985 resultados para 380101 Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance


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Background. The rate of binocular rivalry has been reported to be slower in subjects with bipolar disorder than in controls when tested with drifting, vertical and horizontal gratings of high spatial frequency. Method. Here we assess the rate of binocular rivalry with stationary, vertical and horizontal gratings of low spatial frequency in 30 subjects with bipolar disorder, 30 age- and sex-matched controls, 18 subjects with schizophrenia and 18 subjects with major depression. Along with rivalry rate, the predominance of each of the rivaling images was assessed, as was the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals. Results. The bipolar group demonstrated significantly slower rivalry than the control, schizophrenia and major depression groups. The schizophrenia and major depression groups did not differ significantly from the control group. Predominance values did not differ according to diagnosis and the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals was well described by a gamma function in all groups. Conclusions. The results provide further evidence that binocular rivalry is slow in bipolar disorder and demonstrate that rivalry predominance and the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals are not abnormal in bipolar disorder. It is also shown by comparison with previous work, that high strength stimuli more effectively distinguish bipolar from control subjects than low strength stimuli. The data on schizophrenia and major depression suggest the need for large-scale specificity trials. Further study is also required to assess genetic and pathophysiological factors as well as the potential effects of state, medication, and clinical and biological subtypes.


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It has often been supposed that patterns of rhythmic bimanual coordination in which homologous muscles are engaged simultaneously, are performed in a more stable manner than those in which the same muscles are activated in an alternating fashion. In order to assess the efficacy of this constraint, the present study investigated the effect of forearm posture (prone or supine) on bimanual abduction-adduction movements of the wrist in isodirectional and non-isodirectional modes of coordination. Irrespective of forearm posture, non-isodirectional coordination was observed to be more stable than isodirectional coordination. In the latter condition, there was a more severe deterioration of coordination accuracy/stability as a function of cycling frequency than in the former condition. With elevations in cycling frequency, the performers recruited extra mechanical degrees of freedom, principally via flexion-extension of the wrist, which gave rise to increasing motion in the vertical plane. The increases in movement amplitude in the vertical plane were accompanied by decreasing amplitude in the horizontal plane. In agreement with previous studies, the present findings confirm that the relative timing of homologous muscle activation acts as a principal constraint upon the stability of interlimb coordination. Furthermore, it is argued that the use of manipulations of limb posture to investigate the role of other classes of constraint (e.g. perceptual) should be approached with caution because such manipulations affect the mapping between muscle activation patterns, movement dynamics and kinematics.


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The spatial character of our reaching movements is extremely sensitive to potential obstacles in the workspace. We recently found that this sensitivity was retained by most patients with left visual neglect when reaching between two objects, despite the fact that they tended to ignore the leftward object when asked to bisect the space between them. This raises the possibility that obstacle avoidance does not require a conscious awareness of the obstacle avoided. We have now tested this hypothesis in a patient with visual extinction following right temporoparietal damage. Extinction is an attentional disorder in which patients fail to report stimuli on the side of space opposite a brain lesion under conditions of bilateral stimulation. Our patient avoided obstacles during reaching, to exactly the same degree, regardless of whether he was able to report their presence. This implicit processing of object location, which may depend on spared superior parietal-lobe pathways, demonstrates that conscious awareness is not necessary for normal obstacle avoidance.


