies. All opioids also cause alterations in hemodynamics at least to some extent. The main goal of this series of investigations was to elucidate the native ventilatory and hemodynamic effects of different opioids. Studies I-IV each involved 8 healthy male volunteers. Study V involved 13 patients with lower or upper extremity traumas. The opioids studied were morphine, oxycodone, pethidine, fentanyl, alfentanil, tramadol and ketamine. The respiratory parameters used in this study were breathing pattern measured with respiratory inductive plethysmography, gas exchange measured with indirect calorimetry, blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry. Hemodynamics was measured with arterial blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen consumption. Plasma catecholamine and histamine concentrations were also determined. All opioids studied caused an alteration in respiratory function. Respiratory rate, alveolar ventilation and minute ventilation decreased, while tidal volume increased in most situations. Breathing pattern was also significantly affected after opioid administration. The respiratory depression caused by oxycodone was deeper than the one caused by same dose of morphine. An equianalgesic dose of tramadol caused markedly smaller respiratory depression compared to pethidine. The potency ratio for respiratory depression of fentanyl and alfentanil is similar to analgesic potency ratio studied elsewhere. Racemic ketamine attenuated the respiratory depression caused by fentanyl, if measured with minute ventilation. However, this effect was counteracted by increased oxygen consumption. Supplemental oxygen did not offer any benefits, nor did it cause any atelectasis when given to opioid treated trauma patients. Morphine caused a transient hemodynamic stimulation, which was accompanied by an increase in oxygen consumption. Oxycodone, alfentanil, fentanyl, tramadol and pethidine infusions had minimal effects on hemodynamics. Plasma catecholamine concentrations were increased after high dose opioid administration. Plasma histamine concentrations were not elevated after morphine nor oxycodone administration. Respiratory depression is a side effect noted with all opioids. The profile of this phenomenon is quite similar with different opioid-receptor agonists. The hemodynamic effects of opioids may vary depending on the opioid used, morphine causing a slight hemodynamic stimulation. However, all opioids studied could be considered hemodynamically stable.
Background: Limited information is available about predictors of short-term outcomes in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (eCOPD) attending an emergency department (ED). Such information could help stratify these patients and guide medical decision-making. The aim of this study was to develop a clinical prediction rule for short-term mortality during hospital admission or within a week after the index ED visit. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study of patients with eCOPD attending the EDs of 16 participating hospitals. Recruitment started in June 2008 and ended in September 2010. Information on possible predictor variables was recorded during the time the patient was evaluated in the ED, at the time a decision was made to admit the patient to the hospital or discharge home, and during follow-up. Main short-term outcomes were death during hospital admission or within 1 week of discharge to home from the ED, as well as at death within 1 month of the index ED visit. Multivariate logistic regression models were developed in a derivation sample and validated in a validation sample. The score was compared with other published prediction rules for patients with stable COPD. Results: In total, 2,487 patients were included in the study. Predictors of death during hospital admission, or within 1 week of discharge to home from the ED were patient age, baseline dyspnea, previous need for long-term home oxygen therapy or non-invasive mechanical ventilation, altered mental status, and use of inspiratory accessory muscles or paradoxical breathing upon ED arrival (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.85). Addition of arterial blood gas parameters (oxygen and carbon dioxide partial pressures (PO2 and PCO2)) and pH) did not improve the model. The same variables were predictors of death at 1 month (AUC = 0.85). Compared with other commonly used tools for predicting the severity of COPD in stable patients, our rule was significantly better. Conclusions: Five clinical predictors easily available in the ED, and also in the primary care setting, can be used to create a simple and easily obtained score that allows clinicians to stratify patients with eCOPD upon ED arrival and guide the medical decision-making process.
158 p.
