48 resultados para Arylation


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Dans ce mémoire, deux principaux sujets seront présentés. Nos efforts se sont d’abord tournés vers la synthèse du cylindrocyclophane F, un [7,7]-paracyclophane naturel, puis vers l’élaboration d’une nouvelle classe d’hétérocycles fluorescents. Premièrement, la cyclopropanation, une des étapes clés de la synthèse du cylindrocyclophane F, ainsi qu’une nouvelle voie de synthèse passant par une réaction de cyclopropénation ont été revisitées. La possibilité d’employer une méthode de macrocyclisation, incluant une réaction de couplage de Suzuki sur deux centres sp3, a ensuite été étudiée sur un substrat modèle. Deuxièmement, la synthèse de benzo[a]imidazo[2,1,5-c,d]indolizines à partir de N-[(6-bromo-2-pyridinyl)méthyl]benzamides a été développée. Dans un premier temps, le tandem cyclodéshydratation/aromatisation effectué en présence de 2-méthoxypyridine a été optimisé afin d’obtenir la 5-bromo-3-phénylimidazo[1,5-a]pyridine. Puis, une arylation intramoléculaire en présence d’une quantité catalytique d’un complexe de palladium a permis d’obtenir l’hétérocycle fusionné désiré. Les propriétés photochimiques de cette nouvelle classe d’hétérocycles seront aussi présentées.


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The main focus of the present study was to develop ideal low band gap D-A copolymers for photoconducting and non-linear optical applications. This chapter summarizes the overall research work done. Designed copolymers were synthesized via direct arylation or Suzuki coupling reactions. Copolymers were characterized by theoretical and experimental methods. The suitability of these copolymers in photoconducting and optical limiting devices has been investigated.The results suggest that the copolymers investigated in the present study have a good non-linear optical response and are comparable to or even better than the D-A copolymers reported in the literature and hence could be chosen as ideal candidates with potential applications for non-linear optics. The results also show that the structures of the polymers have great impact on NLO properties. Copolymers studied here exhibits good optical limiting property at 532 nm wavelength due to two-photon absorption (TPA) process. The results revealed that the two copolymers, (P(EDOT-BTSe) and P(PH-TZ)) exhibited strong two-photon absorption and superior optical power limiting properties, which are much better than that of others.


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Els aminoàcids biarílics es troben en una àmplia varietat de pèptids naturals amb important activitat biològica. Concretament, les arilhistidines formen part de les aciculitines, pèptids amb activitat citotòxica i antifúngica, La reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura és el mètode més versàtil per obtenir biarils assimètrics, encara que, fins el moment, no s'havia aplicat per a l'arilació de l'imidazole de la histidina. L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi fou demostrar que es podia arilar l'imidazole de la histidina en fase sòlida mitjançant una reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura. En primer lloc, es sintetitzaren 4(5)-metil-5(4)-fenilimidazole i 4(5)-metil-5(4)-(2-metoxifenil)imidazole a través de l'acoblament creuat entre un N-benzilbromoimidazole i el corresponent àcid arilborònic. Posteriorment, s'arilaren 5-bromohistidines utilitzant diversos àcids arilborònics mitjançant una reacció de Suzuki-Miyaura assistida per irradiació micrones, tant en dissolució com en fase sòlida. I finalment, mitjançant aquesta metodología, es sintetitzaren pèptids antimicrobians contenint 5-arilhistidines actius contra bacteris gram-negatius responsables d'importants malalties en plantes com el foc bacterià.


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A fast, high-yielding synthesis of diaryl ethers with use of mild and metal-free conditions has been developed. The scope includes bulky ortho-substituted diaryl ethers, which are difficult to obtain by metal-catalyzed protocols. Halo-substituents, racemization-prone amino acid derivatives, and heteroaromatics are also tolerated. The methodology is expected to be of high utility in the synthesis of complex molecules and in the pharmaceutical industry.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The diastereoselective arylation of sugar-derived aldehydes is described. The arylating reagents are generated in situ by a boron-to-zinc exchange reaction of arylboronic acids with Et2Zn to generate arylethylzinc reagents. The exquisite reactivity of the arylzinc reagents allowed for an efficient and mild arylation, delivering the corresponding products in diastereolsomeric ratios of up to >20:1. The utility of the methodology is highlighted with an efficient formal synthesis of (+)-7-epl-goniofufurone, a member of the styryllactone family of natural products.


