994 resultados para 162-985A


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Surface sediment samples from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea were investigated to reconstruct the spatial distribution of recent carbonate dissolution on the seafloor. Additionally, carbonate dissolution records of Ocean Drilling Program sites 985 and 987 are presented to outline the development of Pleistocene carbonate preservation. Today, well-preserved carbonate tests can be observed along the inflow of warm Atlantic surface water, extending as far as into the northernmost Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Increased dissolution is indicated along the continental margins and in the deepest parts of the Greenland Basin. Factors favoring carbonate preservation were found to be supersaturation of the water column with respect to calcium carbonate, high carbonate rain and probably excess alkalinity of bottom waters supplied by the arctic river discharge. Supralysoklinal dissolution is most important for recent carbonate dissolution in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, whereas the deepest parts of the Greenland Basin reaches the calcite saturation horizon. Pleistocene dissolution records show some prominent peaks of extreme carbonate dissolution. During the Brunhes chron, carbonate dissolution maxima can be related to meltwater pulses, which probably inhibited deep-water formation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea during deglaciation events. Long-term severe carbonate dissolution is evident during the late Matuyama chron. This can be probably related to low carbonate rain, due to a more eastwards located East Greenland Current and the nearly absence of the not yet polar adapted Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. during that period. Extreme dissolution events during the late Matuyama indicate strongly reduced deep-water formation.


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A profound global climate shift took place at the Eocene-Oligocene transition (~33.5 million years ago) when Cretaceous/early Palaeogene greenhouse conditions gave way to icehouse conditions (Zachos et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1059412; Coxall et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03135; Lear et al., 2008, doi:10.1130/G24584A.1). During this interval, changes in the Earth's orbit and a long-term drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (Pagani et al., 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1110063; Pearson and Palmer, 2000, doi:10.1038/35021000; DeConto and Pollard, 2003, doi:10.1038/nature01290) resulted in both the growth of Antarctic ice sheets to approximately their modern size (Coxall et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03135; Lear et al., 2008, doi:10.1130/G24584A.1) and the appearance of Northern Hemisphere glacial ice (Eldrett et al., 2007, doi:10.1038/nature05591; Moran et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04800). However, palaeoclimatic studies of this interval are contradictory: although some analyses indicate no major climatic changes (Kohn et al., 2004, doi:10.1130/G20442.1; Grimes et al., 2005, doi:10.1130/G21019.1), others imply cooler temperatures (Zanazzi et al., 2007, doi:10.1038/nature05551), increased seasonality (Ivany et al., 2000, doi:10.1038/35038044; Terry, 2001, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00248-0) and/or aridity (Ivany et al., 2000, doi:10.1038/35038044; Terry, 2001, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00248-0; Sheldon et al., 2002, doi:10.1086/342865; Dupont-Nivet et al., 2007, doi:10.1038/nature05516). Climatic conditions in high northern latitudes over this interval are particularly poorly known. Here we present northern high-latitude terrestrial climate estimates for the Eocene to Oligocene interval, based on bioclimatic analysis of terrestrially derived spore and pollen assemblages preserved in marine sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Our data indicate a cooling of ~5 °C in cold-month (winter) mean temperatures to 0-2 °C, and a concomitant increased seasonality before the Oi-1 glaciation event. These data indicate that a cooling component is indeed incorporated in the d18O isotope shift across the Eocene-Oligocene transition. However, the relatively warm summer temperatures at that time mean that continental ice on East Greenland was probably restricted to alpine outlet glaciers.


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Contenido: La causa IV : necesidad de la primera causa o acto de Dios / Octavio N. Derisi -- La cuestión del "paso" indebido de las proposiciones especulativas a las prácticas y la respuesta de Tomás de Aquino / Carlos I. Massini -- Significado del pensamiento de Michele Federico Sciacca para el hombre de hoy / Alberto Caturelli -- La sociedad nacional y la sociedad internacional para el análisis de la doctrina social de la Iglesia / Pedro E. Baquero Lazcano -- Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Foi testada a porta de detector de metais posicionada na entrada das galerias do Plenário. É um equipamento de segurança com cem por cento de tecnologia nacional. O Deputado Jorge Arbage (PDS-PA) informa que a porta estava dentro do programa estabelecido para as normas de segurança da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Deputado Mauro Miranda (PMDB-GO) defende emendas em favor da autonomia dos municípios. O Deputado Amaury Muller (PDT-RS) declara que o Poder Executivo não tem respondido os requerimentos de informações do Poder Legislativo e considera isso um desrespeito à soberania da Constituinte. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadã quer saber o que muda no direito de expressão. O Deputado Ruy Nedel (PMDB-RS) responde que o "direito de dizer" já mudou com a queda da ditadura e cita as figuras da Inconstitucionalidade por Omissão e do Defensor do Povo como formas de mudar o direito de fazer a Constituição ser cumprida. Jair Meneguelli, Presidente da Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), conclama a população a assinar as emendas populares.