OBJECTIVES: To develop a sleep hypoxia (SH) in emphysema (SHE) rat model and to explore whether SHE results in more severe hepatic inflammation than emphysema alone and whether the inflammation changes levels of coagulant/anticoagulant factors synthesized in the liver. METHODS: Seventy-five rats were put into 5 groups: SH control (SHCtrl), treated with sham smoke exposure (16 weeks) and SH exposure (12.5% O(2), 3 h/d, latter 8 weeks); emphysema control (ECtrl), smoke exposure and sham SH exposure (21% O(2)); short SHE (SHEShort), smoke exposure and short SH exposure (1.5 h/d); mild SHE (SHEMild), smoke exposure and mild SH exposure (15% O(2)); standard SHE (SHEStand), smoke exposure and SH exposure. Therefore, ECtrl, SHEShort, SHEMild and SHEStand group were among emphysematous groups. Arterial blood gas (ABG) data was obtained during preliminary tests. After exposure, hepatic inflammation (interleukin -6 [IL-6] mRNA and protein, tumor necrosis factor α [TNFα] mRNA and protein) and liver coagulant/anticoagulant factors (antithrombin [AT], fibrinogen [FIB] and Factor VIII [F VIII]) were evaluated. SPSS 11.5 software was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Characteristics of emphysema were obvious in emphysematous groups and ABGs reached SH criteria on hypoxia exposure. Hepatic inflammation parameters and coagulant factors are the lowest in SHCtrl and the highest in SHEStand while AT is the highest in SHCtrl and the lowest in SHEStand. Inflammatory cytokines of liver correlate well with coagulant factors positively and with AT negatively. CONCLUSIONS: When SH is combined with emphysema, hepatic inflammation and coagulability enhance each other synergistically and produce a more significant liver-derivative inflammatory and prothrombotic status.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of recombinant bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (rBPI21) in the attenuation of the sepsis syndrome and acute lung injury associated with lower limb ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Gut-derived endotoxin has been implicated in the conversion of the sterile inflammatory response to a lethal sepsis syndrome after lower torso I/R injury. rBPI21 is a novel antiendotoxin therapy with proven benefit in sepsis. METHODS: Anesthetized ventilated swine underwent midline laparotomy and bilateral external iliac artery occlusion for 2 hours followed by 2.5 hours of reperfusion. Two groups (n = 6 per group) were randomized to receive, by intravenous infusion over 30 minutes, at the start of reperfusion, either thaumatin, a control-protein preparation, at 2 mg/kg body weight, or rBPI21 at 2 mg/kg body weight. A control group (n = 6) underwent laparotomy without further treatment and was administered thaumatin at 2 mg/kg body weight after 2 hours of anesthesia. Blood from a carotid artery cannula was taken every half-hour for arterial blood gas analysis. Plasma was separated and stored at -70 degrees C for later determination of plasma tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6 by bioassay, and IL-8 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), as a markers of systemic inflammation. Plasma endotoxin concentration was measured using ELISA. Lung tissue wet-to-dry weight ratio and myeloperoxidase concentration were used as markers of edema and neutrophil sequestration, respectively. Bronchoalveolar lavage protein concentration was measured by the bicinclinoic acid method as a measure of capillary-alveolar protein leak. The alveolar-arterial gradient was measured; a large gradient indicated impaired oxygen transport and hence lung injury. RESULTS: Bilateral hind limb I/R injury increased significantly intestinal mucosal acidosis, intestinal permeability, portal endotoxemia, plasma IL-6 concentrations, circulating phagocytic cell priming and pulmonary leukosequestration, edema, capillary-alveolar protein leak, and impaired gas exchange. Conversely, pigs treated with rBPI21 2 mg/kg at the onset of reperfusion had significantly reduced intestinal mucosal acidosis, portal endotoxin concentrations, and circulating phagocytic cell priming and had significantly less pulmonary edema, leukosequestration, and respiratory failure. CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxin transmigration across a hyperpermeable gut barrier, phagocytic cell priming, and cytokinemia are key events of I/R injury, sepsis, and pulmonary dysfunction. This study shows that rBPI21 ameliorates these adverse effects and may provide a novel therapeutic approach for prevention of I/R-associated sepsis syndrome.
OBJECTIVES: To determine if: (a) safe clinical decision making can be taught to undergraduate final year medical students and (b) if such students can be taught to specifically recognise illness severity from nominal clinical data.