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Organic molecular semiconductors are subject of intense research for their crucial role as key components of new generation low cost, flexible, and large area electronic devices such as displays, thin-film transistors, solar cells, sensors and logic circuits. In particular, small molecular thienoimide (TI) based materials are emerging as novel multifunctional materials combining a good processability together to ambipolar or n-type charge transport and electroluminescence at the solid state, thus enabling the fabrication of integrated devices like organic field effect transistors (OFETs) and light emitting transistor (OLETs). Given this peculiar combination of characteristics, they also constitute the ideal substrates for fundamental studies on the structure-property relationships in multifunctional molecular systems. In this scenario, this thesis work is focused on the synthesis of new thienoimide based materials with tunable optical, packing, morphology, charge transport and electroluminescence properties by following a fine molecular tailoring, thus optimizing their performances in device as well as investigating and enabling new applications. Investigation on their structure-property relationships has been carried out and in particular, the effect of different π-conjugated cores (heterocycles, length) and alkyl end chain (shape, length) changes have been studied, obtaining materials with enhanced electron transport capability end electroluminescence suitable for the realization of OFETs and single layer OLETs. Moreover, control on the polymorphic behaviour characterizing thienoimide materials has been reached by synthetic and post-synthetic methodologies, developing multifunctional materials from a single polymorphic compound. Finally, with the aim of synthesizing highly pure materials, simplifying the purification steps and avoiding organometallic residues, procedures based on direct arylation reactions replacing conventional cross-couplings have been investigated and applied to different classes of molecules, bearing thienoimidic core or ends, as well as thiophene and anthracene derivatives, validating this approach as a clean alternative for the synthesis of several molecular materials.


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O desenvolvimento de técnicas analíticas, espectroscópicas e de imagem baseadas na detecção da fluorescência está associado com a necessidade por marcadores fluorescentes com variadas características e aplicabilidades. Dentre os diversos marcadores fluorescentes disponíveis, os derivados de borodipirrometenos (BODIPY), descobertos no final da década de 1960, passaram a ser amplamente utilizados desde o final da década de 1980. Esta tese de doutorado se trata de um estudo pioneiro no Brasil, envolvendo a síntese, modificação química e caracterização fotofísica de BODIPYs. Na primeira etapa do projeto métodos de obtenção de BODIPYs foram estabelecidos e aplicados na síntese de uma biblioteca de sondas fluorescentes. O estudo fotofísico dessa biblioteca de fluoróforos nos possibilitou identificar e estudar particularidades de alguns fluoróforos, como o solvatocromismo, halocromismo e ionocromismo. A segunda etapa do projeto envolveu o estabelecimento de métodos de modificação química de BODIPYs visando a diversificação fotofísica e estrutural da biblioteca de compostos. Foram sintetizados BODIPYs reativos que foram submetidos a reações de substituição nucleofílica, Suzuki, Sonogashira, Knoevenagel e arilação direta, levando à obtenção de compostos com propriedades ópticas diversas. Por fim, na terceira etapa do projeto, está descrito o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de modificação química de fluoróforos BODIPY. Foi desenvolvido um método simples de tiocianação direta dessa classe de compostos com bons rendimentos, baseado na utilização de tiocianato de amônio e oxone ®. O escopo e as limitações do novo método de tiocianação foi estudado em BODIPYs com propriedades eletrônicas diversas. Foi mostrada ainda a conversão de BODIPYs tiocianados a derivados tioalquilados com características ópticas particulares. Em conclusão, com esta tese de doutorado foi estabelecida uma linha de pesquisa inovadora envolvendo a síntese e modificação química de uma classe de compostos com ampla aplicação tecnológica.


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Aryl imidazole-1-sulfonates are efficiently cross-coupled with arylboronic acids and potassium aryltrifluoroborates using only 0.5 mol % of oxime palladacycles 1 under aqueous conditions at 110 °C. Under these simple phosphane-free reaction conditions a wide array of biaryl derivatives has been prepared in high yields. This methodology allows in situ phenol sulfonation and one-pot Suzuki arylation as well as the employment of microwave irradiation conditions.


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Rapid access to the ABCE ring system of the C-20 diterpene alkaloids was achieved by silver (I) promoted intramolecular Friedel-Crafts arylation of a functional group specific 5-bromo-3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane derivative. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The diverse biological properties exhibited by uridine analogues modified at carbon-5 of the uracil base have attracted special interest to the development of efficient methodologies for their synthesis. This study aimed to evaluate the possible application of vinyl tris(trimethylsilyl)germanes in the synthesis of conjugated 5-modified uridine analogues via Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. The stereoselective synthesis of 5-[(2-tris(trimethylsilyl)germyl)ethenyl]uridine derivatives was achieved by the radical-mediated hydrogermylation of the protected 5-alkynyluridine precursors with tris(trimethylsilyl)germane [(TMS)3GeH]. The hydrogermylation with Ph3GeH afforded in addition to the expected 5-vinylgermane, novel 5-(2-triphenylgermyl)acetyl derivatives. Also, the treatment with Me3GeH provided access to 5-vinylgermane uridine analogues with potential biological applications. Since the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling of organogermanes has received much less attention than the couplings involving organostannanes and organosilanes, we were prompted to develop novel organogermane precursors suitable for transfer of aryl and/or alkenyl groups. The allyl(phenyl)germanes were found to transfer allyl groups to aryl iodides in the presence of sodium hydroxide or tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) via a Heck arylation mechanism. On the other hand, the treatment of allyl(phenyl)germanes with tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) effectively cleaved the Ge-C(allyl) bonds and promoted the transfer of the phenyl groups upon fluoride activation in toluene. It was discovered that the trichlorophenyl,- dichlorodiphenyl,- and chlorotriphenylgermanes undergo Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings with aryl bromides and iodides in the presence of TBAF in toluene with addition of the measured amount of water. One chloride ligand on the Ge center allows efficient activation by fluoride to promote transfer of one, two or three phenyl groups from the organogermane precursors. The methodology shows that organogermanes can render a coupling efficiency comparable to the more established stannane and silane counterparts. Our coupling methodology (TBAF/moist toluene) was also found to promote the transfer of multiple phenyl groups from analogous chloro(phenyl)silanes and stannanes.


