981 resultados para 3-SUBSTITUTED LACTAMS


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The HIV-1 RT inhibitory activity of 2-(2,6-dihalophenyl)-3-(substituted pyridin-2-yl)-thiazolidin-4-ones has been analyzed with different topological descriptors obtained from DRAGON software. Here, simple topological descriptors (TOPO), Galvez topological charge indices (GVZ) and 2D autocorrelation descriptors (2DAUTO) have been found to yield good predictive models for the activity of these compounds. The correlations obtained from the TOPO class descriptors suggest that less extended or compact saturated structural templates would be better for the activity. The participating GVZ class descriptors suggest that they have same degree of influence on the activity. In 2DAUTO class, the large participation of descriptors of lags seven and three indicate the association of activity information with the seven and three centered structural fragments of these compounds. The physicochemical weighting components of these descriptors suggest homogeneous influence of mass, volume, electronegativity and/ or polarizability on the activity.


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Este trabalho descreve a síntese de novos derivados de coumarinas 3-substituídas por grupos arilo, etenilarilo e etenil-organometálicos, através de novas metodologias via reacções de Heck e de metátese (Grubbs), com controlo da regioquímica e com significativos rendimentos reaccionais. A aplicação destas metodologias permitiu a síntese dos derivados, 3-fenilcoumarina (131), 3-(4-bromofenil)coumarina, (132), 3-(4-iodofenil)­coumarina (134), 3-(4-nitrofenil)coumarina (136), 3-(4-etilfenil)coumarina (133), 4-(coumarin-3-il)benzaldeído (135), 3-(4-metoxifenil)coumarina (137), (E)-3-acrilato-[4-(coumarin-3-il)fenil] de metilo (138), 6,7-metileno­dioxi-[3-(E)-2'-feniletenil]coumarina (145), 6,7-dimetoxi-[-(E)-2'-fenil­etenil]coumarina (146), 6,7-dimetoxi-[3-(E)-2'-(6'-nitrofenil)etenil]coumarina (147), 4-[2-(E)-(6,7-dimetoxicoumarin-3-il)etenil]benzaldeído (148) e 6,7-dimetoxi-[3-(E)-2'-ferroceniletenil]coumarina (149), dos quais os últimos nove, são compostos novos, identificados e caracterizados pela primeira vez. A deslocalização do sistema de electrões  conjugados, induzida pelos diversos substituintes das coumarinas, foi igualmente avaliada através da espectroscopia de UV/Vis. De referir que parte deste trabalho foi publicado como: "New Methodology for the Synthesis of 3-Substituted Coumarins via Pd-Catalyzed Site-Se/ective Cross-Coupling Reactions”, Sérgio Martins, Paula S. Branco, María C. de la Torre, Miguel A. Sierra e António Pereira, Synlett, 2010 (https://www.thieme-connect.com/ejournals/abstract/ synlett/doi/1 O.1 OS5/s-0030-1259014). ABSTRACT: This work describes the synthesis of new 3-aryl, ethenylaryl and ethenyl-organometallics coumarin derivatives, using a new methodology via Heck and metathesis (Grubbs) reactions, with regiochemistry control and significant reaction yields. The application of these methodologies allowed the synthesis of derivatives, 3-phenylcoumarin (131), 3-(4-bromophenyl)coumarin (132), 3-(4-iodophenyl)coumarin (134), 3-(4-nitrophenyl)coumarin (136), 3-(4-ethylphenyl)coumarin {133), 4-(coumarin-3-yl)benzaldehyde {135), 3-(4-methoxiphenyl)coumarin (137), (E)-ethyl 3-[4(coumarin-3-yl)phenyl]­acrylate (138), 6,7-methylenedioxy-[3-(E)-2'-phenylethenyl]coumarin (145), 6,7-dimethoxy-[-(E)-2'-phenylethenyl]coumarin (146), 6,7-dimethoxy-[3-(E)­-2'-(6'-nitrophenyl)ethenyl]coumarin (147), 4-[2-(E)-(6,7-dimethoxy­coumarin-3-yl)ethenyl]benzaldehyde {148) e 6,7-dimethoxy-[3-(E)-2'-(ferro­ cene)ethenyl]coumarin (149), the last nine of these are new compounds, identified and characterized for the first time. The delocalization of conjugated -electron system, induced by different substituents of coumarins, was also assessed by spectroscopy UV/Vis. Part of this work was published at: "New Methodology for the Synthesis of 3-Substituted Coumarins via Pd-Catalyzed Site-Selective Cross-Coupling Reactions", Sérgio Martins, Paula S. Branco, María C. de la Torre, Miguel A. Sierra e António Pereira, Synlett, 2010 (https://www.thieme­connect.com/ejournaIs/abstract/synlett/doi/1O.1 055/s-0030-1259014).


