990 resultados para Ancestral area estimation


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Classical sampling methods can be used to estimate the mean of a finite or infinite population. Block kriging also estimates the mean, but of an infinite population in a continuous spatial domain. In this paper, I consider a finite population version of block kriging (FPBK) for plot-based sampling. The data are assumed to come from a spatial stochastic process. Minimizing mean-squared-prediction errors yields best linear unbiased predictions that are a finite population version of block kriging. FPBK has versions comparable to simple random sampling and stratified sampling, and includes the general linear model. This method has been tested for several years for moose surveys in Alaska, and an example is given where results are compared to stratified random sampling. In general, assuming a spatial model gives three main advantages over classical sampling: (1) FPBK is usually more precise than simple or stratified random sampling, (2) FPBK allows small area estimation, and (3) FPBK allows nonrandom sampling designs.


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Ni catalysts supported on gamma-Al2O3 modified by Rh and La were prepared and evaluated on the reforming of a model biogas. The catalysts were characterized by EDS, XRD, TPR, XANES and surface area estimation (BET). The results showed that in the original Ni catalyst, the Ni interacted strongly with the alumina support, exhibiting high reduction temperatures in TPR tests. In the catalytic tests, the addition of Rh on Ni catalysts improved CH4 conversion but also increased carbon deposition, possible by causing the segregation of Ni species under the reaction conditions. The presence of La on Ni catalysts reduced the carbon deposition by favoring the gasification of carbon species. Addition of synthetic air to the process improved the CH4 conversion and also decreased the carbon formation. The catalysts Ni, Rh-NiLa, and Rh showed good results in the conversion of model sulfur-free biogas, which suggests that they are promising catalysts to be tested in conversion of real biogas. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diese Studie befasst sich mit der Phylogenie und Biogeographie der australischen Camphorosmeae, die ein wichtiges Element der Flora arider Gebiete Australiens sind. Die molekularen Phylogenien wurden mit Hilfe Bayes’scher Statistik und „maximum likelihood”berechnet. Um das Alter der Gruppe und interner Linien abzuschätzen, wurden die Methoden „Nonparametric rate smoothing” und “penalized likelihood” benutzt. Morphologische Merkmale wurden nach Kriterien der Parsimonie auf den molekularen Baum aufgetragen. „Brooks parsimony analysis”, „cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism”, „dispersal-vicariance analysis”,„ancestral area analysis” und „weighted ancestral area analysis” wurden angewandt, um Abfolge und Richtungen der Ausbreitung der Gruppe in Australien zu analysieren.Von sieben getesteten Markern hatten nur die nukleären ETS und ITS genügend Variation für die phylogenetische Analyse der Camphorosmeae. Die plastidären Marker trnL-trnF spacer,trnP-psaJ spacer, rpS16 intron, rpL16 intron und trnS-trnG spacer zeigten kein ausreichendes phylogenetisches Signal. Die gefundenen phylogenetischen Hypothesen widersprechen der jetzigen Taxonomie der Gruppe. Neobassia, Threlkeldia, Osteocarpum und Enchylaena sollten den Gattungen Sclerolaena bzw. Maireana zugeordnet werden. Die kladistische Analyse der Fruchtanhängsel unterstützt die taxonomischen Ergebnisse der auf DNA basierenden Phylogenie. Allerdings hat die Behaarung, die bei anderen Gruppen der Chenopodiaceae als wichtiges taxonomisches Merkmal herangezogen wird, die Phylogenie nicht unterstützt. Vorfahren der heutigen Camphorosmeen sind im Miozän, vor ca. 8-14 Millionen Jahren, durch Fernausbreitung vermutlich aus Asien in Australien eingewandert. Anfängliche Diversifizierung fand während des späten Miozäns bis in das frühe Pliozän vor ca. 4-7 Millionen Jahren statt. Am Ende des Pliozäns existierten schon 45% - 72% der Abstammungslinien der jetzigen Camphorosmeen. Dies weist auf eine schnelle Ausbreitung hin. Das Alter stimmt mit dem Einsetzen der Aridisierung Australiens überein, und deutet darauf hin, dass die Ausbreitung der ariden Gebiete eine große Rolle bei der Diversifizierung der Gruppe spielte. Die Vorfahren der australischen Camphorosmeae scheinen die Südküste Australiens zuerst besiedeln zu haben. Dies geschah vor dem Einsetzen der Aridisierung des Kontinents. Die anschließende Ausbreitung erfolgte in verschiedene Richtungen und folgte der fortschreitenden Austrocknung im späten Tertiär und im ganzen Quartär. Durch ihre Anpassung an Trockenheit ist der Erfolg der Camphorosmeae in den ariden Gebieten zu erklären.Die Abwesenheit von klaren phylogenetischen und artspezifischen Signalen zwischen Arten der australischen Camphorosmeae ist auf das junge Alter und die schnelle Diversifizierung der Gruppe zurückzuführen, welche die Häufung von Mutationen und eine starke morphologische Differenzierung nicht zugelassen haben.