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Opinião de cidadãos sobre a proposta de aprovar a nova Constituição através de plebiscito. Dois projetos de resolução, apresentados pelos Deputados Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ) e Virgílio Guimarães (PT-MG). estabelecem que, após 90 dias da promulgação da nova Carta, ela seja aprovada por um plebiscito. O Deputado Virgílio Guimarães (PT-MG) considera que a palavra final cabe ao eleitor. O Deputado Alceni Guerra (PFL-PR) quer plebiscitos parciais, por temas. Em debate promovido pelo 1º Secretário da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte Marcelo Cordeiro, líderes partidários fazem um balanço do projeto de Constituição. O Deputado Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ) rejeita a ideia de chamar de "monstrengo" a nova Constituição, mas diz que ela precisa de ajustes. O Deputado Luiz Henrique (PMDB-SC) declara ser fundamental o entendimento dos partidos nas questões polêmicas, para que se faça uma Constituição moderna. José Carlos Coutinho (PL-RJ) critica o aproveitamento, no projeto, do texto do substitutivo recusado na Comissão de Educação da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Senador Carlos Chiarelli (PFL-RS) declara que a negociação é urgente e indispensável. O Deputado Bonifácio de Andrada (PDS-MG) considera que as negociações permitirão o consenso na votação no Plenário. A Deputada Irma Passoni (PT-SP) declara que cada partido deve afirmar seus princípios, mas também trabalhar para uma negociação possível no sentido de alcançar as necessidades atuais da nação brasileira. Cidadãos assinam as emendas populares nos pontos mais movimentados das cidades. As principais emendas populares que estão circulando pelo país tratam dos seguintes temas: direito dos trabalhadores; direitos da mulher; conselho de comunicação; educação.


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116 hojas : ilustraciones, fotográficas a color.


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A female patient, with normal familial history, developed at the age of 30 months an episode of diarrhoea, vomiting and lethargy which resolved spontaneously. At the age of 3 years, the patient re-iterated vomiting, was sub-febrile and hypoglycemic, fell into coma, developed seizures and sequels involving right hemi-body. Urinary excretion of hexanoylglycine and suberylglycine was low during this metabolic decompensation. A study of pre- and post-prandial blood glucose and ketones over a period of 24 hours showed a normal glycaemic cycle but a failure to form ketones after 12 hours fasting, suggesting a mitochondrial β-oxidation defect. Total blood carnitine was lowered with unesterified carnitine being half of the lowest control value. A diagnosis of mild MCAD deficiency (MCADD) was based on rates of 1-14C-octanoate and 9, 10-3H-myristate oxidation and of octanoyl-CoA dehydrogenase being reduced to 25% of control values. Other mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation proteins were functionally normal. De novo acylcarnitine synthesis in whole blood samples incubated with deuterated palmitate was also typical of MCADD. Genetic studies showed that the patient was compound heterozygous with a sequence variation in both of the two ACADM alleles; one had the common c.985A>G mutation and the other had a novel c.145C>G mutation. This is the first report for the ACADM gene c.145C>G mutation: it is located in exon 3 and causes a replacement of glutamine to glutamate at position 24 of the mature protein (Q24E). Associated with heterozygosity for c.985A>G mutation, this mutation is responsible for a mild MCADD phenotype along with a clinical story corroborating the emerging literature view that patients with genotypes representing mild MCADD (high residual enzyme activity and low urinary levels of glycine conjugates), similar to some of the mild MCADDs detected by MS/MS newborn screening, may be at risk for disease presentation.


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Saisi avec 6 autres mss en janvier 1797 dans la bibliothèque de l'abbaye bénédictine de San Benedetto in Polirone près de Mantoue, cf. cote du XVIIIe s. "MS n° 49" (f. de garde); Laffitte, Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1989/2, 300; Delisle, Cab. des mss., II, 414; — ex-libris du XVe s. "Iste liber est mei mag. Johannis Martini de Ferariis de Parma artium ac medicine doctoris" (292v)