998 resultados para Adhesion Force


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Denaturation of extracellular matrix proteins exposes cryptic binding sites. It is hypothesized that binding of cell adhesion receptors to these cryptic binding sites regulates cellular behaviour during tissue repair and regeneration. To test this hypothesis, we quantify the adhesion of pre-osteoblastic cells to native (Col) and partially-denatured (pdCol) collagen I using single-cell force spectroscopy. During early stages of cell attachment (≤180 s) pre-osteoblasts (MC3T3-E1) adhered significantly stronger to pdCol compared to Col. RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp)-containing peptides suppressed this elevated cell adhesion. We show that the RGD-binding α5β1- and αv-integrins mediated pre-osteoblast adhesion to pdCol, but not to Col. On pdCol pre-osteoblasts had a higher focal adhesion kinase tyrosine-phosphorylation level that correlated with enhanced spreading and motility. Moreover, pre-osteoblasts cultured on pdCol showed a pronounced matrix mineralization activity. Our data suggest that partially-denatured collagen exposes RGD-motifs that trigger binding of α5β1- and αv-integrins. These integrins initiate cellular processes that stimulate osteoblast adhesion, spreading, motility and differentiation. Taken together, these quantitative insights reveal an approach for the development of alternative collagen I- based surfaces for tissue engineering applications.


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We report a tunable alternating current electrohydrodynamic (ac-EHD) force which drives lateran fluid motion within a few nanometers of an electrode surface. Because the magnitude of this fluid shear force can be tuned externally (e.g., via the application of an ac electric field), it provides a new capability to physically displace weakly (nonspecifically) bound cellular analytes. To demonstrate the utility of the tunable nanoshearing phenomenon, we present data on purpose-built microfluidic devices that employ ac-EHD force to remove nonspecific adsorption of molecular and cellular species. Here, we show that an ac-EHD device containing asymmetric planar and microtip electrode pairs resulted in a 4-fold reduction in nonspecific adsorption of blood cells and also captured breast cancer cells in blood, with high efficiency (approximately 87%) and specificity. We therefore feel that this new capability of externally tuning and manipulating fluid flow could have wide applications as an innovative approach to enhance the specific capture of rare cells such as cancer cells in blood.


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Directional cell migration requires force generation that relies on the coordinated remodeling of interactions with the extracellular matrix (ECM), which is mediated by integrin-based focal adhesions (FAs). Normal FA turnover requires dynamic microtubules, and three members of the diverse group of microtubule plus-end-tracking proteins are principally involved in mediating microtubule interactions with FAs. Microtubules also alter the assembly state of FAs by modulating Rho GTPase signaling, and recent evidence suggests that microtubule-mediated clathrin-dependent and -independent endocytosis regulates FA dynamics. In addition, FA-associated microtubules may provide a polarized microtubule track for localized secretion of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs). Thus, different aspects of the molecular mechanisms by which microtubules control FA turnover in migrating cells are beginning to emerge.


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Adhesion can cause energy losses in asperities or particles coming into dynamic contact resulting in frictional dissipation, even if the deformation occurring is purely elastic. Such losses are of special significance in impact of nanoparticles and friction between surfaces under low contact pressure to hardness ratio. The objective of this work is to study the effect of adhesion during the normal impact of elastic spheres on a rigid half-space, with an emphasis on understanding the mechanism of energy loss. We use finite element method for modeling the impact phenomenon, with the adhesion due to van der Waals force and the short-range repulsion included as body forces distributed over the volume of the sphere. This approach, in contrast with commonly used surface force approximation, helps to model the interactions in a more precise way. We find that the energy loss in impact of elastic spheres is negligible unless there are adhesion-induced instabilities. Significant energy loss through elastic stress waves occurs due to jump-to-contact and jump-out-of-contact instabilities and can even result in capture of the elastic sphere on the half-space.


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Since hydration forces become very strong at short range and are particularly important for determining the magnitude of the adhesion between two surfaces or interaction energy, the influences of the hydration force and elastic strain energy due to hydration-induced layering of liquid molecules close to a solid film surface on the stability of a solid film in a solid-on-liquid (SOL) nanostructure are studied in this paper. The liquid of this thin SOL structure is a kind of water solution. Since the surface forces play an important role in the structure, the total free energy change of SOL structures consists of the changes in the bulk elastic energy within the solid film, the surface energy at the solid-liquid interface and the solid-air interface, and highly nonlinear volumetric component associated with interfacial forces. The critical wavelength of one-dimensional undulation, the critical thickness of the solid film, and the critical thickness of the liquid layer are studied, and the stability regions of the solid film have been determined. Emphasis is placed on calculation of critical values, which are the basis of analyzing the stability of the very thin solid film.


