944 resultados para Abdominal Pain


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A infecção por Helicobacter pylori (Hp) é uma das infecções bacterianas mais comuns em todo o mundo. As maiores prevalências da infecção foram encontradas nos países em desenvolvimento, onde, em geral são altas já na infância. O método diagnóstico considerado mais acurado para a infecção por Hp, em crianças, é o exame endoscópico com biópsias gástricas. Alguns autores referem que o único aspecto macroscópico que pode predizer a infecção é o da presença de nodosidades na mucosa gástrica. Este aspecto é denominado de gastrite endoscópica nodular. A especificidade da gastrite endoscópica nodular para a infecção por Hp, entretanto, recentemente foi questionada por outros autores. Realizamos um estudo transversal em uma amostra de crianças (um a 12 anos) com dor abdominal crônica, que preenchiam os critérios para a realização de endoscopia digestiva alta, no Hospital da Criança Conceição e no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, de setembro de 1997 a setembro de 1999. O objetivo principal foi verificar a associação entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite endoscópica nodular nessas crianças. A amostra foi constituída de 185 crianças de ambos os sexos, com baixa renda familiar, cujos pais apresentavam baixo nível de escolaridade. Foi realizado estudo histológico das lâminas de biópsia gástrica (no mínimo cinco fragmentos, corados com H-E ou Giemsa), conforme o Sistema Sydney modificado. A infecção por Hp foi caracterizada pela presença de Hp na lâminas de biópsias gástricas dos pacientes e a gastrite folicular, pela presença de folículos linfóides bem formados, em mucosa gástrica inflamada. A prevalência da infecção por Hp nas crianças com dor abdominal crônica foi de 27% (IC 95%: 20,8-34,0). Foi demonstrada uma associação muito forte entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite endoscópica nodular nessas crianças (P<0,001; RP = 29,7). Houve um aumento da prevalência tanto da infecção por Hp como da gastrite endoscópica nodular com a idade dos pacientes. A gastrite endoscópica nodular , embora tenha demostrado uma baixa sensibilidade (44,0%), apresentou um valor preditivo positivo de 91,7% para a infecção por Hp. Tanto o teste de urease, como a gastrite endoscópica nodular mostraram-se muito específicas, 94,5% e 98,5%, respectivamente, para o diagnóstico da infecção. Quando se combinou o teste de urease com o aspecto de gastrite endoscópica nodular, encontrou-se, uma sensibilidade muito baixa (34,7%), mas uma especificidade de 100% para a infecção por Hp. A sensibilidade do teste de urease, isolado, para a infecção foi de 60,4% e o seu valor preditivo positivo de 80,5%. O aspecto endoscópico (gastrite endoscópica nodular) teve associação com o microscópico (gastrite folicular) (P<0,001). Houve uma forte e significativa associação entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite crônica ativa ( P<0,001; RP = 10,8). O mesmo foi demonstrado entre a gastrite nodular e a gastrite crônica ativa (P<0,001; RP = 8,6). Também foi verificado um nítido aumento das razões de prevalência da gastrite crônica ativa e da gastrite endoscópica nodular, com a acentuação dos graus de densidade de Hp. Finalmente, foi demonstrada a importante correlação entre o grau de intensidade da gastrite, verificado no exame histológico, e a gastrite endoscópica nodular (r = 0,97; P<0,001). A prevalência da infecção por Hp encontrada em Porto Alegre, nas crianças, foi menor do que a de outras cidades brasileiras e similar àquela registrada em algumas cidades do primeiro mundo. A presença de nodosidade na mucosa gástrica foi a alteração, à endoscopia, mais freqüentemente verificada nas crianças com infecção por Hp. Considerando a baixa prevalência da infecção encontrada na nossa amostra, a presença de gastrite endoscópica nodular significa uma elevada probabilidade de infecção por Hp, dado o alto valor preditivo verificado. O achado negativo para a gastrite endoscópica nodular, entretanto, não exclui a possibilidade da presença de infecção por Hp. Uma maior colonização bacteriana da mucosa gástrica estaria associada ao aparecimento da gastrite endoscópica nodular, já que a sua prevalência aumentou com os graus de densidade de Hp, assim como ocorreu com a gastrite crônica ativa. E quando ocorre, nas crianças, há maior probabilidade de se tratar de uma gastrite mais ativa e mais intensa.


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Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) are defined as ailments of the mid or lower gastrointestinal tract which are not attributable to any discernable anatomic or biochemical defects.1 FGIDs include functional bowel disorders, also known as persisting abdominal symptoms (PAS). Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common illnesses classified under PAS.2,3 This is the first prospective study that looks at the etiology and pathogenesis of post-infectious PAS in the context of environmental exposure and genetic susceptibility in a cohort of US travelers to Mexico. Our objective was to identify infectious, genetic and environmental factors that predispose to post infectious PAS. ^ Methods. This is a secondary data analysis of a prospective study on a cohort of 704 healthy North American tourists to Cuernavaca, Morelos and Guadalajara, Jalisco in Mexico. The subjects at risk for Travelers' diarrhea were assessed for chronic abdominal symptoms on enrollment and six months after the return to the US. ^ Outcomes. PAS was defined as disturbances of mid and lower gastrointestinal system without any known pathological or radiological abnormalities, or infectious, or metabolic causes. It refers to functional bowel disease, category C of functional gastrointestinal diseases as defined by the Rome II criterion. PAS was sub classified into Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional abdominal disease (FAD). ^ IBS is defined as recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort present at least 25% and associated with improvement with defecation, change in frequency and form of stool. FAD encompasses other abdominal symptoms of chronic nature that do not meet the criteria for IBS. It includes functional diarrhea, functional constipation, functional bloating: and unspecified bowel symptoms. ^ Results. Among the 704 travelers studied, there were 202 cases of PAS. The PAS cases included 175 cases of FAD and 27 cases of IBS. PAS was more frequent among subjects who developed traveler's diarrhea in Mexico compared to travelers who remained healthy during the short term visit to Mexico (52 vs. 38; OR = 1.8; CI, 1.3–2.5, P < 0.001). A statistically significant difference was noted in the mean age of subjects with PAS compared to healthy controls (28 vs. 34 yrs; OR = 0.97, CI, 0.95–0.98; P < 0.001). Travelers who experienced multiple episodes, a later onset of diarrhea in Mexico and passed greater numbers of unformed stools were more likely to be identified in PAS group at six months. Participants who developed TD caused by enterotoxigenic E.coli in Mexico showed a 2.6 times higher risk of developing FAD (P = 0.003). Infection with Providencia ssp. also demonstrated a greater risk to developing PAS. Subjects who sought treatment for diarrhea while in Mexico also displayed a significantly lower frequency of IBS at six months follow up (OR = 0.30; CI, 0.10–0.80; P = 0.02). ^ Forty six SNPs belonging to 14 genes were studied. Seven SNPs were associated with PAS at 6 months. These included four SNPs from the Caspase Recruitment Domain-Containing Protein 15 gene (CARD15), two SNPs from Surfactant Pulmonary-Associated Protein D gene (SFTPD) and one from Decay-Accelerating Factor For Complement gene (CD55). A genetic risk score (GRS) was composed based on the 7 SNPs that showed significant association with PAS. A 20% greater risk for PAS was noted for every unit increase in GRS. The risk increased by 30% for IBS. The mean GRS was high for IBS (2.2) and PAS (1.1) compared to healthy controls (0.51). These data suggests a role for these genetic polymorphisms in defining the susceptibility to PAS. ^ Conclusions. The study allows us to identify individuals at risk for developing post infectious IBS (PI-IBS) and persisting abdominal symptoms after an episode of TD. The observations in this study will be of use in developing measures to prevent and treat post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome among travelers including pre-travel counseling, the use of vaccines, antibiotic prophylaxis or the initiation of early antimicrobial therapy. This study also provides insights into the pathogenesis of post infectious PAS and IBS. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Background. Laparoscopy is ever more common in both elective and emergency surgery. In fact, in abdominal emergencies it enables the resolution of preoperative diagnostic doubts as well as treatment of the underlying disease. We present a retrospective study of the results of a 5-year experience at a single center. Patients and methods. Between September 2006 and August 2011, 961 patients were treated via laparoscopy, including 486 emergency cases (15 gastroduodenal perforation; 165 acute cholecystitis; 255 acute appendicitis; 15 pelvic inflammatory disease and non-specific abdominal pain [NSAP]; 36 small bowel obstruction). All procedures were conducted by a team trained in laparoscopic surgery. Results. The conversion rate was 22/486 patients (4.53%). A definitive laparoscopic diagnosis was possible in over 96% of cases, and definitive treatment via laparoscopy was possible in most of these. Conclusions Our own experience confirms the literature evidence that laparoscopy is a valid option in the surgical treatment of abdominal emergencies. In any case, it must be performed by a dedicated and highly experienced team. Correct patient selection is also important, to enable the most suitable approach for each given situation.


