972 resultados para Adult Reading Test
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A formação de classes de equivalência entre figuras, palavras ditadas e palavras impressas promove a leitura com compreensão, mas não estabelece o controle discriminativo por todos as unidades da palavra (letras e sílabas). A aplicação de procedimentos especiais combinados (cópia, ditado e oralização fluente e escandida) durante o ensino das relações condicionais entre palavras ditadas e palavras impressas (AC) favorece o estabelecimento de controle discriminativo por unidades menores que a palavra, e a leitura textual e com compreensão das palavras formadas por recombinações daquelas unidades. O treino explícito de discriminações silábicas tem sido adotado como um dos procedimentos nos estudos sobre consciência fonológica, com resultados satisfatórios em testes de leitura. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito dos dois procedimentos sobre a aquisição da leitura recombinativa em pré-escolares. Três crianças foram expostas ao procedimento de equivalência e procedimento especiais combinados durante o ensino das relações AC (com as palavras MALA, PATO e BOCA), e quatro ao treino explícito de discriminações silábicas em tarefas de rima, aliteração, adição e subtração de sílabas e correspondência grafosilábica. Após um Pré-teste, os participantes do primeiro grupo foram submetidos ao teste / ensino das relações AB (palavras ditadas-figuras), e em seguida ao ensino das relações AC com procedimentos combinados e aos testes BC (figuras-palavras impressas) e CB. Posteriormente à emergência das relações de equivalência (BC/CB), as crianças participavam de testes de leitura textual das sílabas, das palavras de ensino e de generalização (formadas pela recombinação das sílabas das palavras de ensino). Quando os participantes atingiam o mínimo de 90% de acertos no teste de leitura generalizada eram conduzidos ao Pós-teste. Caso contrário, participavam antes da mesma seqüência anterior, porém, com três palavras de generalização (BOLA, LAMA e CAPA). Já as quatro crianças do segundo grupo inicialmente foram submetidas a tarefas de reconhecimento silábico e posteriormente a tarefas de correspondência grafosilábica, rima, aliteração, subtração e adição silábica com as sílabas MA, LA, PA, TO, BO e CA. O participante só era exposto ao treino de uma outra sílaba se obtivesse 100% de acertos na tarefa de correspondência grafosilábica e acertasse todos os itens experimentais das demais atividades. Ao final do programa os participantes eram expostos ao Pós-teste: os três participantes do grupo de equivalência de estímulos e um do grupo de consciência fonológica apresentaram a leitura recombinativa de algumas palavras, mas nenhum deles apresentou leitura recombinativa generalizada. Sugere-se que outras variáveis podem interferir no desempenho dos participantes, como: a história pré e extraexperimental, a aquisição do conceito de impressos (e.g. leitura da esquerda para a direita) e a quantidade de tentativas de ensino. Supõe-se ainda que no caso do ensino de leitura do português o uso conjunto de procedimentos de equivalência de estímulos e de discriminação/correspondência silábica seja um método eficiente no ensino da leitura recombinativa. Propõe-se que novos estudos avaliem os efeitos da combinação destes procedimentos no ensino de tal repertório.
Trata o presente estudo da produção das fricativas interdentais da língua inglesa por falantes do português brasileiro (PB), aprendizes de Inglês como língua estrangeira, (English as a Foreign Language – EFL) nos Cursos Livres de Línguas Estrangeiras mantidos pela Universidade Federal do Pará. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar as possibilidades de ocorrência de substituições para as fricativas interdentais surda e sua contraparte sonora em posições de onset e coda silábica, os resultados são analisados com base na Fonologia de Geometria de Traços (Clements e Hume, 1995). A coleta de dados foi realizada junto a um grupo de vinte e dois alunos, sendo 12 alunos do terceiro nível e 10 alunos do sétimo nível. Pretende-se fazer a representação detalhada do processo de substituição que falantes do português brasileiro (PB), aprendizes de inglês como segunda língua (ESL), realizam especificamente para os segmentos fricativos interdentais da língua inglesa em suas versões surda e sonora /Ɵ/ e /ð/, no processo de aquisição da fonologia desta língua. Diferentes tipos de segmentos foram encontrados em nossa pesquisa como resultado das substituições, quais sejam: [t],[tʃ],[d],[f] e [s] para a fricativa interdental surda /Ɵ/ e [t],[d],[s],[f],[v] e [tʃ] para a fricativa interdental sonora /ð/. Os tipos predominantes de processos observados foram: (a) Fortição, (b) Posteriorização (c) Sonorização (d) Palatalização (e) Labialização (f) Epêntese e (g) Ressilabificação. Todos resultando de um processo anterior chamado Nativização.
