75 resultados para Acoma Lounge
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Os dados que fundamentam este relatório encontram-se disponíveis em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/39007
Este documento descreve o trabalho implementado no Centro de Apoio psicopedagógico do Funchal, no âmbito do Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais do mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, durante o ano letivo 2013/2014. O trabalho desenvolvido centrou-se nas áreas da Psicomotricidade, numa dinâmica de intervenção individual e em grupo, com treze crianças com Perturbações do Desenvolvimento, contendo a mais nova quatro anos e a mais velha onze. A intervenção seguiu uma organização lógica e coerente passando pelas avaliações, planos de intervenção, intervenção psicomotora e por fim, avaliação final e análise dos resultados obtidos. De uma forma mais pormenorizada são relatados dois estudos de caso, em que o primeiro diz respeito a uma criança sobredotada e o segundo ao grupo da sala Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicapped children, os quais ilustram a aplicação prática da psicomotricidade, visando a promoção do desenvolvimento de várias áreas, nos domínios motor, comportamental, relacional e afetivo.
The five-storey building consists of 255 furnished, single-rooms with a bathroom shared between every two rooms, as well as a lounge on each floor. It is named after the University's second and longest-serving President. Dr. Earp was President from 1974-1988, in addition to being Acting President during the 1971-72 and 1973-1974 academic years.
The Alumni or former Faculty and Staff Lounge on the 13th floor of the Schmon Tower.
Exterior detail of the Argyros Forum, Chapman University, Orange, California, an 100,000 square-foot building providing office, dining and classroom space; a bookstore, art galleries and lounge facilities.
Architectural drawing of Morlan Residence Hall, married student apartments and lounge, Chapman College, Orange, California. John Galbraith & Associates, Architectural Project Development. Dedicated November 20, 1963 and named in honor of Dr. Halford J. Morlan and Perwyn Bohrer Morlan. An addition was dedicated December 1, 1965.
South Morlan Residence Hall, married student apartmentsl, Chapman College, Orange, California. Morlan Hall and Lounge was dedicated November 20, 1963 and named in honor of Dr. Halford J. Morlan and Perwyn Bohrer Morlan. An addition, South Morlan, was dedicated December 1, 1965.
Lounge area inside Founders' Hall [now Roosevelt Hall], Chapman College, Orange, California. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.