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Group Exhibition, curated by Katharina Schlieben including Johanna Billing, Constanze Böckmann, Henrik Busch, Copenhagen Free University, Alena Drahokoupilová & Karen Weinert, Paul Elsner , Franziska und Sophia Hoffmann, Saskia Holmkvist, Thomas Judisch, Nastasja Keller, Karen Koschnick, Andreja Kulunčić , Lecker & Heiss GbR (Levke Leiss und Karla Helene Hecker), MeineAkademie, Karolin Meunier, Constanze Nowak, Olivia Plender, Marion Porten, Prelom Kolektiv (Jelena Vesić und Radmila Joksimović), REINIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT, Anna Schimkat, Claudia Schötz, Szuper Gallery, TkH (Walking Theory): Marta Popivoda und Ana Vujanović
O objetivo deste ensaio foi determinar equações que indiretamente associem os valores obtidos no medidor de clorofila SPAD-502 aos teores de clorofila e carotenóides de genótipos de capim-elefante anão. Folhas de genótipos de capim-elefante anão foram utilizadas e, depois de coletadas, foram transportadas em caixas de isopor, protegidas da luz, até o laboratório de Fisiologia Vegetal da UENF. Posteriormente, os discos foliares de área conhecida foram extraídos. Com o auxílio do medidor portátil de clorofila (MPC) SPAD-502, foi obtida a média de 5 leituras/disco foliar e utilizaram-se 6 discos para cada intervalo, distribuídos de acordo com a seguinte escala de valores do MPC: 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40-50; 50-60. O medidor de clorofila SPAD-502 possibilitou uma rápida e eficaz estimativa do conteúdo de clorofila total, clorofila-a e clorofila-b em genótipos de capim-elefante anão.
The experiment was carried out aiming to evaluate the gas exchange of dwarf elephant grass genotypes under different hydric conditions, in a randomized design with three replications. Genotypes of dwarf elephant grass (Mott, CNPGL 94-34-3 and CNPGL 92-198-7) were analyzed under two hydric conditions: irrigated (I) and non-irrigated (NI). Differences between treatments I and NI were observed for all genotypes for photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration and water vapor pressure deficit. Genotype CNPGL 94-34-3 presented highest tolerance to hydric stress, followed by Mott and CNPGL 92-198-7 genotypes. All genotypes presented high photosynthetic rate, under ideal conditions of soil humidity, thus characterizing the analyzed dwarf elephant grass genotypes as plants with high photosynthetic efficiency.
BACKGROUND: The cutaneous mycoses, mainly caused by dermatophyte fungi, are among the most common fungal infections worldwide. It is estimated that 10% to 15% of the population will be infected by a dermatophyte at some point in their lives, thus making this a group of diseases with great public health importance. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical, epidemiological, and therapeutic profile of dermatophytosis in patients enrolled at the Dermatology service of Universidade do Estado do Pará, Brazil, from July 2010 to September 2012. METHOD: A total of 145 medical records of patients diagnosed with dermatophytosis were surveyed. Data were collected and subsequently recorded according to a protocol developed by the researchers. This protocol consisted of information regarding epidemiological and clinical aspects of the disease and the therapy employed. RESULTS: The main clinical form of dermatophyte infection was onychomycosis, followed by tinea corporis, tinea pedis, and tinea capitis. Furthermore, the female population and the age group of 51 to 60 years were the most affected. Regarding therapy, there was a preference for treatments that combine topical and systemic drugs, and the most widely used drugs were fluconazole (systemic) and ciclopirox olamine (topical). CONCLUSION: This study showed the importance of recurrent analysis of the epidemiological profile of dermatophytosis to enable correct therapeutic and preventive management of these conditions, which have significant clinical consequences, with chronic, difficult-totreat lesions that can decrease patient quality of life and cause disfigurement.
Le soluzioni tecnologiche rese oggi disponibili dalle discipline della moderna Geomatica, offrono opportunità di grande interesse per il rilevamento nel settore dei Beni Culturali, sia per quanto riguarda il momento primario del rilievo, cioè la fase di acquisizione del dato metrico, sia per quanto concerne la questione della rappresentazione per oggetti di interesse archeologico, artistico, architettonico. Lo studio oggetto della presente tesi si propone, sulla base di numerose esperienze maturate nel corso del Dottorato dal Laboratorio di Topografia e Fotogrammetria del DISTART, di affrontare e approfondire le problematiche connesse all’utilizzo della fotogrammetria digitale e del laser a scansione terrestre per applicazioni nell’ambito dei Beni Culturali. La ricerca condotta è prettamente applicata, quindi è stata primaria l’esigenza di avere a disposizione reali casi di studio su cui sperimentare le tecniche di interesse; è però importante sottolineare che questo è un campo in cui ogni esperienza presenta proprie caratteristiche e peculiarità che la rendono interessante e difficilmente descrivibile con schemi convenzionali e metodologie standardizzate, quindi le problematiche emerse hanno di volta in volta indirizzato e spinto la ricerca all’approfondimento di certi aspetti piuttosto che altri. A tal proposito è stato evidenziato dalle esperienze effettuate che il campo dei Beni Culturali è forse il più emblematico delle potenzialità rese oggi disponibili dalle moderne tecnologie della Geomatica, e soprattutto dalle possibilità offerte da un approccio integrato e multi – disciplinare di tecniche e tecnologie diverse; per questo nell’Introduzione si è voluto sottolineare questo aspetto, descrivendo l’approccio metodologico adottato in molti lavori in contesto archeologico, che include generalmente diverse tecniche integrate tra loro allo scopo di realizzare in modo veloce e rigoroso un rilievo multi – scala che parte dal territorio, passa attraverso l’area del sito archeologico e degli scavi, ed arriva fino al singolo reperto; questo approccio è caratterizzato dall’avere tutti i dati e risultati in un unico e ben definito sistema di riferimento. In questa chiave di lettura l’attenzione si è poi focalizzata sulle due tecniche che rivestono oggi nel settore in esame il maggiore interesse, cioè fotogrammetria digitale e laser a scansione terrestre. La struttura della tesi segue le fasi classiche del processo che a partire dal rilievo porta alla generazione dei prodotti di rappresentazione; i primi due capitoli, incentrati sull’acquisizione del dato metrico, riguardano quindi da un lato le caratteristiche delle immagini e dei sensori digitali, dall’altro le diverse tipologie di sistemi laser con le corrispondenti specifiche tecniche; sempre nei primi capitoli vengono descritte le caratteristiche metodologiche e tecnico – operative e le relative problematiche delle due tipologie di rilievo. Segue un capitolo sulle procedure di calibrazione delle camere digitali non professionali, imperniato sull’utilizzo di software diversi, commerciali e sviluppati in house per questo scopo, prestando attenzione anche agli strumenti che essi offrono in termini di risultati ottenibili e di controllo statistico sugli stessi. La parte finale della tesi è dedicata al problema della rappresentazione, con l’obiettivo di presentare un quadro generale delle possibilità offerte dalle moderne tecnologie: raddrizzamenti, ortofoto, ortofoto di precisione e infine modelli tridimensionali foto – realistici, generati a partire sia da dati fotogrammetrici sia da dati laser.
