87 resultados para BIE
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Se realiza un compendio de los principales conclusiones e informes que España presentó en la XXVI Conferencia Internacional de Instrucción Pública de Ginebra, celebrada en verano de 1963. Los temas tratados han sido dos de gran importancia: la penuria de maestros y la organización de la orientación escotar y profesional. Los estudios comparativos de ambas ponencias, publicados conjuntamente por la BIE y la UNESCO, reflejan las opiniones, situación, organización, problemas y perspectivas futuras que cada país y todos en conjunto tienen sobre estos temas. Además se hace referencia a las conclusiones generales, el estudio comparado de los países que contestaron al cuestionario formulado y los estudios monográficos de cada país, pero en especial al de España.
Se describen los objetivos, funciones y servicios de la Oficina Internacional de Educación, organización intergubernamental creada en 1925 para servir de centro de información y documentación sobre educación, con el objetivo de que cada país aprovechara la experiencia de los demás. De este modo, se analiza el tipo de publicaciones que publica esta institución, en concreto su Boletín trimestral. Disponía de una biblioteca con un total de más de 60.000 volúmenes. En 1939, creó un servicio de auxilio intelectual a los prisioneros de guerra, con el que ofrecía la posibilidad de proseguir con los estudios a aquellos que lo desearan o perfeccionar su preparación profesional teórica. Por todas estas razones y servicios se constituía como un activo real en la obra de reconstrucción educativa de la post-guerra.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej
A direct version of the boundary element method (BEM) is developed to model the stationary dynamic response of reinforced plate structures, such as reinforced panels in buildings, automobiles, and airplanes. The dynamic stationary fundamental solutions of thin plates and plane stress state are used to transform the governing partial differential equations into boundary integral equations (BIEs). Two sets of uncoupled BIEs are formulated, respectively, for the in-plane state ( membrane) and for the out-of-plane state ( bending). These uncoupled systems are joined to formamacro-element, in which membrane and bending effects are present. The association of these macro-elements is able to simulate thin-walled structures, including reinforced plate structures. In the present formulation, the BIE is discretized by continuous and/or discontinuous linear elements. Four displacement integral equations are written for every boundary node. Modal data, that is, natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes of reinforced plates, are obtained from information contained in the frequency response functions (FRFs). A specific example is presented to illustrate the versatility of the proposed methodology. Different configurations of the reinforcements are used to simulate simply supported and clamped boundary conditions for the plate structures. The procedure is validated by comparison with results determined by the finite element method (FEM).
the modern joint protection (JP) concept for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an active coping strategy to improve daily tasks and role performance by changing working methods and using assistive devices. Effective group JP education includes psycho-educational interventions. The Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM) is an interactive hands-on-tool, assessing (a) the individual's perceived burden of illness and (b) relevant individual resources. Both issues are important for intrinsic motivation to take action and change behaviour. This study compared individual conventional JP education (C-JP) with PRISM-based JP education (PRISM-JP).