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Die Linaceae-Linoideae, vor allem die Gattung Linum, wurden unter Verwendung von zwei molekularen Markern (rbcL und ITS) bzgl. ihrer Phylogenie und Biogeographie untersucht. Die Linaceae entstanden während der mittleren Kreide in den frühen tropischen Regenwäldern, von wo aus sich die monophyletischen Linoideae vor etwa 51-46 Mill. Jahren über die temperaten Gebiete der Nordhemisphäre ausbreiteten. Während die drei basal abspaltenden Gattungen Anisadenia, Reinwardtia und Tirpitzia bzgl. ihrer Verbreitung auf Südostasien beschränkt sind, ist die Gattung Linum heute auf allen Kontinenten vertreten. Der Ursprung von Linum liegt wahrscheinlich in Südwestasien bzw. dem östlichen Mediterraneum, wo es im Oligozän zur Aufspaltung in zwei Entwicklungslinien kam ('Blaue Gruppe' und 'Gelbe Gruppe'). Während die überwiegend blaublühenden Linum-Arten ('Blaue Gruppe') vor allem in Europa und Südwestasien vorkommen, weisen die Vertreter der 'Gelben Gruppe' ein wesentlich größeres Verbreitungsgebiet auf. Gelbblühende Linum Arten findet man auf allen Kontinenten mit Diversitätszentren in Nordostamerika und Südwestasien. Interessanterweise wurde Amerika zweimal unabhängig voneinander besiedelt. Während die gelbblühenden Arten vor etwa 22-20 Mill. Jahren von Westeuropa über den Atlantik den amerikanischen Kontinent erreichten, wanderten Vertreter der 'Blauen Gruppe' im Pliozän (vor 3.78-3.33 Mill Jahren) über die Bering-Landbrücke in die Neue Welt ein. Auch in Südafrika sind einige gelbblühende Linum-Arten zu verzeichnen, die nicht über Nordafrika (wo einige Arten der 'Gelben Gruppe' beheimatet sind) die südliche Spitze des Kontinents erreichten, sondern von Amerika aus. Die molekularphylogenetischen Ergebnisse legen eine Eingliederung der Gattungen Cliococca, Hesperolinon, Radiola und Sclerolinon in Linum nahe, die durch morphologische Merkmale gestützt wird. Linopsis, die artenreichste Sektion der Gattung Linum, bedarf einiger Umstrukturierungen auf der Basis der molekularen und morphologischen Daten. Ein interessantes Phänomen innerhalb der Linaceae ist das Vorkommen von heterostylen und homostylen Arten innerhalb der Familie. Die Kombination der molekular-phylogenetischen Ergebnisse mit morphologischen Beobachtungen des Reproduktionssystems lassen darauf schließen, dass sich Homostylie innerhalb von Linum mehrfach unabhängig voneinander entwickelt hat. Das Modell von Primula wurde als Grundlage verwendet, um Aufschluss über die Entstehung der Homostylie innerhalb von Linum zu erlangen. Aus Primula ist bekannt, dass eine Kopplungsgruppe aus mindestens drei Genen an der Vererbung von Heterostylie beteiligt ist: G/g kodiert hierbei die Griffellänge und die Selbstinkompatibilitäts-reaktion der Narbe, A/a die Länge der Filamente und P/p die Selbst-inkompatibilitätsreaktion des Pollens. Umfangreiche Kreuzungs-experimente einer homostylen und einer heterostylen Linum-Art deuten darauf hin, dass die Genotypen der beiden Blütenformen in heterostylen Linum-Arten denen in Primula entsprechen. Langgriffel sind hiernach homozygot rezessiv (gpa/gpa), während die Kurzgriffel heterozygot sind (GPA/gpa). Selbstkompatible, homostyle Arten können theoretisch durch verschiedene Rekombinations-ereignisse entstehen. Erste Ergebnisse der rasterelektronen-mikroskopischen Betrachtung der Pollenkornoberflächen und Narbenpapillen deuten darauf hin, dass innerhalb von Linum Homostylie durch unterschiedliche Rekombinations-ereignisse mehrfach aus heterostylen Arten entstanden ist. So besitzt die homostyle Linum leonii den Genotyp gPA/gPA, während für die homostylen L. tenuifolium und L. nodiflorum der Genotyp Gpa/Gpa wahrscheinlich ist.


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We used active remote sensing technology to characterize forest structure in a northern temperate forest on a landscape- and local-level in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Specifically, we used a form of active remote sensing called light detection and ranging (e.g., LiDAR) to aid in the depiction of current forest structural stages and total canopy gap area estimation. On a landscape-level, LiDAR data are shown not only to be a useful tool in characterizing forest structure, in both coniferous and deciduous forest cover types, but also as an effective basis for data-driven surrogates for classification of forest structure. On a local-level, LiDAR data are shown to be a benchmark reference point to evaluate field-based canopy gap area estimations, due to the highly accurate nature of such remotely sensed data. The application of LiDAR remote sensed data can help facilitate current and future sustainable forest management.


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La Gestión Forestal Sostenible se define como “la administración y uso de los bosques y tierras forestales de forma e intensidad tales que mantengan su biodiversidad, productividad, capacidad de regeneración, vitalidad y su potencial para atender, ahora y en el futuro, las funciones ecológicas, económicas y sociales relevantes a escala local, nacional y global, y que no causan daño a otros ecosistemas” (MCPFE Conference, 1993). Dentro del proceso los procesos de planificación, en cualquier escala, es necesario establecer cuál será la situación a la que se quiere llegar mediante la gestión. Igualmente, será necesario conocer la situación actual, pues marcará la situación de partida y condicionará el tipo de actuaciones a realizar para alcanzar los objetivos fijados. Dado que, los Proyectos de Ordenación de Montes y sus respectivas revisiones son herramientas de planificación, durante la redacción de los mismos, será necesario establecer una serie de objetivos cuya consecución pueda verificarse de forma objetiva y disponer de una caracterización de la masa forestal que permita conocer la situación de partida. Esta tesis se centra en problemas prácticos, propios de una escala de planificación local o de Proyecto de Ordenación de Montes. El primer objetivo de la tesis es determinar distribuciones diamétricas y de alturas de referencia para masas regulares por bosquetes, empleando para ello el modelo conceptual propuesto por García-Abril et al., (1999) y datos procedentes de las Tablas de producción de Rojo y Montero (1996). Las distribuciones de referencia obtenidas permitirán guiar la gestión de masas irregulares y regulares por bosquetes. Ambos tipos de masas aparecen como una alternativa deseable en aquellos casos en los que se quiere potenciar la biodiversidad, la estabilidad, la multifuncionalidad del bosque y/o como alternativa productiva, especialmente indicada para la producción de madera de calidad. El segundo objetivo de la Tesis está relacionado con la necesidad de disponer de una caracterización adecuada de la masa forestal durante la redacción de los Proyectos de Ordenación de Montes y de sus respectivas revisiones. Con el fin de obtener estimaciones de variables forestales en distintas unidades territoriales de potencial interés para la Ordenación de Montes, así como medidas de la incertidumbre en asociada dichas estimaciones, se extienden ciertos resultados de la literatura de Estimación en Áreas Pequeñas. Mediante un caso de estudio, se demuestra el potencial de aplicación de estas técnicas en inventario forestales asistidos con información auxiliar procedente de sensores láser aerotransportados (ALS). Los casos de estudio se realizan empleando datos ALS similares a los recopilados en el marco del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que es posible aumentar la eficiencia de los inventarios forestales tradicionales a escala de proyecto de Ordenación de Montes, mediante la aplicación de estimadores EBLUP (Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) con modelos a nivel de elemento poblacional e información auxiliar ALS similar a la recopilada por el PNOA. ABSTRACT According to MCPFE (1993) Sustainable Forest Management is “the stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfill, now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions, at local, national, and global levels, and that does not cause damage to other ecosystems”. For forest management planning, at any scale, we must determine what situation is hoped to be achieved through management. It is also necessary to know the current situation, as this will mark the starting point and condition the type of actions to be performed in order to meet the desired objectives. Forest management at a local scale is no exception. This Thesis focuses on typical problems of forest management planning at a local scale. The first objective of this Thesis is to determine management objectives for group shelterwood management systems in terms of tree height and tree diameter reference distributions. For this purpose, the conceptual model proposed by García-Abril et al., (1999) is applied to the yield tables for Pinus sylvestris in Sierra de Guadrrama (Rojo y Montero, 1996). The resulting reference distributions will act as a guide in the management of forests treated under the group shelterwood management systems or as an approximated reference for the management of uneven aged forests. Both types of management systems are desirable in those cases where forest biodiversity, stability and multifunctionality are pursued goals. These management systems are also recommended as alternatives for the production of high quality wood. The second objective focuses on the need to adequately characterize the forest during the decision process that leads to local management. In order to obtain estimates of forest variables for different management units of potential interest for forest planning, as well as the associated measures of uncertainty in these estimates, certain results from Small Area Estimation Literature are extended to accommodate for the need of estimates and reliability measures in very small subpopulations containing a reduced number of pixels. A case study shows the potential of Small Area Estimation (SAE) techniques in forest inventories assisted with remotely sensed auxiliary information. The influence of the laser pulse density in the quality of estimates in different aggregation levels is analyzed. This study considers low laser pulse densities (0.5 returns/m2) similar to, those provided by large-scale Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) surveys, such as the one conducted by the Spanish National Geographic Institute for about 80% of the Spanish territory. The results obtained show that it is possible to improve the efficiency of traditional forest inventories at local scale using EBLUP (Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) estimators based on unit level models and low density ALS auxiliary information.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Annonaceae and Myristicaceae, the two largest families of Magnoliales, are pantropical groups of uncertain geographic history. The most recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses identify the Asian-American genus Anaxagorea as sister to all other Annonaceae and the ambavioids, consisting of small genera endemic to South America, Africa, Madagascar, and Asia, as a second branch. However, most genera form a large clade in which the basal lines are African, and South American and Asian taxa are more deeply nested. Although it has been suggested that Anaxagorea was an ancient Laurasian line, present data indicate that this genus is basically South American. These considerations may mean that the family as a whole began its radiation in Africa and South America in the Late Cretaceous, when the South Atlantic was narrower, and several lines dispersed from Africa-Madagascar into Laurasia as the Tethys closed in the Tertiary. This scenario is consistent with the occurrence of annonaceous seeds in the latest Cretaceous of Nigeria and the Eocene of England and with molecular dating of the family. Based on distribution of putatively primitive taxa in Madagascar and derived taxa in Asia, it has been suggested that Myristicaceae had a similar history. Phylogenetic analyses of Myristicaceae, using morphology and several plastid regions, confirm that the ancestral area was Africa-Madagascar and that Asian taxa are derived. However, Myristicaceae as a whole show strikingly lower molecular divergence than Annonaceae, indicating either a much younger age or a marked slowdown in molecular evolution. The fact that the oldest diagnostic fossils of Myristicaceae are Miocene seeds might be taken as evidence that Myristicaceae are much younger than Annonaceae, but this is implausible in requiring transoceanic dispersal of their large, animal-dispersed seeds.


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While the crocodyliform. lineage extends back over 200 million years (Myr) to the Late Triassic, modern forms - members of Eusuchia - do not appear until the Cretaceous. Eusuchia includes the crown group Crocodylia, which comprises Crocodyloidea, Alligatoroidea and Gavialoidea. Fossils of non-crocodylian eusuchians are currently rare and, in most instances, fragmentary. Consequently, the transition from Neosuchia to Crocodylia has been one of the most poorly understood areas of crocodyliform evolution. Here we describe a new crocodyliform from the mid-Cretaceous (98-95 Myr ago; Albian-Cenomanian) Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia, as the most primitive member of Eusuchia. The anatomical changes associated with the emergence of this taxon indicate a pivotal shift in the feeding and locomotor behaviour of crocodyliforms - a shift that may be linked to the subsequent rapid diversification of Eusuchia 20 Myr later during the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary. While Laurasia (in particular North America) is the most likely ancestral area for Crocodylia, the biogeographic events associated with the origin of Eusuchia are more complex. Although the fossil evidence is limited, it now seems likely that at least part of the early history of Eusuchia transpired in Gondwana.


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Credible spatial information characterizing the structure and site quality of forests is critical to sustainable forest management and planning, especially given the increasing demands and threats to forest products and services. Forest managers and planners are required to evaluate forest conditions over a broad range of scales, contingent on operational or reporting requirements. Traditionally, forest inventory estimates are generated via a design-based approach that involves generalizing sample plot measurements to characterize an unknown population across a larger area of interest. However, field plot measurements are costly and as a consequence spatial coverage is limited. Remote sensing technologies have shown remarkable success in augmenting limited sample plot data to generate stand- and landscape-level spatial predictions of forest inventory attributes. Further enhancement of forest inventory approaches that couple field measurements with cutting edge remotely sensed and geospatial datasets are essential to sustainable forest management. We evaluated a novel Random Forest based k Nearest Neighbors (RF-kNN) imputation approach to couple remote sensing and geospatial data with field inventory collected by different sampling methods to generate forest inventory information across large spatial extents. The forest inventory data collected by the FIA program of US Forest Service was integrated with optical remote sensing and other geospatial datasets to produce biomass distribution maps for a part of the Lake States and species-specific site index maps for the entire Lake State. Targeting small-area application of the state-of-art remote sensing, LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data was integrated with the field data collected by an inexpensive method, called variable plot sampling, in the Ford Forest of Michigan Tech to derive standing volume map in a cost-effective way. The outputs of the RF-kNN imputation were compared with independent validation datasets and extant map products based on different sampling and modeling strategies. The RF-kNN modeling approach was found to be very effective, especially for large-area estimation, and produced results statistically equivalent to the field observations or the estimates derived from secondary data sources. The models are useful to resource managers for operational and strategic purposes.


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The leaf area index (LAI) of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations is highly dynamic both seasonally and interannually, and is spatially variable depending on pedo-climatic conditions. LAI is very important in determining the carbon and water balance of a stand, but is difficult to measure during a complete stand rotation and at large scales. Remote-sensing methods allowing the retrieval of LAI time series with accuracy and precision are therefore necessary. Here, we tested two methods for LAI estimation from MODIS 250m resolution red and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance time series. The first method involved the inversion of a coupled model of leaf reflectance and transmittance (PROSPECT4), soil reflectance (SOILSPECT) and canopy radiative transfer (4SAIL2). Model parameters other than the LAI were either fixed to measured constant values, or allowed to vary seasonally and/or with stand age according to trends observed in field measurements. The LAI was assumed to vary throughout the rotation following a series of alternately increasing and decreasing sigmoid curves. The parameters of each sigmoid curve that allowed the best fit of simulated canopy reflectance to MODIS red and NIR reflectance data were obtained by minimization techniques. The second method was based on a linear relationship between the LAI and values of the GEneralized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (GESAVI), which was calibrated using destructive LAI measurements made at two seasons, on Eucalyptus stands of different ages and productivity levels. The ability of each approach to reproduce field-measured LAI values was assessed, and uncertainty on results and parameter sensitivities were examined. Both methods offered a good fit between measured and estimated LAI (R(2) = 0.80 and R(2) = 0.62 for model inversion and GESAVI-based methods, respectively), but the GESAVI-based method overestimated the LAI at young ages. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Traditional mosquito control strategies rely heavily on the use of chemical insecticides. However, concerns about the efficiency of traditional control methods, environmental impact and emerging pesticide resistance have highlighted the necessity for developing innovative tools for mosquito control. Some novel strategies, including release of insects carrying a dominant lethal gene (RIDL®), rely on the sustained release of modified male mosquitoes and therefore benefit from a thorough understanding of the biology of the male of the species. In this report we present the results of a mark-release-recapture study aimed at: (i) establishing the survival in the field of laboratory-reared, wild-type male Aedes aegypti and (b) estimating the size of the local adult Ae. aegypti population. The study took place in Panama, a country where recent increases in the incidence and severity of dengue cases have prompted health authorities to evaluate alternative strategies for vector control. Results suggest a life expectancy of 2.3 days for released male mosquitoes (confidence interval: 1.78-2.86). Overall, the male mosquito population was estimated at 58 males/ha (range 12-81 males/ha), which can be extrapolated to an average of 0.64 pupae/person for the study area. The practical implications of these results are discussed.


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Data of methylene blue number and iodine number of activated carbons samples were calibrated against the respective surface area, micropore volume and total pore volume using multiple regression. The models obtained from the calibrations were used in predicting these physical properties of a test group of activated carbon samples produced from several raw materials. In all cases, the predicted values were in good agreement with the expected values. The method allows extracting more information from the methylene blue and iodine adsorption studies than normally obtained with this type of material.


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Urbanization refers to the process in which an increasing proportion of a population lives in cities and suburbs. Urbanization fuels the alteration of the Land use/Land cover pattern of the region including increase in built-up area, leading to imperviousness of the ground surface. With increasing urbanization and population pressures; the impervious areas in the cities are increasing fast. An impervious surface refers to an anthropogenic ally modified surface that prevents water from infiltrating into the soil. Surface imperviousness mapping is important for the studies related to water cycling, water quality, soil erosion, flood water drainage, non-point source pollution, urban heat island effect and urban hydrology. The present study estimates the Total Impervious Area (TIA) of the city of Kochi using high resolution satellite image (LISS IV, 5m. resolution). Additionally the study maps the Effective Impervious Area (EIA) by coupling the capabilities of GIS and Remote Sensing. Land use/Land cover map of the study area was prepared from the LISS IV image acquired for the year 2012. The classes were merged to prepare a map showing pervious and impervious area. Supervised Maximum Likelihood Classification (Supervised MLC),which is a simple but accurate method for image classification, is used in calculating TIA and an overall classification accuracy of 86.33% was obtained. Water bodies are 100% pervious, whereas urban built up area are 100% impervious. Further based on percentage of imperviousness, the Total Impervious Area is categorized into various classes