999 resultados para 1995_03251244 Rosette
海洋浮游纤毛虫是在海洋中浮游生活的一类单细胞原生动物,主要是指寡毛类纤毛虫(Oligotrich ciliates),隶属原生动物界(Protozoa)、纤毛门(Ciliophora)、寡毛纲(Oligotrichea),分属于Oligotrichina 和Tintinnina两个亚纲。它们个体微小,粒径在5-200 µm之间,是微型浮游动物和海洋微食物环(Marine Microbial Food Web)的重要组成部分。 2006年4月至2007年12月,在黄海(包括胶州湾)采样分析海洋浮游纤毛虫的种类组成(砂壳纤毛虫)、丰度和生物量,分析纤毛虫在这一海区的季节变化和空间变化。 纤毛虫丰度和生物量的研究方法为:Rosette采水器(胶州湾用Niskin采水器)采集水样,取1 L水样,加Lugol’s试剂固定(终浓度1%),Utermöhl方法100倍镜检。测量虫体的体长、体宽,按最接近的几何形状(圆柱体、球体和圆锥体)计算体积。生物量由体积乘转换系数(0.19 pgC/µm3)得到,砂壳纤毛虫的肉体体积按照壳体积的1/3近似。 本文的结果表明,胶州湾各站纤毛虫平均丰度于6月达到全年最高值6065 ind./L,12月为全年丰度最低值843 ind./L。平均生物量8月达全年最高值(18.5 µg C/L),6月为全年最低值(0.6 µg C/L)。砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度于8月达到最高值,共发现25种砂壳纤毛虫,1月种类最少(6种)。湾内站位的纤毛虫平均丰度比湾外的高(6月和8月除外)。砂壳纤毛虫在纤毛虫总丰度中的比例较小,平均为25%,范围为8-57%,分别于1月和8月达到最低和最高值。 两次冷水团大面调查结果表明,4月表层纤毛虫平均丰度(1490 ind./L)要高于10月(972 ind./L)。10月表层纤毛虫生物量0.14-5.33 µg C/L,14194站、15694站和15894站生物量较高,为4.08-5.33 µg C/L。无壳纤毛虫优势种Laboea strobila在两个航次中均呈现斑块分布,4月航次丰度0-10000 ind./L,10月航次丰度11-350 ind./L;砂壳纤毛虫优势种Ptychocylis obtusa仅在4月航次发现,最大丰度2895 ind./L,10月航次未发现。4月航次砂壳纤毛虫有百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea),丰度为0-1920 ind./L;卡拉直克拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis karajacensis),丰度很小(10-93 ind./L)。10月航次砂壳纤毛虫优势种Tintinnidium primitivum,丰度为35-700 ind./L;也出现了尖底类瓮虫(Amphorellopsis acuta)和网纹虫(Favella spp.),但丰度不大(0-210 ind./L);运动类铃虫(Codonellopsis mobilis)、筒状拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis tubulosoides)和Eutintinnus sp.丰度也较低(35-105 ind./L);Craterella torulata丰度为0-120 ind./L,主要分布于15694站。10月航次已经出现了温跃层,位于30 m左右水层,纤毛虫主要分布于温跃层之上。 六次黄海断面航次表明:温跃层在5月已经出现,到12月消失。在有温跃层的5月、6月、8月、9月,纤毛虫主要分布于温跃层(30 m左右)之上。其中8月份航次纤毛虫丰度最高,表层平均丰度3103 ind./L。12月份纤毛虫丰度最低,表层平均丰度406 ind./L。纤毛虫生物量春夏季为0.02-5.5 µg C/L,冬季为0.04-1.99 µg C/L。小型无壳纤毛虫占优势,砂壳纤毛虫东方拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis orientalis)、筒状拟铃虫、运动类铃虫、Craterella torulata和Tintinnidium primitivum几乎在各个航次均有分布。