Estudos recentes têm documentado que o ensino explícito de discriminação de sílabas promove a emergência da leitura das sílabas de ensino e das sílabas com recombinação das letras das sílabas de ensino. Promove também prontamente a leitura de palavras, formadas pelas sílabas de ensino e recombinadas. Estudos têm demonstrado a leitura de palavras novas com recombinação de onset e rime como fator facilitador quando a língua inglesa é ensinada como língua materna. O aprendizado do inglês por cegos tem sido documentado como um fator de inclusão. O presente estudo investigou se o ensino de discriminação de palavras com segmentação onset/rime facilita a leitura de novas palavras em inglês, como língua estrangeira, usando o Braille e o alfabeto romano em relevo. Três cegas, leitoras fluentes em Braille, participaram. O estudo compreendeu três etapas. Etapa I: Etapa Ia (auditivo/Braille), Etapa Ib (Braille/alfabeto romano em relevo) e Etapa Ic (auditivo/alfabeto romano em relevo). A Etapa I (a e b) compreendeu um pré-teste, fases de ensino de discriminações condicionais de palavras simples e testes de leitura textual das palavras simples e recombinadas. Na Etapa Ic era aplicado um teste de discriminações condicionais. Nas Etapas II e III eram aplicados testes de leitura textual das palavras simples recombinadas (Etapa II) e compostas (Etapa III) e nomeação de objetos. Eram testadas as relações entre palavras ditadas e objetos (AB), palavras ditadas e palavras impressas (AC), objetos e palavras impressas (BC) e palavras impressas e objetos (CB) que documentam a leitura com compreensão das palavras impressas em Braille e no alfabeto romano em relevo, e ainda, a emergência de cópia e ditado. As três participantes atingiram o critério de acertos em todas as fases em todas as etapas. Os resultados mostraram que o ensino de discriminações de palavras com a segmentação onset/rime facilita a emergência da leitura recombinativa em inglês, como língua estrangeira, com cegos falantes do português, usando o Braille e o alfabeto romano em relevo, mostraram ainda a emergência da leitura com compreensão com os procedimentos de equivalência de estímulos. Estes resultados indicam que novas tecnologias de ensino, que permitam uma maior inclusão de pessoas cegas na comunidade, podem ser geradas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to compare three different methodologies (Adult Immersion Tests, field trials with naturally infected animals, and a Stall Test using artificially infested cattle) to evaluate the efficacy of two topical formulations that we administered as whole body sprays (15% Cypermethrin + 30% Chlorpyriphos + 15% Fenthion-Colosso (R) FC 30, Ouro Fino Agronegocios; and 60% Dichlorvos + 20% Chlorpyriphos-Ectofos (R), Vallee Saude Animal Ltd.), against a susceptible strain of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. To achieve this objective, two natural infestation trials were conducted, as well as two artificial infestation trials (Stall Tests) and two Adult Immersion Tests (AIT). The AIT results showed that both spray formulations achieved 100% efficacy against R. (B.) micro plus fully engorged females. However, when observing results obtained by field trials (natural infestations) and Stall Tests, none of these topically applied compounds reached 100% efficacy or affected the reproductive capacity of the fully engorged female ticks. Additional studies must be conducted to compare these in vivo methodologies with different in vitro techniques, such as the Larval Packet Test. However, based on results obtained here, we can conclude that depending on the spray formulations used, the AIT can overestimate acaricidal efficacy and values of reproductive efficiency of such compounds against R (B.) micro plus. Specifically, when dealing with spray formulations in the Stall Tests, the period of residual action can increase because these animals are sheltered from contact with environmental factors that might interfere with the efficacy of the products tested. It may be necessary to take in vivo trial results into consideration (such as field trials with naturally infested animals or Stall Tests) to standardize a specific in vitro assay, such as the Adult Immersion Test. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A genome-wide linkage scan of 795 microsatellite markers (761 autosomal, 34 X chromosome) was performed on Multidimensional Aptitude Battery subtests and verbal, performance and full scale scores, the WAIS-R Digit Symbol subtest, and two word-recognition tests (Schonell Graded Word Reading Test, Cambridge Contextual Reading Test) highly predictive of IQ. The sample included 361 families comprising 2-5 siblings who ranged in age from 15.7 to 22.2 years; genotype, but not phenotype, data were available for 81% of parents. A variance components analysis which controlled for age and sex effects showed significant linkage for the Cambridge reading test and performance IQ to the same region on chromosome 2, with respective LOD scores of 4.15 and 3.68. Suggestive linkage (LOD score > 2.2) for various measures was further supported on chromosomes 6, 7, 11, 14, 21 and 22. Where location of linkage peaks converged for IQ subtests within the same scale, the overall scale score provided increased evidence for linkage to that region over any individual subtest. Association studies of candidate genes, particularly those involved in neural transmission and development, will be directed to genes located under the linkage peaks identified in this study.
