991 resultados para Aquatic animals


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In directly, phytoplankton serves as food for all aquatic animals since it is at the base of the food chain in which the phytoplankton-feeding animals are eaten by larger animals and these in turn are consumed by still larger forms. Hence, it becomes evident that the phytoplankton, its presence, and seasonal variations are of great importance. The report at hand is based on a record of the variations in the plankton population of surface waters at a single station, where collections were made biweekly from September 1943 through September 1945. The station chosen was in the channel of the Patuxent River, Maryland, near its entrance into Chesapeake Bay, about midway between the head and the mouth of the Bay. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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A brief account is given of a pilot demonstration of the chemical control of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) at Ere (a channel) in Nigeria using the herbicide glyphosphate. Results suggest that there was an increase in the nutrient content of the channel after herbicide application. This implied an upsurge of available food for fish and other aquatic organisms within the channel after the herbicide application. The decaying water hyacinth mass which sinks into the medium is likely to boost nutrient content, promoting the growth of fish and other aquatic animals. It is concluded that herbicidal control of water hyacinth is possible, especially under specialists' management with the conservation of fish and other non-target aquatic organisms alongside improved fish production


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The significance of detritus in the nutrition of aquatic animals, especially of the small representatives of the zooplankton, has been studied very slightly. Research so far has established that in M. rectirostris with feeding on protococcal and single-celled green algae and bacteria the beginning of formation of eggs takes place in 2 - 4 days. The young appear in 4 - 6 days. In this study M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula are fed on detritus of natural origin in laboratory conditions. In order to determine the assimilability and productive: effect of detritus, the author set up experiments, permitting to characterize the rate of growth, speed of maturing and fertility of M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula with feeding of them on detritus of different composition and age.


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Fish and other aquatic animals contribute to the food security of citizens of developing countries, both as a source of income and as a component of healthy diets, yet fishing is not currently captured in most integrated household surveys. This sourcebook provides essential technical guidance on the design of statistical modules and questionnaires aimed at collecting fishery data at the household level. Background on the main policies important to the fishery sector, information on the data needed to analyze issues of policy relevance, and methodology on the construction of survey questions to collect necessary data are also provided. The document is organized to provide essential technical guidance on how to design statistical modules and questionnaires aimed at collecting fishery data at the household level. It includes an overview of the main technical and statistical challenges related to sampling fishery-dependent households. The document starts with an introductory section identifying the potential reasons why fisheries and in particular small-scale fisheries have not been adequately included in national statistical systems in a large number of countries. The report then proposes a succinct review of what is known (and what remains unknown) about small-scale fisheries and their contribution to the livelihoods of households in sub-Saharan Africa. It also provides readers with background on the main policies that are important to the fishery sector, information on the data needed to analyze issues of policy relevance, and methodology on the construction of survey questions to collect necessary data.


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This commodity and product identification research was undertaken in the context of the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS). AAS seeks to reduce poverty and improve food security for the millions of small-scale fishers and farmers who depend on the world’s floodplains, deltas and coasts. The objective of this research is to strengthen the capacity of AAS to undertake value chain studies with high potential impact on smallholders. The capacity-building aspect of this research was focused on the process of commodity and product identification for value chain analysis. Its scope was limited to fish and other aquatic animals and products in the Tonle Sap area identified for AAS intervention. The result of the identification process was the selection of a number of commodities and products that were deemed to involve a high number of smallholders along the value chain and that have high market development potential.


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The moisture and free alpha amino nitrogen contents of some important food fishes and shell fishes of Kakinada region have been studied. Crustaceans and molluscs contain free alpha amino acids in quantities several times higher than all other aquatic animals examined in this study. Their probable role in the physiological activities of these animals has been discussed.


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A clean and healthy environment is paramount to human existence. While pesticide use has successfully sustained agricultural and food production in our lifetime as well as safeguarded human health by controlling insect pests, it has also caused many tragedies including population declines in our wildlife, fatalities in workers exposed to pesticides in its manufacture and use, and the increasing incidence of dreaded human illnesses such as cancer. A delicate balance should be achieved to mitigate the adverse impact of pesticide use to the environment and at the same time ensuring short- and long-term agricultural productivity. Endosulfan has been effectively used as a pesticide, but much evidence on its chronic and sub-lethal effects on humans and wildlife have been gathered in recent years. More research still needs to be done to determine its effects from long-term exposure at very low levels. Endosulfan is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic animals and, thus, not recommended for use in aquatic ecosystems. However, in some countries, it has been incorrectly used as a molluscicide in rice paddies, which could have an adverse impact on the rice-fish farming systems and on other surrounding aquatic ecosystems. It is clear that such practices should be stopped and users must strictly observe the recommended application methods. Agricultural productivity should be achieved with less pesticide by using integrated pest management programs which make use of biological, cultural, and physical control agents and lower doses of safer pesticide on a need only basis. The benefits of biotechnology should also be used to develop more effective and safer products and techniques. This is a valid approach and one that will require a unified and concerted effort among suppliers and users of pesticides in order to ensure that resources are used to our best advantage with minimal risk.