海洋环境污染监测、海水化学与地质调查和生物采样,大多数情况下需要现场采集水样。有时需要在不同深度依次采样,获取梯度剖面的现场水体信息,以保证分析结果的统一性、规范性和类比性。近几十年来,水体取样和保存技术迅速发展,各式各样的采水器纷纷问世并获得成功应用。常规CTD葵花式采水器(CTD rosette sampler)(配备尼斯金采样瓶(Niskin bottle)或郭福洛采样瓶(Go-Flo bottle))和船用吸泵均为目前广泛使用的梯度水样采集装置。但其应用各有一定缺陷。因此,设计一种既适用于大型科考船又适用于小型船只、采样深度可精确控制、采水操作简便、无沾污的采水器在海洋科学研究中有较大实用意义。 本课题所设计的无缆自动返回式采水器(a New Auto-Returned Column Water Sampling Device-‘ARWAD’)是一种新型垂直剖面采水器,该采水器外挂四个1.5L卡盖式结构的HOUSKIN采水瓶。为采水器加载适当重量的配置体,使其在水中受到负浮力下潜。采水是在释放配置体后,采水器受到正浮力上升的过程中依次完成的。 本文的主要内容为:(1) 本课题详述了该无缆自动返回式采水器的机械机构与密封方案。采水器的主壳体为硬铝合金圆柱状防水耐压设计,外挂四个卡盖式结构的采水瓶,其机械机构主要包括①配置体的悬挂与释放机构;②采水瓶关闭采水机构;(2) 详述该采水器的控制系统,包括硬件设计方案和软件设计,并对控制系统进行了调试。控制系统装置于主体的防水耐压仓内,以单片机为核心,装载压力传感器获知水深。下位机程序控制在到达指定深度时释放配置体和关闭各采样瓶,上位机程序实现在甲板上的自检、设定配置体的释放深度和各采水瓶的关闭采样深度;(3) 用解析法和经验公式对该采水器承压零件尺寸进行设计,同时用数值计算方法对其强度校核;(4) 为保证采水器的采水精度和确保其工作安全,对采水器进行水动力学计算,确定阻力及阻力系数等参数,使采水器在上升采水过程中最大速度小于2.0m/s,以为外形设计提供参考;(5) 采水器采样性能验证。现场采集水样后,在实验室测定悬浮颗粒物的质量浓度和体积浓度分布。在采集水样的同时,应用激光粒度仪获取现场悬浮物粒径分布信息。通过与激光粒度仪现场测定结果对比,证明该自动返回式采水器采水深度准确,质量较好。 该采水器使用时无需钢丝绳,而是装载压力传感器获知水深,由此避免了使用绞车和由钢丝绳计量深度带来的深度误差;采样时也无须连接电缆,节省电力;自由下潜和上升,无需配备绞车深度补偿设施,避免出现深度逆变现象。主要应用于驾驶小规模船只在较浅水域(湖泊或河口)采水,亦可用于大型科考船,其结构轻便、造价低廉以及操作方便等性能使其成为CTD葵花式采水器和泵采系统的有益补充。
A new species of Saussurea, S. erecta S. W Liu, J. T Pan A J. Q. Liu sp. nov., is described from Tibet. It resembles S. kingii but may be distinguished by having distinct stems and glabrous achenes. Saussurea kingii was placed in sect. Pseudoeriocoryne of subgen. Eriocoryne; this section was circumscribed by acaulescence and an inflorescence with congested capitula surrounded by a rosette of leaves. The discovery of S. erecta with distinct stems, cauline leaves and corymbose capitula blurred the delimitation of sect. Pseudoeriocoryne and suggested that the section may be polyphyletic. Both the close relationship and the significant difference between S. erecta and S. kingii were confirmed by analyses of nrDNA ITS sequences. The resulting phylogenies based on ITS data further suggest that Saussurea sect. Pseudoeriocoryne, as traditionally defined, does not constitute a monophyletic group. The rapid radiation and speciation of Saussurea in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, as inferred from ITS phylogeny, are discussed. (c) 2005 The Linnean Society of London.
