982 resultados para Angioscopia microscópica Teses


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A evolução da comunicação científica ao longo do tempo e o impacto causado pela A evolução da comunicação científica ao longo do tempo e o impacto causado pela A evolução da comunicação científica ao longo do tempo e o impacto causado pela se analisar as contribuições da Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD)para a comunicação científica atual, destacando possibilidades emergentes e desafios a serem superados. Apresenta uma breve evolução da comunicação científica ao longo do tempo; discute os impactos causados pela Internet na comunicação, disponibilização e acessibilidade de informações técnico-científicas; e caracteriza BDTD destacando os desafios a serem superados. Dentre eles estão, a questão dos direitos autorais que ocasionam a baixa adesão dos autores ao projeto piloto do IBICT para disponibilizar teses e dissertações no meio eletrônico. Para este desafio, são apontadas sugestões.


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As bibliotecas de teses e dissertações têm um papel fundamental para o desenvolvimento científico e cultural de um país. Nesse sentido, buscou-se, de modo geral, analisar o panorama brasileiro das bibliotecas digitais de teses e dissertações. Especificamente, objetivou-se caracterizar a sociedade da informação enquanto contexto das BDTD; caracterizar os vários tipos de bibliotecas surgidos a partir da inserção das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação; identificar as diretrizes norteadoras da implantação de BDTD; e levantar as BDTD existentes no Brasil. Para tato, além de levantamento bibliográfico, realizou-se uma pesquisa nos sites de instituições de ensino superior brasileiras que já dispõe de bibliotecas digitais de teses e dissertações em funcionamento. A análise e interpretação destes dados nos permite considerar que no Brasil as BDTD encontram-se num estágio embrionário, sendo relevante pesquisar a histórica implantação e configuração desse novo modelo de biblioteca.


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Avaliou-se macro e microscopicamente o tecido cicatricial pós-operatório de eqüinos submetidos a duas técnicas de neurectomia digital: guilhotina (TG) e stripping (TS). Decorridos 14 meses das cirurgias, foram colhidas 32 amostras de tecido cicatricial em quatro éguas, que tiveram os membros submetidos a ambas as técnicas. à macroscopia, verificaram-se as dimensões da cicatriz do coto proximal e a distância entre os cotos proximal e distal. à microscopia, foi quantificada a proporção de tecido nervoso regenerado por meio de histomorfometria. Não houve diferença nas dimensões do tecido cicatricial, contudo a distância entre cotos foi 5,6 vezes maior na TS (P<0,001). Histologicamente, observou-se a presença de tecido conjuntivo frouxo e denso, macrófagos e fibras nervosas delgadas em ambas as técnicas cirúrgicas. Estruturas nodulares, compostas por fascículos nervosos, foram visualizadas em 56,2% (9/16) das amostras colhidas em nervos submetidos à TS. As porcentagens médias de tecido nervoso no tecido cicatricial foram de 0,31% na TG e 2,6% na TS (P<0,001). Concluiu-se que o retorno à sensibilidade nervosa deve demorar mais a ocorrer após a TS, devido à maior distância entre cotos. A maior proporção de tecido nervoso sugere que essa técnica favorece a regeneração nervosa.


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This work has the main purpose of conducting a survey of educational products present in dissertations and doctoral theses focused on the use of history in mathematics teaching and Didactics of mathematics with a French foundation produced in graduate programs in the strict sense of the Brazil between 1990 and 2010, the areas of Education, Mathematics Education, school of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and related areas, according to the research proposal of Mendes (2010). Our interest was to select the products that present concrete proposals for educational activities that can be used in the classroom of Basic Education and Training of Teachers of Mathematics. The research was implemented through a bibliographic study documents the Bank of dissertations and theses from CAPES, libraries and archives of some Postgraduate programs in the country who focus their studies on the subject object of this research, besides the Brazilian Digital Library Theses and Dissertations (BDBTD). From this survey we selected works that present educational products materialized in blocks of activities based on the use of teaching history of mathematics to the classroom as well as the sequence of activities based on the Teaching of Mathematics. In possession of material, produce a CD-ROM containing the selected activities, in order to help support the work of teachers regarding the use of these activities, as a supplementary material to textbooks in their math classes


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Oral and facial bone defects can undertake appearance, psychosocial well-being and stomathognatic function of its patients. Over the yerars several strategies for bone defect regeneration have arised to treat these pathologies, among them the use of frozen and irradiated bone allograft. Manipulation of bone grafts it s not determined yet, and several osteotomy alternatives can be observed. The present work evaluated with a microscope the bone fragments obtained from different osteotomy methods and irrigation on rings and blocks allografts irradiated and frozen at 80° negative in a rabbit model. The study is experimental in vitro and it sample was an adult male New Zealand rabbit. The animal was sacrificed to obtain long bones, that were submitted to freezing at 80º negative and irradiated with Cobalt- 60. Then the long bones were sectioned into 24 bone pieces, divided into 4 groups: G1 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thickness with high-speed handpiece with manual irrigation; G2 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thick with surgical motor with a manual irrigation rotation 1500 rpm; GA (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using manual irrigation with saline; and GB (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using saline from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor. Five bone pieces of each group were prepared for analysis on light microscopy (LM) and one on electronic scan electronic microscopy (SEM). On the SEM analysis edges surface, presence of microcracks and Smear Layer were evaluated. Analyzing osteotomy technics on SEM was observed: increased presence of microcracks cutting with high speed; increased presence of areas covered by Smear Layer when cutting with motor implant. The irrigation analysis with SEM was observed: that the presence of microcracks does not depend on the type of irrigation; on manual irrigation, there was greater discrepancy between the cutting lines. The descriptive analysis of the osteotomy and irrigation process on LM showed: histological analysis showing the bony margins with clear tissue changed layer, composed of blackened tissue of charred appearance near to the cortical bone; on the edges of the bony part, bone fragments that were displaced during the bone cut and bone irregularities were observed. After analysis of results we can conclude: that there was greater regularity of the bone cut using high-speed handpiece than using motor implant; the cut with trephine using saline irrigated from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor showed greater homogeneity when compared with manual irrigation; charred tissue was found in all obtained bone samples, whit no significant statistically difference on the proportion of carbonization of the two analysed technics


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O presente trabalho, objetivou avaliar comparativamente o diagnóstico clínico, radiógráfico e histológico de molares permanentes humanos sem ou com lesão de cárie na superfície oclusa!. Vinte e quatro dentes que estavam armazenados em formalina a 10% foram selecionados e em seguida submetidos a um exame clínico, através da inspeção visual, onde foram separados em 3 grupos: grupo 1 (G1), formado por dentes hígidos; grupo 2(G2), por dentes com pigmento na superfície oclusal e grupo 3(G3), aqueles com lesão de cárie na oclusal. Este exame foi realizado com auxílio de luz artificial proveniente de um refletor odontológico, sem qualquer manipulação da superfície. Para cada dente foram realizados duas tomadas radiográficas com e sem tela milimetrada, no sentido vestibulo lingual por um dos avaliadores, simulando uma radiografia interproximal, onde o feixe incidiu perpendicular ao longo eixo do dente. Em seguida os dentes foram preparados histomorfologicamente para coloração com hematoxilina e eosina e análise microscópica. Pela avaliação dos resultados a partir da amostra de 100%, foi possível concluir: 1) Os dentes clinicamente considerados hígidos (G1) apresentaram radiograficamente 74,99% de ausência de imagem radiolúcida e em 25% presença desta imagem na Junção Amelo¬dentinária e microscopicamente ausência de cárie em 100%; 2) os dentes que clinicamente apresentaram fissura pigmentada' (G2) notou-se em 33,33%, ausência da imagem radiolúcida e em 66,66% presente esta imagem na junção amelodentinária, 100% de ausência de cárie através da análise microscópica; 3) clinicamente, os dentes que apresentaram lesão de cárie (G3), radiograficamente foram comprovados 100% de imagem radiolúcida sugestiva de cárie e microscopicamente dos 100% destas, foram considerados cáries rasa (16,66%), média (61,10%) e profunda (22,22%) respectivamente


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The structural framework of the sedimentary basins usually plays an important role in oil prospects and reservoirs. Geometry, interconectivity and density of the brittle features developed during basin evolution could change the permo-porous character of the rocks involved in generation, migration and entrapment of fluid flow. Once the structural characterization of the reservois using only sub-surface data is not an easy task, many studies are focused in analogous outcrops trying to understand the main processes by which brittle tectonic is archieved. In the Santana do Acaraú region (Ceará state, NE Brazil) a pack of conglomeratic sandstone (here named CAC) has its geometry controlled mainly by NE trending faults, interpreted as related to reactivation of a precambrian Sobral Pedro II Lineament (LSP-II). Geological mapping of the CAC showed a major NE-SW trending synform developed before its complete lithification during a dextral transpression. This region was then selected to be studied in details in order of constrain the cretaceous deformation and so help the understanding the deformation of the basins along the brazilian equatorial margin. In order to characterize the brittle deformation in different scales, I study some attributes of the fractures and faults such as orientation, density, kinematic, opening, etc., through scanlines in satellite images, outcrops and thin sections. The study of the satellite images showed three main directions of the macrostructures, N-S, NE-SW and E-W. Two of theses features (N-S and E-W) are in aggreement with previous geophysical data. A bimodal pattern of the lineaments in the CAC´s basement rocks has been evidenciated by the NE and NW sets of structures obtained in the meso and microscale data. Besides the main dextral transpression two others later events, developed when the sediments were complety lithified, were recognized in the area. The interplay among theses events is responsible for the compartimentation of the CAC in several blocks along within some structural elements display diferents orientations. Based on the variation in the S0 orientation, the CAC can be subdivided in several domains. Dispite of the variations in orientations of the fractures/faults in the diferents domains, theses features, in the meso and microscopic scale, are concentrated in two sets (based on their trend) in all domains which show similar orientation of the S0 surface. Thus the S0 orientation was used to group the domains in three major sets: i) The first one is that where S0 is E-W oriented: the fractures are oriented mainly NE with the development of a secondary NW trending; ii) S0 trending NE: the fractures are concentrated mainly along the trend NW with a secondary concentration along the NE trend; iii) The third set, where S0 is NS the main fractures are NE and the secondary concentration is NW. Another analized parameter was the fault/fracture length. This attribute was studied in diferent scales trying to detect the upscale relationship. A terrain digital model (TDM) was built with the brittlel elements supperposed. This model enhanced a 3D visualization of the area as well as the spatial distribution of the fault/fractures. Finally, I believe that a better undertanding of the brittle tectonic affecting both CAC and its nearby basement will help the future interpretations of the tectonic envolved in the development of the sedimentary basins of the brazilian equatorial margin and their oil reservoirs and prospects, as for instance the Xaréu field in the Ceará basin, which subsurface data could be correlated with the surface ones


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR