881 resultados para Archetypical readings


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Este recurso se refiere principalmente a la labor docente en las escuelas secundarias. Aunque este enfoque no puede ser separado de otras muchas cuestiones de interés educativo, su principal objetivo es introducir a los profesores en formación en una serie de temas que son de decisiva importancia en el desarrollo profesional para todos los que enseñan en la educación secundaria. Algunos de ellos son cuestiones fundamentalmente cognitivas, por ejemplo, la naturaleza y el desarrollo de la inteligencia, o diferentes estilos de aprendizaje y cómo se relacionan con los estilos de enseñanza. Otros, sin embargo, tienen que ver con el desarrollo personal, moral, espiritual, social y político de los jóvenes, cuestiones que son fundamentales para la enseñanza secundaria en el nuevo milenio.


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Este manual está compuesto de lecturas para aprender a enseñar en la escuela secundaria que reúnen artículos clave para el desarrollo y apoyo a los estudiantes. Los temas del libro son: convertirse en un profesor (preparación emocional para enseñar: un estudio de un caso sobre profesores en Inglaterra), comenzar a enseñar (aprendiendo a aprender como profesor), interacciones en el aula y conseguir alumnos (Hacia la mejora del aprendizaje en la escuela secundaria: puntos de vista de los estudiantes, las teorías de la motivación, las últimas investigaciones sobre el comportamiento problemático en clase), encontrando diferencias individuales (las clases sociales).


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Covers the censorship by the Hauptverwaltung Verlage und Buchhandel in the Ministry of Culture of science fiction works in East Germany. These ranged from propaganda pieces supporting the scientific-technological revolution and the progress of socialism, to veiled criticisms of the system. The chapter argues that publishers became dependent on the high sales generated by popular culture, creating a relatively safe space for this genre.


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Statistical analysis of data is crucial in cephalometric investigations. There are certainly excellent examples of good statistical practice in the field, but some articles published worldwide have carried out inappropriate analyses. Objective: The purpose of this study was to show that when the double records of each patient are traced on the same occasion, a control chart for differences between readings needs to be drawn, and limits of agreement and coefficients of repeatability must be calculated. Material and methods: Data from a well-known paper in Orthodontics were used for showing common statistical practices in cephalometric investigations and for proposing a new technique of analysis. Results: A scatter plot of the two radiograph readings and the two model readings with the respective regression lines are shown. Also, a control chart for the mean of the differences between radiograph readings was obtained and a coefficient of repeatability was calculated. Conclusions: A standard error assuming that mean differences are zero, which is referred to in Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics as the Dahlberg error, can be calculated only for estimating precision if accuracy is already proven. When double readings are collected, limits of agreement and coefficients of repeatability must be calculated. A graph with differences of readings should be presented and outliers discussed.


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Through the text presented we intend to outline the debate that occurred in Portugal in the transition from the 19th to the 20th centuries. At the time, the imperatives of scientific development had reached education as a basis for the national prosperity. It was believed that Portugal had fallen behind in comparison to the other European countries because it was not capable of constructing a civilization directed by scientific criteria, through the expansion and spreading of culture. The debate over the extension of schools to increasingly broader segments of the population acquires a different meaning when the theorist of Education make use of language from several other areas of knowledge in order to create a mosaic of what has become known, since that time, as the Science of Education.


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Com o objetivo de contribuir para a democratização da memória escolar no Brasil, em especial, da história da formação de professores primários nas décadas finais do século XIX brasileiro (caso paulista) e francês, apresentam-se, resultados de pesquisas de doutorado, desenvolvidas mediante abordagem histórica centrada na análise da configuração textual de três documentos: 1. lista de livros da caixa nº 1 adquirida por Paulo Bourroul, Diretor da Escola Normal de São Paulo (1882-1884), quando de sua viagem à Paris em 1883; 2. lista de livros contidos no relatório de José Estacio Corrêa de Sá e Benevides, Diretor interino da Escola Normal de São Paulo em 1884; 3. Catalogue des bibliothèques des Écoles Normales (1887), publicados pelo Ministro da Instrução Pública e de Belas Artes da França, Jules Ferry. Constatou-se importantes aspectos da cultura escolar relativos ao “ensinar normalistas a ensinar” leitura e escrita decorrentes das transferências culturais e de modelos pedagógicos na relação/representação Brasil-França.


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The main problem addressed by this research was that of what are the relations between TV viewing at home and studying literature at school, and how an adequate position on this can be reached. As well as the theoretical background, it involved an experimental study with classes of second and sixth grade students, discussing and observing their reactions to and interpretations of a number of animated cartoons. The work is divided into four parts - Is there a Class in this Text?, Stories of Reading, Narratives of Animation and Animation of Narratives, and The (Three) Unrepeatable (Pigs). Beginning, Middle End - which examine the tensions between the "undiscriminating sequence" of the televisual flow and a way of "thinking", "making" and "doing" education that presupposes a fundamental belief in possible re-productions, copies unescaping, following the original, or competing. The work focuses on animated cartoons, seeing them not merely as a part of the flow of television, but as an allegory of reading this flow, of the flow within the flow itself. What they question - "identity", "end", "followability" - is what is most important to teaching. Thus the interest in the metamorphoses of animated films is an interest in the tensions which their "strange law/flow" introduces into the field of teaching - this totally forbidden place of saying everything.


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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a popular method for dimension reduction that can be used in many fields including data compression, image processing, exploratory data analysis, etc. However, traditional PCA method has several drawbacks, since the traditional PCA method is not efficient for dealing with high dimensional data and cannot be effectively applied to compute accurate enough principal components when handling relatively large portion of missing data. In this report, we propose to use EM-PCA method for dimension reduction of power system measurement with missing data, and provide a comparative study of traditional PCA and EM-PCA methods. Our extensive experimental results show that EM-PCA method is more effective and more accurate for dimension reduction of power system measurement data than traditional PCA method when dealing with large portion of missing data set.


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EU law’s impact on the meaning of the copyright work for a long time seemed limited to software and databases. But recent judgments of the CJEU (Infopaq, BSA, FootballAssociation [Murphy], Painer) suggest we have entered an era of harmonization of copyright subject-matter, after decades of focus on the scope of exclusive rights and their duration. Unlike before however, it is the Court and not the legislator that takes centre stage in shaping pivotal concepts. This article reviews the different readings and criticisms the recent case law on copyright works evokes in legal doctrine across the EU. It puts them in the wider perspective of the on-goingdevelopment towards uniform law and the role of the preliminary reference procedure in that process.