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Doente do sexo feminino de 16 anos de idade, recorreu ao serviço de urgência por dor abdominal com duas semanas de evolução localizada à fossa ilíaca esquerda (FIE) associada a obstipação. Negava atividade sexual, referindo último cataménio três semanas antes. Apresentava palpação abdominal dolo- rosa na FIE, sem defesa ou sinais de irritação peritoneal. Estudo analítico inicial e exame sumário de urina normais. Ecografia abdomino-pélvica revelou quisto complexo na região anexial esquerda e ascite de médio volume. Foi doseada a hormona gonadotrofina coriónica sérica que foi positiva (2608 mUI/mL). A ecografia transvaginal revelou quisto simples com área adjacente de aspeto reticular, não evidenciando qualquer imagem de saco gestacional intrauterino. Foi submetida a laparotomia exploradora, constatando-se hemoperitoneu e gravidez ectópica tubar esquerda e efetuada salpingectomia esquerda. Os autores pretendem alertar para uma causa rara de dor abdominal na adolescência, que deverá ser considerada de for- ma a evitar um desfecho potencialmente fatal.


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Purpose: This two-part research project was undertaken as part of the planning process by Queensland Health (QH), Cancer Screening Services Unit (CSSU), Queensland Bowel Cancer Screening Program (QBCSP), in partnership with the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP), to prepare for the implementation of the NBCSP in public sector colonoscopy services in QLD in late 2006. There was no prior information available on the quality of colonoscopy services in Queensland (QLD) and no prior studies that assessed the quality of colonoscopy training in Australia. Furthermore, the NBCSP was introduced without extra funding for colonoscopy service improvement or provision for increases in colonoscopic capacity resulting from the introduction of the NBCSP. The main purpose of the research was to record baseline data on colonoscopy referral and practice in QLD and current training in colonoscopy Australia-wide. It was undertaken from a quality improvement perspective. Implementation of the NBCSP requires that all aspects of the screening pathway, in particular colonoscopy services for the assessment of positive Faecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBTs), will be effective, efficient, equitable and evidence-based. This study examined two important aspects of the continuous quality improvement framework for the NBCSP as they relate to colonoscopy services: (1) evidence-based practice, and (2) quality of colonoscopy training. The Principal Investigator was employed as Senior Project Officer (Training) in the QBCSP during the conduct of this research project. Recommendations from this research have been used to inform the development and implementation of quality improvement initiatives for provision of colonoscopy in the NBCSP, its QLD counterpart the QBCSP and colonoscopy services in QLD, in general. Methods – Part 1 Chart audit of evidence-based practice: The research was undertaken in two parts from 2005-2007. The first part of this research comprised a retrospective chart audit of 1484 colonoscopy records (some 13% of all colonoscopies conducted in public sector facilities in the year 2005) in three QLD colonoscopy services. Whilst some 70% of colonoscopies are currently conducted in the private sector, only public sector colonoscopy facilities provided colonoscopies under the NBCSP. The aim of this study was to compare colonoscopy referral and practice with explicit criteria derived from the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1999) Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Colorectal Cancer, and describe the nature of variance with the guidelines. Symptomatic presentations were the most common indication for colonoscopy (60.9%). These comprised per rectal bleeding (31.0%), change of bowel habit (22.1%), abdominal pain (19.6%), iron deficiency anaemia (16.2%), inflammatory bowel disease (8.9%) and other symptoms (11.4%). Surveillance and follow-up colonoscopies accounted for approximately one-third of the remaining colonoscopy workload across sites. Gastroenterologists (GEs) performed relatively more colonoscopies per annum (59.9%) compared to general surgeons (GS) (24.1%), colorectal surgeons (CRS) (9.4%) and general physicians (GPs) (6.5%). Guideline compliance varied with the designation of the colonoscopist. Compliance was lower for CRS (62.9%) compared to GPs (76.0%), GEs (75.0%), GSs (70.9%, p<0.05). Compliance with guideline recommendations for colonoscopic surveillance for family history of colorectal cancer (23.9%), polyps (37.0%) and a past history of bowel cancer (42.7%), was by comparison significantly lower than for symptomatic presentations (94.4%), (p<0.001). Variation with guideline recommendations occurred more frequently for polyp surveillance (earlier than guidelines recommend, 47.9%) and follow-up for past history of bowel cancer (later than recommended, 61.7%, p<0.001). Bowel cancer cases detected at colonoscopy comprised 3.6% of all audited colonoscopies. Incomplete colonoscopies occurred in 4.3% of audited colonoscopies and were more common among women (76.6%). For all colonoscopies audited, the rate of incomplete colonoscopies for GEs was 1.6% (CI 0.9-2.6), GPs 2.0% (CI 0.6-7.2), GS 7.0% (CI 4.8-10.1) and CRS 16.4% (CI 11.2-23.5). 18.6% (n=55) of patients with a documented family history of bowel cancer had colonoscopy performed against guidelines recommendations (for general (category 1) population risk, for reasons of patient request or family history of polyps, rather than for high risk status for colorectal cancer). In general, family history was inadequately documented and subsequently applied to colonoscopy referral and practice. Methods - Part 2 Surveys of quality of colonoscopy training: The second part of the research consisted of Australia-wide anonymous, self-completed surveys of colonoscopy trainers and their trainees to ascertain their opinions on the current apprenticeship model of colonoscopy in Australia and to identify any training needs. Overall, 127 surveys were received from colonoscopy trainers (estimated response rate 30.2%). Approximately 50% of trainers agreed and 27% disagreed that current numbers of training places were adequate to maintain a skilled colonoscopy workforce in preparation for the NBCSP. Approximately 70% of trainers also supported UK-style colonoscopy training within dedicated accredited training centres using a variety of training approaches including simulation. A collaborative approach with the private sector was seen as beneficial by 65% of trainers. Non-gastroenterologists (non-GEs) were more likely than GEs to be of the opinion that simulators are beneficial for colonoscopy training (χ2-test = 5.55, P = 0.026). Approximately 60% of trainers considered that the current requirements for recognition of training in colonoscopy could be insufficient for trainees to gain competence and 80% of those indicated that ≥ 200 colonoscopies were needed. GEs (73.4%) were more likely than non-GEs (36.2%) to be of the opinion that the Conjoint Committee standard is insufficient to gain competence in colonoscopy (χ2-test = 16.97, P = 0.0001). The majority of trainers did not support training either nurses (73%) or GPs in colonoscopy (71%). Only 81 (estimated response rate 17.9%) surveys were received from GS trainees (72.1%), GE trainees (26.3%) and GP trainees (1.2%). The majority were males (75.9%), with a median age 32 years and who had trained in New South Wales (41.0%) or Victoria (30%). Overall, two-thirds (60.8%) of trainees indicated that they deemed the Conjoint Committee standard sufficient to gain competency in colonoscopy. Between specialties, 75.4% of GS trainees indicated that the Conjoint Committee standard for recognition of colonoscopy was sufficient to gain competence in colonoscopy compared to only 38.5% of GE trainees. Measures of competency assessed and recorded by trainees in logbooks centred mainly on caecal intubation (94.7-100%), complications (78.9-100%) and withdrawal time (51-76.2%). Trainees described limited access to colonoscopy training lists due to the time inefficiency of the apprenticeship model and perceived monopolisation of these by GEs and their trainees. Improvements to the current training model suggested by trainees included: more use of simulation, training tools, a United Kingdom (UK)-style training course, concentration on quality indicators, increased access to training lists, accreditation of trainers and interdisciplinary colonoscopy training. Implications for the NBCSP/QBCSP: The introduction of the NBCSP/QBCSP necessitates higher quality colonoscopy services if it is to achieve its ultimate goal of decreasing the incidence of morbidity and mortality associated with bowel cancer in Australia. This will be achieved under a new paradigm for colonoscopy training and implementation of evidence-based practice across the screening pathway and specifically targeting areas highlighted in this thesis. Recommendations for improvement of NBCSP/QBCSP effectiveness and efficiency include the following: 1. Implementation of NBCSP and QBCSP health promotion activities that target men, in particular, to increase FOBT screening uptake. 2. Improved colonoscopy training for trainees and refresher courses or retraining for existing proceduralists to improve completion rates (especially for female NBCSP/QBCSP participants), and polyp and adenoma detection and removal, including newer techniques to detect flat and depressed lesions. 3. Introduction of colonoscopy training initiatives for trainees that are aligned with NBCSP/QBCSP colonoscopy quality indicators, including measurement of training outcomes using objective quality indicators such as caecal intubation, withdrawal time, and adenoma detection rate. 4. Introduction of standardised, interdisciplinary colonoscopy training to reduce apparent differences between specialties with regard to compliance with guideline recommendations, completion rates, and quality of polypectomy. 5. Improved quality of colonoscopy training by adoption of a UK-style training program with centres of excellence, incorporating newer, more objective assessment methods, use of a variety of training tools such as simulation and rotations of trainees between metropolitan, rural, and public and private sector training facilities. 6. Incorporation of NHMRC guidelines into colonoscopy information systems to improve documentation, provide guideline recommendations at the point of care, use of gastroenterology nurse coordinators to facilitate compliance with guidelines and provision of guideline-based colonoscopy referral letters for GPs. 7. Provision of information and education about the NBCSP/QBCSP, bowel cancer risk factors, including family history and polyp surveillance guidelines, for participants, GPs and proceduralists. 8. Improved referral of NBCSP/QBCSP participants found to have a high-risk family history of bowel cancer to appropriate genetics services.


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Aims: After failure of anthracycline- and taxane-based chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer, treatment options until recently were limited. Until the introduction of capecitabine and vinorelbine, no standard regimen was available. We conducted a retrospective study to determine the efficacy and toxicity of platinum-based chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer. Materials and methods: Forty-two women with metastatic breast cancer previously treated with anthracyclines (93%) and/or taxanes (36%) received mitomycin-vinblastine-cisplatin (MVP) (n = 23), or cisplatin-etoposide (PE) (n = 19), as first-, second- and third-line treatment at a tertiary referral centre between 1997 and 2002. Chemotherapy was given every 3 weeks as follows: mitomycin-C (8 mg/m 2) (cycles 1, 2, 4, 6), vinblastine (6 mg/m 2), and cisplatin (50 mg/m 2) all on day 1; and cisplatin (75 mg/m 2) and etoposide (100 mg/m 2) on day 1 and (100 mg/m 2) orally twice a day on days 2-3. Results: The response rate for 40 evaluable patients (MVP: n = 23; PE: n = 17) was 18% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 9-32%). The response rate to MVP was 13% (95% CI: 5-32%, one complete and two partial responses) and to PE 24% (10-47%, four partial responses). Disease stabilised in 43% (26-63%) and 47% (26-69%) of women treated with MVP and PE, respectively. After a median follow-up of 18 months, 37 women (MVP: n = 19; PE: n = 18) died from their disease. Median (range) progression-free survival and overall survival were 6 months (0.4-18.7) and 9.9 months (1.3-40.8), respectively. Median progression-free survival for the MVP and PE groups was 5.5 and 6.2 months (Log-rank, P = 0.82), and median overall survival was 10.2 and 9.4 months (Log-rank, P = 0.46), respectively. The main toxicity was myelosuppression. Grades 3-4 neutropenia was more common in women treated with PE than in women treated with MVP (74% vs 30%; P = 0.012), but the incidence of neutropenic