The genus Saussurea is distributed mainly in the temperate and subarctic regions of Eurasia and consists of about 300 species classified into six subgenera and 20 sections. Sect. Pseudoeriocoryne in the subgenus Eriocoryne comprises four species, and is delimited mainly by acaulescence and an inflorescence with congested capitula surrounded by a rosette of leaves. All of these species are endemic to the and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Sequences from the chloroplast DNA trnL-F region were obtained for the four species in this section and 26 other species from four subgenera of Saussurea to resolve phylogenetic relationships among these species and to determine whether the shared characters that define sect. Pseudoeriocoryne are synapomorphic or were acquired by convergent evolution. The resulting phylogenies indicated that Saussurea sect. Pseudoeriocoryne as traditionally defined does not constitute a monophyletic group and that each of its species belongs to separate clades. Furthermore, none of these species showed a close relationship with the other species of subgenus Eriocoryne. Our results further indicated that none of the investigated subgenera are monophyletic, and that species from different subgenera clustered together. All these conclusions are provisional and their confirmation would require stronger phylogenetic support. Two possible explanations are suggested for low sequence divergence, poor resolution of internal clades and clustering of species with the rather distinct morphology of Saussurea detected in the present study. The first is rapid radiation and diversification triggered by fast habitat fragmentation due to the recent lifting of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Quaternary climate oscillations. This could have led to rapid morphological divergence while sequences diverged very little, and also caused the convergent acquisition of similar characteristics in unrelated lineages due to similar selection pressures. The second possible explanation is that both introgressive hybridization and reticulate evolution might have caused the transferring of cpDNA sequences between morphologically dissimilar species, thus leading to homogenization of sequences between lineages. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ian M. Scott, Shannon M. Clarke, Jacqueline E. Wood and Luis A.J. Mur (2004). Salicylate accumulation inhibits growth at chilling temperature in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 135(2), 1040-1049. RAE2008
Standard enzyme cytochemical and indirect immunocytochemical techniques have been used in conjunction with light and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) to visualize cholinergic, serotoninergic and peptidergic nerve elements in whole-mount preparations of the amphibian urinary-bladder fluke, Gorgoderina vitelliloba. Cholinesterase (ChE) activity was localized in paired anterior ganglia, a connecting dorsal commissure and in the origins of the ventral nerve cords. Cholinergic ganglia were also evident in shelled embryos in the uterus. Serotonin-immunoreactivity (IR) was more extensive than ChE activity and was identified in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Serotoninergic nerve fibres were associated with the somatic musculature and female reproductive ducts. Antisera to nine mammalian peptides and one invertebrate (FMRFamide) peptide have been used to investigate the peptidergic nervous system in the parasite. Immunoreactivity was obtained to five peptides, namely pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY), neuropeptide Y (NPY), substance P (SP) and FMRFamide. Peptidergic nerve fibres were found to be more abundant than demonstrable cholinergic or serotoninergic nerve fibres. NPY-IR was identified only in the main components of the central nervous system. However, PP- and PYY-IR occurred in the anterior ganglia, dorsal commissure, main nerve cords and in numerous small varicose fibres that ramified throughout the worm. Additionally, PP-immunoreactive nerve fibres were found to innervate the musculature of the female reproductive tracts. Six sites of IR were found in the acetabulum, using antisera directed towards the C-terminal end of PP and PYY, and these matched with the distribution of six non-ciliated rosette-like papillae observed by scanning electron microscopy. SP- and FMRFamide-IR were identified in the CNS, and FMRFamide-immunopositive nerve fibres were also evident in association with the gonopore/cirrus region and with the terminal excretory pore. Results are discussed with respect to possible roles for each of the neurochemical types.
A strain gauge instrumentation trial on a high pressure die casting ‘HPDC’ die was compared to a corresponding simulation model using Magmasoft® casting simulation software at two strain gauge rosette locations. The strains were measured during the casting cycle, from which the von Mises stress was determined and then compared to the simulation model. The von Mises stress from the simulation model correlated well with the findings from the instrumentation trial, showing a difference of 5.5%, ~ 10 MPa for one strain gauge rosette located in an area of low stress gradient. The second rosette was in a region of steep stress gradient, which resulted in a difference of up to 40%, ~40 MPa between the simulation and instrumentation results. Factors such as additional loading from die closure force or metal injection pressure which are not modelled by Magmasoft® were seen to have very little influence on the stress in the die, less than 7%.
A recent study characterizing bacteriophage populations within human caecal effluent demonstrated the presence of numerous Podoviridae, Siphoviridae and Myoviridae within this material (Hoyles et al., 2014, Res Microbiol 165, 803–812). Further to this work, anaerobic bacteria were isolated on fastidious anaerobe agar from the caecal effluent of a healthy 31-year-old woman. Ten colonies were selected at random, streaked to purity and screened against the remaining caecal effluent (filter-sterilized, 0.45 μm pore size) in an attempt to isolate lytic bacteriophages. Bacteriophages within the effluent [2×105 ± 2.65×103 (n=3) pfu/ml] were active against five of the isolates, all identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis as Klebsiella pneumoniae. One of the five isolates, L4-FAA5, was characterized further and found to be K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae capsule type K2 rmpA+, and was used to propagate a bacteriophage (which we named KLPN1) to purity. Bacteriophage KLPN1 was a member of the Siphoviridae with a rosette-like tail tip and exhibited depolymerase activity, demonstrated by the formation of plaque-surrounding haloes that increased in size over the course of incubation. When screened against a panel of 21 clinical strains representing unknown K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae capsule types and types K1, K2, K5, K20, K54 and K57, KLPN1 infected only K2 strains, but did not exhibit depolymerase activity against these. Whole-genome sequence analysis of KLPN1 showed the bacteriophage to have a genome of 49,037 bp (50.53 GC mol%) comprising 73 predicted ORFs, of which 22 encoded genes associated with structure, host recognition, packaging, DNA replication and cell lysis. The host recognition-associated gene was a potential depolymerase. This is the first report of the isolation of a bacterium–bacteriophage combination from the human caecum, and only the third member of the Siphoviridae known to infect K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae.