METHODS: 115 final year undergraduate medical students completed a 3 hour interactive Safe Thinking Workshop which focussed entirely on nontechnical skills such as potential perceptive pitfalls, attention to detail, teamwork and safe clinical decision making. The study involved students inspecting and interpreting a set of arterial blood gas results relating to a patient with acute respiratory distress, then answering a short questionnaire addressing biochemical diagnosis, clinical diagnosis and effective management. A separate question was embedded in the questionnaire to determine if astute students could determine the severity of the illness from the CO2 value provided. The study group (n = 58) completed the questionnaire immediately after the Safe Thinking Workshop, whilst the control group (n = 57) completed the questionnaire prior to the Workshop.
RESULTS: The mean total score for study students was 80.51%, with a mean total score of 63.86% for the control group (Student’s t-test; p<0.05). Correct classification of illness severity was observed in 10.35% of study students, compared with 3.51% of control students (p<0.05).
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that safe clinical decision making and recognition of illness severity can be fostered by specific teaching in the nontechnical skill areas described above.
OBJECTIVES: To determine if cognitive reflection has a positive influence on clinical decision making in undergraduate medical students. METHODS: 153 final year undergraduate medical students completed a 3 hour interactive Safe Thinking Workshop on nontechnical skills and patient safety, incorporating an introduction to metacognitive concepts. All students underwent augmented Cognitive Reflective Testing during the workshop. Students then inspected and interpreted a set of arterial blood gas results relating to a patient with acute respiratory distress, then answered a short questionnaire addressing biochemical diagnosis, clinical diagnosis and effective management. A separate question was embedded in the questionnaire to determine if astute students could determine the severity of the illness. The study group (n = 78) completed the questionnaire immediately after the Safe Thinking Workshop, whilst the control group (n = 75) completed the questionnaire prior to the Workshop.RESULTS: The mean total score for study students was 80.51%, with a mean total score of 57.9% for the control group (t-test; p<0.05). Correct classification of illness severity was observed in 13.2% of study students, compared with 4.1% of control students (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that clinical decision making and recognition of illness severity can be enhanced by specific teaching in nontechnical skills, metacognitiion and cognitive reflection.
Resumo Objectivos: Avaliação da Tosse em doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC). Identificar e determinar a relação dos factores preditivos que contribuem para a deterioração da capacidade de tosse nestes indivíduos. Tipo de estudo: Estudo observacional descritivo de natureza transversal. Definição dos casos: Os critérios de diagnóstico da DPOC são o quadro clínico e o Gold standard para diagnóstico da DPOC – a espirometria. População-alvo: Todos os utentes com patologia primária de DPOC diagnosticada que se desloquem ao serviço de função respiratória do Hospital de Viseu, para realizar provas. Método de Amostragem: Foi utilizada uma amostra aleatória constituída por todos os indivíduos, que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão, conscientes e colaborantes, que aceitaram participar neste estudo. Dimensão da amostra: Uma amostra de 55 indivíduos que se deslocaram ao serviço de função respiratória, entre Janeiro e Junho de 2009, para realizar provas de função respiratória. Condução do estudo: Os utentes que aceitaram participar neste estudo foram sujeitos a um questionário de dados clínicos e realizaram 5 testes: índice de massa corporal (IMC), estudo funcional respiratório e gasometria arterial, avaliação da força dos músculos respiratórios (PImax e PEmax) e avaliação do débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow). Análise estatística: Foram obtidos dados caracterizadores da amostra em estudo, sendo posteriormente correlacionado o valor de débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow) com os resultados obtidos para as avaliações do IMC, estudo funcional respiratório, PImax e PEmax, gasometria, avaliação da capacidade de Tosse e número de internamentos no último ano por agudização da DPOC. Tendo sido encontrados os valores de correlação entre o Peak Cough Flow e os restantes parâmetros. Resultados: Após análise dos resultados, foram obtidos os valores de Peak Cough Flow para a população com DPOC e verificou-se valores diminuídos em comparação com os valores normais da população, tendo-se verificado maiores valores de PCF em indivíduos do sexo masculino, em comparação aos valores do sexo feminino. Foi analisada a relação entre o PCF e a idade, peso, altura e IMC, não tendo sido encontrada relação, dado que a tosse não apresenta uma variação segundo os valores antropométricos, tal como a relação com os valores espirométricos. Quanto aos parâmetros funcionais respiratórios foram analisadas as relações com o PCF. Verificou-se relações significativas entre o PCF e o FEV1, a FVC, o