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A review is presented of the mechanics of microscale adhesion in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Some governing dimensionless numbers such as Tabor number, adhesion parameter and peel number for microscale elastic adhesion contact are discussed in detail. The peel number is modified for the elastic contact between a rough surface in contact with a smooth plane. Roughness ratio is introduced to characterize the relative importance of surface roughness for microscale adhesion contact, and three kinds of asperity height distributions are discussed: Gaussian, fractal, and exponential distributions. Both Gaussian and exponential distributions are found to be special cases of fractal distribution. Casimir force induced adhesion in MEMS, and adhesion of carbon nanotubes to a substrate are also discussed. Finally, microscale plastic adhesion contact theory is briefly reviewed, and it is found that the dimensionless number, plasticity index of various forms, can be expressed by the roughness ratio.


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In this paper, we study the relationship between the pull-off force and the transition parameter (or Tabor number) as well as the variation of the pull-off radius with the transition parameter in the adhesion elastic contact. Hysteresis models are presented to describe the contact radius as a function of external loads in loading and unloading processes. Among these models, we verified the hysteresis model from Johnson{Kendall{Roberts theory, based on which the calculated results are in good agreement with experimental ones.


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We have developed a classical two- and three-body interaction potential to simulate the hydroxylated, natively oxidized Si surface in contact with water solutions, based on the combination and extension of the Stillinger-Weber potential and of a potential originally developed to simulate SiO(2) polymorphs. The potential parameters are chosen to reproduce the structure, charge distribution, tensile surface stress, and interactions with single water molecules of a natively oxidized Si surface model previously obtained by means of accurate density functional theory simulations. We have applied the potential to the case of hydrophilic silicon wafer bonding at room temperature, revealing maximum room temperature work of adhesion values for natively oxidized and amorphous silica surfaces of 97 and 90 mJm(2), respectively, at a water adsorption coverage of approximately 1 ML. The difference arises from the stronger interaction of the natively oxidized surface with liquid water, resulting in a higher heat of immersion (203 vs 166 mJm(2)), and may be explained in terms of the more pronounced water structuring close to the surface in alternating layers of larger and smaller densities with respect to the liquid bulk. The computed force-displacement bonding curves may be a useful input for cohesive zone models where both the topographic details of the surfaces and the dependence of the attractive force on the initial surface separation and wetting can be taken into account.


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The vibration analysis of an adhered S-shaped microbeam under alternating sinusoidal voltage is presented. The shaking force is the electrical force due to the sinusoidal voltage. During vibration, both the microbeam deflection and the adhesion length keep changing. The microbeam deflection and adhesion length are numerically determined by the iteration method. As the adhesion length keeps changing, the domain of the equation of motion for the microbeam (unadhered part) changes correspondingly, which results in changes of the structure natural frequencies. For this reason, the system can never reach a steady state. The transient behaviors of the microbeam under different shaking frequencies are compared. We deliberately choose the initial conditions to compare our dynamic results with the existing static theory. The paper also analyzes the changing behavior of adhesion length during vibration and an asymmetric pattern of adhesion length change is revealed, which may be used to guide the dynamic de-adhering process. The abnormal behavior of the adhered microbeam vibrating at almost the same frequency under two quite different shaking frequencies is also shown. The Galerkin method is used to discretize the equation of motion and its convergence study is also presented. The model is only applicable in the case that the peel number is equal to 1. Some other model limitations are also discussed.


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The model and analysis of the cantilever beam adhesion problem under the action of electrostatic force are given. Owing to the nonlinearity of electrostatic force, the analytical solution for this kind of problem is not available. In this paper, a systematic method of generating polynomials which are the exact beamsolutions of the loads with different distributions is provided. The polynomials are used to approximate the beam displacement due to electrostatic force. The equilibrium equation offers an answer to how the beam deforms but no information about the unstuck length. The derivative of the functional with respect to the unstuck length offers such information. But to compute the functional it is necessary to know the beam deformation. So the problem is iteratively solved until the results are converged. Galerkin and Newton-Raphson methods are used to solve this nonlinear problem. The effects of dielectric layer thickness and electrostatic voltage on the cantilever beamstiction are studied.The method provided in this paper exhibits good convergence. For the adhesion problem of cantilever beam without electrostatic voltage, the analytical solution is available and is also exactly matched by the computational results given by the method presented in this paper.


