967 resultados para ANALYTICAL PERFORMANCE


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Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an effective tool for assessing actual exposure to chemicals that takes into account all routes of intake. Although hair analysis is considered to be an optimal biomarker for assessing mercury exposure, the lack of harmonization as regards sampling and analytical procedures has often limited the comparison of data at national and international level. The European-funded projects COPHES and DEMOCOPHES developed and tested a harmonized European approach to Human Biomonitoring in response to the European Environment and Health Action Plan. Herein we describe the quality assurance program (QAP) for assessing mercury levels in hair samples from more than 1800 mother-child pairs recruited in 17 European countries. To ensure the comparability of the results, standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling and for mercury analysis were drafted and distributed to participating laboratories. Training sessions were organized for field workers and four external quality-assessment exercises (ICI/EQUAS), followed by the corresponding web conferences, were organized between March 2011 and February 2012. ICI/EQUAS used native hair samples at two mercury concentration ranges (0.20-0.71 and 0.80-1.63) per exercise. The results revealed relative standard deviations of 7.87-13.55% and 4.04-11.31% for the low and high mercury concentration ranges, respectively. A total of 16 out of 18 participating laboratories the QAP requirements and were allowed to analyze samples from the DEMOCOPHES pilot study. Web conferences after each ICI/EQUAS revealed this to be a new and effective tool for improving analytical performance and increasing capacity building. The procedure developed and tested in COPHES/DEMOCOPHES would be optimal for application on a global scale as regards implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.


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This paper presents a system for electrochemical hydride generation using flow-injection and atomic absorption spectrometry to determine selenium in biological materials. The electrolytic cell was constructed by assembling two reservoirs, one for the sample and the other for the electrolytic solution separated by a Nafion membrane. Each compartment had a Pt electrode. The sample and electrolyte flow-rates, acidic media, and applied current were adjusted to attain the best analytical performance and ensure the membrane lifetime. The atomisation system used a T quartz tube in an air-LPG flame. The composition of the flame, the observation height, and the argon flow rate used to carry the hydrides were critically investigated. The system allowed to perform thirty determinations per hour with a detection limit of 10 mug L-1 of Se. Relative standard deviations were in general lower than 1.5% for a solution containing 20.0 and 34.0 mug L-1 of Se in a typical sample digest. Accuracy was assessed analysing the certified materials: rice flour (NIST-1568) from National Institute of Standard and Technology and dried fish (MA-A-2), whole animal blood (A-2/1974) from the International Atomic Energy Agency.


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Analytical laboratories are expected to produce reliable results. Decision makers are guided in their actions (financial, legal and environmental) using analytical data provided by numerous laboratories. This work aimed to evaluate the analytical performance of Brazilian laboratories on producing trustworthy results. Nineteen laboratories, accredited and non-accredited ones, were contracted to analyze a USGS (United States Geological Survey) certified water sample for 17 chemical elements (mostly metals) without knowing the origin of the sample. Considering all the results produced, only 35% of them were valid. Three laboratories present satisfactory performances, whereas the majority showed a very poor overall performance. The outcomes of this work show the need for a more effective analytical quality program to Brazilian laboratories.


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The potentiality of the use of ultrasound radiation in association with a boron-doped diamond electrode was evaluated on the voltammetric determination of the pesticide carbaryl. Improvements in the sensitivity, limit of detection and reproducibility of the measurements were observed due to both, the enhancement of mass transport and the cleaning of the electrode surface provided by ultrasound. Satisfactory recovery levels for carbaryl in pure water (96-98%) and pineapple juice (89-92%) for quiescent and sonovoltammetric methodologies were obtained. These methodologies can be alternative tools for the analyses of pesticides in fruit samples, mainly the insonated condition that improve the analytical performance and dispense intermediary cleanings of the electrode surface.


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This study reports on the construction of a turbidimeter employing light emitting diodes as radiation source at a wavelength of 405 nm, a photodiode as detector, a temperature sensor and a microcontroller used for data acquisition and processing. The turbidimeter was applied to determine sulfate concentrations in natural water employing barium chloride as reagent. Potential interferences and recovery studies were performed and an interference of 3.5 % and a recovery between 97.8 and 108 % were estimated. The analytical performance of in situ turbidimeter for the determination of sulfate was evaluated and compared with two commercial spectrophotometers and a good agreement was obtained.


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This report describes a study about the feasibility of using a conventional digital camera, a cell-phone camera, an optical microscope, and a scanner as digital image capture devices on printed microzones. An array containing nine circular zones was drawn using graphics software and printed onto transparency film by a laser printer. Due to its superior analytical performance, the scanner was chosen for the quantitative determination of Fe2+ in pharmaceutical samples. The data achieved using scanned images did not differ statistically from those attained by the reference spectrophotometric method at the confidence level of 0.05.


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Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a marker that is commonly used in estimating prostate cancer risk. Prostate cancer is usually a slowly progressing disease, which might not cause any symptoms whatsoever. Nevertheless, some cases of cancer are aggressive and need to be treated before they become life-threatening. However, the blood PSA concentration may rise also in benign prostate diseases and using a single total PSA (tPSA) measurement to guide the decision on further examinations leads to many unnecessary biopsies, over-detection, and overtreatment of indolent cancers which would not require treatment. Therefore, there is a need for markers that would better separate cancer from benign disorders, and would also predict cancer aggressiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether intact and nicked forms of free PSA (fPSA-I and fPSA-N) or human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (hK2) could serve as new tools in estimating prostate cancer risk. First, the immunoassays for fPSA-I and free and total hK2 were optimized so that they would be less prone to assay interference caused by interfering factors present in some blood samples. The optimized assays were shown to work well and were used to study the marker concentrations in the clinical sample panels. The marker levels were measured from preoperative blood samples of prostate cancer patients scheduled for radical prostatectomy. The association of the markers with the cancer stage and grade was studied. It was found that among all tested markers and their combinations especially the ratio of fPSA-N to tPSA and ratio of free PSA (fPSA) to tPSA were associated with both cancer stage and grade. They might be useful in predicting the cancer aggressiveness, but further follow-up studies are necessary to fully evaluate the significance of the markers in this clinical setting. The markers tPSA, fPSA, fPSA-I and hK2 were combined in a statistical model which was previously shown to be able to reduce unnecessary biopsies when applied to large screening cohorts of men with elevated tPSA. The discriminative accuracy of this model was compared to models based on established clinical predictors in reference to biopsy outcome. The kallikrein model and the calculated fPSA-N concentrations (fPSA minus fPSA-I) correlated with the prostate volume and the model, when compared to the clinical models, predicted prostate cancer in biopsy equally well. Hence, the measurement of kallikreins in a blood sample could be used to replace the volume measurement which is time-consuming, needs instrumentation and skilled personnel and is an uncomfortable procedure. Overall, the model could simplify the estimation of prostate cancer risk. Finally, as the fPSA-N seems to be an interesting new marker, a direct immunoassay for measuring fPSA-N concentrations was developed. The analytical performance was acceptable, but the rather complicated assay protocol needs to be improved until it can be used for measuring large sample panels.