sepsis, relative to the number of chemotherapy cycles, was low (7% overall). The toxicity-related hospitalisation rate was 1.2 admissions per six cycles of chemotherapy. No treatment-related deaths occurred. MVP and PE chemotherapy have modest activity and are safe in women with metastatic breast cancer. © 2005 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: In non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) play major roles in tumorigenesis. This phase I/II study evaluated combined therapy with the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) gefitinib and the COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib in platinum-pretreated, relapsed, metastatic NSCLC (n = 45). Patients and Methods: Gefitinib 250 mg/d was combined with rofecoxib (dose escalated from 12.5 to 25 to 50 mg/d through three cohorts, each n = 6). Because the rofecoxib maximum-tolerated dose was not reached, the 50 mg/d cohort was expanded for efficacy evaluation (n = 33). Results: Among the 42 assessable patients, there was one complete response (CR) and two partial responses (PRs) and 12 patients with stable disease (SD); disease control rate was 35.7% (95% CI, 21.6% to 52.0%). Median time to tumor progression was 55 days (95% CI, 47 to 70 days), and median survival was 144 days (95% CI, 103 to 190 days). In a pilot study, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) proteomics analysis of baseline serum samples could distinguish patients with an objective response from those with SD or progressive disease (PD), and those with disease control (CR, PR, and SD) from those with PD. The regimen was generally well tolerated, with predictable toxicities including skin rash and diarrhea. Conclusion: Gefitinib combined with rofecoxib provided disease control equivalent to that expected with single-agent gefitinib and was generally well tolerated. Baseline serum proteomics may help identify those patients most likely to benefit from EGFR TKIs. © 2007 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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The aim of this review is to identify current chemotherapy treatment for tumours of the oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, and liver. The role of both neoadjuvant, adjuvant, and palliative chemotherapy regimens will be discussed. This review will be of interest to oncologists in clarifying current issues regarding chemotherapy, and to physicians in other medical specialties, to increase their general understanding of benefits and drawbacks of chemotherapy in this patient group.


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Objective Women treated for endometrial cancer currently commonly attend clinic-based follow-up examinations for up to five years. This is based on little evidence and alternative models need to be investigated. This study aimed to identify currently available symptom checklists, determine the comprehensiveness of identified checklists, and generate an updated list of symptoms potentially associated with a recurrence of endometrial cancer for future testing within a prospective study. Methods/materials We conducted a systematic review of the literature extracting; routine follow-up schedules; proportion of patients with symptomatic or asymptomatic recurrence; symptoms of recurrence; prevalence of these symptoms at recurrence. Results Overall, three previous checklists, and 12 retrospective studies were identified meeting the selection criteria. The average rate of recurrence across the studies was 13% (range 3%-19%). The proportion of patients identified with a symptomatic recurrence varied widely (overall average 67%;range 41% to 91%). The most commonly reported symptoms were vaginal bleeding (25%), pain [not further described] (16%) and abdominal pain and/or discomfort and swelling (15%) which combined, represented 56% of the total reported symptoms. The three previous checklists listed 14 and this review identified an additional 24 symptoms (e.g. vaginal discharge, leg pain, constipation, headache and self-detected mass) not previously identified. Conclusion The newly developed symptom checklist expands previous ones, by an additional 24 symptoms. It will be used in a prospective cohort study to assess whether it is sensitive and specific enough to identify recurrence compared to current standard follow-up examinations.


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Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is a rare, autosomal dominant condition, classically characterised by heterotopic ossification beginning in childhood and congenital great toe malformations; occurring in response to a c.617 G>A ACVR1 mutation in the functionally important glycine/serine-rich domain of exon 6. Here we describe a novel c.587 T>C mutation in the glycine/serine-rich domain of ACVR1, associated with delayed onset of heterotopic ossification and an exceptionally mild clinical course. Absence of great toe malformations, the presence of early ossification of the cervical spine facets joints, plus mild bilateral camptodactyly of the 5th fingers, together with a novel ACVR1 mutation, are consistent with the 'FOP-variant' syndrome. The c.587 T>C mutation replaces a conserved leucine with proline at residue 196. Modelling of the mutant protein reveals a steric clash with the kinase domain that will weaken interactions with FKBP12 and induce exposure of the glycine/serine-rich repeat. The mutant receptor is predicted to be hypersensitive to ligand stimulation rather than being constitutively active, consistent with the mild clinical phenotype. This case extends our understanding of the 'FOP-variant' syndrome.


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Objectives: Quality of life (QOL) is reportedly poor in children with Crohn disease (CD) but improves with increasing disease duration. This article aims to detail QOL in a cohort of Australian children with CD in relation to disease duration, disease activity, and treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: QOL, assessed using the IMPACT-III questionnaire, and disease activity measures, assessed using the Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI), were available in 41 children with CD. For this cohort, a total of 186 measurements of both parameters were available. Results: QOL was found to be significantly lower, and disease activity significantly higher (F = 31.1, P = 0.00), in patients within 6 months of their diagnosis compared with those up to 2.5 years, up to 5 years, and beyond 5 years since diagnosis. Higher disease activity was associated with poorer QOL (r =-0.51, P = 0.00). Total QOL was highest in children on nil medications and lowest in children on enteral nutrition. The PCDAI (t =-6.0, P = 0.00) was a significant predictor of QOL, with the clinical history (t =-6.9, P = 0.00) and examination (t =-2.9, P = 0.01) sections of the PCDAI significantly predicting QOL. Disease duration, age, or sex was neither related to nor significant predictors of QOL, but height z score and type of treatment approached significance. Conclusions: Children with CD within 6 months of their diagnosis have impaired QOL compared with those diagnosed beyond 6 months. These patients, along with those with growth impairment, ongoing elevated disease activity with abdominal pain, diarrhoea and/or perirectal and extraintestinal complications, may benefit from regular assessments of QOL as part of their clinical treatment. © 2010 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition.


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Since the initial report by Warren and Marshall in 1984, Helicobacter pylori has assumed an increasingly important role in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease and gastric carcinoma in all ages. A recent National Institutes of Health Consensus Development conference acknowledges the relationship between H. pylori infection and peptic ulcer disease and recommends that the medical community treat H. pylori infection in all patients with Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcer. Although the same organism, the response to Helicobacter pylori infection in childhood differs somewhat from that seen in adults. The paediatric patient mounts a different inflammatory response, has different macroscopic appearances and has a markedly diminished peptic ulcer disease frequency compared with their adult counterparts. The appearances of antral nodularity appear to be characteristic of Helicobacter pylori infections. The appearances, however, are unrelated to symptoms and the underlying cause for this nodularity remains obscure. Younger children with peptic ulcer diseases are more likely to be Helicobacter pylori negative. This may suggest an increased susceptibility to gastric acid or possibly a very transient Helicobacter pylori infection rather than the well described lifelong infection without treatment. It is well known that the epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori would suggest that the incidence of infection increases with age. There is also geographical variations with the incidence being higher in countries of a third world background. These epidemiological observations fly in the face of all other infections where the major period of acquisition is in childhood. There has been recent evidence to suggest that in fact the incidence in childhood is decreasing in developed countries which could support the observation that there is a decreasing positive serology with successive decades in some countries. It is felt that the most likely mode of transmission of Helicobacter pylori is faecal to oral or oral to oral route. These are similar modes of transmission to Hepatitis A infections. It is obvious that most infections in childhood remain asymptomatic. It is also clear that there is no relationship between chronic recurrent abdominal pain of childhood syndrome and the presence of Helicobacter pylori infections. It remains to be seen as to who should be treated, what with and when. All of these issues will be discussed in the paper.


