983 resultados para 400 anos da publicação do seu tratado De Legibus ac Deo legislator


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水流体-导电性矿物相互作用是自然界中水流体-固体相互作用的重要组成部分,是许多矿床形成和演化的核心过程。迄今为止,绝大多数地质和地球化学家们对导电性矿物在水流体中的溶解机制普遍存在模糊的认识,认为水流体中导电性矿物的溶解和定位是一种简单的化学溶解和沉淀或简单的氧化溶解和还原定位过程,而实质上导电性矿物(组合)在水流体中的溶解是一种由电极电位差驱使下的类似于金属腐蚀的复杂电化学过程。当具有不同电极电位的矿物在溶液中相互接触,就会形成短路原电池发生电化学腐蚀。其中,电极电位低的矿物作为原电池的阳极,其溶解会加剧,而电极电位高的矿物作为原电池的阴极,其溶解会受到抑制。鉴于前人对水流体-导电性矿物相互作用的腐蚀原电池反应机理的模糊认识,本论文工作基于腐蚀原电池观点对高温高压条件下NaCl水流体体系中黄铁矿与金之间的原电池反应进行了研究。 在本工作中,作者与所在的研究小组一道,首先自行研制了一套可用于高温高压水热体系中导电性矿物腐蚀电化学原位测量的高压釜反应装置。该装置主体部件选用在高温高压下具有高强度、抗腐蚀等优良性能的工业纯钛制成。在该装置中,通过将热电偶直接插入高压釜釜腔内,成功地实现了釜内流体温度的准确测量和精确控制。对高压釜不同部位的测温结果表明,沿高压釜的径向与轴向均存在显著的温度梯度,其中釜塞保护锥体处的温度比釜内流体的温度低约8℃,釜外壁中心处与釜内的温度差约10℃;对400℃保温条件下釜内流体温度的直接测量表明,釜内温度波动小于0.5℃。在该装置中,通过将脆性导电性矿物制作成锥形电极,采用耐高温无机绝缘材料制作密封部件,利用锥体自紧式密封技术,成功地解决了脆性电极和电极引线的高压密封与高温绝缘问题;通过引入另一根辅助性的矿物电极引线,成功地解决了原位监测实验过程中矿物电极与引线接触处是否进水的难题,确保了实验的可信度。可行性试验结果表明,该方法不仅可用于高温高压下水流体-导电性矿物,而且可广泛用于水流体-金属间相互作用的腐蚀电化学原位测量研究。 利用上述自行研制的腐蚀电化学实验装置,本工作对高温高压(250-400℃;10-35 MPa)NaCl水流体体系中黄铁矿-自然金原电池的热力学和动力学进行了实验研究。原位测量结果表明: (1)黄铁矿-金原电池的腐蚀电流变化与其开路电压的变化一致; (2)汽-液平衡条件下,黄铁矿-金原电池的开路电压和腐蚀电流在液相中比在汽相中要大; (3)在温度为400 C、压力远离临界点的过热蒸气和超临界区域,压力在实验研究的范围内(10-35 MPa)对黄铁矿-金原电池的开路电压和腐蚀电流均无显著的影响,随压力的增加两者仅略有增大,但当温度压力跨越临界点时,包括温压从汽-液平衡曲线同时进入超临界区以及温度恒定在400 C、压力跨越临界点时,黄铁矿-金原电池的开路电压和腐蚀电流在临界点附近均发生突变。 (4)在本工作中实验的温度、压力和水流体体系条件下,由黄铁矿与金构成的原电池在大多数情况下黄铁矿为阳极,因此在原电池短路时黄铁矿在水流体中发生氧化溶解,而金则为阴极,在原电池短路时金的溶解受到保护,仅在个别狭窄的温度压力范围内情况才相反。 上述原位测量结果与电极表面水流体的性质以及黄铁矿和金的能带结构密切相关,运用混合电位理论、Butler-Volmer方程以及半导体电化学的波动能级模型对实验结果能进行很好的解释。


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The development of an assay for the detection of streptomycin residues in pasteurized whole milk using an optical biosensor (Biacore) is reported. Streptomycin-adipic hydrazide coupled to bovine thyroglobulin was used to produce a sheep polyclonal antibody. The antibody displayed excellent cross-reactivity with dihydrostreptomycin (106%). There was no significant cross-reaction with other aminoglycosides or common antibiotics. Streptomycin was also immobilized onto a CM5 sensor chip to provide a stable, reusable surface. The developed assay permitted the direct analysis of whole milk samples (similar to3.5% fat) without prior centrifugation and defatting. Results were available in 5 min. The limit of detection of the assay was determined as 4.1 ng/mL, well below the European maximum residue limit (MRL) of 200 ng/mL. Repeatability (or coefficient of variation) between runs was determined as 3.5% (100 ng/mL; 0.5 x MRL), 5.7% (200 ng/mL; MRL), and 7.6% (400 ng/mL; 2 x MRL).


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This paper deals with brief overview of the developments of international provisions on IPR related to public health. It discusses flexibilities before and after TRIPS Agreement and difficulties faced by developing countries in implementing TRIPS obligations and protecting public health. Also discussed are the reasons for the Doha Declaration and issues relating to implementation of Para 6 of the Declaration. Discusses the inadequacy in the compulsory licence based approach to solve public health crisis and argues for a more comprehensive approach to find a long term solution to the public health issues


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Foams are cellular structures, produced by gas bubbles formed during the polyurethane polymerization mixture. Flexible PU foams meet the following two criteria: have a limited resistance to an applied load, being both permeable to air and reversibly deformable. There are two main types of flexible foams, hot and cold cure foams differing in composition and processing temperatures. The hot cure foams are widely applied and represent the main composition of actual foams, while cold cure foams present several processing and property advantages, e.g, faster demoulding time, better humid aging properties and more versatility, as hardness variation with index changes are greater than with hot cure foams. The processing of cold cure foams also is attractive due to the low energy consumption (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 65 degrees C) comparatively to hot cure foams (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 250 degrees C). Another advantage is the high variety of soft materials for low temperature processing moulds. Cold cure foams are diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) based while hot cure foams are toluene diisocyanate (TDI) based. This study is concerned with Viscoelastic flexible foams MDI based for medical applications. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterize the cure kinetics and Dynamical Mechanical Analisys to collect mechanical data. The data obtained from these two experimental procedures were analyzed and associated to establish processing/properties/operation conditions relationships. These maps for the selection of optimized processing/properties/operation conditions are important to achieve better final part properties at lower costs and lead times.


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The Cévennes–Vivarais Mediterranean Hydrometeorological Observatory (OHM-CV) is a research initiative aimed at improving the understanding and modeling of the Mediterranean intense rain events that frequently result in devastating flash floods in southern France. A primary objective is to bring together the skills of meteorologists and hydrologists, modelers and instrumentalists, researchers and practitioners, to cope with these rather unpredictable events. In line with previously published flash-flood monographs, the present paper aims at documenting the 8–9 September 2002 catastrophic event, which resulted in 24 casualties and an economic damage evaluated at 1.2 billion euros (i.e., about 1 billion U.S. dollars) in the Gard region, France. A description of the synoptic meteorological situation is first given and shows that no particular precursor indicated the imminence of such an extreme event. Then, radar and rain gauge analyses are used to assess the magnitude of the rain event, which was particularly remarkable for its spatial extent with rain amounts greater than 200 mm in 24 h over 5500 km2. The maximum values of 600–700 mm observed locally are among the highest daily records in the region. The preliminary results of the postevent hydrological investigation show that the hydrologic response of the upstream watersheds of the Gard and Vidourle Rivers is consistent with the marked space–time structure of the rain event. It is noteworthy that peak specific discharges were very high over most of the affected areas (5–10 m3 s−1 km−2) and reached locally extraordinary values of more than 20 m3 s−1 km−2. A preliminary analysis indicates contrasting hydrological behaviors that seem to be related to geomorphological factors, notably the influence of karst in part of the region. An overview of the ongoing meteorological and hydrological research projects devoted to this case study within the OHM-CV is finally presented.