PEF, apresentando uma relação positiva, onde maiores valores destes parâmetros estão correlacionados com maiores picos de tosse. Quanto a RAW e RV, o PCF apresenta uma relação negativa, onde uma maior resistência da via aérea ou doentes mais hiperinsuflados leva a menores valores de PCF. Por outro lado não foi encontrada relação entre o PCF e a FRC e o TLC. Quanto à força dos músculos respiratórios, verificou-se relação significativa com o PImax e a PEmax em que a fraqueza ao nível dos músculos respiratórios contribuem para um menor valor de PCF. Relativamente aos valores da gasometria arterial, verificou-se relação entre o PCF e a PaO2 de forma positiva, em que doentes hipoxémicos apresentam menores valores de tosse, e a PaCO2, de forma negativa, em que os doentes hipercápnicos apresentam menores valores de PCF tendo sido verificada relação entre o PCF e o pH e sO2. Quanto à relação entre o número de internamentos por agudização da DPOC no último ano e o PCF verificou-se uma relação significativa, onde um menor valor de PCF contribui para uma maior taxa de internamento por agudização da DPOC. Conclusão: Este conjunto de conclusões corrobora a hipótese inicialmente formulada, de que o Peak Cough Flow se encontra diminuído nos indivíduos com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica onde a variação do PCF se encontra directamente relacionada com os parâmetros funcionais respiratórios, com a força dos músculos respiratórios e com os valores de gasometria arterial. ABSTRACT: Aims: Cough evaluation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients. Identify and determine the relation of the predictive factors that contribute to the cough capacity degradation in this type of patients. Type of study: Descriptive observational study of transversal nature. Case definition: The COPD diagnosis criteria are the clinical presentation and the gold standard to the COPD diagnosis- the Spirometry. Target Population: Every patients, with primary pathology of COPD diagnosed, who went to the respiratory function service of Viseu hospital to perform tests. Sampling Method: It was used a random sample constituted by all the, conscious and cooperating individuals, who complied with the inclusion criteria and who accepted to make part of this study. Sample size: A sample of 55 individuals that went to the respiratory function service between January and June 2009 to perform respiratory function tests. Study: The patients who accepted to make part of this study were submitted to a clinical data questionary and performed 5 tests: body mass index (BMI), respiratory functional study, arterial blood gas level, evaluation of respiratory muscles strength (maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP)), and Peak Cough Flow evaluation. Statistic Analysis: Were obtained characterizing data of the sample in study, and later correlated the value of the Peak Cough Flow with the results from the evaluation of the body mass index (BMI), the respiratory functional study the MIP and MEP, the arterial blood gas level and also with the ability to cough evaluation and the number of hospitalizations in the last year for COPD exacerbations. The values of correlation between the Peak Cough Flow and the other parameters were found. Results: After analyzing the results, were obtained the values of Peak Cough Flow for the population with COPD. There were decreased values compared with the population normal values, having been found higher values of PCF in males compared to female values. It was analyzed the relation between the PCF and the age, weight, height and BMI but no relation was found on account of the fact that the cough does not show a variation according to anthropometric parameters, such as the relation with spirometric values. As for the respiratory functional parameters were analyzed relations with the PCF. There were significant relations between the PCF and FEV1, the FVC, the PEF, presenting a positive relation, where higher values of these parameters are correlated with higher incidence of cough. Concerning the RAW and RV, the PCF has a negative relation, in which a higher airway resistance or in more hyperinflated patients, leads to lower values of PCF. On the other hand no correlation was found between the PCF and the FRC and TLC. Regarding the respiratory muscle strength, there was a significant relation with the MIP and MEP, in which the weakness at the level of respiratory muscles contribute to a lower value of PCF. For values of arterial blood gas level, there was no relation between the PCF and PaO2, in a positive way, in which patients with hypoxemia present lower values of cough, and PaCO2, in a negative way in which hypercapnic patients had lower values of PCF, having being founded a relation between the PCF and the pH and sO2. As for the relation between the number of hospitalizations for COPD exacerbation in the last year and the PCF was found a significant relation, in which a smaller value of PCF contributes to a higher rate of hospitalization for COPD exacerbation. Conclusion: This set of findings supports the hypothesis first formulated that Peak Cough Flow is decreased in individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, in which the variation of the PCF is directly related to the respiratory function parameters, the strength of respiratory muscles and the values of arterial blood gases.
