995 resultados para 728


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Background Intestinal and pancreaticobiliary types of Vater`s ampulla adenocarcinoma have been considered as having different biologic behavior and prognosis. The aim of the present study was to determine the best immunohistochemical panel for tumor classification and to analyze the survival of patients having these histological types of adenocarcinoma. Method Ninety-seven resected ampullary adenocarcinomas were histologically classified, and the prognosis factors were analyzed. The expression of MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6, CK7, CK17, CK20, CD10, and CDX2 was evaluated by using immunohistochemistry. Results Forty-three Vater`s ampulla carcinomas were histologically classified as intestinal type, 47 as pancreaticobiliary, and seven as other types. The intestinal type had a significantly higher expression of MUC2 (74.4% vs. 23.4%), CK20 (76.7% vs. 29.8%), CDX2 (86% vs. 21.3%), and CD10 (81.4% vs. 51.1%), while MUC1 (53.5% vs. 82.9%) and CK7 (79.1% vs. 95.7%) were higher in pancreatobiliary adenocarcinomas. The most accurate markers for immunohistochemical classification were CDX2, MUC1, and MUC2. Survival was significantly affected by pancreaticobiliary type (p=0.021), but only lymph node metastasis, lymphatic invasion, and stage were independent risk factors for survival in a multivariate analysis. Conclusion The immunohistochemical expression of CDX2, MUC1, and MUC2 allows a reproducible classification of ampullary carcinomas. Although carcinomas of the intestinal type showed better survival in the univariate analysis, neither histological classification nor immunohistochemistry were independent predictors of poor prognosis.


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Intra-nasally instilled benzodiazepines have been proposed for acute anxiety episodes. However, routes with faster absorption may increase abuse liability. This study compared abuse liability of intra-nasal midazolam between subjects with a history of intra-nasal drug abuse and non-psychiatric subjects on a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Thirty-one inhaled-cocaine abusers and 34 normal volunteers received either 1 mg intra-nasal midazolam or active placebo. Visual analogue scales assessing desire to repeat the experience (ER) and Experience Liking (EL) assessed abuse liability. Profile analysis for repeated measures showed a significant effect of time over ER (F-[5,F-57]=3.311, p=0.011) and EL (F-[5,F-57]=3.947, p=0.004), diagnostic group (cocaine abusers scoring higher on both - F-[5,F-57]=5.229, p=0.026; F-[5,F-57]=4.946, p=0.030), regardless of the administered substance. It is concluded that the intra-nasal route does not seem to pose risks for non-psychiatric individuals, but it may represent a risk in itself for subjects with a history of drug abuse through this path. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.


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Rationale- Chronic exposure to air pollution has been associated with adverse effects on children`s lung growth. Objectives: We analyzed the effects of chronic exposure to urban levels of particulate matter (PM) on selected phases of mouse lung development. Methods: The exposure occurred in two open-top chambers (filtered and nonfiltered) placed 20 m from a street with heavy traffic in Sao Paulo, 24 hours/day for 8 months. There was a significant reduction of the levels of PM(2.5) inside the filtered chamber (filtered = 2.9 +/- 3.0 mu g/m(3), nonfiltered = 16.8 +/- 8.3 mu g/m(3); P = 0.001). At this exposure site, vehicular sources are the major components of PM(2.5) (PM <= 2.5 mu m). Exposure of the parental generation in the two chambers occurred from the 10th to the 120th days of life. After mating and birth of offspring, a crossover of mothers and pups occurred within the chambers, resulting in four groups of pups: nonexposed, prenatal, postnatal, and pre+postnatal. Offspring were killed at the age of 15 (n = 42) and 90 (n = 35) days; lungs were analyzed by morphometry for surface to volume ratio (as an estimator of alveolization). Pressure-volume curves were performed in the older groups, using a 20-ml plethysmograph. Measurements and Main Results: Mice exposed to PM(2.5) pre+postnatally presented a smaller surface to volume ratio when compared with nonexposed animals (P = 0.036). The pre+postnatal group presented reduced inspiratory and expiratory volumes at higher levels of transpulmonary pressure (P = 0.001). There were no differences among prenatal and postnatal exposure and nonexposed animals. Conclusions: Our data provide anatomical and functional support to the concept that chronic exposure to urban PM affects lung growth.


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Context In 2007, the effects of the autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in 15 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) were reported. Most patients became insulin free with normal levels of glycated hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) during a mean 18.8-month follow-up. To investigate if this effect was due to preservation of beta-cell mass, continued monitoring was performed of C-peptide levels after stem cell transplantation in the 15 original and 8 additional patients. Objective To determine C-peptide levels after autologous nonmyeloablative HSCT in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 DM during a longer follow-up. Design, Setting, and Participants A prospective phase 1/2 study of 23 patients with type 1 DM(aged 13-31 years) diagnosed in the previous 6 weeks by clinical findings with hyperglycemia and confirmed by measurement of serum levels of anti glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies. Enrollment was November 2003-April 2008, with follow-up until December 2008 at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. Hematopoietic stem cells were mobilized via the 2007 protocol. Main Outcome Measures C-peptide levels measured during the mixed-meal tolerance test, before, and at different times following HSCT. Secondary end points included morbidity and mortality from transplantation, temporal changes in exogenous insulin requirements, and serum levels of HbA1c. Results During a 7- to 58-month follow-up (mean, 29.8 months; median, 30 months), 20 patients without previous ketoacidosis and not receiving corticosteroids during the preparative regimen became insulin free. Twelve patients maintained this status for a mean 31 months (range, 14-52 months) and 8 patients relapsed and resumed insulin use at low dose (0.1-0.3 IU/kg). In the continuous insulin-independent group, HbA(1c) levels were less than 7.0% and mean (SE) area under the curve (AUC) of C-peptide levels increased significantly from 225.0 (75.2) ng/mL per 2 hours pretransplantation to 785.4 (90.3) ng/mL per 2 hours at 24 months posttransplantation (P<.001) and to 728.1 (144.4) ng/mL per 2 hours at 36 months (P=.001). In the transient insulin-independent group, mean (SE) AUC of C-peptide levels also increased from 148.9 (75.2) ng/mL per 2 hours pretransplantation to 546.8 (96.9) ng/mL per 2 hours at 36 months (P=.001), which was sustained at 48 months. In this group, 2 patients regained insulin independence after treatment with sitagliptin, which was associated with increase in C-peptide levels. Two patients developed bilateral nosocomial pneumonia, 3 patients developed late endocrine dysfunction, and 9 patients developed oligospermia. There was no mortality. Conclusion After a mean follow-up of 29.8 months following autologous nonmyeloablative HSCT in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 DM, C-peptide levels increased significantly and the majority of patients achieved insulin independence with good glycemic control. Trial Registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00315133


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The main issue regarding pediatric audiology diagnosis is determining procedures to configure reliable results which can be used to predict frequency-specific hearing thresholds. Aim: To investigate the correlation between auditory steady-state response (ASSR) with other tests in children with sensorineural hearing loss. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional contemporary cohort study. Twenty-three children (ages 1 to 7; mean, 3 years old) were submitted to ASSR, behavioral audiometry, click audiometry brain stem response (ABR), tone burst ABR, and predicting hearing level from the acoustic reflex. Results: the correlation between behavioral thresholds and ASSR was (0.70- 0.93), for the ABR tone burst it was (0.73 -0.93), for the ABR click it was (0.83-0.89) only at 2k and 4 kHz. The match between the ASSR and the hearing threshold prediction rule was considered moderate. Conclusion: there was a significant correlation between the ASSR and audiometry, as well as between ABR click (2k and 4 kHz) and for the ABR tone burst. The acoustic reflex can be used to add information to diagnosis in children.