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We asked 12 patients with left visual neglect to bisect the gap between two cylinders or to reach rapidly between them to a more distal target zone. Both tasks demanded a motor response but these responses were quite different in nature. The bisection response was a communicative act whereby the patient indicated the perceived midpoint. The reaching task carried no imperative to bisect the gap, only to maintain a safe distance from either cylinder while steering to the target zone. Optimal performance on either task could only be achieved by reference to the location of both cylinders. Our analysis focused upon the relative influence of the left and right cylinders on the lateral location of the response. In the bisection task, all neglect patients showed qualitatively the same asymmetry, with the left cylinder exerting less influence than the right. In the reaching task, the neglect group behaved like normal subjects, being influenced approximately equally by the two cylinders. This was true for all bar two of the patients, who showed clear neglect in both tasks. We conclude that the visuomotor processing underlying obstacle avoidance during reaching is preserved in most patients with left visual neglect. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is a growing body of evidence that the processes mediating the allocation of spatial attention within objects may be separable from those governing attentional distribution between objects. In the neglect literature, a related proposal has been made regarding the perception of (within-object) sizes and (between-object) distances. This proposal follows observations that, in size-matching and bisection tasks, neglect is more strongly expressed when patients are required to attend to the sizes of discrete objects than to the (unfilled) distances between objects. These findings are consistent with a partial dissociation between size and distance processing, but a simpler alternative must also be considered. Whilst a neglect patient may fail to explore the full extent of a solid stimulus, the estimation of an unfilled distance requires that both endpoints be inspected before the task can be attempted at all. The attentional cueing implicit in distance estimation tasks might thus account for their superior performance by neglect patients. We report two bisection studies that address this issue. The first confirmed, amongst patients with left visual neglect, a reliable reduction of rightward error for unfilled gap stimuli as compared with solid lines. The second study assessed the cause of this reduction, deconfounding the effects of stimulus type (lines vs. gaps) and attentional cueing, by applying an explicit cueing manipulation to line and gap bisection tasks. Under these matched cueing conditions, all patients performed similarly on line and gap bisection tasks, suggesting that the reduction of neglect typically observed for gap stimuli may be attributable entirely to cueing effects. We found no evidence that a spatial extent, once fully attended, is judged any differently according to whether it is filled or unfilled.


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Consistent with action-based theories of attention, the presence of a nontarget stimulus in the environment has been shown to alter the characteristics of goal-directed movements. Specifically, it has been reported that movement trajectories veer away from (Howard & Tipper, 1997) or towards (Welsh, Elliott, & Weeks, 1999) the location of a nontarget stimulus. The purpose of the experiments reported in this paper was to test a response activation model of selective reaching conceived to account for these variable results. In agreement with the model, the trajectory changes in the movements appear to be determined by the activation levels of each competing response at the moment of response initiation. The results of the present work, as well as those of previous studies, are discussed within the framework of the model of response activation.


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Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) perform above chance on invisible displacement tasks despite showing few other signs of possessing the necessary representational abilities. Four experiments investigated how dogs find an object that has been hidden in 1 of 3 opaque boxes. Dogs passed the task under a variety of control conditions, but only if the device used to displace the object ended up adjacent to the target box after the displacement. These results suggest that the search behavior of dogs was guided by simple associative rules rather than mental representation of the object's past trajectory. In contrast, Experiment 5 found that on the same task, 18- and 24-month-old children showed no disparity between trials in which the displacement device was adjacent or nonadjacent to the target box.


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Anticoagulation used for thromboembolic prophylaxis following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) could interfere with movement. This study compares the effect of 2 anticoagulants, enoxaparin and aspirin, on restoration of range of motion (ROM) after TKA. Two groups of 75 consecutive patients, matched for age, arthritic severity, and preoperative ROM, underwent TKA. Flexion and extension milestone measures were recorded daily. Results show a highly statistically significant difference (P


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An adaptation of the traditional Stroop test, the California Older Adult Stroop Test (COAST) (Pachana, Marcopulos, Yoash-Gantz & Thompson, 1995), has been developed specifically for use with a geriatric population, utilizing larger typeface, fewer items (50) per task, and more easily distinguished colors (red, yellow and green). Test-retest reliability and validity data are reviewed for both control and clinical populations. Increased error rates on the Stroop test compared to the COAST were found for the color and color/word interference tasks. These results are discussed in terms of changes in the visual system with increasing age. The implications for better test sensitivity with the COAST for older adult populations are discussed.


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The sources of covariation among cognitive measures of Inspection Time, Choice Reaction Time, Delayed Response Speed and Accuracy, and IQ were examined in a classical twin design that included 245 monozygotic (MZ) and 298 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs. Results indicated that a factor model comprising additive genetic and unique environmental effects was the most parsimonious. In this model, a general genetic cognitive factor emerged with factor loadings ranging from 0.28 to 0.64. Three other genetic factors explained the remaining genetic covariation between various speed and Delayed Response measures with IQ. However, a large proportion of the genetic variation in verbal (54%) and performance (25%) IQ was unrelated to these lower order cognitive measures. The independent genetic IQ variation may reflect information processes not captured by the elementary cognitive tasks, Inspection Time and Choice Reaction Time, nor our working memory task, Delayed Response. Unique environmental effects were mostly nonoverlapping, and partly represented test measurement error.


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Different components of driving skill relate to accident involvement in different ways. For instance, while hazard-perception skill has been found to predict accident involvement, vehicle-control skill has not. We found that drivers rated themselves superior to both their peers and the average driver on 18 components of driving skill (N = 181 respondents). These biases were greater for hazard-perception skills than for either vehicle-control skills or driving skill in general. Also, ratings of hazard-perception skill related to self-perceived safety after overall skill was controlled for. We suggest that although drivers appear to appreciate the role of hazard perception in safe driving, any safety benefit to be derived from this appreciation may be undermined by drivers' inflated opinions of their own hazard-perception skill. We also tested the relationship between illusory beliefs about driving skill and risk taking and looked at ways of manipulating drivers' illusory beliefs.


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In this study we attempted to identify the principles that govern the changes in neural control that occur during repeated performance of a multiarticular coordination task. Eight participants produced isometric flexion/extension and pronation/supination torques at the radiohumeral joint, either in isolation (e.g., flexion) or in combination (e.g., flexion - supination), to acquire targets presented by a visual display. A cursor superimposed on the display provided feedback of the applied torques. During pre- and postpractice tests, the participants acquired targets in eight directions located either 3.6 cm (20% maximal voluntary contraction [MVC]) or 7.2 cm (40% MVC) from a neutral cursor position. On each of five consecutive days of practice the participants acquired targets located 5.4 cm (30% MVC) from the neutral position. EMG was recorded from eight muscles contributing to torque production about the radiohumeral joint during the pre- and posttests. Target-acquisition time decreased significantly with practice in most target directions and at both target torque levels. These performance improvements were primarily associated with increases in the peak rate of torque development after practice. At a muscular level, these changes were brought about by increases in the rates of recruitment of all agonist muscles. The spatiotemporal organization of muscle synergies was not significantly altered after practice. The observed adaptations appear to lead to performances that are generalizable to actions that require both greater and smaller joint torques than that practiced, and may be successfully recalled after a substantial period without practice. These results suggest that tasks in which performance is improved by increasing the rate of muscle activation, and thus the rate of joint torque development, may benefit in terms of the extent to which acquired levels of performance are maintained over time.


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In this experiment, we examined the extent to which the spatiotemporal reorganization of muscle synergies mediates skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom (df) target-acquisition task. Eight participants completed five practice sessions on consecutive days. During each session they practiced movements to eight target positions presented by a visual display. The movements required combinations of flexion/extension and pronation/supination of the elbow joint complex. During practice sessions, eight targets displaced 5.4 cm from the start position ( representing joint excursions of 54) were presented 16 times. During pre- and posttests, participants acquired the targets at two distances (3.6 cm [36 degrees] and 7.2 cm [72 degrees]). EMG data were recorded from eight muscles contributing to the movements during the pre- and posttests. Most targets were acquired more rapidly after the practice period. Performance improvements were, in most target directions, accompanied by increases in the smoothness of the movement trajectories. When target acquisition required movement in both dfs, there were also practice-related decreases in the extent to which the trajectories deviated from a direct path to the target. The contribution of monofunctional muscles ( those producing torque in a single df) increased with practice during movements in which they acted as agonists. The activity in bifunctional muscles ( those contributing torque in both dfs) remained at pretest levels in most movements. The results suggest that performance gains were mediated primarily by changes in the spatial organization of muscles synergies. These changes were expressed most prominently in terms of the magnitude of activation of the monofunctional muscles.


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Two experiments were conducted to examine whether the conclusions drawn regarding the timing of anticipatory information pick-up from temporal occlusion studies are influenced by whether (a) the viewing period is of variable or fixed duration and (b) the task is a laboratory-based one with simple responses or a natural one requiring a coupled, interceptive movement response. Skilled and novice tennis players either made pencil-and-paper predictions of service direction (Experiment 1) or attempted to hit return strokes (Experiment 2) to tennis serves while their vision was temporally occluded in either a traditional progressive mode (where more information was revealed in each subsequent occlusion condition) or a moving window mode (where the visual display was only available for a fixed duration with this window shifted to different phases of the service action). Conclusions regarding the timing of information pick-up were generally consistent across display mode and across task setting lending support to the veracity and generalisability of findings regarding perceptual expertise in existing laboratory-based progressive temporal occlusion studies.