La ventilation unipulmonaire (SLV; Single Lung Ventilation) pendant les chirurgies thoraciques entraîne des altérations cardio-pulmonaires et hémodynamiques importantes. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche consiste à étudier l’impact de la SLV sur l’oxymétrie cérébrale et sa relation avec les complications post opératoires. La première étude inclut vingt patients ayant subi une chirurgie thoracique nécessitant une SLV. L’oxymétrie a été mesurée à l’aide de l’oxymètre cérébral absolu FORESIGHTTM (CASMED, USA) afin d’étudier les changements de la saturation cérébrale absolue (SctO2) tout le long de la chirurgie. La SctO2 ainsi que les paramètres de monitorage standard (BIS, SpO2, pression sanguine, fréquence cardiaque) ont été notés à toutes les cinq minutes à partir de l’induction jusqu’au réveil. Une analyse sanguine (paO2, paCO2, Hb) a été effectuée à toutes les quinze minutes. La deuxième étude effectuée consistait d’étudier la relation entre la désaturation cérébrale en oxygène et les complications post opératoires. Pour cette fin, les scores Clavien et SOFA mesurant l’amplitude des complications, ont été établis pour chaque patient. Les données sont présentées sous forme de moyenne et de la médiane [1er quartile, 3ème quartile; min – max]. Les vingt patients de la première étude ont montré une valeur moyenne absolue de saturation cérébrale absolue (SctO2) de 80% avant l’induction. Durant la SLV, cette valeur a chuté jusqu’à 63% et est remontée à 71% directement après extubation. Tous ces patients ont subi une désaturation durant SLV de plus que 15% comparativement à la valeur de base et 70% ont eu une désaturation de plus de 20%. La désaturation n’a pas été corrélée avec aucun des paramètres de monitorage clinique standard comme la pression artérielle, les analyses des gaz artériels, la saturation périphérique ou la PaO2. La deuxième étude incluant trente autres patients aux vingt premiers, est venue confirmer les résultats de la première étude. De plus, une analyse de corrélation entre les valeurs minimales de SctO2 obtenues durant SLV et les complications post opératoires a été effectuée. Les patients avaient une SctO2 de base de 80%, qui a chuté jusqu’à 64% pendant la SLV pour récupérer à 71% avant la fin de la chirurgie. 82% des patients ont subi des désaturations de plus de 15% des valeurs initiales et 10% ont atteint des valeurs de SctO2 entre 45 et 55%. Les valeurs minimales de SctO2 observées durant la SLV corrélaient avec le score SOFA non respiratoire (R2=0,090, p=0,0287) ainsi qu’avec le score Clavien (R2=0,098, p=0,0201), mais ne corrélait avec aucun des paramètres cliniques standards (ex : SpO¬2, PaO2, PaCO2, Hb). En définissant une valeur seuil de SctO2=65%, le «Odds ratio» d’avoir une défaillance d’organe non respiratoire est de 2.37 (IC 95%=1,18 – 4,39, p=0,043) et d’avoir une complication classifiée supérieure à un score Clavien de 0 est de 3,19 (IC 95%=1,6 – 6,34, p=0,0272). Les chirurgies thoraciques avec une SLV sont associées à des chutes significatives de SctO2, et les valeurs minimales de SctO2 semblent avoir une corrélation positive avec les complications post opératoires.
Une morbidité et une mortalité néonatales élevées limitent l’efficacité du clonage somatique chez les bovins. Des malformations myoarthrosquelettiques, des anomalies ombilicales, des problèmes respiratoires et de la faiblesse ont été fréquemment observés chez les veaux clonés nouveaux-nés. Cette étude rétrospective porte sur 31 veaux clonés. Ses objectifs étaient de décrire les problèmes respiratoires rencontrés, leur évolution au cours du temps, les traitements instaurés pour soutenir la fonction respiratoire et la réponse aux traitements. Vingt-deux veaux ont souffert de problèmes respiratoires. La tachypnée, l’hypoxémie et l’hypercapnie sont les signes cliniques les plus fréquemment observés. L’analyse des gaz sanguins a été un outil essentiel dans le diagnostic et le suivi de la fonction respiratoire. La radiographie a permis une évaluation globale du poumon. L’oxygénothérapie intranasale et la ventilation mécanique ont permis de limiter la mortalité due à une insuffisance respiratoire à 18% (4/22). Cette étude a permis d’émettre des hypothèses quant à l’origine des problèmes respiratoires chez les veaux clonés. Plus d’une maladie semblent affecter les veaux clonés. La déficience en surfactant, l’hypertension pulmonaire persistante et le retard de résorption du fluide pulmonaire figurent parmi les entités pathologiques les plus probables.
Se desconoce en la actualidad en Colombia la calidad de la interpretación de los gases arteriales por parte de los residentes de medicina de emergencias. Los gases arteriales es una de las ayudas diagnósticas de más rápida consecución en el servicio de urgencias y más utilizadas por ser indispensable en la valoración de patologías de alta prevalencia como son las enfermedades respiratorias y la sepsis. Su mala interpretación puede llevar a mal direccionamiento del manejo de pacientes en estado crítico por lo que es indefectible que los residentes logren un buen entrenamiento en la interpretación de los mismos. Por esta razón se realiza este estudio analítico de concordancia con recolección prospectiva, de corte transversal que busca determinar el grado de concordancia en la interpretación de gases arteriales de los residentes del programa de Medicina de Emergencias de la Universidad del Rosario y especialista en cuidado crítico, así como la interpretación entre ellos según su nivel de entrenamiento y describir cuáles son los hallazgos que encuentran en la interpretación de los mismos. Se recolectaron 60 gases arteriales realizados a paciente hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá y se halló la concordancia entre la lectura de los residentes del programa de Medicina de Emergencias y un intensivista. Encontrando una concordancia moderada (r 0.445 y 0.442, ) en las respuestas identificadas en los residentes de segundo y tercer año de residencia(p:0,000y0,01).(MESH: Blood Gas Análisis, Emergency Medical Services, Education, Medical, Graduate)
Cambios en la PaO2 se correlacionan de manera positiva con cambios en la SO2 permitiendo determinar la severidad de la hipoxemia. La búsqueda de un predictor que de forma no invasiva detecte pacientes con mayor compromiso pulmonar ha ganando auge; estableciendo los grados de hipoxemia moderada o severa como criterios para LPA y SDRA, a partir de los valores de PaO2/FiO2 y su correlación con la SO2/FiO2. No se conocen los valores de SO2/FiO2 que a más de 2500msnm permitan identificar la severidad de la hipoxemia en pediatría. Metodología: estudio de correlación y predicción en pacientes de un mes a 18 años de edad admitidos a UCIP, con soporte ventilatorio mecánico y análisis de gases arteriales seriados en dos Hospitales de referencia. Análisis de relación lineal y determinación de la correlación SOFiO2 y PaFiO2 a partir de 430 mediciones. Resultados: el estudio mostro una media para PaO2/FiO2 de 192,12 (DS+75,62) y para SO2/FiO2 de 208,61 (DS+62,79). La correlación SO2/FiO2 y Pa/FiO2 fue positiva y moderada-alta (r= 0,702;p<0.01). A partir de la regresión lineal entre las variables se obtuvo la ecuación de determinación PaO2/FiO2 = (0.92xSO2/FIO2) - 12, con sensibilidad y especificidad de 76% para detectar hipoxemia severa (SO2/FiO2<231), y sensibilidad de 74% y especificidad de 71% para hipoxemia moderada (SO2/FiO2<340). Discusión: los hallazgos obtenidos son muy útiles desde el punto de vista clínico para detectar rápidamente pacientes con hipoxemia moderada y severa, con riesgo potencial de deterioro, cuando no se dispone de línea arterial ó gases arteriales.
Introducción: Los pacientes en postoperatorio de trasplante hepático presentan múltiples cambios hemodinámicos y alteraciones hidroelectrolíticas que generan cambios en el estado ácido base. El presente trabajo, busca describir el comportamiento ácido base en pacientes pos trasplante hepático, a través del análisis del modelo de Stewart, enfocado en la búsqueda etiológica de cada trastorno y planteando posibles formas de optimizar el manejo en Cuidado Intensivo (CI). Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo histórico de los gases arteriales de los pacientes en post operatorio de trasplante hepático por cualquier causa, interpretados por método de Stewart. Se realizó con el universo de pacientes ingresados en el año 2014 en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Resultados: Ingresaron en total 24 pacientes al estudio, entre el 1 de enero al 31 de septiembre de 2014. La mediana de pH fue de 7.36 con un valor mínimo de 7.05 y el máximo de 7.49. El 41% de los pacientes al ingreso a cuidado intensivo tenían lactato normal (menor a 2), y el 88% tenían niveles de albumina bajos. El trastorno electrolítico más común fue hipercloremia (58%), seguido de hipomagnesemia (25%). Conclusiones. El análisis de gases arteriales por el modelo de Stewart permite realizar un diagnóstico de un trastorno específico y adicionalmente, permite buscar la etiología del trastorno. Esta serie de casos mostró que el 95% de los pacientes tenían algún trastorno metabólico al ingreso, siendo el más frecuente la acidosis metabólica (66%).
Introducción. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis tienen fístula arteriovenosa periférica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodiálisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetría de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia entre la SpO2 del brazo de la FAV y el brazo contralateral. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de correlación entre los valores de SpO2 del brazo con FAV contra el brazo sin FAV, de 40 pacientes que asistieron a hemodiálisis. La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo, con un formato que incluyó el resultado de la pulsioximetria y variables asociadas, antes, durante y después de la hemodiálisis. Se comparó la mediana de los deltas de las diferencias con pruebas estadísticas T Student – Mann Whitney, aceptando un valor significativo de p < 0,05. Resultados. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de la SpO2 entre el brazo con FAV y el brazo sin FAV, antes, durante y después de la diálisis, sin embargo si se apreció una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones. Se encontró correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa, donde no hubo diferencias en el resultado la pulsioximetría entre el brazo con FAV y brazo sin FAV, por lo tanto es válido tomar la pulsioximetría en cualquiera de los brazos.
This study investigated the sedative, cardiopulmonary, and gastrointestinal effects produced by buprenorphine and xylazine given in combination to horses. Six healthy adult horses underwent 4 randomized treatments, with an interval of 1 wk between treatments. A control group was given a saline solution intravenously (IV) and the experimental groups received buprenorphine [10 mu g/kg bodyweight (BW)] in combination with 1 of 3 different doses of xylazine: 0.25 mg/kg BW (BX25), 0.50 mg/kg BW (BX50), or 0.75 mg/kg BW (BX75), all of them by IV. Cardiopulmonary parameters were evaluated for 120 min after the drugs were administered and intestinal motility was observed for 12 h after treatment. Sedation was found to be dose-dependent in all groups receiving buprenorphine and xylazine and it was observed that the heart rate decreased in the first 5 min and increased at the end of the sedation period. Arterial blood gas tension analyses showed minimal alterations during the experiment. Gastrointestinal hypomotility was observed for up to 8 h. The combination of buprenorphine and 0.50 mg/kg BW of xylazine (BX50) provided a 30-minute period of sedation without intense ataxia and maintained cardiopulmonary parameters within acceptable limits for the species.