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Potentiometric sensors are very attractive tools for chemical analysis because of their simplicity, low power consumption and low cost. They are extensively used in clinical diagnostics and in environmental monitoring. Modern applications of both fields require improvements in the conventional construction and in the performance of the potentiometric sensors, as the trends are towards portable, on-site diagnostics and autonomous sensing in remote locations. The aim of this PhD work was to improve some of the sensor properties that currently hamper the implementation of the potentiometric sensors in modern applications. The first part of the work was concentrated on the development of a solid-state reference electrode (RE) compatible with already existing solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (ISE), both of which are needed for all-solid-state potentiometric sensing systems. A poly(vinyl chloride) membrane doped with a moderately lipophilic salt, tetrabutylammonium-tetrabutylborate (TBA-TBB), was found to show a satisfactory stability of potential in sample solutions with different concentrations. Its response time was nevertheless slow, as it required several minutes to reach the equilibrium. The TBA-TBB membrane RE worked well together with solid-state ISEs in several different situations and on different substrates enabling a miniature design. Solid contacts (SC) that mediate the ion-to-electron transduction are crucial components of well-functioning potentiometric sensors. This transduction process converting the ionic conduction of an ion-selective membrane to the electronic conduction in the circuit was studied with the help of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The solid contacts studied were (i) the conducting polymer (CP) poly(3,4-ethylienedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and (ii) a carbon cloth having a high surface area. The PEDOT films were doped with a large immobile anion poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS-) or with a small mobile anion Cl-. As could be expected, the studied PEDOT solid-contact mediated the ion-toelectron transduction more efficiently than the bare glassy carbon substrate, onto which they were electropolymerized, while the impedance of the PEDOT films depended on the mobility of the doping ion and on the ions in the electrolyte. The carbon cloth was found to be an even more effective ion-to-electron transducer than the PEDOT films and it also proved to work as a combined electrical conductor and solid contact when covered with an ion-selective membrane or with a TBA-TBB-based reference membrane. The last part of the work was focused on improving the reproducibility and the potential stability of the SC-ISEs, a problem that culminates to the stability of the standard potential E°. It was proven that the E° of a SC-ISE with a conducting polymer as a solid contact could be adjusted by reducing or oxidizing the CP solid contact by applying current pulses or a potential to it, as the redox state of the CP solid-contact influences the overall potential of the ISE. The slope and thus the analytical performance of the SC-ISEs were retained despite the adjustment of the E°. The shortcircuiting of the SC-ISE with a conventional large-capacitance RE was found to be a feasible instrument-free method to control the E°. With this method, the driving force for the oxidation/reduction of the CP was the potential difference between the RE and the SC-ISE, and the position of the adjusted potential could be controlled by choosing a suitable concentration for the short-circuiting electrolyte. The piece-to-piece reproducibility of the adjusted potential was promising, and the day-today reproducibility for a specific sensor was excellent. The instrumentfree approach to control the E° is very attractive considering practical applications.


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The sugars in apple juice prove its authenticity and its sensory and nutritional properties. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a simple analytical method using high performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detection (HPLC-RI) to determinate and quantify the sugars sucrose, D-glucose, D-fructose, and D-sorbitol polyol in apple juices, as well as to analyze the juices from the Fuji suprema and Lis Gala cultivars at three ripening stages. The analytical performance parameters evaluated indicated that the method was specific for the compounds analyzed, and the linearity of the calibration curves of sugars showed high correlation coefficients (close to 1.0). The limits of detection and quantification are consistent with recommendations available in the literature for this type of matrix. Sample preparation is simple and generates small amount of residues. Over 70% of the sugars were determined in the juices of apples at the pre-ripe stage, with an increase during senescence. This method is applicable for the determination of sugars in juices and evaluation of apple ripening.


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Les agents anti-infectieux sont utilisés pour traiter ou prévenir les infections chez les humains, les animaux, les insectes et les plantes. L’apparition de traces de ces substances dans les eaux usées, les eaux naturelles et même l’eau potable dans plusieurs pays du monde soulève l’inquiétude de la communauté scientifique surtout à cause de leur activité biologique. Le but de ces travaux de recherche a été d’étudier la présence d’anti-infectieux dans les eaux environnementales contaminées (c.-à-d. eaux usées, eaux naturelles et eau potable) ainsi que de développer de nouvelles méthodes analytiques capables de quantifier et confirmer leur présence dans ces matrices. Une méta-analyse sur l’occurrence des anti-infectieux dans les eaux environnementales contaminées a démontré qu’au moins 68 composés et 10 de leurs produits de transformation ont été quantifiés à ce jour. Les concentrations environnementales varient entre 0.1 ng/L et 1 mg/L, selon le composé, la matrice et la source de contamination. D’après cette étude, les effets nuisibles des anti-infectieux sur le biote aquatique sont possibles et ces substances peuvent aussi avoir un effet indirect sur la santé humaine à cause de sa possible contribution à la dissémination de la résistance aux anti-infecteiux chez les bactéries. Les premiers tests préliminaires de développement d’une méthode de détermination des anti-infectieux dans les eaux usées ont montré les difficultés à surmonter lors de l’extraction sur phase solide (SPE) ainsi que l’importance de la sélectivité du détecteur. On a décrit une nouvelle méthode de quantification des anti-infectieux utilisant la SPE en tandem dans le mode manuel et la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS). Les six anti-infectieux ciblés (sulfaméthoxazole, triméthoprime, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, clarithromycin et azithromycin) ont été quantifiés à des concentrations entre 39 et 276 ng/L dans les échantillons d’affluent et d’effluent provenant d’une station d’épuration appliquant un traitement primaire et physico- chimique. Les concentrations retrouvées dans les effluents indiquent que la masse moyenne totale de ces substances, déversées hebdomadairement dans le fleuve St. Laurent, était de ~ 2 kg. En vue de réduire le temps total d’analyse et simplifier les manipulations, on a travaillé sur une nouvelle méthode de SPE couplée-LC-MS/MS. Cette méthode a utilisé une technique de permutation de colonnes pour préconcentrer 1.00 mL d’échantillon dans une colonne de SPE couplée. La performance analytique de la méthode a permis la quantification des six anti-infectieux dans les eaux usées municipales et les limites de détection étaient du même ordre de grandeur (13-60 ng/L) que les méthodes basées sur la SPE manuelle. Ensuite, l’application des colonnes de SPE couplée de chromatographie à débit turbulent pour la préconcentration de six anti-infectieux dans les eaux usées a été explorée pour diminuer les effets de matrice. Les résultats obtenus ont indiqué que ces colonnes sont une solution de réchange intéressante aux colonnes de SPE couplée traditionnelles. Finalement, en vue de permettre l’analyse des anti-infectieux dans les eaux de surface et l’eau potable, une méthode SPE couplée-LC-MS/MS utilisant des injections de grand volume (10 mL) a été développée. Le volume de fuite de plusieurs colonnes de SPE couplée a été estimé et la colonne ayant la meilleure rétention a été choisie. Les limites de détection et de confirmation de la méthode ont été entre 1 à 6 ng/L. L’analyse des échantillons réels a démontré que la concentration des trois anti-infectieux ciblés (sulfaméthoxazole, triméthoprime et clarithromycine) était au dessous de la limite de détection de la méthode. La mesure des masses exactes par spectrométrie de masse à temps d’envol et les spectres des ions produits utilisant une pente d’énergie de collision inverse dans un spectromètre de masse à triple quadripôle ont été explorés comme des méthodes de confirmation possibles.


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Les réseaux de nanotrous sont des structures plasmoniques ayant un énorme potentiel en tant que transducteurs pour la conception de biocapteurs. De telles structures sont prometteuses pour l’élaboration de biocapteurs capable d’effectuer du criblage à haut débit. L’intérêt de travailler avec des réseaux de nanotrous est dû à la simplicité d’excitation des polaritons de plasmons de surface en transmission directe, à la sensibilité et à la facilité de fabrication de ces senseurs. L’architecture de tels réseaux métalliques permet la conception de nanostructures ayant de multiples propriétés plasmoniques. L’intensité, la signature spectrale et la sensibilité du signal plasmonique sont grandement affectées par l’aspect physique du réseau de nanotrous. L’optimisation du signal plasmonique nécessite ainsi un ajustement du diamètre des trous, de la périodicité et de la composition métallique du réseau. L'agencement de l'ensemble de ces paramètres permet d'identifier une structure optimale possédant une périodicité de 1000 nm, un diamètre des nanotrous de 600-650 nm et un film métallique ayant une épaisseur de 125 nm d'or. Ce type de transducteur a une sensibilité en solution de 500-600 nm/RIU pour des bandes plasmoniques situées entre 600-700 nm. L'intérêt de travailler avec cette structure est la possibilité d'exciter les plasmons de polaritons de surface (SPPs) selon deux modes d'excitation : en transmission exaltée (EOT) ou en réflexion totale interne par résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR). Une comparaison entre les propriétés plasmoniques des senseurs selon les modes d'excitation permet de déterminer expérimentalement que le couplage de la lumière avec les ondes de SPP de Bloch (BW-SPPs) en transmission directe résulte en un champ électromagnétique davantage propagatif que localisé. D'un point de vue analytique, la biodétection de l'IgG en SPR est 6 fois plus sensible par rapport au mode EOT pour une même structure. Une étude du signal plasmonique associé au BW-SPP pour un certain mode de diffraction démontre que la distance de pénétration de ces structures en EOT est d'environ 140 nm. La limite de détection de l'IgG humain pour un réseau de nanotrous de 1000 nm de périodicité est d'environ 50 nM en EOT. Ce mémoire démontre la viabilité des réseaux de nanotrous pour effectuer de la biodétection par criblage à haut débit lors de prochaines recherches. L'investigation de l'effet de l'angle d'excitation en transmission exaltée par rapport au signal plasmonique associé au mode (1,0) d'un réseau de nanotrous de 820 nm d'or démontre que la sensibilité en solution n'est pas proportionnelle à la sensibilité en surface du senseur. En fait, une optimisation de l'angle d'incidence pour le mode (1,0) de diffraction des BW-SPP permet d'amplifier la sensibilité en surface du senseur jusqu'à 3-fois pour un angle de 13,3°. Ce mémoire démontre ainsi la nécessité d'optimiser l'angle d'excitation et les propriétés physiques du senseur afin de développer un transducteur de grande sensibilité basé sur l'excitation en transmission de réseaux de nanotrous.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) is a key ionization technique in mass spectrometry (MS) for the analysis of labile macromolecules. An important area of study and improvements in relation to MALDI and its application in high-sensitivity MS is that of matrix design and sample preparation. Recently, 4-chloro-alpha-cyanocinnamic acid (ClCCA) has been introduced as a new rationally designed matrix and reported to provide an improved analytical performance as demonstrated by an increase in sequence coverage of protein digests obtained by peptide mass mapping (PMM) (Jaskolla, T. W.; et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2008, 105, 12200-12205). This new matrix shows the potential to be a superior alternative to the commonly used and highly successful alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA). We have taken this design one step further by developing and optimizing an ionic liquid matrix (ILM) and liquid support matrix (LSM) using ClCCA as the principle chromophore and MALDI matrix compound. These new liquid matrices possess greater sample homogeneity and a simpler morphology. The data obtained from our studies show improved sequence coverage for BSA digests compared to the traditional CHCA crystalline matrix and for the ClCCA-containing ILM a similar performance to the ClCCA crystalline matrix down to 1 fmol of BSA digest prepared in a single MALDI sample droplet with current sensitivity levels in the attomole range. The LSMs show a high tolerance to contamination such as ammonium bicarbonate, a commonly used buffering agent.


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This paper examines issues related to potential analytical performance systems for global property funds. These will include traditional attribution methods but will also cover the performance concepts of alpha and beta widely used in other asset classes. We look at issues including...what creates beta, and what drives alpha in real estate investment? How can it be measured and isolated? How do these concepts relate to traditional attribution systems? Can performance records and performance fees adequately distinguish between these drivers? In this paper we illustrate these issues by reference to a case study addressing the complete performance record of a single unlisted fund.


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Electrodeposition of bismuth on gold microelectrodes for determination of Pb(II) by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) was accomplished by an in situ procedure in alkaline solution. A linear calibration plot for Pb(II) in the concentration range 40 to 6700 nmol L(-1) (r=0.998) was obtained, the detection limit was found to be 12.5 nmol L(-1) (S/N = 3) and the relative standard deviation in Solutions containing 1 mu mol L(-1) Pb(II) was 4% (n = 12). The analytical performance of the proposed sensor wits tested by measuring the Pb(II) concentration in a wine sample. The result Was in good agreement with the one obtained by GFAAS.


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A new compact system encompassing in flow gas diffusion unit and a wall-jet amperometric FIA detector, coated with a supramolecular porphyrin film, was specially designed as an alternative to the time-consuming Monier-Williams method, allowing fast, reproducible and accurate analyses of free sulphite species in fruit juices. In fact, a linear response between 0.64 and 6.4 ppm of sodium sulphite. LOD = 0.043 ppm, relative standard deviation of +/- 1.5% (n = 10) and analytical frequency of 85 analyses/h were obtained utilising optimised conditions. That superior analytical performance allows the precise evaluation of the amount of free sulphite present in foods, providing an important comparison between the standard addition and the standard injection methods. Although the first one is most frequently used, it was strongly influenced by matrix effects because of the unexpected reactivity of sulphite ions with the juice matrixes, leading to its partial consumption soon after addition. In contrast, the last method was not susceptible to matrix effects yielding accurate results, being more reliable for analytical purposes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.