A sample of caecal effluent was obtained from a female patient who had undergone a routine colonoscopic examination. Bacteria were isolated anaerobically from the sample, and screened against the remaining filtered caecal effluent in an attempt to isolate bacteriophages (phages). A lytic phage, named KLPN1, was isolated on a strain identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae (capsular type K2, rmpA+). This Siphoviridae phage presents a rosette-like tail tip and exhibits depolymerase activity, as demonstrated by the formation of plaque-surrounding haloes that increased in size over the course of incubation. When screened against a panel of clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae, phage KLPN1 was shown to infect and lyse capsular type K2 strains, though it did not exhibit depolymerase activity on such hosts. The genome of KLPN1 was determined to be 49,037 bp (50.53 %GC) in length, encompassing 73 predicted ORFs, of which 23 represented genes associated with structure, host recognition, packaging, DNA replication and cell lysis. On the basis of sequence analyses, phages KLPN1 (GenBank: KR262148) and 1513 (a member of the family Siphoviridae, GenBank: KP658157) were found to be two new members of the genus “Kp36likevirus”.
El prolapso del piso pélvico es una entidad frecuente, especialmente en pacientes postmenopáusicas y en su gran mayoría requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. En este estudio comparamos la aparición de complicaciones postoperatorias tempranas entre la colporrafia anterior con técnica clásica (TC) versus la colporrafia anterior con técnica de sitio especifico (CSE). Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico, retrospectivo, de dos cohortes de pacientes que requirieron colporrafia anterior entre agosto de 2009 hasta junio de 2012. Las características de cada grupo fueron homogéneas y comparables. El desenlace de mayor frecuencia fue dehiscencia de la línea de sutura, sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las dos técnicas. La aparición de reprolapso temprano y el diagnóstico de abscesos o hematomas presentaron frecuencias que carecen de diferencia significativa. No hubo complicaciones tempranas graves tales como sangrado intraoperatoria mayor o lesiones vesicouretrales. Los resultados sugieren que las dos técnicas tienen una incidencia baja de complicaciones postoperatorias tempranas y por lo tanto parecen ser seguros dentro del manejo quirúrgico del prolapso del componente anterior del piso pélvico.
Debido a que el 12% de la población tendrá un cálculo en uréter hacia la mitad de su vida y a que las tasas de recurrencia en los que ya lo presentan son del 50% es necesario estudiar esta patología para aproximarse a un manejo adecuado en el servicio de urgencias. La literatura identifica un conjunto de factores que pueden contribuir a un cambio en el manejo médico. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los factores demográficos y clínicos asociados a manejo hospitalario en los pacientes con diagnóstico de cálculo ureteral menor de 10 mm. Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles no emparejados. Un caso fue definido como un paciente de 18 o más años con diagnóstico de urolitiasis con cálculo menor a 10 mm realizado por urotac que consultó (por primera vez para ese episodio) al servicio de urgencias de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá entre el 1 de marzo de 2007 y 30 de abril de 2012. Se indagaron factores como edad, sexo, tamaño y localización del cálculo, respuesta a los analgésicos, evidencia de obstrucción e infección urinaria, además de otros antecedentes medicamentosos y clínicos. Se utilizó regresión logística no condicional bivariada y multivariada para evaluar la asociación entre tipo de manejo (hospitalario o ambulatorio) y las variables recolectadas, calculando odds ratio (OR) e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%). Resultados: El riesgo de hospitalización se incrementó con: 1. La localización del cálculo en tercio superior o medio (OR=1.49; IC95%: 0.751-2.966) al comparar con el inferior, 2. El aumento del tamaño del cálculo (OR=1.49; IC95%: 0.751-2.966, por cada milímetro de incremento), y 3: Por la evidencia de obstrucción o infección urinaria y elevación de azoados. Por el contrario, hubo menos riesgo de hospitalización en aquellos pacientes con una respuesta analgésica apropiada en urgencias.