The study investigated theory of mind and central coherence abilities in adults with high-functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger syndrome (AS) using naturalistic tasks. Twenty adults with HTA/AS correctly answered significantly fewer theory of mind questions than 20 controls on a forced-choice response task. On a narrative task, there were no differences in the proportion of mental state words between the two groups, although the participants with HFA/AS were less inclined to provide explanations for characters' mental states. No between-group differences existed on the central coherence questions of the forced-choice response task, and the participants with HTA/AS included an equivalent proportion of explanations for non-mental state phenomena in their narratives as did controls. These results support the theory of mind deficit account of autism spectrum disorders, and suggest that difficulties in mental state attribution cannot be exclusively attributed to weak central coherence.
Purpose To develop a standardized questionnaire of near visual function and satisfaction to complement visual function evaluations of presbyopic corrections. Setting Eye Clinic, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Midland Eye Institute and Solihull Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Design Questionnaire development. Methods A preliminary 26-item questionnaire of previously used near visual function items was completed by patients with monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs), multifocal IOLs, accommodating IOLs, multifocal contact lenses, or varifocal spectacles. Rasch analysis was used for item reduction, after which internal and test–retest reliabilities were determined. Construct validity was determined by correlating the resulting Near Activity Visual Questionnaire (NAVQ) scores with near visual acuity and critical print size (CPS), which was measured using the Minnesota Low Vision Reading Test chart. Discrimination ability was assessed through receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results One hundred fifty patients completed the questionnaire. Item reduction resulted in a 10-item NAVQ with excellent separation (2.92), internal consistency (Cronbach a = 0.95), and test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.72). Correlations of questionnaire scores with near visual acuity (r = 0.32) and CPS (r = 0.27) provided evidence of validity, and discrimination ability was excellent (area under ROC curve = 0.91). Conclusion Results show the NAVQ is a reliable, valid instrument that can be incorporated into the evaluation of presbyopic corrections.
Stereotype threat (Steele & Aronson, 1995) refers to the risk of confirming a negative stereotype about one’s group in a particular performance domain. The theory assumes that performance in the stereotyped domain is most negatively affected when individuals are more highly identified with the domain in question. As federal law has increased the importance of standardized testing at the elementary level, it can be reasonably hypothesized that the standardized test performance of African American children will be depressed when they are aware of negative societal stereotypes about the academic competence of African Americans. This sequential mixed-methods study investigated whether the standardized testing experiences of African American children in an urban elementary school are related to their level of stereotype awareness. The quantitative phase utilized data from 198 African American children at an urban elementary school. Both ex-post facto and experimental designs were employed. Experimental conditions were diagnostic and non-diagnostic testing experiences. The qualitative phase utilized data from a series of six focus group interviews conducted with a purposefully selected group of 4 African American children. The interview data were supplemented with data from 30 hours of classroom observations. Quantitative findings indicated that the stereotype threat condition evoked by diagnostic testing depresses the reading test performance of stereotype-aware African American children (F[1, 194] = 2.21, p < .01). This was particularly true of students who are most highly domain-identified with reading (F[1, 91] = 19.18, p < .01). Moreover, findings indicated that only stereotype-aware African American children who were highly domain-identified were more likely to experience anxiety in the diagnostic condition (F[1, 91] = 5.97, p < .025). Qualitative findings revealed 4 themes regarding how African American children perceive and experience the factors related to stereotype threat: (1) a narrow perception of education as strictly test preparation, (2) feelings of stress and anxiety related to the state test, (3) concern with what “others” think (racial salience), and (4) stereotypes. A new conceptual model for stereotype threat is presented, and future directions including implications for practice and policy are discussed.