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The efficacy, adverse reactions, and long-term effects of intestinal lavage treatment with a balanced electrolyte solution (Golytely) was evaluated in patients with cystic fibrosis and distal intestinal obstruction syndrome. Twenty-two patients with cystic fibrosis (mean age 21.8 years, range 14 to 34 years, 15 boys or men) who sough medical attention because of abdominal pain and a mass in the right iliac fossa received Golytely, 5.6 ± 1.9 L (mean ± 1 SD), either orally (n = 14) or via nasogastric tube (n = 8) during 5.6 ± 2.4 hours. No serious side effects occurred. Serum electrolyte values remained within normal limits. Body weight did not change significantly. Minor adverse reactions included bloating (n = 12), nausea (n = 8), vomiting (n = 1), and chills (n = 3). All but one patient reported impressive relief of symptoms and remained pain free for an average of 3 months (range 1 to 19 months). Symptoms of abdominal pain and radiologic signs of fecal impaction assessed before and after lavage both decreased significantly (P < .0001). During follow-up (mean 15.2 months, range 4 to 26 months), 11 patients required a total of 38 (range one to nine) additional doses of Golytely. Seven patients drank the solution at home (21 treatments); only two patients chose a nasogastric tube. In ten patients with symptoms of recurrent distal intestinal obstruction syndrome prior to institution of therapy, duration of hospitalization was significantly reduced by this treatment (5.1 ± 7.6 v 2.3 ± 6.3 hospital days per annum, P < .02). It is concluded that intestinal lavage is a well-accepted, safe, and effective therapy for distal intestinal obstruction syndrome in patients with cystic fibrosis.


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Adult-type hypolactasia (primary lactose malabsorption, lactase non-persistence) is the most common enzyme deficiency worldwide, and manifests with symptoms of lactose intolerance such as abdominal pain, gas formation and diarrhea. In humans with adult-type hypolactasia, lactase activity is high at birth, but declines during childhood to about one-tenth of the activity at birth. In 2002, a one base polymorphism C/T-13910, located 14 kilobases from the starting codon of the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) gene was observed to be associated with the persistence of lactase activity. The T-13910 allele (C/T-13910 and T/T-13910 genotypes) associates with persistence of lactase activity throughout life, whereas the C/C-13910 genotype associates with adult-type hypolactasia. In this thesis work, the timing and mechanism of decline of lactase enzyme activity during development was studied using the C/T-13910 polymorphism as a molecular marker. We observed an excellent correlation between low lactase activity and the C/C-13910 genotype in all subjects > 12 years of age, irrespective their ethnicity. In children of African origin, the lactase activity declined somewhat earlier than among Finnish children. Furthermore, we observed an increasing imbalance in the relative lactase mRNA expression from the C-13910 and T-13910 alleles in Finnish children beginning from five years of age. The genetic test for adult-type hypolactasia showed a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 100% in the Finnish children and adolescents > 12 years of age. The relation of milk consumption and the milk-related abdominal complaints to the C/T-13910 genotypes associated with lactase persistence/non-persistence was studied by a questionnaire-based approach in > 2100 Finns. Both Finnish children and adults with the C/C-13910 genotype consumed significantly less dairy products compared to those with the C/T-13910 and T/T-13910 genotypes. Flatulence was the only of the abdominal symptoms of lactose intolerance that subjects with the C/C-13910 genotype reported significantly more often than those with the C/T-13910 and T/T-13910 genotypes. A minor proportion (<10%) of subjects with the C/C-13910 genotype, nevertheless, reported drinking milk without any symptoms afterwards. There was no association between cow's milk allergy starting as a newborn and adult-type hypolactasia. In an association study an increased risk of colorectal cancer was observed among those with molecular diagnosis of adult-type hypolactasia. It warrants further studies to clarify whether the increased risk observed in the Finnish population is associated with lactose or decreased intake of dairy products in these subjects.