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The antiviral or anticancer activities of C-5 modified pyrimidine nucleoside analogues validate the need for the development of their syntheses. In the first half of this dissertation, I explore the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of allylphenylgermanes with aryl halides in the presence of SbF 5/TBAF to give various biaryls by transferring multiple phenyl groups, which has also been applied to the 5-halo pyrimidine nucleosides for the synthesis of 5-aryl derivatives. To avoid the use of organometallic reagents, I developed Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of 5-halo pyrimidine nucleosides. It was discovered that 5-aryl pyrimidine nucleosides could be synthesized by Pd-catalyzed direct arylation of N3-free 5-halo uracil and uracil nucleosides with simple arenes or heteroaromatics in the presence of TBAF within 1 h. Both N3-protected and N3-free uracil and uracil nucleosides could undergo base-promoted Pd-catalyzed direct arylation, but only with electron rich heteroaromatics. ^ In the second half of this dissertation, 5-acetylenic uracil and uracil nucleosides have been employed to investigate the hydrogermylation, hydrosulfonylation as well as hydroazidation for the synthesis of various functionalized 5-vinyl pyrimidine nucleosides. Hydrogermylation of 5-alkynyl uracil analogues with trialkylgermane or tris(trimethylsilyl)germane hydride gave the corresponding vinyl trialkylgermane, or tris(trimethylsilyl)germane uracil derivatives. During the hydrogermylation with triphenylgermane, besides the vinyl triphenylgermane uracil derivatives, 5-[2-(triphenylgermyl)acetyl]uracil was also isolated and characterized and the origin of the acetyl oxygen was clarified. Tris(trimethylsilyl)germane uracil derivatives were coupled to aryl halides but with decent yield. Iron-mediated regio- and stereoselective hydrosulfonylation of the 5-ethynyl pyrimidine analogues with sulfonyl chloride or sulfonyl hydrazine to give 5-(1-halo-2-tosyl)vinyluracil nucleoside derivatives has been developed. Nucleophilic substitution of the 5-(β-halovinyl)sulfonyl nucleosides with various nucleophiles have been performed to give highly functionalized 5-vinyl pyrimidine nucleosides via the addition-elimination mechanism. The 5-(β-keto)sulfonyluracil derivative has also been synthesized via the aerobic difunctionalization of 5-ethynyluracil analogue with sulfinic acid in the presence of catalytic amount of pyridine. Silver catalyzed hydroazidation of protected 2'-deoxy-5-ethynyluridine with TMSN3 in the presence of catalytic amount of water to give 5-(α-azidovinyl)uracil nucleoside derivatives was developed. Strain promoted Click reaction of the 5-(α-azidovinyl)uracil with cyclooctyne provide the corresponding fully conjugated triazole product.^


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The diverse biological properties exhibited by uridine analogues modified at carbon-5 of the uracil base have attracted special interest to the development of efficient methodologies for their synthesis. This study aimed to evaluate the possible application of vinyl tris(trimethylsilyl)germanes in the synthesis of conjugated 5-modified uridine analogues via Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. The stereoselective synthesis of 5-[(2-tris(trimethylsilyl)germyl)ethenyl]uridine derivatives was achieved by the radical-mediated hydrogermylation of the protected 5-alkynyluridine precursors with tris(trimethylsilyl)germane [(TMS)3GeH]. The hydrogermylation with Ph3GeH afforded in addition to the expected 5-vinylgermane, novel 5-(2-triphenylgermyl)acetyl derivatives. Also, the treatment with Me3GeH provided access to 5-vinylgermane uridine analogues with potential biological applications. Since the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling of organogermanes has received much less attention than the couplings involving organostannanes and organosilanes, we were prompted to develop novel organogermane precursors suitable for transfer of aryl and/or alkenyl groups. The allyl(phenyl)germanes were found to transfer allyl groups to aryl iodides in the presence of sodium hydroxide or tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) via a Heck arylation mechanism. On the other hand, the treatment of allyl(phenyl)germanes with tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) effectively cleaved the Ge-C(allyl) bonds and promoted the transfer of the phenyl groups upon fluoride activation in toluene. It was discovered that the trichlorophenyl,- dichlorodiphenyl,- and chlorotriphenylgermanes undergo Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings with aryl bromides and iodides in the presence of TBAF in toluene with addition of the measured amount of water. One chloride ligand on the Ge center allows efficient activation by fluoride to promote transfer of one, two or three phenyl groups from the organogermane precursors. The methodology shows that organogermanes can render a coupling efficiency comparable to the more established stannane and silane counterparts. Our coupling methodology (TBAF/moist toluene) was also found to promote the transfer of multiple phenyl groups from analogous chloro(phenyl)silanes and stannanes.


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The work described in this thesis revolves around the 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes, which are a series of [n]cyclophanes with a severely bent, board-shaped polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The thesis is divided into seven Chapters. The first Chapter conatins an overview of the seminal work on [n]cyclophanes of the first two members of the “capped rylene” series of PAHs: benzene and pyrene. Three different general strategies for the synthesis of [n]cyclophanes are discussed and this leads in to a discussion of some slected syntheses of [n]paracyclopahnes and [n](2,7)pyrenophanes. The chemical, structural, spectroscopic and photophysical properties of these benzene and pyrene-derived cyclophanes are discussed with emphasis on the changes that occur with changes in the structure of the aromatic system. Chapter 1 concludes with a brief introduction to [n]cyclophanes of the fourth member of the capped rylene series of PAHs: teropyrene. The focus of the work described in Chapter 2 is the synthesis of of 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophane (n = 6 and 7) using a double-McMurry strategy. While the synthesis 1,1,7,7-tetramethyl[7](2,11)teropyrenophane was successful, the synthesis of the lower homologue 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane was not. The conformational behaviour of [n.2]pyrenophanes was also studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy and this provided a conformation-based rationale for the failure of the synthesis of 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane. Chapter 3 contains details of the synthesis of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7-9) using a Wurtz / McMurry strategy, which proved to be more general than the double McMurry strategy. The three teropyrenophanes were obtained in ca. 10 milligram quantities. Trends in the spectroscopic properties that accompany changes in the structure of the teropyrene system are discussed. A violation of Kasha’s rule was observed when the teropyrenophanes were irradiated at 260 nm. The work described in the fourth Chapter concentrates on the development of gram-scale syntheses of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) using the Wurtz / McMurry strategy. Several major modifications to the orginal synthetic pathway had to be made to enable the first several steps to be performed comfortably on tens of grams of material. Solubility problems severely limited the amount of material that could be produced at a late stage of the synthetic pathways leading to the evennumbered members of the series (n = 8, 10). Ultimately, only 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane was synthesized on a multi-gram scale. In the final step in the synthesis, a valence isomerization / dehydrogenation (VID) reaction, the teropyrenophane was observed to become unstable under the conditions of its formation at n = 8. The synthesis of 1,1,10,10-tetramethyl[10](2,11)teropyrenophane was achieved for the first time, but only on a few hundred milligram scale. In Chapter 5, the results of an investigation of the electrophilic aromatic bromination of the 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) are presented. Being the most abundant cyclophane, most of the work was performed on 1,1,9,9-tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane. Reaction of this compound with varying amounts of of bromine revealed that bromination occurs most rapidly at the symmetryrelated 4, 9, 13 and 18 positions (teropyrene numbering) and that the 4,9,13,18- tetrabromide could be formed exclusively. Subsequent bromination occurs selectively on the symmetry-related 6, 7, 15 and 16 positions (teropyrene numbering), but considerably more slowly. Only mixtures of penta-, hexa-, hepta and octabromides could be formed. Bromination reactions of the higher and lower homologues (n = 7, 8 and 10) revealed that the reactivity of the teropyrene system increased with the degree of bend. Crystal structures of some tetra-, hexa-, hepta- and octa-brominated products were obtained. The goal of the work described in Chapter 6 is to use 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane as a starting material for the synthesis of warped nanographenophanes. A bromination, Suzuki-Miyaura, cyclodehydrogenation sequence was unsuccessful, as was a C–H arylation / cyclodehydrogenation approach. Itami’s recently-developed K-region-selective annulative -extension (APEX) reaction proved to be successful, affording a giant [n]cyclophane with a C84 PAH. Attempted bay-region Diels-Alder reactions and some cursory host-guest chemistry of teropyrenophanes are also discussed. In Chapter 7 a synthetic approach toward a planar model compound, 2,11-di-tbutylteropyrene, is described. The synthesis could not be completed owing to solubility problems at the end of the synthetic pathway.