969 resultados para Agricultura Urbana e Periurbana – AUP


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MI CASA ES LA PLAZA es un proyecto de gestión cultural que busca incluir en las subjetividades de los participantes del proyecto de agricultura urbana La Mexicana, una cultura de autoproducción de alimentos, estimulando el compromiso y la apropiación de los mismos.


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El profesor de ciencias de secundaria se ha visto envuelto en un proceso de cambio que incrementa sus necesidades de formación. El estudio de la ecología urbana y periurbana permite construir y fomentar pensamientos propios, del profesor y del alumno, a partir del estudio del entorno próximo. Se propone una experiencia didáctica para trabajar el ambiente de la ciudad, el suelo, las características del clima, las comunidades vegetales urbanas y la composición florística, de una zona urbana concreta..


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Urban homegardens are green areas of households within the city limits and they have the potential to provide families with a cheap alternative for diet improvement, and to complement the income of the families who sell cultivated products. This research analyzes the contributions of old urban homegardens on food consumption and household economy. Data related to homegardens composition were collected by interviews and by collecting cultivated plants. Diets were assessed through a retrospective method (last 24 hours food recall) and administered every two months, during a year, to include seasonal variations. The diet of the sampled population was found to be dependent on certain foods, indicating a narrow food niche (Levins index = 25.9; Levins standardized index = 0.23). Variations in interviewees' diet are related to the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are partly supplied by homegardens. Spices and teas consumed were obtained from homegardens, revealing its importance in food consumption and health. Among the 98 species found in homegardens, only 38% appeared in the interviewees' diet, indicating an under-exploitation of these homegardens. Our study found that the main role of homegardens is to supply variation in the diet, contributing to the consumption of different types of products.


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El artículo constituye la presentación de un número monográfico de la revistsa Habitat Y Sociedad dedicado al urbanismo participativo, de cuya coordinación edición se han encargado los autores. Lo que se intenta en este número es vincular estrechamente la reflexión sobre la forma en que se toman y se deben tomar las decisiones que competen a lo urbano y aquellos temas de sostenibilidad urbana que el actual panorama de crisis global ha contribuido a revelar como claves: la regeneración urbana integral; el control del crecimiento urbano; la adecuación de las tipologías de vivienda a la riqueza y diversidad de modelos y perfiles sociales; la vitalización del espacio público como escenario privilegiado de la vida ciudadana y la incorporación de la lógica metabólica de flujos de energía, materia y residuos a la ordenación urbana. Todos y cada uno de estos temas clave requieren de nuevas formas de entender la planificación. La cosecha de artículos que se presenta en este monográfico se articula en términos generales en torno a dos ejes: el primero centrado en las experiencias emergentes a cargo principalmente de jóvenes profesionales y dentro de tres de los temas clave identificados, a saber, la regeneración urbana, la vivienda flexible y la agricultura urbana; y un segundo eje que pretende dar cuenta de los resultados obtenidos en aquellos territorios pioneros, como es el caso de Cataluña, donde la participación ha pasado a formar parte desde fecha relativamente reciente de la batería de herramientas normativas y legislativas asociadas al planeamiento urbanístico.


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En la actualidad lo que más interesa es el abastecimiento y la seguridad alimentaria ? señalaba Julián Briz Escribano- uno de nuestros expositores invitados al Convite? Comercialización y Cadenas de Valor Alimentaria CVA como instrumento para el desarrollo socioeconómico y Agricultura Urbana?, organizado por el Instituto de Desarrollo Rural para Sudamérica IPDRS en colaboración del Posgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés CIDES UMSA; y Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras AVSF Bolivia. Julián Briz e Isabel de Felipe, son investigadores y docentes de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, quienes hoy cuentan con tres libros sobre estudios metodológicos y de casos referidos a las CVA con el aporte de 80 autores de 60 países.


