953 resultados para 1H and 13C NMR
A cristalização e formação de depósitos parafínicos é um problema operacional crítico na indústria do petróleo em todo o mundo e provoca grandes perdas econômicas na recuperação do óleo. São muitos os estudos que têm sido realizados para desenvolver modelos termodinâmicos de predição da precipitação de parafinas, sendo que boa parte deles utilizam a ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) em alto ou baixo campo magnético juntamente com outras técnicas como calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise elementar e cromatografia gasosa para caracterizar a fase sólida formada a partir do petróleo. Este trabalho busca um maior entendimento da cristalização de ceras parafínicas por meio de experimentos de espectroscopia de RMN de 1H e 13C conduzidos em temperaturas variáveis, o que pode auxiliar na previsão e remediação dos problemas causados pela sua deposição nas linhas de escoamento da produção. Para isso, o estudo desse fenômeno foi conduzido inicialmente em amostras de parafina comercial e, posteriormente, em uma amostra de petróleo parafínico com variação de temperatura sem extrair a fase sólida, garantindo a não interferência de solventes que podem influenciar no processo de cristalização. A metodologia desenvolvida demonstrou ser útil para determinar a temperatura inicial de aparecimento de cristais (TIAC), sendo obtida uma boa concordância com os resultados de DSC para a parafina comercial e petróleo. O registro de espectros em diferentes temperaturas permitiu também a identificação das variações de intensidade e largura de linha dos sinais associados aos diferentes grupos químicos presentes nos materiais estudados.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química
A peroxidação lipídica, além de causar sérios danos no corpo humano, é a principal causa da deterioração dos alimentos afectando a sua cor, aroma e valor nutricional, o que conduz a uma diminuição do seu ciclo de vida. O fenómeno de oxidação pode ser retardado com recurso a antioxidantes, de origem natural ou sintética, que inibam a formação de espécies reactivas, ou que reajam com estas, formando posteriormente radicais com menor grau de reactividade. Nesta dissertação procedeu-se à síntese e elucidação estrutural de novos antioxidantes, derivados dos ácidos 3,4-diidroxibenzóico (PCA) e 3,4-diidroxifenilacético (DOPAC), e à avaliação da sua actividade anti-radicalar e antioxidante. Os novos antioxidantes sintetizados foram caracterizados usando RMN de 1H e de 13C, FTIR e EM-IE. A avaliação da actividade antioxidante foi realizada com base no método do radical 2,2- difenil-1-picrilhidrazilo (DPPH·) e por técnicas electroquímicas (voltametria de impulso diferencial e voltametria cíclica). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a eficácia anti-radicalar (AE) é determinada por aspectos da estrutura molecular dos compostos, nomeadamente pela presença de grupos hidroxilo no anel aromático e também de grupos extensores relativamente à posição do grupo carboxílico. Os resultados permitiram verificar que o DOPAC apresenta a mais elevada eficiência anti-radicalar dos compostos em estudo, incluindo o trolox e o ácido gálhico (compostos de referência). Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que, um menor potencial de oxidação conduz a uma melhor actividade anti-radicalar dos compostos. De facto, verificou-se para o PCA e respectivos ésteres o maior potencial de oxidação e também a menor eficiência anti-radicalar. Em contrapartida, os antioxidantes com maior eficiência anti-radicalar, DOPAC, trolox e ácido gálhico, apresentaram menor potencial de oxidação.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
ABSTRACTEndophytic fungi are fungi that colonize internal tissues of plants. There are few studies of compounds isolated from endophytic fungi of Amazon plants. Thus, the aim this study was the isolation and structural identification of sitosterol (1), stigmasterol (2), sitostenone (3), squalene (4), ergosterol (5) and ergosterol peroxide (6) from fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioidesisolated as endophytic from Virola michelli, a typical Amazon plant, used in folk medicine against skin infection. Compounds were isolated by chromatography column on silica and identified by 1H and 13C NMR and MS. The presence of phytosterols in fungi is rare and this is the first report of the isolation of the phytosterols sitosterol, stigmasterol and sitostenone from the genus Colletotrichum.
