71 resultados para AgNOR


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La presencia del sector informal es una de las principales características del mercado de trabajo en países en vías de desarrollo como Colombia. Esta problemática ha sido ampliamente estudiada en los últimos años debido a su gran impacto en la economía y a que el funcionamiento del mercado de traba jo, los salarios y los precios se comportan de una manera diferente al de los países desarrollados. Una política monetaria y fiscal responsable debe tener en cuenta estas especificidades. La presencia del sector informal es una de las principales características del mercado de trabajo en países en vías de desarrollo como Colombia. Esta problemática ha sido ampliamente estudiada en los últimos años debido a su gran impacto en la economía y a que el funcionamiento del mercado de trabajo, los salarios y los precios se comportan de una manera diferente al de los países desarrollados. Una política monetaria y fiscal responsable debe tener en cuenta estas especificidades.


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Giant planets helped to shape the conditions we see in the Solar System today and they account for more than 99% of the mass of the Sun’s planetary system. They can be subdivided into the Ice Giants (Uranus and Neptune) and the Gas Giants (Jupiter and Saturn), which differ from each other in a number of fundamental ways. Uranus, in particular is the most challenging to our understanding of planetary formation and evolution, with its large obliquity, low self-luminosity, highly asymmetrical internal field, and puzzling internal structure. Uranus also has a rich planetary system consisting of a system of inner natural satellites and complex ring system, five major natural icy satellites, a system of irregular moons with varied dynamical histories, and a highly asymmetrical magnetosphere. Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have explored Uranus, with a flyby in 1986, and no mission is currently planned to this enigmatic system. However, a mission to the uranian system would open a new window on the origin and evolution of the Solar System and would provide crucial information on a wide variety of physicochemical processes in our Solar System. These have clear implications for understanding exoplanetary systems. In this paper we describe the science case for an orbital mission to Uranus with an atmospheric entry probe to sample the composition and atmospheric physics in Uranus’ atmosphere. The characteristics of such an orbiter and a strawman scientific payload are described and we discuss the technical challenges for such a mission. This paper is based on a white paper submitted to the European Space Agency’s call for science themes for its large-class mission programme in 2013.


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Chromosomes of the South American geckos Gymnodactylus amarali and G. geckoides from open and dry areas of the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes in Brazil, respectively, were studied for the first time, after conventional and AgNOR staining, CBG- and RBG-banding, and FISH with telomeric sequences. Comparative analyses between the karyotypes of open areas and the previously studied Atlantic forest species G. darwinii were also performed. The chromosomal polymorphisms detected in populations of G. amarali from the states of Goias and Tocantins is the result of centric fusions (2n = 38, 39 and 40), suggesting a differentiation from a 2n = 40 ancestral karyotype and the presence of supernumerary chromosomes. The CBG- and RBG-banding patterns of the Bs are described. G. geckoides has 40 chromosomes with gradually decreasing sizes, but it is distinct from the 2n = 40 karyotypes of G. amarali and G. darwinii due to occurrence of pericentric inversions or centromere repositioning. NOR location seems to be a marker for Gymnodactylus, as G. amarali and G. geckoides share a medium-sized subtelocentric NOR-bearing pair, while G. darwinii has NORs at the secondary constriction of the long arm of pair 1. The comparative analyses indicate a non-random nature of the Robertsonian rearrangements in the genus Gymnodactylus. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Este trabalho, através da técnica de Papanicolaou Modificado, analisou as alterações qualitativas segundo classificação de Papanicolaou e Traut (1947) e do Sistema de Bethesda Adaptado para a Cavidade Bucal, bem como o padrão de maturação celular. Avaliou-se também a atividade de proliferação celular com a técnica da AgNOR. Sessenta pacientes do sexo masculino, acima de 30 anos, sem lesão bucal clinicamente visível, foram selecionados e divididos em três grupos: I (controle), II (fumo) e III (fumo e álcool). Realizaram-se esfregaços citológicos da mucosa do lábio inferior, da borda da língua e do assoalho bucal. A análise estatística da ANOVA (p<0.05) demonstrou os seguintes resultados: (1) os três sítios anatômicos avaliados apresentaram diferentes padrões de maturação celular; (2) a borda da língua apresentou a menor atividade de proliferação celular dentre os sítios anatômicos estudados; (3) a média do número e a da área das AgNORs/núcleo foram maiores na mucosa do lábio inferior, na borda da língua e no assoalho bucal nos grupos II (fumo) e III (fumo e álcool), comparados ao grupo I (controle). Sugere-se que o fumo, associado ou não, ao álcool aumentam a atividade de proliferação celular da mucosa do lábio inferior, da borda da língua e do assoalho bucal.


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A leucoplasia se caracteriza por apresentar, microscopicamente, hiperceratose, acantose ou displasia epitelial. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a velocidade de proliferação celular destes distúrbios de maturação epitelial por meio da Técnica de AgNOR. A amostra foi constituída de 50 blocos de parafina distribuídos em 5 grupos de acordo com seu diagnóstico histopatológico em hiperceratose, hiperceratose com acantose, acantose, displasia epitelial e epitélio normal. Para cada grupo foram avaliadas as células da camada basal e suprabasal e a quantificação das AgNORs foi realizada através da média dos pontos de AgNOR por núcleo, da área média dos pontos de AgNOR por núcleo e do percentual médio de células com 1, 2, 3 e 4 ou mais pontos de AgNOR por núcleo. Verificou-se que a média de pontos de AgNOR por núcleo aumentou gradualmente do epitélio normal, hiperceratose com acantose, hiperceratose, acantose até a displasia epitelial. Na comparação em relação à área média dos pontos de AgNOR por núcleo observou-se diferença significativa entre o epitélio normal e os demais grupos. Verificou-se ainda que em todos os grupos há o predomínio de células com 1 AgNOR, e o epitélio normal apresentou valor superior No entanto, a displasia epitelial apresentou maior percentual de células com 4 ou mais AgNORs por núcleo, demonstrando o maior potencial de transformação maligna, uma vez que este parâmetro pode representar um sinal de malignidade. Todavia, os três métodos de quantificação não foram capazes de distinguir os distúrbios de maturação epitelial entre si. A partir dos resultados encontrados, pode-se concluir que os distúrbios de maturação epitelial estudados apresentam ritmo de proliferação celular semelhante e que, dentre eles, a acantose e displasia epitelial têm comportamento de maior risco. Portanto, uma leucoplasia que apresente qualquer um dos distúrbios de maturação epitelial no diagnóstico histopatológico, a conduta clínica deve ser semelhante.


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Astyanax scabripinnis has been considered a species complex because it presents high karyotypic and morphological variability among its populations. In this work, individuals of two A. scabripinnis populations from different streams in the same hydrographic basin were analyzed through C-banding and AgNOR. Although they present distinct diploid numbers, they show meta and submetacentric chromosome groups highly conserved (numerically and morphologically). Other chromosomal characteristics are also shared by both populations, as the pattern of constitutive heterochromatin distribution (large blocks in the telomeric regions of subtelocentric and acrocentric chromosomes) and some nucleolar chromosomes. Inter-individual variations both in the number and size of heterochromatic blocks, and in the number and localization of NORs were verified in the studied populations, characterizing them as polymorphics for these regions. The mechanisms involved in the dispersion of heterochromatin and NORs through the karyotypes, as well as the possible events related to the generation of polymorphism of those regions are discussed. Furthermore, relationships between these populations and within the context of the scabripinnis complex are also approached.


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Molecular assays are widely used to prognosticate canine cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCT). There is limited information about these prognostic assays used on MCT that arise in the subcutis. The aims of this study were to evaluate the utility of KIT immunohistochemical labeling pattern, c-KIT mutational status (presence of internal tandem duplications in exon 11), and proliferation markers-including mitotic index, Ki67, and argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions (AgNOR)-as independent prognostic markers for local recurrence and/or metastasis in canine subcutaneous MCT. A case-control design was used to analyze 60 subcutaneous MCT from 60 dogs, consisting of 24 dogs with subsequent local recurrence and 12 dogs with metastasis, as compared to dogs matched by breed, age, and sex with subcutaneous MCT that did not experience these events. Mitotic index, Ki67, the combination of Ki67 and AgNOR, and KIT cellular localization pattern were significantly associated with local recurrence and metastasis, thereby demonstrating their prognostic value for subcutaneous MCT. No internal tandem duplication mutations were detected in exon 11 of c-KIT in any tumors. Because c-KIT mutations have been demonstrated in only 20 to 30% of cutaneous MCT and primarily in tumors of higher grade, the number of subcutaneous MCT analyzed in this study may be insufficient to draw conclusions on the role c-KIT mutations in these tumors.


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Ten species of Hyla with 2n = 30 from Brazilian fauna were analysed cytogenetically. Hyla minuta is the unique presenting all bi-armed metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes in the karyotype, therefore, with the highest FN = 60. The remaining species have a variable number of uni-armed telocentric or subtelo-centric chromosomes: H. cruzi, H. elianeae, and H. rubicundula with three pairs (FN = 54), H. berthalutzae, H. elegans, H. microps, and H. nana with four pairs (FN = 52), and H. nahdereri and H. sanborni with five pairs (FN = 50). The uni-armed elements are among pairs 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, and 15, which also appeared with metacentric or submetacentric morphology. The remaining chromosome pairs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9,10, 12, and 13 were never found to be telocentric or subtelocentric. AgNOR patterns are species-specific, the majority of the species exhibiting a single pair with AgNORs, with the exception of H. elegans and H. nana with more than one chromosome pair bearing this cytological marker. C banding was obtained in H. berthalutzae, H. cruzi, H. elegans, H. elianeae, H. microps, H. minuta, H. nahdereri, and H. nana, which showed positively stained centromeric heterochromatin. Our analysis confirms the great karyotypic diversity in the species of Hyla with 2n = 30, with no species sharing identical karyotypes.