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18.1 Antibiotics 18.1.1 Introduction to bacteria 18.1.2 Introduction to antibiotics 18.1.3 Inhibitors of bacterial cell wall synthesis β-Lactams Glycopeptides 18.1.4 Inhibitors of bacterial protein synthesis Tetracyclines Aminoglycosides Chloramphenicol Macrolides Lincosamides Oxalazidones 18.1.5 Inhibitors of DNA synthesis 18.2. Anti-tuberculotic drugs 18.2.1 Introduction 18.2.2 Isoniazid 18.2.3 Ethambutol 18.2.4 Rifamycin 18.2.5 Pyrazinamide 18.3. Anti-viral drugs 18.3.1 Introduction to viruses 18.3.2 Drugs used to treat herpesviruses 18.3.3 Drugs used to treat the flu 18.3.4 Drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS 18.4. Antifungal drugs 18.4.1 Introduction to Fungi 18.4.2 Antifungal drugs


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Pyrroloindoline and unnatural tryptophan motifs are important targets for synthesis based on their incorporation into a diverse array of biologically active natural products. Both types of alkaloids have also found applications as chiral catalysts and tryptophan derivatives are commonly employed as biological probes. On account of their applications, these frameworks have inspired the development of numerous enantioselective, catalytic reactions. In particular, the past few years have witnessed an impressive number of novel approaches for pyrroloindoline formation.

The first project described herein involves our contribution to pyrroloindoline research. We have developed an (R)-BINOL•SnCl4-catalyzed formal (3 + 2) cycloaddition reaction between 3-substituted indoles and 2-amidoacrylates that affords pyrroloindoline-2-carboxylates bearing an all-carbon quaternary center. Mechanistic studies have elucidated that the enantiodetermining step is a highly face-selective catalyst-controlled protonation reaction. The subsequent application of this asymmetric protonation strategy to the synthesis of a variety of enantioenriched tryptophan derivatives is also discussed.


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Biotransformation of 3-substituted and 2,5-disubstituted phenols, using whole cells of P. putida UV4, yielded cyclohexenone cis-diols as single enantiomers; their structures and absolute configurations have been determined by NMR and ECD spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and stereochemical correlation involving a four step chemoenzymatic synthesis from the corresponding cis-dihydrodiol metabolites. An active site model has been proposed, to account for the formation of enantiopure cyclohexenone cis-diols with opposite absolute configurations.


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The Dudding group is interested in the application of Density Functional Theory (DFT) in developing asymmetric methodologies, and thus the focus of this dissertation will be on the integration of these approaches. Several interrelated subsets of computer aided design and implementation in catalysis have been addressed during the course of these studies. The first of the aims rested upon the advancement of methodologies for the synthesis of biological active C(1)-chiral 3-methylene-indan-1-ols, which in practice lead to the use of a sequential asymmetric Yamamoto-Sakurai-Hosomi allylation/Mizoroki Heck reaction sequence. An important aspect of this work was the utilization of ortho-substituted arylaldehyde reagents which are known to be a problematic class of substrates for existing asymmetric allylation approaches. The second phase of my research program lead to the further development of asymmetric allylation methods using o-arylaldehyde substrates for synthesis of chiral C(3)-substituted phthalides. Apart from the de novo design of these chemistries in silico, which notably utilized water-tolerant, inexpensive, and relatively environmental benign indium metal, this work represented the first computational study of a stereoselective indium-mediated process. Following from these discoveries was the advent of a related, yet catalytic, Ag(I)-catalyzed approach for preparing C(3)-substituted phthalides that from a practical standpoint was complementary in many ways. Not only did this new methodology build upon my earlier work with the integrated (experimental/computational) use of the Ag(I)-catalyzed asymmetric methods in synthesis, it provided fundamental insight arrived at through DFT calculations, regarding the Yamamoto-Sakurai-Hosomi allylation. The development of ligands for unprecedented asymmetric Lewis base catalysis, especially asymmetric allylations using silver and indium metals, followed as a natural extension from these earlier discoveries. To this end, forthcoming as well was the advancement of a family of disubstituted (N-cyclopropenium guanidine/N-imidazoliumyl substituted cyclopropenylimine) nitrogen adducts that has provided fundamental insight into chemical bonding and offered an unprecedented class of phase transfer catalysts (PTC) having far-reaching potential. Salient features of these disubstituted nitrogen species is unprecedented finding of a cyclopropenium based C-H•••πaryl interaction, as well, the presence of a highly dissociated anion projected them to serve as a catalyst promoting fluorination reactions. Attracted by the timely development of these disubstituted nitrogen adducts my last studies as a PhD scholar has addressed the utility of one of the synthesized disubstituted nitrogen adducts as a valuable catalyst for benzylation of the Schiff base N-diphenyl methylene glycine ethyl ester. Additionally, the catalyst was applied for benzylic fluorination, emerging from this exploration was successful fluorination of benzyl bromide and its derivatives in high yields. A notable feature of this protocol is column-free purification of the product and recovery of the catalyst to use in a further reaction sequence.