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The fisheries sector in Cambodia contributes 8%–12% to national GDP and 25% - 30% to agricultural GDP, with an estimated 4.5 million people involved in fishing and associated trades. Fish and other aquatic animals are important food sources, contributing an estimated national average of 60% - 70% of total animal protein intake. Of the 2013 total fish production, 550,000 metric tons were harvested from freshwater habitats, of which rice field fisheries and small-scale family fisheries contributed approximately 20%. The productivity and value of rice field fisheries to households in rural Cambodia has been highlighted in a number of previous studies. The Fisheries Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries plans to increase productivity from rice field fisheries and aquaculture at an annual rate of 15% to maintain supply for a growing population. This report draws mainly on the baseline and monitoring data from the Rice Field Fisheries Enhancement Project (RFFEP) during its implementation between 2012 and 2014. Reference is also made to the Fish on Farms project to highlight the relative contribution of fish from small-scale aquaculture compared to wild-caught fish.


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This paper describes seasonal changes of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) and its glutathione (MC-LR-GSH) and cysteine conjugates (MC-LR-Cys) in three aquatic animals - snail (Bellamya aeruginosa), shrimp (fMacrobrachium nipponensis) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) collected from Lake Taihu, China. MC-LR, MC-LR-GSH, and MC-LR-Cys were determined by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrum (LC-ESI-MS). The mean MC-LR concentrations in the hepatopancreas of snail and shrimp and liver of silver carp were 6.61, 0.24, and 0.027 mu g g(-1) dry weight (DW), respectively: while the average MC-LR-Cys concentrations were 0.50, 0.97, and 5.72 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively. MC-LR-GSH was usually not detectable in these samples. The above results suggest that: (1) in aquatic animals, especially fish, the main excretion form of MC-LR could be MC-LR-Cys, but not MC-LR-GSH, whereas MC-LR-Cys might play an important role in detoxication of MC-LR and (2) that efficiency of MC-LR-Cys formation differs among species. The main detoxication pathway of MC-LR in aquatic animals is suggested as follows: when MC-LR enters into liver/hepatopancreas, it firstly conjugates with polypeptide or protein (including GSH, PP-1 and 2A) containing Cys residues, perhaps also some free cysteine; subsequently, MC-LR-Cys is degraded from these polypeptide or protein; and finally is excreted from animals by the compound of MC-LR-Cys. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The metallothionein-2 (MT-2) gene was isolated from the mandarin fish, one of the most important industrial aquatic animals in China, by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The deduced amino acid sequence of MT-2 comprised 60 amino acids and showed approximately 62.3% identity to human metallothionein. Its promoter region was amplified by thermal asymmetric interlaced polymerase chain reaction (TAIL-PCR). The MT-2 gene consists of 3 exons and 2 introns, extending approximately 900 bp of genomic sequence. Phylogenetic analysis clearly demonstrated that MT-2 formed a clade with fish metallothionein. The promoter region contained 5 putative metal-regulatory elements (MREs) and 1 TATA box. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that MT-2 transcripts were significantly increased in the brain and gills and were stable in the muscles, liver, and trunk kidney in Cd2+-stimulated fish. Western blotting analysis demonstrated that the protein of the MT-2 gene was expressed mainly in the gills, liver, heart, trunk kidney, muscle, and intestine; it was weakly detected in the brain and head kidney. Moreover, the MT-2 protein was immunohistochemically detected in the cytoplasm in the liver and trunk kidney. All the above results revealed that the mandarin fish MT-2 would be a useful biomarker for metal pollution. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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According to outdated paradigms humic substances (HS) are considered to be refractory or inert that do not directly interact with aquatic organisms. However, they are taken up and induce biotransformation activities and may act as hormone-like substances. In the present study, we tested whether HS can interfere with endocrine regulation in the amphibian Xenopus laevis. In order to exclude contamination with phyto-hormones, which may occur in environmental isolates, the artificial HS 1500 was applied. The in vivo results showed that HS 1500 causes significant estrogenic effects on X. laevis during its larval development and results of semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed a marked increase of the estrogenic biomarker estrogen receptor mRNA (ER-mRNA). Furthermore, preliminary RT-PCR results showed that the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH beta-mRNA) is enhanced after exposure to HS1500, indicating a weak adverse effect on T3/T4 availability. Hence, HS may have estrogenic and anti-thyroidal effects on aquatic animals, and therefore may influence the structure of aquatic communities and they may be considered environmental signaling chemicals. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Freshwater Microcystis may form dense blooms in eutrophic lakes. It is known to produce a family of related cyclic hepatopeptides (microcystins, MC) that constitute a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Most toxicological studies of microcystins have focused on aquatic animals and plants, with few examining the possible effects of microcystins on phytoplankton. In this study we chose the unicellular Synechococcus elongatus (one of the most studied and geographically most widely distributed cyanobacteria in the picoplankton) as the test material and investigated the biological parameters: growth, pigment (chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin), photosynthetic activity, nitrate reductase activity, and protein and carbohydrate content. The results revealed that microcystin-RR concentrations above 100 mug (.) L-1 significantly inhibited the growth of Synechococcus elongatus. In addition, a change in color of the toxin-treated algae (chlorosis) was observed in the experiments. Furthermore, MC-RR markedly inhibited the synthesis of the pigments chlorophyll-a and phycocyanin. A drastic reduction in photochemical efficiency of PSII (F-v/F-m) was found after a 96-h incubation. Changes in protein and carbohydrate concentrations and in nitrate reductase activity also were observed during the exposure period. This study aimed to evaluate the mechanisms of microcystin toxicity on a cyanobacterium, according to the physiological and biochemical responses of Synechococcus elongatus to different doses of microcystin-RR. The ecological role of microcystins as an allelopathic substance also is discussed in the article. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are important components of the host innate immune response against microbial invasion. They are usually characterized by their small-size, heat-stability and broad range of antimicrobial activity. This review covers research advances on marine mollusc AMPs, specifically those isolated from mussels, scallops, oysters, venerid clams and abalone, which mainly include MGD, mytilin, myticin, mytimycin, big defensin, and RPD-1. Their structural characteristics, antibacterial activity, and expression pattern as well as peptide distribution and their release following microbial challenge are also discussed. In addition, the prospect of the application of AMPs as food additives or their use in immunostimulation to prevent diseases of aquatic animals, as well as their potential hazards, are also discussed.


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Chemoreception is a key activity by which many aquatic animals perceive their environment, and therefore abiotic disruptions to this process could have serious impacts on the survival and fitness of individuals, and on species interactions. Hermit crabs are subject to cyclical reductions in the pH of the water in the intertidal rock pools that they inhabit. Such reductions may be further exacerbated by ongoing ocean acidification and/or leakage of carbon dioxide from geological storage sites and coastal upwelling events. Here we test the chemo-sensory responses of the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (Linnaeus) to a food odour under reduced pH conditions (pHNBS = 6.80). Acidifying the odour had no effect on its attractiveness indicating no permanent degradation of the cue; however, the pH of the sea water did affect the crabs' responses. Hermit crabs kept and tested in reduced pH sea water had lower antennular flicking rates (the ‘sniffing’ response in decapods); were less successful in locating the odour source, and showed an overall decline in locomotory activity compared to those in untreated sea water. Analysis of their haemolymph revealed a greater concentration of chloride ions ([Cl−]) in the reduced pH treatment group, suggesting iono-regulatory disruption; however, there was no correlation between [Cl−] and locomotory activity, suggesting a specific effect on chemoreception. This study shows that the chemo-responsiveness of a crustacean may be influenced by both naturally occurring pH fluctuations and future anthropogenically-induced changes in ocean pH.


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This thesis Entitled Studies on amylolytic bacteria in cochin backwaters.This thesis presents a detailed account of the disribution of amylolytic bacteria in water. sediment. fishes ( Etroplus suratensis and Liza parsia) • prawns ( Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus dobsoni) and clams ( Sunetta scripta and Meretrix casta) from Cochin backwaters. genera-wise distribution of amylolytic bacteria, ability of selected strains to grow and produce amylase at various physico-chemical conditions. Regulation of amylase synthesis anrt characters of amylases producer by these halophilic bacteria.Amylolytic bacteria are distributed widely in water. sediment. fishes. prawns and clams of Cochin back waters. 53% of the total isolates tested were capable of producing amylase. Maximum number of arnylolytic bacteria were present in Metapenaeus dobsoni. In general, the gut region of aquatic animals harboured more amylolytic bacteria than the gill or surface. These bacteria may help in the digestion of starch present in their food.Presence of ions in the medium was found to be essential for growth and amylase production. It was found that this ionic requirement is not highly specific. Sorlium chloride could be replaced by potassium chloride. or magnesium chloride to some extent I without affecting growth and amylase production. The important function of these ions may be to maintain the osmotic balance between the cells and their environment.All the isolates showed the ability to grow and produce amylase using raw-starches from cassava. plantain and potato .This property suggests their role in the rdegradation of native starches in the environment