995 resultados para ALPHA KINASE


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The protein encoded by the gamma 134.5 gene of herpes simplex virus precludes premature shutoff of protein synthesis in human cells triggered by stress associated with onset of viral DNA synthesis. The carboxyl terminus of the protein is essential for this function. This report indicates that the shutoff of protein synthesis is not due to mRNA degration because mRNA from wild-type or gamma 134.5- virus-infected cells directs protein synthesis. Analyses of the posttranslational modifications of translation initiation factor eIF-2 showed the following: (i) eIF-2 alpha was selectively phosphorylated by a kinase present in ribosome-enriched fraction of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus. (ii) Endogenous eIF-2 alpha was totally phosphorylated in cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene but was not phosphorylated in mock-infected or wild-type virus-infected cells. (iii) Immune precipitates of the PKR kinase that is responsible for regulation of protein synthesis of some cells by phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha yielded several phosphorylated polypeptides. Of particular significance were two observations. First, phosphorylation of PKR kinase was elevated in all infected cells relative to the levels in mock-infected cells. Second, the precipitates from lysates of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene contained an additional labeled phosphoprotein of M(r) 90,000 (p90). This phosphoprotein was present in only trace amounts in the immunoprecipitate from cells infected with wild-type virus or mutants lacking a portion of the 5' domain of gamma 134.5. We conclude that in the absence of gamma 134.5 protein, PKR kinase complexes with the p90 phosphoprotein and shuts off protein synthesis by phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of translation initiation factor eIF-2.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in the proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. In human erythroleukemia (K-562) cells, the PKC isoforms alpha and beta II play distinct functional roles. alpha PKC is involved in phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced cytostasis and megakaryocytic differentiation, whereas beta II PKC is required for proliferation. To identify regions within alpha and beta II PKC that allow participation in these divergent pathways, we constructed chimeras in which the regulatory and catalytic domains of alpha and beta II PKC were exchanged. These PKC chimeras can be stably expressed, exhibit enzymatic properties similar to native alpha and beta II PKC in vitro, and participate in alpha and beta II PKC isotype-specific pathways in K-562 cells. Expression of the beta/alpha PKC chimera induces cytostasis in the same manner as overexpression of wild-type alpha PKC. In contrast, the alpha/beta II PKC chimera, like wild-type beta II PKC, selectively translocates to the nucleus and leads to increased phosphorylation of the nuclear envelope polypeptide lamin B in response to bryostatin-1. Therefore, the catalytic domains of alpha and beta II PKC contain determinants important for alpha and beta II PKC isotype function. These results suggest that the catalytic domain represents a potential target for modulating PKC isotype activity in vivo.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes are essential components of cell signaling. In this study, we investigated the regulation of PKC-alpha in murine B16 amelanotic melanoma (B16a) cells by the monohydroxy fatty acids 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid [12(S)-HETE] and 13(S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid [13(S)-HODE]. 12(S)-HETE induced a translocation of PKC-alpha to the plasma membrane and focal adhesion plaques, leading to enhanced adhesion of B16a cells to the matrix protein fibronectin. However, 13(S)-HODE inhibited these 12(S)-HETE effects on PKC-alpha. A receptor-mediated mechanism of action for 12(S)-HETE and 13(S)-HODE is supported by the following findings. First, 12(S)-HETE triggered a rapid increase in cellular levels of diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate in B16a cells. 13(S)-HODE blocked the 12(S)-HETE-induced bursts of both second messengers. Second, the 12(S)-HETE-increased adhesion of B16a cells to fibronectin was sensitive to inhibition by a phospholipase C inhibitor and pertussis toxin. Finally, a high-affinity binding site (Kd = 1 nM) for 12(S)-HETE was detected in B16a cells, and binding of 12(S)-HETE to B16a cells was effectively inhibited by 13(S)-HODE (IC50 = 4 nM). In summary, our data provide evidence that regulation of PKC-alpha by 12(S)-HETE and 13(S)-HODE may be through a guanine nucleotide-binding protein-linked receptor-mediated hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids.


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The NF-kappa B/Rel proteins are sequestered in the cytoplasm in association with the phosphorylated form of I kappa B alpha. Upon induction with a wide variety of agents, the activity of NF-kappa B/Rel proteins is preceded by the rapid degradation of I kappa B alpha protein. We report the identification and partial purification of a cellular kinase from unstimulated or stimulated murine cells, which specifically phosphorylates the C terminus of I kappa B alpha. There are several consensus sites for casein kinase II (CKII) in the C-terminal region of I kappa B alpha. Additionally, the activity of the cellular kinase is blocked by antibodies against the alpha subunit of CKII. No phosphorylation of the C-terminal region of I kappa B alpha can be detected if the five possible serine and threonine residues that can be phosphorylated by CKII are mutated to alanine. A two-dimensional tryptic phosphopeptide map of I kappa B alpha from unstimulated cells was identical to that obtained by in vitro phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha with the partially purified cellular kinase. We propose that constitutive phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha is carried out by CKII.


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Multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK) phosphorylates proteins pivotally involved in diverse neuronal processes and thereby coordinates cellular responses to external stimuli that regulate intracellular Ca2+ [Hanson, P. I. & Schulman, H. (1992) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 61, 559-664]. Despite extensive study, the impact of this enzyme on control of the excitability of neuron populations in the mammalian nervous system in situ is unknown. To address this question, we studied transgenic mice carrying a null mutation (-/-) for the alpha subunit of CaMK. In contrast to wild-type littermates, null mutants exhibit profound hyperexcitability, evident in epileptic seizures involving limbic structures including the hippocampus. No evidence of increased excitability was detected in mice carrying null mutations of the gamma isoform of protein kinase C, underscoring the specificity of the effect of CaMK. CaMK plays a powerful and previously underappreciated role in control of neuronal excitability in the mammalian nervous system. These insights have important implications for analyses of mechanisms of epilepsy and, perhaps, learning and memory.


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Neurotransmitter release and hormonal secretion are highly regulated processes culminating in the calcium-dependent fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane. Here, we have identified a role for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase C2 alpha (PI3K-C2 alpha) and its main catalytic product, PtdIns3P, in regulated exocytosis. In neuroendocrine cells, PI3K-C2 alpha is present on a subpopulation of mature secretory granules. Impairment of PI3K-C2 alpha function specifically inhibits the ATP-dependent priming phase of exocytosis. Overexpression of wild-type PI3K-C2 alpha enhanced secretion, whereas transfection of PC12 cells with a catalytically inactive PI3K-C2 alpha mutant or a 2xFYVE domain sequestering PtdIns3P abolished secretion. Based on these results, we propose that production of PtdIns3P by PI3K-C2 alpha is required for acquisition of fusion competence in neurosecretion.


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We have previously shown that human papillomavirus virus-like particles (VLPs) are able to activate the Ras/MAP kinase pathway. Ras can also elicit an anti-apoptotic signal via PI3-kinase so we investigated this further. Here we show that binding of VLPs from HPV types 6b, 18, 3 1, 35 and BPV1 results in activation of PI3-kinase. Activation was achieved by either L1 or L1/L2 VLPs and was dependent on both VLP-cell interaction and correct conformation of the virus particle. VLP-induced PI3-kinase activity resulted in efficient downstream signaling to Akt and consequent phosphorylation of FKHR and GSK3 beta. We also present evidence that PV signaling is activated via the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin. These data suggest that papillomaviruses use a common receptor that is able to signal through to Ras. Combined activation of the Ras/MAP kinase and PI3-kinase pathways may be beneficial for the virus by increasing cell numbers and producing an environment more conducive to infection. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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Previous studies suggest that the activation (autophosphorylation) of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) can stimulate protein degradation, and depress protein synthesis in skeletal muscle through phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) on the alpha-subunit. To understand whether these mediators are important in muscle wasting in cancer patients, levels of the phospho forms of PKR and eIF2alpha have been determined in rectus abdominus muscle of weight losing patients with oesophago-gastric cancer, in comparison with healthy controls. Levels of both phospho PKR and phospho eIF2alpha were significantly enhanced in muscle of cancer patients with weight loss irrespective of the amount and there was a linear relationship between phosphorylation of PKR and phosphorylation of eIF2alpha (correlation coefficient 0.76, P=0.005). This suggests that phosphorylation of PKR led to phosphorylation of eIF2alpha. Myosin levels decreased as the weight loss increased, and there was a linear relationship between myosin expression and the extent of phosphorylation of eIF2alpha (correlation coefficient 0.77, P=0.004). These results suggest that phosphorylation of PKR may be an important initiator of muscle wasting in cancer patients.


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Fibrogenic stresses promote progression of renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis, disparately affecting survival, proliferation and trans-differentiation of intrinsic renal cell populations through ill-defined biomolecular pathways. We investigated the effect of fibrogenic stresses on the activation of cell-specific mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in renal fibroblast, epithelial and endothelial cell populations. The relative outcomes (cell death, proliferation, trans-differentiation) associated with activation or inhibition of extracellular-regulated protein kinase (ERK) or stress activated/c-Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) were analysed in each renal cell population after challenge with oxidative stress (1 mmol/L H2O2), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1, 10 ng/mL) or tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha, 50 ng/mL) over 0-20 h. Apoptosis increased significantly in all cell types after oxidative stress (P < 0.05). In fibroblasts, oxidative stress caused the activation of ERK (pERK) but not JNK (pJNK). Inhibition of ERK by PD98059 supported its role in a fibroblast death pathway. In epithelial and endothelial cells, oxidative stress-induced apoptosis was preceded by early induction of pERK, but its inhibition did not support a pro-apoptotic role. Early ERK activity may be conducive to their survival or promote the trans-differentiation of epithelial cells. In epithelial and endothelial cells, oxidative stress induced pJNK acutely. Pretreatment with SP600125 (JNK inhibitor) verified its pro-apoptotic activity only in epithelial cells. Transforming growth factor-beta1 did not significantly alter mitosis or apoptosis in any of the cell types, nor did it alter MAPK activity. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha caused increased apoptosis with no associated change in MAPK activity. Our results demonstrate renal cell-specific differences in the activation of ERK and JNK following fibrotic insult, which may be useful for targeting excessive fibroblast proliferation in chronic fibrosis.


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A new strategy has emerged to improve healing of bone defects using exogenous glycosaminoglycans by increasing the effectiveness of bone-anabolic growth factors. Wnt ligands play an important role in bone formation. However, their functional interactions with heparan sulfate/heparin have only been investigated in non-osseous tissues. Our study now shows that the osteogenic activity of Wnt3a is cooperatively stimulated through physical interactions with exogenous heparin. N-Sulfation and to a lesser extent O-sulfation of heparin contribute to the physical binding and optimal co-stimulation of Wnt3a. Wnt3a-heparin signaling synergistically increases osteoblast differentiation with minimal effects on cell proliferation. Thus, heparin selectively reduces the effective dose of Wnt3a needed to elicit osteogenic, but not mitogenic responses. Mechanistically, Wnt3a-heparin signaling strongly activates the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway and requires the bone-related transcription factor RUNX2 to stimulate alkaline phosphatase activity, which parallels canonical beta-catenin signaling. Collectively, our findings establish the osteo-inductive potential of a heparin-mediated Wnt3a-phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt-RUNX2 signaling network and suggest that heparan sulfate supplementation may selectively reduce the therapeutic doses of peptide factors required to promote bone formation.


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4-Methyl-5-beta-hydroxyethylthiazole kinase (ThiK) catalyses the phosphorylation of the hydroxyl group of 4-methyl-5-beta-hydroxyethylthiazole. This work reports the first crystal structure of an archaeal ThiK: that from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 (PhThiK) at 1.85 angstrom resolution with a phosphate ion occupying the position of the beta-phosphate of the nucleotide. The topology of this enzyme shows the typical ribokinase fold of an alpha/beta protein. The overall structure of PhThiK is similar to those of Bacillus subtilis ThiK (BsThiK) and Enterococcus faecalis V583 ThiK (EfThiK). Sequence analysis of ThiK enzymes from various sources indicated that three-quarters of the residues involved in interfacial regions are conserved. It also revealed that the amino-acid residues in the nucleotide-binding, magnesium ion-binding and substrate-binding sites are conserved. Binding of the nucleotide and substrate to the ThiK enzyme do not influence the quaternary association (trimer) as revealed by the crystal structure of PhThiK.


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The growth factors of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family consisting of GDNF, neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN) and persephin (PSPN), are involved in the development, differentiation and maintenance of many types of neurons. They also have important functions outside the nervous system in the development of kidney, testis and thyroid gland. Each of these GFLs preferentially binds to one of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored GDNF family receptors α (GFRα). GDNF binds to GFRα1, NRTN to GFRα2, ARTN to GFRα3 and PSPN to GFRα4. The GFLs in the complex with their cognate GFRα receptors all bind to and signal through the receptor tyrosine kinase RET. Alternative splicing of the mouse GFRα4 gene yields three splice isoforms. These had been described as putative GPI-anchored, transmembrane and soluble forms. My goal was to characterise the function of the different forms of mouse GFRα4. I firstly found that the putative GPI-anchored GFRα4 (GFRα4-GPI) is glycosylated, membrane-bound, GPI-anchored and interacts with PSPN and RET. We also showed that mouse GFRα4-GPI mediates PSPN-induced phosphorylation of RET, promotes PSPN-dependent neuronal differentiation of the rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC6-3 and PSPN-dependent survival of cerebellar granule neurons (CGN). However, although this receptor can mediate PSPN-signalling and activate RET, GFRα4-GPI does not recruit RET into lipid rafts. The recruitment of RET into lipid rafts has previously been thought to be a crucial event for GDNF- and GFL-mediated signalling via RET. I secondly demonstrated that the putative transmembrane GFRα4 (GFRα4-TM) is indeed a real transmembrane GFRα4 protein. Although it has a weak binding capacity for PSPN, it can not mediate PSPN-dependent phosphorylation of RET, neuronal differentiation or survival. These data show that GFRα4-TM is inactive as a receptor for PSPN. Surprisingly, GFRα4-TM can negatively regulate PSPN-mediated signalling via GFRα4-GPI. GFRα4-TM interacts with GFRα4-GPI and blocks PSPN-induced phosphorylation of RET, neuronal differentiation as well as survival. Taken together, our data show that GFRα4-TM may act as a dominant negative inhibitor of PSPN-mediated signaling. The most exciting part of my work was the finding that the putative soluble GFRα4 (GFRα4-sol) can form homodimers and function as an agonist of the RET receptor. In the absence of PSPN, GFRα4-sol can promote the phosphorylation of RET, trigger the activation of the PI-3K/AKT pathway, induce neuronal differentiation and support the survival of CGN. Our findings are in line with a recent publication showing the GFRα4-sol might contribute to the inherited cancer syndrome multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. Our data provide an explanation to how GFRα4-sol may cause or modify the disease. Mammalian GFRα4 receptors all lack the first Cys-rich domain which is present in other GFRα receptors. In the final part of my work I have studied the function of this particular domain. I created a truncated GFRα1 construct lacking the first Cys-rich domain. Using binding assays in both cellular and cell-free systems, phosphorylation assays with RET, as well as neurite outgrowth assays, we found that the first Cys-rich domain contributes to an optimal function of GFRα1, by stabilizing the interaction between GDNF and GFRα1.


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Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is implicated to play a key role in learning and memory. NR2B subunit of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) is a high affinity binding partner of CaMKII at the postsynaptic membrane. NR2B binds to the T-site of CaMKII and modulates its catalysis. By direct measurement using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), we show that NR2B binding causes about 11 fold increase in the affinity of CaMKII for ATP gamma S, an analogue of ATP. ITC data is also consistent with an ordered binding mechanism for CaMKII with ATP binding the catalytic site first followed by peptide substrate. We also show that dephosphorylation of phospho-Thr(286)-alpha-CaMKII is attenuated when NR2B is bound to CaMKII. This favors the persistence of Thr(286) autophosphorylated state of CaMKII in a CaMKII/phosphatase conjugate system in vitro. Overall our data indicate that the NR2B- bound state of CaMKII attains unique biochemical properties which could help in the efficient functioning of the proposed molecular switch supporting synaptic memory.


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Biochemical pathways involving chemical kinetics in medium concentrations (i.e., at mesoscale) of the reacting molecules can be approximated as chemical Langevin equations (CLE) systems. We address the physically consistent non-negative simulation of the CLE sample paths as well as the issue of non-Lipschitz diffusion coefficients when a species approaches depletion and any stiffness due to faster reactions. The non-negative Fully Implicit Stochastic alpha (FIS alpha) method in which stopped reaction channels due to depleted reactants are deleted until a reactant concentration rises again, for non-negativity preservation and in which a positive definite Jacobian is maintained to deal with possible stiffness, is proposed and analysed. The method is illustrated with the computation of active Protein Kinase C response in the Protein Kinase C pathway. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.