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Les cyclopropanes sont des unités qui sont très importantes en raison de leur présence dans de nombreux produits naturels, dans certaines molécules synthétiques ayant une activité biologique, ainsi que dans plusieurs intermédiaires synthétiques. Les travaux décrits dans cet ouvrage portent sur l’halogénocyclopropanation stéréosélective d’alcools allyliques en présence d’un ligand chiral stœchiométrique de type dioxaborolane et de carbénoïdes de zinc substitués dérivés de composés organozinciques et d’haloformes. Nous avons ainsi développé des conditions pour l’iodo-, la chloro- et la fluorocyclopropanation stéréosélective. Une étude mécanistique portant sur la nature des carbénoïdes alpha-chlorés et alpha-bromés a révélé qu’il y a un échange des halogènes portés par ces carbénoïdes. Lors de la chlorocyclopropanation, le carbénoïde le plus réactif (alpha-chloré) réagit de façon prédominante en vertu du principe de Curtin-Hammet. Les iodocyclopropanes énantioenrichis ont pu être fonctionnalisés via une réaction d’échange lithium-iode suivie du traitement avec des électrophiles, ou via une réaction de transmétallation au zinc suivie d’un couplage de Negishi. Ainsi, toute une gamme de cyclopropanes 1,2,3-substitués énantioenrichis a pu être synthétisée. Dans l’optique de développer de nouvelles méthodologies de fonctionnalisation des cyclopropanes, nous nous sommes par la suite tournés vers le couplage croisé de type Hiyama-Denmark des cyclopropylsilanols. Dans cette voie synthétique, le groupement silanol a deux fonctions : il sert de groupement proximal basique lors de la cyclopropanation de Simmons-Smith et il subit la transmétallation au cours du couplage croisé. Dans l’étape du couplage croisé, la nature des ligands liés à l’atome de silicium s’est avérée cruciale au bon déroulement de la réaction. Ainsi, l’échange de ligands avec le diéthyl éthérate de trifluoroborane générant le cyclopropyltrifluorosilane in situ est requis pour obtenir de bons rendements. Le dernier volet de cet ouvrage porte sur la cyclisation d’iodures d’alkyle par substitution aromatique par voie homolytique catalysée par le nickel. Une série de composés de type tétrahydronaphtalène et thiochromane ont été préparés selon cette méthode. Une étude mécanistique a confirmé la nature radicalaire de cette réaction et suggère fortement l’action catalytique du nickel. De plus, des études de spectrométrie RMN DOSY ont montré une association entre le complexe de nickel et le substrat ainsi que la base employés dans cette réaction.


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3-Substituted-5-phenylmorpholinones have been demonstrated to act as N-protected C-terminus activated alpha-amino acids capable of undergoing solution phase N-terminus peptide extension following standard coupling procedures. The N-acylated morpholinones do not undergo epimerisation of the stereocentre of the C-terminus amino acid residue as oxazolone formation is sterically prevented, although C-terminus peptide coupling is still possible. This convergent approach to peptide synthesis is exemplified by the preparation of L-ala-L-ala-L-ala and L-ala-D-ala-L-ala. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Irradiation of 5S-5-O-tert-butyldimethylsiloxymethylfuran-2(5H)-one 1 in acetonitrile yields the C2-symmetric bis(lactone), 1S,2S,6S,7S-[3S,10S]-bis-tert-butyldimethylsiloxymethyl-4,9-dioxatricyclo[,6]deca-5,8-dione 6, and a 3-substituted intramolecular product resulting from an apparent 8-endo-trig cyclisation.


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Potentially bioactive N-(aminoalkyl)lactamic amino acids and esters were synthesized in satisfactory to good yields by SNAr reactions of aromatic acids with N-(3-aminopropyl)lactams followed by esterification with tertiary amino alcohols. The addition-elimination SNAr mechanism was confirmed by NMR and MS measurements.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The studies conducted during my Phd thesis were focused on two different directions: 1. In one case we tried to face some long standing problems of the asymmetric aminocatalysis as the activation of encumbered carbonyl compounds and the control of the diastereoisomeric ratio in the diastero- and enantioselective construction of all carbon substituted quaternary stereocenters adjacent a tertiary one. In this section (Challenges) was described the asymmetric aziridination of ,-unsaturated ketones, the activation of ,-unsaturated -branched aldehydes and the Michael addition of oxindoles to enals and enones. For the activation via iminium ion formation of sterically demanding substrates, as ,-unsaturated ketones and ,-unsaturated -branched aldehydes, we exploited a chiral primary amine in order to overcome the problem of the iminium ion formation between the catalyst and encumbered carbonylic componds. For the control of diastereoisomeric ratio in the diastero- and enantioselective construction of all carbon substituted quaternary stereocenters adjacent a tertiary one we envisaged that a suitable strategy was the Michael addition to 3 substituted oxindoles to enals activated via LUMO-lowering catalysis. In this synthetic protocol we designed a new bifunctional catalyst with an amine moiety for activate the aldehyde and a tioureidic fragment for direct the approach of the oxindole. This part of the thesis (Challenges) could be considered pure basic research, where the solution of the synthetic problem was the goal itself of the research. 2. In the other hand (Molecules) we applied our knowledge about the carbonylic compounds activation and about cascade reaction to the synthesis of three new classes of spirooxindole in enantiopure form. The construction of libraries of these bioactive compounds represented a scientific bridge between medicinal chemistry or biology and the asymmetric catalysis.


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In this work, we present the first regio- and enantioselective organocatalytic nucleophilic dearomatization of activated N-alkyl pyridinium salts. In particular, N-benzyl pyridinium bromides bearing electron-withdrawing substituents at the C3 position of the pyridine ring were chosen as substrates. These compounds were easily obtained through an alkylation reaction between benzyl bromides and the corresponding 3-substituted pyridines. Then, a wide range of nucleophiles and organocatalysts was tested, providing the best results when indole, a thiourea derived from quinidine and 1-benzyl-3-nitropyridinum bromide were employed as the nucleophile, the catalyst and the pyridinium salt, respectively. Subsequently, the reaction conditions were optimised evaluating different bases, solvents, N-benzylic protecting groups, molar concentrations and temperatures. With the optimized condition in hand, the scope of the reaction with different substituted indoles was explored, affording the corresponding 1,4-dihydropyridines in good yields, regio- and enantio-selectivities. In addition, several experiments were carried out in order to understand the mechanism of the reaction, showing an unusual pathway involving a covalently bound intermediate formed by addition of the catalyst to the pyridine unit.


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The MAL proteolipid, a component of the integral protein sorting machinery, has been demonstrated as being necessary for normal apical transport of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) and the overall apical membrane proteins in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The MAL carboxy terminus ends with the sequence Arg-Trp-Lys-Ser-Ser (RWKSS), which resembles dilysine-based motifs involved in protein sorting. To investigate whether the RWKSS pentapeptide plays a role in modulating the distribution of MAL and/or its function in apical transport, we have expressed MAL proteins with distinct carboxy terminus in MDCK cells whose apical transport was impaired by depletion of endogenous MAL. Apical transport of HA was restored to normal levels by expression of MAL with an intact but not with modified carboxyl terminal sequences bearing mutations that impair the functioning of dilysine-based sorting signals, although all the MAL proteins analyzed incorporated efficiently into lipid rafts. Ultrastructural analysis indicated that compared with MAL bearing an intact RWKSS sequence, a mutant with lysine −3 substituted by serine showed a twofold increased presence in clathrin-coated cytoplasmic structures and a reduced expression on the plasma membrane. These results indicate that the carboxyl-terminal RWKSS sequence modulates the distribution of MAL in clathrin-coated elements and is necessary for HA transport to the apical surface.


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The moisture and air stable ionic liquids 1-butyl-3-methylimidazonium tetrafluoroborate [bmim]BF4 and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazonium hexafluorophosphate [bmim]PF6 were used as ‘green' recyclable alternatives to volatile organic solvents (VOCs) for ethylenediammonium diacetate (EDDA) catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation between aldehydes or ketones with active methylene compounds. Both aldehydes and ketones gave satisfactory results. The ionic liquids containing catalyst EDDA were recycled several times with no decreases in yields and reaction rates. In the case of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde, the reactions led to the formation of 3-substituted coumarins under standard reaction conditions.