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OBJECTIVE: To establish body mass index (BMI) norms for standard figural stimuli using a large Caucasian population-based sample. In addition, we sought to determine the effectiveness of the figural stimuli to identify individuals as obese or thin. DESIGN: All Caucasian twins born in Virginia between 1915 and 1971 were identified by public birth record. In addition, 3347 individual twins responded to a letter published in the newsletter of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). All adult twins (aged 18 and over) from both of these sources and their family members were mailed a 16 page 'Health and Lifestyle' questionnaire. SUBJECTS: BMI and silhouette data were available on 16 728 females and 11 366 males ranging in age from 18- 100. MEASUREMENTS: Self-report information on height-weight, current body size, desired body size and a discrepancy score using standard figural stimuli. RESULTS: Gender- and age-specific norms are presented linking BMI to each of the figural stimuli. Additional norms for desired body size and discrepancy scores are also presented. Receiver operating curves (ROC) indicate that the figural stimuli are effective in classifying individuals as obese or thin. CONCLUSIONS: With the establishment of these norms, the silhouettes used in standard body image assessment can now be linked to BMI. Differences were observed between women and men in terms of desired body size and discrepancy scores, with women preferring smaller sizes. The figural stimuli are a robust technique for classifying individuals as obese or thin.


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O oitavo volume da s??rie Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica apresenta o resultado de uma pesquisa desenvolvida entre os anos de 2010 e 2011, na qual foram realizados onze estudos de caso sobre formas de arranjos associativos intergovernamentais existentes no Brasil, e contou com o apoio do Projeto Brasil Munic??pios. A expectativa com essa discuss??o ?? que se possam trazer ?? tona novos temas ou abordagens sobre associativismo, problematizar alguns importantes desafios, captar poss??veis funcionamentos das l??gicas de articula????o intergovernamental e possibilitar a reflex??o sobre alternativas para coordena????o e coopera????o intergovernamentais no Brasil. Dessa forma, o livro inicia-se por uma discuss??o te??rica com o objetivo de real??ar a import??ncia dos modelos de entrela??amento e coopera????o entre os n??veis de governo, sem que estes percam a autonomia e mesmo a capacidade de ???competir por agendas de pol??ticas???. Por outro lado, busca mostrar que formas de parceria e de atua????o em rede do governo para com a sociedade t??m se acoplado ao associativismo territorial. O federalismo ?? apresentado tamb??m sob uma perspectiva internacional, sobretudo fazendo um apanhado geral dos mecanismos de associativismo territorial em pa??ses federativos ou semifederativos, com destaque principal para os casos dos Estados Unidos, da Alemanha, da Espanha, do Canad?? e da Austr??lia, buscando ressaltar, principalmente, dos aspectos: o primeiro deles ?? apresentar a diversidade de possibilidades de coopera????o intergovernamental. O livro apresenta ainda uma an??lise do federalismo brasileiro contempor??neo, come??ando com um hist??rico resumido sobre a Federa????o brasileira, com foco no estudo dos processos de coordena????o e coopera????o intergovernamental existentes. Adicionalmente, apresenta-se um mapeamento das experi??ncias de associativismo territorial no Brasil, a partir de uma tipologia de arranjos que foram vinculados a dez diferentes l??gicas de articula????o intergovernamental: l??gica setorial; l??gica metropolitana; l??gica de desenvolvimento regional contra a desigualdade; l??gica de desenvolvimento regional baseada na identidade territorial; l??gica de atua????o regional da uni??o e dos governos estaduais; l??gica de atua????o microrregional; l??gica econ??mica de parceria p??blico-privado; l??gica social de parceria p??blico-privado; l??gica de associativismo de advocacy e coopera????o intergovernamental; e l??gica ad hoc de coopera????o intergovernamental. Por fim, apresenta-se uma s??ntese de onze estudos de caso sobre associativismo territorial no Brasil, com o intuito de demonstrar as poss??veis a????es que estariam ligadas as tipos de l??gica de articula????o intergovernamental, bem como propor a????es e incentivos nos plano institucional, da pol??ticas p??blicas e da governan??a territorial ampliada, a fim de buscar poss??veis solu????es para os problemas e dificuldades abordados por essas experi??ncias associativas


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Apresenta a resenha do livro "A face oculta da organização : a microfísica do poder na gestão do trabalho" de José Mario Neves.


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Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar un conjunto de variables relativas a los sistemas de información y gestión que pueden potencialmente influir en la implementación, en organizaciones públicas y privadas portuguesas, del sistema de gestión estratégica designado Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI). Se ha definido un conjunto de hipótesis de investigación y para comprobar empíricamente las hipótesis formuladas hemos recurrido a los datos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario postal a 591 organizaciones públicas y 549 organizaciones privadas portuguesas, con una tasa de respuesta total del 31,3%. Los resultados han permitido obtener evidencia empírica que confirma la asociación entre la implementación del CMI: y la importancia atribuida a medidas no financieras; y la vinculación a un sistema de incentivos y recompensas; y la existencia de un proceso presupuestario.


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O presente artigo apresenta uma perspectiva material de compreensão da relação entre os sujeitos e os media centrada no conceito de actividade. A partir da discussão deste conceito no contexto de diferentes abordagens no campo dos estudos da comunicação, pretendemos centrarmo-nos na denominada “teoria da actividade” para introduzir uma concepção da actividade enquanto vector central da relação entre sujeito e media. Esta relação constrói-se de acordo com esta perspectiva, não como uma relação passiva baseada na exposição, mas sim como uma relação produtiva de uso dos media enquanto objectos no contexto de actividades colectivas e individuais de objectivação de uma relação produtiva de consumo suportada na mediação de artefactos.


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A presente dissertação versa sobre a alteração dos usos do solo em meio urbano e centra-se na análise do caso de estudo do Plano de Urbanização da Zona Ribeirinha Oriental, em Lisboa, desenvolvido entre 2000 e 2005. Pelas características de localização e de ocupação, este caso de estudo enquadra-se nos casos de requalificação de áreas urbanas localizadas em frentes de água com ocupação industrial obsoleta. Neste âmbito, é realizada a análise do conteúdo da proposta do PUZRO, da sua coerência com os objectivos traçados pelos instrumentos de gestão territorial de hierarquia superior para a área em análise e ainda relativamente aos objectivos traçados no âmbito do próprio Plano. Paralelamente, são sucintamente descritos e analisados outros três casos de estudo, com características de localização e ocupação semelhantes: o projecto 22@, localizado no bairro de Poblenou, em Barcelona, o projecto do Parque das Nações, localizado em Lisboa e o estudo prévio da Quimiparque, localizado no Barreiro - nas suas componentes qualitativas e quantitativas, com vista à extracção de indicadores sobre as tendências observadas neste tipo de projectos. Conclui-se apontando os factores comuns e de sucesso neste tipo de intervenções de requalificação e reconversão do uso do solo em meio urbano.


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A Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Crianças e Jovens (CIF-CJ), usando uma linguagem comum e universal, permite a comunicação entre os diferentes profissionais e investigadores. Sustenta-se numa abordagem biopsicossocial que pressupõe um processo interactivo da participação com os contextos de vida da criança, classificando a criança quanto à sua funcionalidade, definindo perfis de funcionalidade. A reestruturação do Programa Educativo Individual (PEI) através do decreto-lei 3/2008, passa a incluir uma terminologia da CIF-CJ, para a determinação do Perfil de Funcionalidade e Plano de Intervenção. Devido à sua pertinência e actualidade foi objectivo deste estudo fazer a análise da aplicação da CIF nos Programas Educativos Individualizados das crianças da Creche e Jardim de Infância do Cabedelo, verificando se os conteúdos dos PEI das crianças tem ligação com as componentes da CIF-CJ, se são elaborados de modo a englobarem predominantemente os constructos ligados à Actividade e Participação e ao Ambiente segundo o modelo biopsicossocial, e se os constructos identificados no Perfil de Funcionalidade surgem como alvo no Plano de Intervenção. Seleccionámos uma amostra de 15 crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) com idades entre os dois e os seis anos de idade. A metodologia foi mista iniciando com um estudo qualitativo seguido de uma metodologia quantitativa. Assim procedeu-se a uma análise de conteúdo dos PEI’s, utilizando as linking rules para os relacionar com a CIF-CJ, e posteriormente efectuou-se uma análise de frequências com recurso à estatística descritiva. Os resultados indicam existir uma ligação dos conteúdos dos PEI’s com os componentes da CIF-CJ. O Perfil de Funcionalidade e Plano de Intervenção centram-se na componente Actividades e Participação sendo os Factores do Ambiente menos citados em ambos os processos. Em relação à existência de correspondência dos constructos do Perfil de Funcionalidade com o Plano de Intervenção não há uma correspondência directa em grande parte dos códigos, havendo no entanto uma correspondência na mesma área ou em áreas diferentes mas relacionáveis entre si.