Dissertação de mestrado em Química Medicinal
Résumé: Dans le but de rechercher de nouveaux composés naturels à intérêt thérapeutique, les extraits dichlorométhanique et méthanolique de Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepernick et Timler (Syn. Fagara zanthoxyloides L.) (Rutaceae), une brosse à dents africaine ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Un dépistage des activités: antifongiques contre le champignon phytopathogène Cladosporium cucumerinum et la levure commensale responsable de mycoses chez l'homme Candida albicans, antibactérienne contre la bactérie opportuniste Bacillus subtilis, larvicide contre le moustique vecteur de la fièvre jaune Aedes aegypti et molluscicide contre Biomphalaria glabrata, un escargot impliqué dans la transmission de la schistosomiase urinaire a été réalisé. Les propriétés antiradicalaires et inhibitrices de l'acétylcholinestérase de ces extraits ont aussi été dépistées. Sur la base des résultats obtenus lors de ce screening, l'investigation phytochimique de ces extraits a été entreprise. Elle a abouti à l'isolement de 14 composés, actifs pour la majorité contre Cladosporium cucumerinum et Bacillus subtilis, dont la structure a été établie au moyen de méthodes spectroscopiques (UV, MS, IR, 1H- et 13C-NMR). Des méthodes chimiques (hydrolyse, acétylation) ont été requises pour la confirmation de structures. L'extrait dichlorométhanique a fourni un nouveau composé, un dérivé du phényléthane, ainsi que dix composés connus, dont trois dérivés du phénylpropane, un lignane, un alcaloïde de la famille des benzophénanthridines, un triterpène, deux amides phénoliques et deux amides oléfmiques. L'extrait méthanolique a fourni un nouveau composé avec une fonction endoperoxyde, qui avait montré une activité inhibitrice modérée de l'acétylcholinestérase, ainsi que l'hespéridine et un dérivé de la chélérythrine. Par ailleurs, l'analyse LC/UV/APC1-MS de cet extrait a permis de détecter on-une sept produits connus. Parmi ces composés, se trouvent l'acide divanilloylquinique, la chélérythrine et quatre de ses dérivés: norchélérythrin.e, 6-(2-oxybutyl) dihydrochélérythrine, 6-hydroxy-dihydrochélérythrine et avicine, ainsi qu'une amide phénolique, l'amottianamide. La présence de ces dérivés de la chélérythrine a été mise en évidence dans deux autres espèces du même genre lors d'une étude LC/UV/APCI-MS comparative. Les activités fongicides contre Cladosporium cucumerinum et Candida albicans et bactéricides contre Bacillus subtilis et Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, mises en évidence sur plaque CCM et par les tests de dilution dans l'agar de ces composés, permettent de justifier l'utilisation de Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepemick et Timler comme brosse à dents africaine. Les techniques couplées de pointe utilisées dans cette étude ont montré leur apport inestimable dans le domaine de la recherche phytochimique et les applications futures dans le domaine de déréplication d'extraits bruts. Abstract: With the aim of discovering new natural therapeutics, the dichloromethane and methanol extracts of the African toothbrush tree Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepernick et Timler (Syn. Fagara zanthoxyloides L.) (Rutaceae), were submitted to biological and chemical assays. The former included: the antifimgal activities of the extracts against the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum, the commensal yeast which causes human mycoses Candida albicans, the bactericidal activity against the opportunistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the larvicidal activity against the yellow fever-transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypti and the molluscicidal effect on the snail Biomphalaria glabrata involved in the transmission of urinary schistosomiasis. The antiradical and acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting properties of these extracts were also investigated. On the basis of these results, a phytochemical investigation of the dichloromethane and methanol extracts of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides was undertaken. Their fractionation led to the isolation of 14 compounds, the majority of which were active against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Bacillus subtilis, whose structures were elucidated by spectroscopic techniques (UV, MS, IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR). Chemical methods (hydrolysis, acetylation) were performed to confirm the structures. The dichloromethane extract yielded a new phenylethane derivative, together with ten known compounds: three phenylpropane derivatives, a lignan, a benzophenanthridine alkaloid, a triterpene and four phenolic and olefinic amides. The methanol extract yielded a new compound with an endoperoxide moiety, which showed moderate acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting activity, together with hesperidin and a chelerythrine derivative. Seven more compounds were detected on-line by LC/UV/APCI-MS. Among the compounds detected were divanilloylquinic acid, chelerythrine and four chelerythrine derivatives: norchelerythrine, 6-(2-oxybuty1)-dihydrochelerythrine, 6-hydroxy dihydrochelerythrine and avicine, together with the phenolic amide amottianamide. Most of the chelerythrine derivatives were also found in two other Zanthoxylum species following LC/UV/APCI-MS analysis. The antifungal activities against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albicans and antibacterial activities against Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, may explain the utilization in traditional medicine of the roots of this plant as a toothbrush. The advanced hyphenated techniques used in this study showed their inestimable contribution to the field of phytochemical research and applications in the field of dereplication of crude extracts.