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Background: Although oral lichen planus has been classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a potentially malignant disorder, such classification is still the target of much controversy. Aim: To evaluate the cell proliferation rate in oral lichen planus, comparing it to the rate observed in epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma, aiming at indications which might indicate the potential for malignant transformation. Material and Methods: Twenty-four cases of each lesion were submitted to the streptoavidin-biotin and AgNOR technique to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of PCNA and the mean NORs/ nucleus, respectively. Results: Positivity for PCNA was observed in 58.33% of oral lichen planus cases, 83.33% of epithelial dysplasia cases and 91.67% of oral squamous cell carcinoma cases. Chi-squared test showed that the number of positive cases for PCNA was significantly lower in oral lichen planus than in oral squamous cell carcinoma (p<0.05). No significant statistical difference between oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia (p>0.05) and between the epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma (p>0.05) was observed. The mean NORs/ nucleus in oral lichen planus, epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma were 1.74 +/- 0.32, 2.42 +/- 0.62 e 2.41 +/- 0.61, respectively. Variance analysis (ANOVA) revealed significant statistical difference between oral lichen planus and the other studied lesions (p<0.05). Conclusion: Oral lichen planus cell proliferation rate was less than in oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma which might explain the lower malignant transformation rate.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Abnormalities in any component of the cell cycle regulatory machine may result in oral. cancer, and markers of cell proliferation have been used to determine the prognosis of tumor progression. The aim of this study was to determine whether silver-stained nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR) and Ki-67 measurements could improve the assessment of growth rates in oral lesions. Eighty-three oral biopsies were studied, 20 of which were classified as fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia (FIH), 40 as leukoplakia (LKP) and 23 as oral. squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Within the LKP group, 22 out of 29 biopsies were diagnosed as non-dysplastic leukoplakia (LK) and 18 as dysplastic teukoptakia (DLK), presenting discrete, moderate and severe dysplasia. Ki-67 immunotabeting of the lesions increased steadily in the following order: FIH, DLK, LK and OSCC, indicating that Ki-67 is a good marker for predicting the protiferative fraction among benign, premalignant and malignant oral lesions. The median values of AgNOR parameters indicate that the morphometric index gives better results regarding the proliferative rate than the numerical one. A series of linear regressions between AgNOR parameters and Ki-67 showed positive associations. We conclude that a combination of Ki-67 and morphometric AgNOR analyses could be used as an aid in the determination of the protiferative status of oral epithelial. cells in oral cancer. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Cytogenetic studies conduced on a sample of 19 specimens of rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) showed that 6 presented two chromosomes with a single subterminal AgNOR on the short arms and 13 presented one chromosome with a single subterminal Ag-NOR and a second chromosome with two small subterminal Ag-NORs. Synaptonemal complex studies showed the presence of a pairing failure involving the two lateral elements (LEs) of the NOR-bearing chromosomes only in those specimens with two different NOR-bearing chromosomes, suggesting that the chromosomes with two Ag-NORs originated from a paracentric inversion involving a terminal segment of the original NOR-bearing chromosome. A comparative analysis between three normal and three heterozygous fishes suggest that in the latter group the LEs of the NOR-bearing chromosomes initiate the synaptic process in a more delayed manner, the synapsis develops more quickly, and the nucleolus stays associated with chromosomes for a longer time.


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Starvation is a physiologic stress and can significantly alter the structure of hepatic cells. This work aims to detect morphological changes in mice hepatocyte under starvation physiologic stress, based on silver staining technique. Fourteen 21 day old male mice (Mus musculus) were used, 5 as control, 5 submitted to 72 hours of starvation, and 4 were refed during 72 hours after 72 hours of starvation. After liver imprint, 15 nuclei per mouse and their respective nucleoli were outlined in millimetric paper and their areas were obtained. The results, in mm2, were transformed into μm2. The number of nucleoli per nuclei were also counted. After starvation, a statistically significant rise in nuclear and nucleolar areas occurred and no significant increase in the number of nucleoli was observed. The refeeding caused a partial recovery of the nuclear area, no significant change in the nucleolar area and a statistically significant increase in the number of nucleoli. Therefore, starvation can be considered as a modifier agent of the chromatinic structure, leading to an increase of the nuclear and nucleolar areas probably due to an increment of RNA and protein synthesis. The recovery of the stress (refeeding) did not presented a decrease of nucleolar area and evidenced a nucleoli fragmentation, probably to increase more the protein synthesis and/or due to its cycle during the interphase.


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Ten cases of odontogenic myxoma (OM) and six cases of ameloblastic fibroma (AF) were subjected to comparative analysis by the AgNOR technique, in order to determine a possible difference in cell proliferation index between these lesions. The mean AgNOR number of the mesenchymal component of AF was compared with its epithelial component and the difference was not found to be statistically significant. The mean AgNOR index of the AF group was significantly higher than that of the OM group. Moreover, the mesenchymal component of AF demonstrated increased AgNOR numbers compared with that of OM (P<0.05). These results suggest that the epithelial and mesenchymal components of AF may have similar cell proliferative activity. However, the cell proliferative index of this lesion seems to be higher than that of OM.