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Background: Acute respiratory infections are usual in children under three years old occurring in upper respiratory tract, having an impact on child and caregiver’s quality of life predisposing to otitis media or bronchiolitis. There are few valid and reliable measures to determine the child’s respiratory condition and to guide the physiotherapy intervention. Aim: To assess the intra and inter rater reliability of nasal auscultation, to analyze the relation between sounds’ classification and middle ear’s pressure and compliance as well as with the Clinical Severity Score. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was composed by 125 nursery children aged up to three years old. Tympanometry, pulmonary and nasal auscultation and application of Clinical Severity Score were performed to each child. Nasal auscultation sounds’ were recorded and sent to 3 blinded experts, that classified, as “obstructed” and “unobstructed”, with a 48 hours interval, in order to analyze inter and intra rater reliability. Results: Nasal auscultation revealed a substantial inter and intra rater reliability (=0,749 and evaluator A - K= 0,691; evaluator B - K= 0,605 and evaluator C - K= 0,724, respectively). Both ears’ pressure was significantly lower in children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound when compared with an “obstructed” nasal sound (t=-3,599, p<0,001 in left ear; t=-2,258, p=0,026 in right ear). Compliance in both ears was significantly lower in children with an "obstructed" nasal sound when compared with “unobstructed” nasal sound (t=-2,728, p=0,007 in left ear; t=-3,830, p<0,001 in right ear). There was a statistically significant association between sounds’ classification and tympanograms types in both ear’s (=11,437, p=0,003 in left ear; =13,535, p=0,001 in right ear). There was a trend to children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound that had a lower clinical severity score when compared with “obstructed” children. Conclusion: It was observed a good intra and substantial inter reliability for nasal auscultation. Nasal auscultation sounds’ classification was related to middle ears’ pressure and compliance.


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Purpose - The study evaluates the pre- and post-training lesion localisation ability of a group of novice observers. Parallels are drawn with the performance of inexperienced radiographers taking part in preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) and ‘red-dot’ systems, operating within radiography practice. Materials and methods - Thirty-four novice observers searched 92 images for simulated lesions. Pre-training and post-training evaluations were completed following the free-response the receiver operating characteristic (FROC) method. Training consisted of observer performance methodology, the characteristics of the simulated lesions and information on lesion frequency. Jackknife alternative FROC (JAFROC) and highest rating inferred ROC analyses were performed to evaluate performance difference on lesion-based and case-based decisions. The significance level of the test was set at 0.05 to control the probability of Type I error. Results - JAFROC analysis (F(3,33) = 26.34, p < 0.0001) and highest-rating inferred ROC analysis (F(3,33) = 10.65, p = 0.0026) revealed a statistically significant difference in lesion detection performance. The JAFROC figure-of-merit was 0.563 (95% CI 0.512,0.614) pre-training and 0.677 (95% CI 0.639,0.715) post-training. Highest rating inferred ROC figure-of-merit was 0.728 (95% CI 0.701,0.755) pre-training and 0.772 (95% CI 0.750,0.793) post-training. Conclusions - This study has demonstrated that novice observer performance can improve significantly. This study design may have relevance in the assessment of inexperienced radiographers taking part in PCE or commenting scheme for trauma.


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Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering