999 resultados para 5-HTT


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A practical method for the structural assignment of 3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactones and analogues using conventional NMR techniques and NOESY measurements in solution is described. 2-O-Acyl-3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactones were prepared in good yields by acylation of Zinner’s lactone with acyl chlorides under mildly basic conditions. Structural determination of 2-O-(4-nitrobenzoyl)-3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactone was achieved by single crystal x-ray diffraction, which supports the results based on spectroscopic data.


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An analytical method for the determination of the anti-inflammatory drug 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in pharmaceutical formulations using square wave voltammetry at pencil graphite electrodes was developed. After the optimization of the experimental conditions, calibration curves were obtained in the linear concentration range from 9.78 × 10-7 to 7.25 × 10-5 mol L-1 resulting in a limit of detection of 2.12 ± 0.05 x 10-8 mol L-1. Statistical tests showed that the concentrations of 5-ASA in commercial tablets and enemas obtained with the proposed voltammetric method agreed with HPLC values at a 95% confidence level.


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The absorption spectra of DPH at fixed concentration do not change with water content in organic solvents. It exhibits monomer bands, such as those obtained in ethanol. The absorption did not change for solutions up to 54 and 46% of water in ethanol and DMSO, respectively, for [DPH] = 5.0 × 10-6 mol L-1 at 30 °C. However, at the same experimental conditions, a gradual sharp decay of the DPH fluorescence is observed. It is proposed that water molecules below these water concentration limits act as quenchers of the excited states of DPH. Stern-Volmer quenching constants by intensities measurements are 7.4 × 10-2 (water/ethanol) and 2.6 × 10-2 L mol-1 (water/DMSO). DPH lifetime measurements in the absence and presence of water resulted in 7.1 × 10-2 L mol-1 in water/ethanol, which pointed out that the process is a dynamic quenching by water molecules. For experiments using DPH as probe, this process can affect data, leading to misunderstanding interpretation.


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Films of poly (2,5-dicyano-p-phenylene vinylene), DCNPPV, were obtained by electrochemical synthesis over gold thin layer (20 nm) transparent electrode deposited on a glass plate. The DCNPPV films of 4 µm thickness were produced by electropolymerization process of α,α,α',α'-tetrabromo-2-5-dicyano-p-xilene at different applied potentials (-0.15, -0.25, -0.40, -0.60, -0.80, and -1.0 V) using 0.1 mol L-1 of tetraethylammonium bromide in acetonitrile as the supporting electrolyte. The emission decays have three exponential components: a fast component in the picosecond range (200-400 ps), and two other of about one and five nanoseconds at 293 K. The fluorescence quenching process seems to occur by exciton trapping in a low-energy site and quenching by residual bromine monomer attached at the end of the polymer chain. However, the electrochemical synthesis generates entrapped bromide or ion pairs during the growth step of the film which also contributes to the deactivation. The change of the electrolyte from bromide to perchlorate reduces significantly this additional quenching effect by allowing ion exchange of formed bromide with the nonquenching perchloride anion.


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Five previously synthesized 4-trifluoromethyl-2-(5-aryl-3-styryl-1H-pyrazol-1yl)-pyrimidines and six 5-aryl-3-styryl-1-carboxamidino-1H-pyrazole derivatives were screened for their antioxidant proprieties. The antioxidant activities were evaluated by using the DPPH and the HRP/luminol/H2O2 chemiluminescence assay systems and for their antimicrobial activity (MIC). The results were good for those series in some concentration in comparison with the standards.


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The 4,5-diamine-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine (DADMcP) compound is an interesting multifunctional species exhibiting a rather complex tautomerism, encompassing nine tautomeric forms. Investigation of tautomerism in this compound has been carried out by means of FTIR spectroscopy, in association with ab-initio HF/SCF and DFT calculations. According to this study three tautomers are energetically favored; the thione form being the most stable one. The theoretical vibrational spectra of such tautomeric forms have been successfully simulated by means of DFT calculations, allowing the elucidation and assignment of the complex composition of the vibrational bands observed for the mixture of isomers.


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Solid-phase microextraction, using on-line bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide derivatisation, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry, was evaluated in the quantification of 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX) in water samples. Fibres encompassing a wide range of polarities were used with headspace and direct immersion sampling. For the immersion procedure, various parameters affecting MX extraction, including pH, salinity, temperature, and extraction time were evaluated. The optimised method (polyacrylate fibre; 20% Na2SO4; pH 2.0; 60 min; 20 °C) was applied for reservoir chlorinated water samples-either natural or spiked with MX (50 ng L-1 and 100 ng L-1). The recovery of MX ranged from 44 to 72%. Quantification of MX in water samples was done using external standard and the selected ion monitoring mode. Correlation coefficient (0.98%), relative standard deviation (5%), limit of detection (30 ng L-1) and limit of quantification (50 ng L-1) were obtained from calibration curve.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a tendência da mortalidade por diarreia entre menores de 5 anos, no município de Osasco (SP), entre 1980 e 2000. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo observacional com dois delineamentos. Um descritivo, que toma o indivíduo como unidade do estudo, e outro ecológico, analisando agregado populacional que incluiu análise de séries temporais. A fonte de dados foi o sistema de informação de mortalidade do Estado de São Paulo e censos de 1980, 1991 e 2000. Descreveu-se a variação sazonal e para a análise de tendência aplicaram-se modelos log lineares de regressão polinomiais, utilizando-se variáveis sociodemográficas da criança e da mãe. Foram analisadas a evolução de indicadores sociodemográficos do município de 1980 a 2000, as taxas médias de mortalidade por diarreia nos menores de 5 anos e seus diferenciais por distrito nos anos 90. RESULTADOS: Dos 1.360 óbitos, 94,3 e 75,3% atingiram, respectivamente, menores de 1 ano e de 6 meses. O declínio da mortalidade foi de 98,3%, com deslocamento da sazonalidade do verão para o outono. A mediana da idade elevou-se de 2 meses nos primeiros períodos para 3 meses no último. O resíduo de óbitos manteve-se entre filhos de mães de 20 a 29 anos e escolaridade < 8 anos. O risco relativo entre o distrito mais atingido e a taxa média do município diminuiu de 3,4 para 1,3 do primeiro para o segundo quinquênio dos anos 90. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados apontam uma elevação da idade mais vulnerável e a provável mudança do agente mais frequentemente associado ao óbito por diarreia.


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The objective of this study is to describe preliminary results from the cross-cultural adaptation of the Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire, used to measure health related quality of life (HRQL) in Brazilian children aged between 5 and 11 with HIV/AIDS. The cross-cultural model evaluated the Concept, Item, Semantic and Measurement Equivalences (internal consistency and intra-observer reliability). Evaluation of the conceptual, item, semantic equivalences showed that the Portuguese version is pertinent for the Brazilian context. Four of seven domains showed internal consistency above 0.70 (α: 0.76-0.90) and five of seven revealed intra-observer reliability (ricc: 0.41-0.70). This first Portuguese version of the HRQL questionnaire can be understood as a valuable tool for assessing children's HRQL, but further studies with large samples and more robust analyses are recommended before use in the Brazilian context.


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O tempo de irrompimento dentário é essencial para o planejamento de medidas de prevenção da cárie oclusal. Com a ampliação do ensino fundamental de oito para nove anos de duração, um número maior de crianças entre cinco e seis anos de idade é incluído na primeira série do ensino fundamental. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi estimar as tendências do irrompimento dos primeiros molares permanentes em meninos e meninas de 5 e 6 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Em estudo longitudinal, espaços dentários de 497 crianças de 60 meses e mais de idade foram examinados quatro vezes por um dentista calibrado (kappa > 0,97) durante 18 meses. O primeiro molar permanente foi considerado irrompido quando qualquer parte de sua superfície podia ser tocada por uma sonda de ponta esférica. A idade dos participantes foi medida em meses. Intervalos para 95% de confiança dos valores de prevalência e incidência foram apurados conforme o sexo para três coortes etárias: 60,0 a 65,9; 66,0 a 71,9; 72,0 a 77,9 meses. A razão entre as taxas de incidência foi estimada por meio de análise de regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A maioria das crianças entre 66,0 e 71,9 meses e entre 72,0 e 77,9 meses tem pelo menos um molar permanente irrompido. No grupo de 66,0 a 71,9 meses, de cada três crianças pelo menos uma apresentou os quatro primeiros molares permanentes irrompidos. CONCLUSÃO. As tendências de irrompimento observadas justificam a necessidade da adoção de medidas de vigilância e de proteção específica em relação à lesão de cárie oclusal.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos, após a administração de solução salina hipertônica (NaCL) 7,5% ou em associação ao hidroxietilamido (HES), em cães com hipovolemia induzida e tratados com cetamina. Após a indução da hipovolemia, administrou-se NaCl 7,5% (4,0ml kg-1) no grupo hipertônica levógira (GHL) e grupo hipertônica racêmica (GHR) ou HES 130/0,4 na mesma proporção de sangue retirado, associado a NaCl 7,5% (4ml kg-1) no grupo hipertônica colóide levógira (GHCL) e no grupo hipertônica colóide racêmica (GHCR). Após 30 minutos, administrou-se, por via IV, cetamina levógira (CL) (5mg kg-1) no GHL e GHCL ou cetamina racêmica (CR) (10mg kg-1) no GHR e GHCR. Empregou-se a análise de variância de uma única via com repetições múltiplas (ANOVA) e o teste de Student Newman Keuls (P£0,05). A frequência cardíaca e a pressão arterial sistólica foram menores após a hipovolemia e após a CR. As pressões arteriais média e diastólica foram menores após a hipovolemia e cetamina. A pressão venosa central foi maior após a administração do colóide. Os índices cardíaco e sistólico foram menores após a hipovolemia em todos os grupos e, após a fase de expansão no GHL e GHR. A pressão média da artéria pulmonar foi menor após a hipovolemia em todos os grupos. A pressão de oclusão da artéria pulmonar foi maior após o colóide. O índice do trabalho ventricular esquerdo foi menor após a hipovolemia no GHCL e GHCR. O índice da resistência periférica total foi maior após a hipovolemia e menor após a CL. Observou-se acidose metabólica após a hipovolemia e após a cetamina. Ocorreu acidose respiratória após a cetamina no GHL e GHR. Conclui-se que a administração de NaCl 7,5% associado ao HES 130/0,4 promove o restabelecimento imediato dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos e metabólicos no paciente hipovolêmico; a administração isolada de NaCl 7,5% não é capaz de restaurar a PAM no período imediato, mas melhora os demais parâmetros hemodinâmicos e metabólicos; a administração de CR ou CL produz efeitos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos similares no paciente hipovolêmico.


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Bovine semen experimentally contaminated with Leptospira santarosai serovar Guaricura was submitted to the modified EMJH medium with 5-fluorouracil (300mg/L) and nalidixic acid (20mg/L), named as "selective medium" and using the serial dilution technique, in order to evaluate the percentage of recovery of the added microorganism. The selective EMJH medium was found with higher percentage of recovery of leptospiras and minor losses of samples due to contamination with opportunistic microorganisms than the non-selective EMJH medium: 151/376 (40.0%) of positive growth; and 38/376 (10.0%) contamination and 58/376 (15%) and 129/376 (34.0%), respectively. These results were statistically significant (p<0. 0001; Fisher). Differences were found when the frequencies of positive leptospires recovery have been compared in the serial dilution technique (10-1 to 10-4) between the selective and non-selective media at different dilution factors. At 1/10th dilution the percentages found were (0%, 0/80) and (38%, 30/80), at 1/100th dilution, (3%, 2/80) and (49%, 39/80) and at 1/1,000th dilution, (25%, 20/80) and (50%, 40/80), respectively. The percentage of recovery of leptospires was found to be directly proportional to the dilution used. The methodology of the serial dilution technique (setting at least three dilutions) and the use of selective EMJH medium have been found to be efficient for the isolation of leptospires from the bovine semen samples.


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We analyzed Brazil's efforts in reducing child mortality, improving maternal and child health, and reducing socioeconomic and regional inequalities from 1990 through 2007. We compiled and reanalyzed data from several sources, including vital statistics and population-based surveys. We also explored the roles of broad socioeconomic and demographic changes and the introduction of health sector and other reform measures in explaining the improvements observed. Our findings provide compelling evidence that proactive measures to reduce health disparities accompanied by socioeconomic progress can result in measurable improvements in the health of children and mothers in a relatively short interval. Our analysis of Brazil's successes and remaining challenges to reach and surpass Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 can provide important lessons for other low- and middle-income countries


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The pyrrolidine-2,5-dione ring in the title compound, C(15)H(15)NO(6), is in a twisted conformation with the acetyl C atoms projecting to opposite sides of the ring. The acetyl groups lie to opposite sides of the five-membered ring. The benzene ring is roughly perpendicular to the heterocyclic ring, forming a dihedral angle of 76.57 (14)degrees with it. In the crystal, molecules are connected through a network of C-H center dot center dot center dot O and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions.


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The 1,3-dioxin-4-one ring in the title compound, C(16)H(16)O(3), is in a half-boat conformation with the quaternary O-C(CH(3))(2)-O atom lying 0.546 (1) angstrom out of the plane defined by the remaining five atoms. The crystal structure is consolidated by C-H center dot center dot center dot O contacts that lead to supramolecular layers.