BACKGROUND: In humans, overproduction of apolipoprotein B (apoB) is positively associated with premature coronary artery diseases. To reduce the levels of apoB mRNA, we have designed an apoB mRNA-specific hammerhead ribozyme targeted at nucleotide sequences GUA6679 (RB15) mediated by adenovirus, which efficiently cleaves and decreases apoB mRNA by 80% in mouse liver and attenuates the hyperlipidemic condition. In the current study, we used an adeno-associated virus vector, serotype 2 (AAV2) and a self-complementary AAV2 vector (scAAV2) to demonstrate the effect of long-term tissue-specific gene expression of RB15 on the regulation apoB mRNA in vivo. METHODS: We constructed a hammerhead ribozyme RB15 driven by a liver-specific transthyretin (TTR) promoter using an AAV2 vector (rAAV2-TTR-RB15). HepG2 cells and hyperlipidemic mice deficient in both the low density lipoprotein receptor and the apoB mRNA editing enzyme genes (LDLR-/-Apobec1-/-; LDb) were transduced with rAAV2-TTR-RB15 and a control vector rAAV-TTR-RB15-mutant (inactive ribozyme). The effects of ribozyme RB15 on apoB metabolism and atherosclerosis development were determined in LDb mice at 5-month after transduction. A self-complementary AAV2 vector expressing ribozyme RB15 (scAAV2-TTR-RB15) was also engineered and used to transduce HepG2 cells. Studies were designed to compare the gene expression efficiency between rAAV2-TTR-RB15 and scAAV2-TTR-RB15. RESULTS: The effect of ribozyme RB15 RNA on reducing apoB mRNA levels in HepG2 cells was observed only on day-7 after rAAV2-TTR-RB15 transduction. And, at 5-month after rAAV2-TTR-RB15 treatment, the apoB mRNA levels in LDb mice were significantly decreased by 43%, compared to LDb mice treated with control vector rAAV2-TTR-RB15-mutant. Moreover, both the rAAV2-TTR-RB15 viral DNA and ribozyme RB15 RNA were still detectable in mice livers at 5-month after treatment. However, this rAAV2-TTR-RB15 vector mediated a prolonged but low level of ribozyme RB15 gene expression in the mice livers, which did not produce the therapeutic effects on alteration the lipid levels or the inhibition of atherosclerosis development. In contrast, the ribozyme RB15 RNA mediated by scAAV2-TTR-RB15 vector was expressed immediately at day-1 after transduction in HepG2 cells. The apoB mRNA levels were decreased 47% (p = 0.001), compared to the control vector scAAV2-TTR-RB15-mutant. CONCLUSION: This study provided evidence that the rAAV2 single-strand vector mediated a prolonged but not efficient transduction in mouse liver. However, the scAAV2 double-strand vector mediated a rapid and efficient gene expression in liver cells. This strategy using scAAV2 vectors represents a better approach to express small molecules such as ribozyme.
This paper will discuss how the gender perspective can be applied to the study of the Early Modern Jesuit China mission. I will show that the category of gender provides a promising research perspective on Sino-Western cultural exchange, for it brings to the forefront important aspects of social life in the “contact zone” of Chinese Christian communities. I will argue that through the intercultural contact initiated by the Jesuit China mission, gender roles started to shift slightly on both sides. On the one hand, the Jesuits adopted the Confucian ideal of the separation of the sexes (nannü zhi bie), building for example separate Churches for women, something unknown in Europe. On the other hand, Chinese Christians were urged to reconsider aspects of their traditional gender norms, when for instance some men left their concubines in order to become Christian. The paper will be divided in three parts. First, it will focus on the history of concepts and discuss what gender relations meant in the context of the Early Modern China mission. Then it will turn to the representation of female religiosity in Jesuit Annual Letters and show how the gender perspective can lead to a re-evaluation this source genre. Finally, it will reflect on how the gender perspective can give us fresh insights into well-known paradigms on Sino-Western relations, taking the accommodation paradigm as an example.
150 Briefe zwischen Theodor W. Adorno, Gretel Adorno und Max Horkheimer; 1 Brief von Edith B. Berlebach an Theodor W. Adorno, 19.11.1961; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Edith B. Berlebach, 16.11.1961; 2 Briefe zwischen dem Institut für staatsbürgerliche Bildung in Rheinland-Pflalz (Mainz) und Theodor W. Adorno, 11.09.1961; 1 Brief der American Council of Learned Societies (New York) an Max Horkheimer, 29.08.1961; 1 Brief von dem Kuratorium Unteilbares Deutschland (Bonn) an Theodor W. Adorno, 06.06.1961; 1 Brief des Hessichen Ministers für Erziehung und Volksbildung an Theodor W. Adorno, 05.06.1961; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Walter Schlesinger, 06.12.1962; 1 Brief von Walter Schlesinger an Max Horkheimer, 02.08.1963; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an W. R. Beyer, 05.05.1962; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Pierre de Bie, 16.03.1962; 1 Brief von Edgar Morin an Theodor W. Adorno, 07.02.1962;
This paper presents the application of BIE techniques to elastoplastic three-dimensional problems. Along with the general procedures the needed integrations are described in detail and so is the flow chart of the written program.