Dans le but de mieux connaître le métabolisme secondaire de la famille des Thymelaeaceae et de découvrir de nouveaux composés naturels à intérêt thérapeutique, 30 extraits provenant de 8 espèces africaines ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Les cibles biologiques suivantes ont servi à l?évaluation de l?activité des extraits étudiés : la moisissure phytopathogène Cladosporium cucumerinum, la levure commensale Candida albicans, la bactérie opportuniste Bacillus subtilis, la larve du moustique vecteur de la fièvre jaune Aedes aegypti et l?hôte intermédiaire mollusque de la schistosomiase urinaire Biomphalaria glabrata. Les propriétés antiradicalaires et inhibitrices de l?acétylcholinestérase de ces extraits ont également été dépistées. Des analyses sur CCM avec révélation chimique, ainsi que des expériences LC/DAD-UV, ont permis demettre en évidence la présence de tanins, de flavonoïdes et de xanthones dans les extraits polaires. Sur la base des résultats de ces analyses préliminaires, l?investigation phytochimique des extraits méthanoliques des racines et des parties aériennes de Gnidia involucrata a été entreprise. Cette démarche a permis l?isolement de 8 composés naturels et leur caractérisation complète au moyen de méthodes spectroscopiques (UV, MS, CD, 1H- et 13C-NMR). Les activités de ces produits purs ont été évaluées et il est apparu qu?ils possédaient presque tous des propriétés antiradicalaires intéressantes, supérieures à celles du BHT, un antioxydant de synthèse (E 321) utilisé dans l?industrie alimentaire. Deux benzophénones simples, respectivement O- et C-glucosylées, ont été isolées des parties aériennes de G. involucrata au côté de la mangiférine, une C-glycosylxanthone ubiquitaire. Ces découvertes sont remarquables à plusieurs titres : (1) les benzophénones simples (nonprénylées) sont très rares dans la nature ; (2) c?est la première fois qu?une Oglycosylbenzophénone a été décrite ; (3) aucune xanthone n?avait été mise en évidence auparavant dans la famille et (4) les benzophénones semblent ne pas être que des produits intermédiaires dans la biosynthèse des xanthones. Trois 3,8??-biflavanones du type GB ont été isolées des racines et des parties aériennes de la même plante, dont deux stéréoisomères se trouvant en mélange. Une analyse LC/CD a permis d?attribuer les configurations absolues des quatre carbones asymétriques de chaque molécule. Cette classe de métabolites secondaires est réputée pour ses propriétés analgésiques et sa présence chez les Thymelaeaceae est prometteuse. Des techniques couplées de pointe ont été utilisées dans ce travail et ont montré leur apport inestimable dans le domaine de la recherche phytochimique. Une analyse LC/ MSn a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence on-line trois C-glycosylflavones ? l?isoorientine, l?isovitexine et la vitexine ? dans les extraits méthanoliques bruts de G. involucrata. De plus, les parties aériennes de cette même plante ont servi de matériel pour le développement d?une nouvelle méthode d?analyse d?extraits bruts : la LC/1H-NMR time-slice. Cette approche consiste à « découper » le temps d?analyse par des interruptions régulières du flux LC, durant lesquelles les données NMR nécessaires sont acquises. Le problème de la faible sensibilité relative de la LC/NMR a été partiellement résolu par ce biais et a permis d?envisager l?utilisation de la NMR au sein de systèmes de couplages multiples en série avec d?autres méthodes spectrales (UV, MS, IR, CD,?).<br/><br/>With the aim of acquiring a better knowledge of the secondary metabolism of the family Thymelaeaceae and of the discovering of new natural therapeutics, 30 extracts from 8 African plant species were submitted to chemical and biological screening. The following biological targets were used to estimate the activity of the extracts under study: the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum, the commensal yeast Candida albicans, the opportunistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, larvae of the yellow fever-transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypti and the intermediate snail host of urinary schistosomiasis Biomphalaria glabrata. The antiradical and acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting properties of these extracts were also investigated. TLC analyses followed by chemical detection, together with LC/DAD-UV experiments, showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids and xanthones in the polar extracts. On the basis of these results, a phytochemical investigation of the methanol extracts of the roots and the aerial parts of Gnidia involucrata was undertaken. This procedure led to the isolation of 8 natural products, which were then characterised by spectroscopic means (UV, MS, CD, 1H- and 13C-NMR). The activities of the pure compounds were then further evaluated: almost all of them exhibited very interesting antiradical properties, superior to those of BHT, a synthetic antioxidant (E 321) used in the food industry. Two simple benzophenones, one O- and one C-glycosylated, were isolated from the aerial parts of G. involucrata, together with mangiferin, a ubiquitous C-glycosylxanthone. These findings are of multiple importance: (1) simple (non-prenylated) benzophenones are very rare in nature; (2) it is the first time that an O-glycosylbenzophenone has been described; (3) no xanthones have been previously reported in the family and (4) benzophenones do not seem to be exclusive intermediates in the biosynthesis of xanthones. Three 3,8??-biflavanones of the GB type were isolated from the roots and the aerial parts of the same plant, among them two stereoisomers in mixture. A LC/CD analysis allowed the assignment of the absolute configurations of all four stereocenters in both molecules. This class of secondary metabolite is well known for its analgesic properties and its presence in the Thymelaeaceae is very promising. Advanced hyphenated techniques were used in this work and showed their inestimable contribution to the field of phytochemical research. A LC/MSn analysis, for example, allowed the on-line characterisation of three C-glycosylflavones ? isoorientin, isovitexin and vitexin ? in the crude methanol extracts of G. involucrata. Furthermore, the aerial parts of this plant were used as material for the development of a new analytical method for crude plant extracts: time-slice LC/1H-NMR. This approach consisted in "slicing" the analytical procedure by interrupting the LC flow at given intervals, during which the necessary NMR data were acquired. The relative lack of sensitivity of LC/NMR was partially surmounted by this means, allowing one to envisage the use of NMR in a multiple hyphenated system, together with other spectroscopic methods (UV, MS, IR, CD,?)
The flowers of Stiffitia chrysantha Mikam(Asteraceae) contain eriodictiol, quercetin, luteolin and b-D-glycopyranosil-sitosterol. These compounds and its derivatives were identified by their 1H and 13C NMR, infra-red and mass spectra data. The heteronuclear 2D NMR were used to confirm the assignments of the proton and carbon chemical shifts, it was used to eliminate definitively the ambiguous correlation reported in the literature for C-5 and C-9 of quercetin and C-23 and C-25 of b-D-glycopyranosil-sitosterol.
A new approach for teaching in basic experimental organic chemistry is presented. Experimental work goes on parallel to theoretical lectures leading to an immediate application of theoretical concepts transmitted therein. One day/week is dedicated exclusively to the organic laboratory. Reactions are proposed as problems to be solved; the student has to deduce the structure of the product on the basis of his observations, the analytical data and his mechanistical knowledge. 70 different experiments, divided in 7 thematical chapters, are presented. All experiments require the analysis and discussion of 1H and 13C NMR, IR and UV spectra. Additional questions about each reaction have to be answered by the student in his written report. Laboratory safety is garanteed by the exclusion or substitution of hazardous and toxic reagents. Microscale preparations are adopted in most cases to lower the cost of materials and the amount of waste. Recycling of many reaction products as starting materials in other experiments reduces the need for commercial reagents and allows the execution of longer reaction sequences. Only unexpensive standard laboratory equipment and simple glassware are required. All experiments include instructions for the save treatment or disposal of chemical waste.
Three flavanones, two chalcones and one dihydrochalcone were isolated from the branches of Piper glandulosissimum. All isolated compounds were characterized based on IR, UV, 1H and 13C NMR, including 2D NMR analyses (HMQC, HMBC, COSY and NOESY) and comparison with the literature. The compound 7-hydroxy-5,8-dimethoxyflavanone displayed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis.
In this study, we report the preparation of a new tetra-substituted epoxide aldehyde cyclopentane, which acts as a starting material for the synthesis of plinol, from (R)-(+)-epoxy-limonene. The synthesis was performed in three steps and resulted in a good yield. The structural determination was performed by 1H and 13C NMR, and the relative stereochemistry was defined by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) experiments with computer calculations of molecular modeling, particularly with respect to indirect coupling constant calculations.