This study examined the effects of student mobility and educational enrollment experiences on academic achievement. The educational progress, school enrollments and transfers of inner-city elementary students were tracked over a four-year period. Student achievement was measured by criterion-referenced reading tests administered in the second semester of the third grade. It further analyzed the degree to which the switch to different basal reading textbooks interrupted the continuity of education thereby contributing to the detrimental effects of intra-district mobility. ^ Mobility histories of 2,913 third grade students were collected to evaluate the number of times each student entered or withdrew from a Miami-Dade County Public School beginning in August 2000 through March 2004, and distinguished between transfers that occurred during the academic school year and those that occurred during summer months. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlations and multiple regressions to determine if school mobility contributed to performance on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Third Grade Reading Test (FCAT). Transferring from one school to another was found to have a significant negative impact on student test scores. Transfers within the academic school year were more detrimental than transfers that occurred during the summer months. Third grade students who transferred into schools that used the same reading textbook series were found to have significantly higher FCAT reading scores than third graders who transferred into schools that used different reading textbooks. ^ The effects of mobility rates on overall school performance were also examined. Data was collected on 124 Title I elementary schools to determine the degree to which mobility affected school accountability scores. Title I schools with high student mobility rates had significantly lower accountability scores than schools with lower student mobility rates. ^ The results of this study highlight the impact of education and housing policy and imply a need for programs and practices that promote stability in the early elementary years. ^
Changing demographics impact our schools as children come from more linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. The various social, cultural, and economic backgrounds of the students affect their early language learning experiences which expose them to the academic language needed to succeed in school. Teachers can help students acquire academic language by introducing words that are within their Zone of Proximal Development and increasing exposure to and use of academic language. This study investigated the effects of increasing structured activities for students to orally interact with informational text on their scientific academic language development and comprehension of expository text. ^ The Academic Text Talk activities, designed to scaffold verbalization of new words and ideas, included discussion, retelling, games, and sentence walls. This study also evaluated if there were differences in scientific language proficiency and comprehension between boys and girls, and between English language learners and native English speakers. ^ A quasi-experimental design was used to determine the relationship between increasing students' oral practice with academic language and their academic language proficiency. Second graders (n = 91) from an urban public school participated in two science units over an 8 week period and were pre and post tested using the Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey-Revised and vocabulary tests from the National Energy Education Project. Analysis of covariance was performed on the pre to post scores by treatment group to determine differences in academic language proficiency for students taught using Academic Text Talk compared to students taught using a text-centered method, using the initial Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading test as a covariate. Students taught using Academic Text Talk multimodal strategies showed significantly greater increases in their pre to posttest means on the Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey-Revised Oral Language Totals and National Energy Education Development Project Vocabulary tests than students taught using the text-centered method, ps < .05. Boys did not show significantly greater increases than girls, nor did English language learners show significantly greater increases than the native English speakers. ^ This study informs the field of reading research by evaluating the effectiveness of a multimodal combination of strategies emphasizing discourse to build academic language.^
Stereotype threat (Steele & Aronson, 1995) refers to the risk of confirming a negative stereotype about one’s group in a particular performance domain. The theory assumes that performance in the stereotyped domain is most negatively affected when individuals are more highly identified with the domain in question. As federal law has increased the importance of standardized testing at the elementary level, it can be reasonably hypothesized that the standardized test performance of African American children will be depressed when they are aware of negative societal stereotypes about the academic competence of African Americans. This sequential mixed-methods study investigated whether the standardized testing experiences of African American children in an urban elementary school are related to their level of stereotype awareness. The quantitative phase utilized data from 198 African American children at an urban elementary school. Both ex-post facto and experimental designs were employed. Experimental conditions were diagnostic and non-diagnostic testing experiences. The qualitative phase utilized data from a series of six focus group interviews conducted with a purposefully selected group of 4 African American children. The interview data were supplemented with data from 30 hours of classroom observations. Quantitative findings indicated that the stereotype threat condition evoked by diagnostic testing depresses the reading test performance of stereotype-aware African American children (F[1, 194] = 2.21, p < .01). This was particularly true of students who are most highly domain-identified with reading (F[1, 91] = 19.18, p < .01). Moreover, findings indicated that only stereotype-aware African American children who were highly domain-identified were more likely to experience anxiety in the diagnostic condition (F[1, 91] = 5.97, p < .025). Qualitative findings revealed 4 themes regarding how African American children perceive and experience the factors related to stereotype threat: (1) a narrow perception of education as strictly test preparation, (2) feelings of stress and anxiety related to the state test, (3) concern with what “others” think (racial salience), and (4) stereotypes. A new conceptual model for stereotype threat is presented, and future directions including implications for practice and policy are discussed.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.
Este recurso puede ser utilizado tanto por los tutores como por los estudiantes que siguen las habilidades básicas, alumnos adultos de alfabetización en la evaluación final en el nivel 1 y los estudiantes de ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) en lectura. Contiene 12 cuestionarios, cada uno con 40 preguntas de opción múltiple para evaluar la capacidad del candidato para identificar los puntos e ideas principales de los escritos, entender el significado de los documentos y su estilo de escritura, interpretar la información de tablas, gráficos y mapas, y reconocer la ortografía, la gramática y la puntuación. También, incluye las respuestas y las hojas de evaluación para fotocopiar.