Introducción: Las indicaciones por las cuales un paciente requiere una nefrectomía son múltiples: las neoplasias, la hidronefrosis y la exclusión funcional son las principales. En manos expertas la nefrectomía es un procedimiento seguro, especialmente porque en la actualidad el abordaje por excelencia es realizar una técnica mínimamente invasiva con conservación de nefronas. Se presenta el análisis de la experiencia en Mederi, Hospital Universitario Mayor en esta intervención. Metodología: Se realizó una serie de casos de pacientes llevados a nefrectomía entre mayo de 2008 y mayo de 2012. Se incluyeron la totalidad de los casos. Resultados: Se analizaron 72 registros, 49 mujeres y 25 hombres; 13 de ellas fueron laparoscópicas. La edad promedio fue de 58,6 años. El tiempo medio operatorio fue 169,23 minutos (118-220 minutos). El sangrado operatorio promedio fue de 680,63 ml (IC95%: 2,83-1358 ml). El tiempo de hospitalización promedio fue de 4,88 días IC95%. La mayoría de los pacientes se distribuyeron en estadios medios de la enfermedad tumoral, con poco compromiso ganglionar y metástasis; el diagnóstico histológico y estadio dominante fueron el carcinoma de células renales grado 3 de Fuhrman respectivamente. Se reportan 13 casos de compromiso de la capsula de Gerota y 11 con compromiso del hilio. Discusión: La experiencia en nefrectomía de la institución es muy positiva por el bajo número de mortalidad y complicaciones. En cuanto a la técnica, es importante promover la técnica laparoscópica
The ability of Plasmodium falciparum parasitized RBC (pRBC) to form rosettes with normal RBC is linked to the virulence of the parasite and RBC polymorphisms that weaken rosetting confer protection against severe malaria. The adhesin PfEMP1 mediates the binding and specific antibodies prevent sequestration in the micro-vasculature, as seen in animal models. Here we demonstrate that epitopes targeted by rosette disrupting antibodies converge in the loop of subdomain 3 (SD3) which connects the h6 and h7 α-helices of PfEMP1-DBL1α. Both monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal IgG, that bound to epitopes in the SD3-loop, stained the surface of pRBC, disrupted rosettes and blocked direct binding of recombinant NTS-DBL1α to RBC. Depletion of polyclonal IgG raised to NTS-DBL1α on a SD3 loop-peptide removed the anti-rosetting activity. Immunizations with recombinant subdomain 1 (SD1), subdomain 2 (SD2) or SD3 all generated antibodies reacting with the pRBC-surface but only the sera of animals immunized with SD3 disrupted rosettes. SD3-sequences were found to segregate phylogenetically into two groups (A/B). Group A included rosetting sequences that were associated with two cysteine-residues present in the SD2-domain while group B included those with three or more cysteines. Our results suggest that the SD3 loop of PfEMP1-DBL1α is an important target of anti-rosetting activity, clarifying the molecular basis of the development of variant-specific rosette disrupting antibodies.
Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) malaria causes 200 million cases worldwide, 8 million being severe and complicated leading to similar to 1 million deaths and similar to 100,000 abortions annually. Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) has been implicated in cytoadherence and infected erythrocyte rosette formation, associated with cerebral malaria; chondroitin sulphate-A attachment and infected erythrocyte sequestration related to pregnancy-associated malaria and other severe forms of disease. An endothelial cell high activity binding peptide is described in several of this similar to 300 kDa hypervariable protein's domains displaying a conserved motif (GACxPxRRxxLC); it established H-bonds with other binding peptides to mediate red blood cell group A and chondroitin sulphate attachment. This motif (when properly modified) induced PfEMP1-specific strain-transcending, fully-protective immunity for the first time in experimental challenge in Aotus monkeys, opening the way forward for a long sought-after vaccine against severe malaria.
Revisión sistemática de la literatura tomando ensayos clínicos aleatorizados sobre el uso de la inyección intraprostática de la toxina botulínica en los pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna evaluando una escala validada de síntomas del tracto urinario bajo como desenlace primario