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Adhesion forces of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC) membrane in the gel phase are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulation. In the simulations, individual DPPC molecules are pulled out of DPPC membranes with different rates and we get the maximum adhesion forces of DPPC membrane. We find that the maximum adhesion forces increase with pull rate, from about 400 to 700 pN when pull rates are from 0.001 to 0.03 nm/ps. We analyze the relationship between pull rate and adhesion forces of different origins using Brownian dynamics and notice that viscosity of solvent plays an important role in adhesion forces. Then we simulate the motion of a single DPPC molecule in solvent and it elucidates that the maximum drag force is almost linear with respect to the pull rate. We use Stokes' relation to describe the motion of a single DPPC molecule and deduce the effective length of a DPPC molecule. Conformational analyses indicate that the free energy variation of a DPPC molecule inside and outside of the DPPC membrane is an essential part of adhesion energy.


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This work is motivated by experimental observations that cells on stretched substrate exhibit different responses to static and dynamic loads. A model of focal adhesion that can consider the mechanics of stress fiber, adhesion bonds, and substrate was developed at the molecular level by treating the focal adhesion as an adhesion cluster. The stability of the cluster under dynamic load was studied by applying cyclic external strain on the substrate. We show that a threshold value of external strain amplitude exists beyond which the adhesion cluster disrupts quickly. In addition, our results show that the adhesion cluster is prone to losing stability under high-frequency loading, because the receptors and ligands cannot get enough contact time to form bonds due to the high-speed deformation of the substrate. At the same time, the viscoelastic stress fiber becomes rigid at high frequency, which leads to significant deformation of the bonds. Furthermore, we find that the stiffness and relaxation time of stress fibers play important roles in the stability of the adhesion cluster. The essence of this work is to connect the dynamics of the adhesion bonds (molecular level) with the cell's behavior during reorientation (cell level) through the mechanics of stress fiber. The predictions of the cluster model are consistent with experimental observations.


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The influence of the indenter shapes and various parameters on the magnitude of the capillary force is studied on the basis of models describing the wet adhesion of indenters and substrates joined by liquid bridges. In the former, we consider several shapes, such as conical, spherical and truncated conical one with a spherical end. In the latter, the effects of the contact angle, the radius of the wetting circle, the volume of the liquid bridge, the environmental humidity, the gap between the indenter and the substrate, the conical angle, the radius of the spherical indenter, the opening angle of the spherical end in the truncated conical indenter are included. The meniscus of the bridge is described using a circular approximation, which is reasonable under some conditions. Different dependences of the capillary force on the indenter shapes and the geometric parameters are observed. The results can be applicable to the micro- and nano-indentation experiments. It shows that the measured hardness is underestimated due to the effect of the capillary force. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cell adhesion, which is mediated by the receptor-ligand bonds, plays an essential role in various biological processes. Previous studies often described the force-extension relationship of receptor-ligand bond with linear assumption. However, the force-extension relationship of the bond is intrinsically nonlinear, which should have significant influence on the mechanical behavior of cell adhesion. In this work, a nonlinear mechanical model for cell adhesion is developed, and the adhesive strength was studied at various bond distributions. We find that the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the receptor-ligand bonds is crucial to the adhesive strength and stability. This nonlinear behavior allows more bonds to achieve large bond force simultaneously, and therefore the adhesive strength becomes less sensitive to the change of bond density at the outmost periphery of the adhesive area. In this way, the strength and stability of cell adhesion are soundly enhanced. The nonlinear model describes the cell detachment behavior better than the linear model. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fibrillar structures are common features on the feet of many animals, such as geckos, spiders and flies. Theoretical analyses often use periodical array to simulate the assembly, and each fibril is assumed to be of equal load sharing (ELS). On the other hand, studies on a single fibril show that the adhesive interface is flaw insensitive when the size of the fibril is not larger than a critical one. In this paper, the Dugdale Barenblatt model has been used to study the conditions of ELS and how to enhance adhesion by tuning the geometrical parameters in fibrillar structures. Different configurations in an array of fibres are considered, such as line array, square and hexagonal patterns. It is found that in order to satisfy flaw-insensitivity and ELS conditions, the number of fibrils and the pull-off force of the fibrillar interface depend significantly on the fibre separation, the interface interacting energy, the effective range of cohesive interaction and the radius of fibrils. Proper tuning of the geometrical parameters will enhance the pull-off force of the fibrillar structures. This study may suggest possible methods to design strong adhesion devices for engineering applications.