Mild hypothermia has a protective effect on brain edema and encephalopathy in both experimental and human acute liver failure. The goals of the present study were to examine the effects of mild hypothermia (35°C) on brain metabolic pathways using combined 1H and 13C-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a technique which allows the study not only of metabolite concentrations but also their de novo synthesis via cell-specific pathways in the brain. :1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy using [1-13C] glucose was performed on extracts of frontal cortex obtained from groups of rats with acute liver failure induced by hepatic devascularization whose body temperature was maintained either at 37°C (normothermic) or 35°C (hypothermic), and appropriate sham-operated controls. At coma stages of encephalopathy in the normothermic acute liver failure animals, glutamine concentrations in frontal cortex increased 3.5-fold compared to sham-operated controls (P < 0.001). Comparable increases of brain glutamine were observed in hypothermic animals despite the absence of severe encephalopathy (coma). Brain glutamate and aspartate concentrations were respectively decreased to 60.9% ± 7.7% and 42.2% ± 5.9% (P < 0.01) in normothermic animals with acute liver failure compared to control and were restored to normal values by mild hypothermia. Concentrations of lactate and alanine in frontal cortex were increased to 169.2% ± 15.6% and 267.3% ± 34.0% (P < 0.01) respectively in normothermic rats compared to controls. Furthermore, de novo synthesis of lactate and alanine increased to 446.5% ± 48.7% and 707.9% ± 65.7% (P < 0.001), of control respectively, resulting in increased fractional 13C-enrichments in these cytosolic metabolites. Again, these changes of lactate and alanine concentrations were prevented by mild hypothermia. Mild hypothermia (35°C) prevents the encephalopathy and brain edema resulting from hepatic devascularization, selectively normalizes lactate and alanine synthesis from glucose, and prevents the impairment of oxidative metabolism associated with this model of ALF, but has no significant effect on brain glutamine. These findings suggest that a deficit in brain glucose metabolism rather than glutamine accumulation is the major cause of the cerebral complications of acute liver failure.
Le premier volet de ce travail portera sur l’expérience acquise lors d’un stage d’étude à Tokyo, au Japon, dans le groupe de recherche du Pr. Makoto Fujita, une sommité d’envergure internationale dans le domaine de l’auto-assemblage. En continuité avec les plus récents travaux du Pr. Fujita, des systèmes poreux auto-assemblés présentant des cavités fonctionnalisées ont été développés dans le but d’encapsuler des acides gras afin d’en déterminer la structure cristalline. Ces éponges ont été caractérisées par des techniques courantes telles que la spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire 1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy, la spectrométrie de masse, l’analyse élémentaire, la microscopie optique infrarouge ainsi que la diffraction des rayons X. Une autre approche employée pour obtenir de meilleures propriétés spectroscopiques fut la synthèse de dendrimères métalliques de génération 0. Un nouveau ligand de type 1,3,5-triazine a été synthétisé par une réaction typique de cyclisation de nitrile en présence catalytique d’hydrure de sodium. Des espèces mono-, bis- et trinucléaire de Ru(II) furent synthétisés ainsi que deux espèces hétérométalliques de Ru(II)/Pt(II) et de Ru(II)/Os(II). Tous les complexes obtenus furent caractérisés par spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire (1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy) à l’état liquide, par spectroscopie de masse à haute résolution et par analyse élémentaire. La génération de dihydrogène à partir de l’espèce hétérométallique a été étudiée. Les propriétés optiques et électroniques ont été analysées par spectroscopie UV-Vis, par analyse de la luminescence, du temps de vie de luminescence, par des analyses de rendement quantique ainsi que par des analyses de voltampérométrie cyclique à balayage. Finalement, dans le but d’améliorer les propriétés spectroscopiques d’absorption de complexes métalliques, nous avons synthétisé une série de polymères homo- et hétérométalliques, intégrant des ligands de type bis(2,2’:6,2’’-terpyridine). Les complexes générés furent caractérisés par diverses techniques tel que la spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire (1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy) à l’état liquide, par spectroscopie de masse à haute résolution ainsi que par analyse élémentaire. Les propriétés optiques et électroniques ont été analysées par spectroscopie UV-Vis, par analyse de la luminescence, du temps de vie de luminescence, par des analyses de rendement quantique ainsi que par des analyses de voltampérométrie cyclique à balayage.
The purpose of this programme was to synthesize and analyze new bioconjugates of interest for the potential inhibition of the influenza virus, using poly(aspartimide) as a polymer support. The macromolecular targets were obtained by attaching various sialic acid-linker-amine compounds to poly(aspartimide). 1H and 13C NMR studies were then performed to analyze the degree of incorporation of the sialic acid-linker-amine compounds within the poly(aspartimide). These studies illustrated that the incorporation was dependent on the nature of the spacer between the sugar and the amine functionality. Thus aliphatic spacers favoured the inclusion of sialic acid onto the polymer support whereas compounds having only an aromatic moiety between the sialic acid and the amine could not be easily incorporated.