984 resultados para Australian performance


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Objective: To nationally trial the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool (PC-PIT), an organisational performance improvement tool previously co-created with Australian primary care practices to increase their focus on relevant quality improvement (QI) activities. Design: The study was conducted from March to December 2015 with volunteer general practices from a range of Australian primary care settings. We used a mixed-methods approach in two parts. Part 1 involved staff in Australian primary care practices assessing how they perceived their practice met (or did not meet) each of the 13 PC-PIT elements of high-performing practices, using a 1–5 Likert scale. In Part 2, two external raters conducted an independent practice visit to independently and objectively assess the subjective practice assessment from Part 1 against objective indicators for the 13 elements, using the same 1–5 Likert scale. Concordance between the raters was determined by comparing their ratings. In-depth interviews conducted during the independent practice visits explored practice managers’ experiences and perceived support and resource needs to undertake organisational improvement in practice. Results: Data were available for 34 general practices participating in Part 1. For Part 2, independent practice visits and the inter-rater comparison were conducted for a purposeful sample of 19 of the 34 practices. Overall concordance between the two raters for each of the assessed elements was excellent. Three practice types across a continuum of higher- to lower-scoring practices were identified, with each using the PC-PIT in a unique way. During the in-depth interviews, practice managers identified benefits of having additional QI tools that relate to the PC-PIT elements. Conclusions: The PC-PIT is an organisational performance tool that is acceptable, valid and relevant to our range of partners and the end users (general practices). Work is continuing with our partners and end users to embed the PC-PIT in existing organisational improvement programs.


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A sample of daily observations on the activities of Australian vessels longlining for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, during 1987-90 was analyzed, using a production junction approach, to determine the effects of vessel characteristics and operational practices and conditions. Significant differences were found between the tuna fisheries in the northern and southern regions of the inshore yellowfin tuna fishery in the east Australian Exclusive Economic Zone. The type of vessel used, and fishing practices such as soaktime, patrolling the longline, and choice of surface water temperature were found to have significant effects on yellowfin tuna catch rates.


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This paper examines whether the financial performance of the firm is associated with the risk-taking propensity of executives, which is inferred from the structure of their share option portfolio. The objective of this paper is to determine if executives have greater risk bearing preferences when they have more share options than shares in their firm. In turn, executives' risk-taking preferences suggest that these decision-makers adopt value-increasing strategies. The results of this study support this notion. The results of the study of 182 Australian firms demonstrate that the negative relationship between firm risk and firm performance is weaker when executives hold a higher proportion of share options than shares in their investment in the firm. These results hold implications for executives' compensation contracts. That is, executives who share in their firms' risk via share options are more likely to undertake risky activities with high-expected performance outcome.


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This article presents the findings from an empirical study examining the relationship between total quality management (TQM) practices and quality performance in Australian organizations. A comparison is made between organizations that have adopted formal TQM programs and organizations without a formal program in place. It was recognized that the lack of a formal program did not necessarily mean TQM principles were not being practiced. The findings show that the firms adopting formal TQM programs implement several TQM practices at a higher level than those that do not have TQM programs. This difference, however, is not apparent in the case of quality performance. Furthermore, the findings show the strong links between TQM practices and quality performance, and there is no significant difference between organizations implementing formal TQM programs and those organizations simply adopting TQM practices. This suggests that it is the adoption of quality practices that matters rather than formal programs per se.


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The property sector has played an important role with its growing contribution in the national income and employment in the Australian economy. There is an increasing research need in measuring and analysing the economic performance of the Australian property sector at a country level and input-output tables are considered as an appropriate tool. This paper aims to analyse and measure the performance and sectoral linkages of the Australian property sector using the five latest input-output tables compiled by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Findings suggested that the Australian residential property sector had played a more important role than the commercial sector in the economy. The backward linkage of the residential property sector showed a decreasing economic pull, while that of commercial property presented an upward pattern. Moreover. the Australian property sector showed a medium economic push to the national economy over the examined period. Findings can aid policy makers, the property sector and researchers in evaluating the competitive ability of the property sector in Australia.


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This paper considers performance appraisals in Australian universities. It examines some of the theory underpinning performance appraisals and applies it to the world of academia. It then considers the nature of universities and the changes which have taken place in Australian universities since the late 1980s and the implications of these changes on the performance appraisal of academics. It concludes by identifying questions for further research.


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This study explores the applicability of the personal and organizational value clusters identified by Abbott, White & Charles, (2005) employing the McDonald & Gandz (1991) list of values to university settings. It examines the personal values of business students in two universities, their perception ofthe organizational values important to their university, and measures the extent to which the personal and organizational values are consistent with 'High Performance Work Systems '. Results provide support for individual and organizational values factors similar to those found by Finegan, (2000) and Abbott et al. (2005) and consistent with Schwartz s (1992) an-cultural values hierarchy. While usiness/commerce students rated their personal values as consistent with HPWS and the major pan-cultural values, this did not match their perception of the organizations' values. The implications of personal-organizational value incongruence on motivation, satisfaction, organizational commitment and effectiveness are discussed.


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Share buy-backs (or share repurchases) have become increasingly popular among Australian companies during the recent times. One of the aims of share buy-back is to increase the shareholders' wealth by increasing the market price of company shares. While there are several ways of buying backs shares, on-market buy-backs is the most popular method of share repurchase in Australia. Australian listed companies have announced more than two hundred on-market share buy-backs over the past three years. The aim of this paper is to examine the short-run market performance of these recent on-market buy-back announcements.

Short-term effect of on-market buy-back announcements on the share price is an issue, which is theoretically interesting and practically important. Buy-back announcements are believed to convey a signal to the market (i.e., signalling effect). If the market considers this signal positively, the short-run price of the shares would increase. If the signal were considered negatively, the short-run price of shares would decrease. If there is no signalling content or the signal is neutral the price would remain the same. In this study, signalling effect of share buy-back announcements is empirically examined using most recent Australian data. The total population of on-market buy-back announcements that have been lodged with Australian Stock Exchange by Australian listed companies during the period from 1 January 2000 to 10 March 2003 are included in this study. The abnormal market return over the short-run (announcement day and 10 trading days centred on the announcement date) is examined using the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index as the reference portfolio. The daily abnormal returns (AR) and cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) during the event period are computed. The results indicate that the Australian market generally positively reacts to on-market buy-back announcements.


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As part of a broader study of the relationship between traditional and online marketing mix elements and organisational performance, the study reported in this paper utilised structural equation modelling to examine the relationship between market orientation and organisational performance. The study found that there was an insignificant relationship between market orientation and organisational performance, thereby lending support to studies conducted in the UK, Ghana, and the US (since the studies in the US by Narver and Slater (1990)), which found that there may be a contextual nature to the relationship between the two constructs. The study, therefore, does not support Pulendran et al. (2000).


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As a result of federal government pressure in the late 1980’s Australian universities now find themselves embracing managerial practices at the expense of their traditional collegial practices. The application of managerialism into the
university sector has seen the inculcation of business practices, including the widespread application of performance appraisals, into an environment which has in the past, been self-regulatory. Performance appraisals as a tool of managerialism, have provided university administrators with a mechanism which provides a sense of compliance with private sector practices. But has it worked? This paper examines the nature of performance appraisals and its usage within one university and questions how successful the introduction of such practices has been. In doing so, it identifi es areas of further research.


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This paper examines the relation between the governance mechanism (ownership structure) and performance of Australian building societies. Financial performance measures, provided by financial ratios of the major mutual building societies in Australia are used to explore their behaviour under different governance structures in the 1980s and 1990s. The theoretical and empirical literature has suggested that mutual deposit-taking institutions should have lower profitability and higher operating expenses than their publicly listed counterparts. Accounting ratios are observed over time to investigate if governance change in mutual deposit-taking organizations accounted for any discernable differences in profitability and cost efficiency pre- and postdemutualisation.


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The marketing planning process is said to influence organisational performance. This influence is realised through the adoption of a focused approach aimed at achieving specific marketing objectives, which motivates the adaptation of the internal capabilities of an organisation in facilitating an effective implementation. This study investigated the association of formal marketing planning with business performance. The results showed that marketing planning has a stronger, positive relationship with market share, than with the overall financial performance of the organisation. The study also compared the associations of marketing planning and market orientation variables with the performance measures. The results indicated that the two variables associate at about the same magnitude with market share and the overall financial performance.