Polymer-Therapeutika spielen im Bereich der Arzneimittelforschung eine immerrngrößere Rolle. Benötigt werden dafür Trägersysteme für die gewünschten Wirkstoffe.rnDurch den Einsatz von wasserlöslichen biokompatiblen Polymeren werden mehrerernentscheidende Vorteile erhalten. Beispielsweise verlängert sich durch die höherernMolmasse die Zirkulationszeit im Blutkreislauf. Zudem ermöglicht die Anbindung vonrnTargetmolekülen den gezielten Wirkstofftransport zum Zielort.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Synthese und Charakterisierung von polymerbasiertenrnTrägersystemen für biomedizinische Anwendungen.rnAls erstes Teilprojekt wurde die Synthese einer Polymerbürste gewählt, derenrnSeitenketten aus Polymer-Oligonucleotid (ODN)-Konjugaten bestehen. Als Polymerrnwurde Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamid) gewählt, welches per RAFT-Polymerisationrnsynthetisiert wurde. Die Bürste sollte mittels „Grafting Through“-Technik hergestelltrnwerden. Dafür wurden zuerst das Polymer-Oligonucleotid-Konjugat und darausrnanschließend das entsprechende Makromonomer gebildet. Die Synthese undrnCharakterisierung des Konjugats sowie des Makromonomers wurden erfolgreichrndurchgeführt, jedoch war die Aufreinigung des Makromonomers nicht möglich.rnIm zweiten Teilprojekt war das Ziel Polyion-Komplex-Mizellen als Trägersystemernherzustellen. Benötigt wurden dazu ein Polymer bestehend aus einem kationischenrnund einem biokompatiblen Block sowie eine ODN-Sequenz zur Komplexierung desrnkationischen Blocks. Im ersten Ansatz wurde als Polymerisationsmethode die RAFTPolymerisationrnund Mono-N-boc-1,3-diaminopropanmethylmethacrylat als kationischesrnMonomer sowie α- bzw. ε-Lysinmethylmethacrylat als zwitterionischesrnMonomer verwendet. Jedoch war die Herstellung der Blockcopolymere nicht möglich.rnIm zweiten Ansatz wurde deshalb Poly-2-oxazolin als biokompatibler Block gewählt.rnMit Poly-L-lysin als kationischen Block und CpG war eine Bildung und Charakterisierungrnvon Polyion-Komplex-Mizellen in 15mM PBS-Puffer möglich.rnIm dritten Teilprojekt wurden biomedizinisch relevante Verbindungen mittelsrnkupferfreier Clickchemie an eine ELP-Bürste gebunden und charakterisiert.
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia with spinal muscular atrophy, also known as PCH1, is a group of autosomal recessive disorders characterized by generalized muscle weakness and global developmental delay commonly resulting in early death. Gene defects had been discovered only in single patients until the recent identification of EXOSC3 mutations in several families with relatively mild course of PCH1. We aim to genetically stratify subjects in a large and well-defined cohort to define the clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlation.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of death in HIV-infected patients worldwide. We aimed to study clinical characteristics and outcome of 1075 consecutive patients diagnosed with HIV/TB from 2004 to 2006 in Europe and Argentina. METHODS: One-year mortality was assessed in patients stratified according to region of residence, and factors associated with death were evaluated in multivariable Cox models. RESULTS: At TB diagnosis, patients in Eastern Europe had less advanced immunodeficiency, whereas a greater proportion had a history of intravenous drug use, coinfection with hepatitis C, disseminated TB, and infection with drug-resistant TB (P < 0.0001). In Eastern Europe, fewer patients initiated TB treatment containing at least rifamycin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide or combination antiretroviral therapy (P < 0.0001). Mortality at 1 year was 27% in Eastern Europe, compared with 7, 9 and 11% in Central/Northern Europe, Southern Europe, and Argentina, respectively (P < 0.0001). In a multivariable model, the adjusted relative hazard of death was significantly lower in each of the other regions compared with Eastern Europe: 0.34 (95% confidence interval 0.17-0.65), 0.28 (0.14-0.57), 0.34 (0.15-0.77) in Argentina, Southern Europe and Central/Northern Europe, respectively. Factors significantly associated with increased mortality were CD4 cell count less than 200 cells/microl [2.31 (1.56-3.45)], prior AIDS [1.74 (1.22-2.47)], disseminated TB [2.00 (1.38-2.85)], initiation of TB treatment not including rifamycin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide [1.68 (1.20-2.36)], and rifamycin resistance [2.10 (1.29-3.41)]. Adjusting for these known confounders did not explain the increased mortality seen in Eastern Europe. CONCLUSION: The poor outcome of patients with HIV/TB in Eastern Europe deserves further study and urgent public health attention.
The northern region of the Indian subcontinent is a vast landscape interlaced by diverse ecologies, e.g. the Gangetic plain and the Himalayas. A great number of ethnic groups are found there, displayed as a multitude of languages and cultures. The Tharu represent one of the largest and linguistically most diversified such groups, scattered across the Tarai region of Nepal and bordering Indian states. Their origins are uncertain. Hypotheses have been advanced about an Austroasiatic affinity, Tibeto-Burman origins, as well as aboriginal roots in the Tarai. Several Tharu groups speak a variety of Indo-Aryan languages, but have traditionally been described by ethnographers as representing an East Asian phenotype. Their ancestry and intra-population diversity had previously been tested only for haploid (mtDNA and Y-chromosome) markers in a small portion of the population. This study presents the first systematic genetic survey of the Tharu from both Nepal and the Indian states of Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh, using genome-wide SNPs and haploid (mtDNA and Y-chromosome) markers. The results suggest that the 'ethnic' construct of Tharu is likely to have lain in the Tarai region, with a reconstructible radiation to Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh. Despite extensive admixture with other local communities, Tharu sub-populations preserve strong genetic signatures that indicate a common ancestry.
BACKGROUND Clostridium difficile is an important cause of intestinal infections in some animal species and animals might be a reservoir for community associated human infections. Here we describe a collection of animal associated C. difficile strains from 12 countries based on inclusion criteria of one strain (PCR ribotype) per animal species per laboratory. RESULTS Altogether 112 isolates were collected and distributed into 38 PCR ribotypes with agarose based approach and 50 PCR ribotypes with sequencer based approach. Four PCR ribotypes were most prevalent in terms of number of isolates as well as in terms of number of different host species: 078 (14.3% of isolates; 4 hosts), 014/020 (11.6%; 8 hosts); 002 (5.4%; 4 hosts) and 012 (5.4%; 5 hosts). Two animal hosts were best represented; cattle with 31 isolates (20 PCR ribotypes; 7 countries) and pigs with 31 isolates (16 PCR ribotypes; 10 countries). CONCLUSIONS This results show that although PCR ribotype 078 is often reported as the major animal C. difficile type, especially in pigs, the variability of strains in pigs and other animal hosts is substantial. Most common human PCR ribotypes (014/020 and 002) are also among most prevalent animal associated C. difficile strains worldwide. The widespread dissemination of toxigenic C. difficile and the considerable overlap in strain distribution between species furthers concerns about interspecies, including zoonotic, transmission of this critically important pathogen.
The synthesis of the two fluorinated tricyclic nucleosides 6?-F-tc-T and 6?-F-tc-5MeC, as well as the corresponding building blocks for oligonucleotide assembly, was accomplished. An X-ray analysis of N4-benzoylated 6?-F-tc-5MeC reavealed a 2?-exo (north) conformation of the furanose ring, characterizing it as an RNA mimic. In contrast to observations in the bicyclo-DNA series, no short contact between the fluorine atom and the H6 of the base, reminiscent of a nonclassical F···H hydrogen bond, could be observed. Tm measurements of modified oligodeoxynucleotides with complementary RNA showed slightly sequence-dependent duplex stabilization profiles with maximum ?Tm/mod values of +4.5 °C for 6?-F-tc-5MeC and +1 °C for 6?-F-tc-T. In comparison with parent tc-modified oligonucleotides, no relevant changes in Tm were detected, attributing the fluorine substituent a neutral role in RNA affinity. A structural analysis of duplexes with DNA and RNA by CD-spectroscopy revealed a shift from B- to A-type conformation induced by the 6?-F-tc-nucleosides. This is not a specific ?fluorine effect?, as the same is also observed for the parent tc-modifications. The two fluorinated tc-nucleosides were also incorporated into a pure tricyclo-DNA backbone and showed no discrimination in Tm with complementary RNA, demonstrating that 6?-F substitution is also compatible within fully modified tc-oligonucleotides.