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El proyecto Acceso al Agua por Sistemas de Atrapanieblas de la Asociación “Peruanos sin Agua” con aguas no convencionales, Lluvias y Neblina. Por: Abel Cruz, Emprendedor Social y Líder del Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua El sistema atrapanieblas consiste en atrapar las gotas de agua microscópicas de la neblina a través del uso de mallas parecidas a una red. Las pequeñas gotas de la niebla quedan adheridas en los hilos de las mallas para luego ser redirigidas y acumuladas en depósitos. Abel Cruz, Líder y emprendedor social del Movimiento "Peruanos sin Agua" es el encargado de desarrollar este sistema de Atrapanieblas en Perú donde una de cada tres personas no tiene acceso al agua potable. Su proyecto de emprendimiento social se desarrolla con la comunidad, mediante la cooperación entre la sociedad civil organizada, la empresa privada y el Estado. Un sistema de atrapanieblas de 24Mts2 logra captar de 200 hasta 350 litros de agua al día, lo que permite abastecer de agua a 3 familias. El agua es utilizada por las familias para distintos usos: lavar utensilios/ropa, bañarse, agricultura orgánica, reforestar, ahora con este proyecto pretendemos dar agua potable, a más de 500 familias, en el distrito de villa María del triunfo en el asentamiento humano, villa Lourdes ecológico II. El proyecto es una fuente alternativa de recursos hídricos en zonas semiáridas con sistemas de captación altamente eficientes y usos no tradicionales. Busca generar conocimiento e información relevante para el aprovechamiento de un bien público clave como la niebla, en zonas de alta escasez hídrica y extrema pobreza. Este proyecto busca rescatar y recuperar parques ecológicos, conservar y proteger la biodiversidad del ecosistema de Lomas. Es una iniciativa que busca resolver el problema de escases de agua en los asentamientos humanos y que permite a las familias de escasos recursos económicos encontrar otras fuentes de ingreso como; agricultura urbana, reforestación, conservación de ecosistemas y turismo ecológico.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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This article is the result of a work of research conducted on the peri-urban interface of Popayan to detect its potential, restrictions and pathologies regarding the urbanization process. The Crucero Puelenje village, taken as a case study, is located in the south of the town center and it is recognized as one of the agricultural pantries of the city.The territory reading was focused on the macro-landscape as a result of the relationship between social groups and their physical and natural environment. Hence, this research process articulated technical and participatory methodologies that allowed determining the socio-cultural, environmental, physical-spatial, economic and political-administrative particularities of the territory with respect to urbanization and local development. Thus, the participatory component with the Crucero Puelenje community, both in the participatory workshops and in the census, gave feedback to the technical component considered as the guiding thread.This research found knowledge applicable to spatial planning and regional development from the study of the socio-environmental and territorial transformations impact caused by the urban sprawl of Popayán, and at the same time, it offered the Crucero Puelenje community the possibility of interpreting its territory and gaining insights about its planning.


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El vídeo pretende acercar al público a los animales y plantas que viven en la ciudad, a los tipos de ambientes ocupados por las especies naturales en las ciudades, a la vida en la naturaleza urbana periférica. Muestra la necesidad de integrar la naturaleza periurbana. Asimismo, se muestra el parque metropolitano de Collserola y su función pedagógica.


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The objective of the present work is to verify the effects of Rural Social welfare in the family agriculture of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN. The study based on available bibliography on the theme, in secondary data and in a rising amostral accomplished in three municipal districts (Encanto, São Miguel and Riacho de Santana) of the microrregião. The universe of the study was the establishments of the family agriculture appeared in the Agricultural Census of 2006, in those municipal districts. The unit of considered analysis was the rural family, with the interviews being applied close to the farmers' families with and without retired rural. The sample was of 94 present families in the family establishments. The results demonstrate that the Rural Precaution reaches a significant covering degree in the rural area of the researched municipal districts, with an average of 1,57 beneficiaries for home in the families with retired. The data of the research attest that the family agriculture in the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN it has few favorable conditions for his/her development, once, besides the shortage of lands and of the climatic factor of the area, the returned public politics the family farmers' totality - like PRONAF and PAA -, it has been unable to give effective answers for the improvement of the life conditions in the rural way, have seen the minimum amount of families reached by those politics, be in function of the drawing or of the atmosphere where they are done. In this context, he/she stands out the importance of the Rural Precaution that, in function of the application of the constitutional devices that you/they guaranteed his/her universalization, it has been the only relevant public politics that, in fact, it has been reaching her/it all their beneficiary potentials. Given the general situation of the family agriculture of the microrregião and of the specific characteristics of the researched family establishments, the hypothesis was corroborated that the rural retirement doesn't contribute directly to the increase / making possible of the family agriculture. In spite of 57,4% of the families with retired have declared to use resources of the retirement in the costing of the rural activity carried out by the family, the annual medium value of the expense just located around 7,02% of the annual value of the retirements gained by the families in the year of 2010. Data the low levels in that the social reproduction of the great majority of the family establishments of the microrregião, the maintenance of the families is operated represents the main destiny of the resources precautions. It was also confirmed the hypothesis that the Rural Precaution constitutes the main monetary contribution of the families with retired. For more than 93% of the families with retired, the retirements doing 50% or more of the total of the family monetary income, and in the composition of the rural income of the families with retired and pensioners, the originating from income the rural retirements are equal to 65,24% of the total of the annual income obtained by the families. It is ended, because, that the rural precaution, given to the adversities for the development of the family agriculture, of the operational inefficacy of the public politics and of the few opportunities of generation of existent income in the local savings, it is the main responsible for the reduction of the poverty and, consequently, for the improvements of the conditions of life of the families of and with seniors in the rural way of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)