481 resultados para 1380
The genetic linkage map for the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a valuable tool for breeding programs. Breeders provide new cultivars that meet the requirements of farmers and consumers, such as seed color, seed size, maturity, and growth habit. A genetic study was conducted to examine the genetics behind certain qualitative traits. Growth habit is usually described as a recessive trait inherited by a single gene, and there is no consensus about the position of the locus. The aim of this study was to develop a new genetic linkage map using genic and genomic microsatellite markers and three morphological traits: growth habit, flower color, and pod tip shape. A mapping population consisting of 380 recombinant F10 lines was generated from IAC-UNA x CAL143. A total of 871 microsatellites were screened for polymorphisms among the parents, and a linkage map was obtained with 198 mapped microsatellites. The total map length was 1865.9 cM, and the average distance between markers was 9.4 cM. Flower color and pod tip shape were mapped and segregated at Mendelian ratios, as expected. The segregation ratio and linkage data analyses indicated that the determinacy growth habit was inherited as two independent and dominant genes, and a genetic model is proposed for this trait.
New organic/inorganic (O/I) hybrid assemblies based on Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) with polyamide amine dendrimer (PAMAM, generation -0.5 and generation +0.5) were prepared by two different routes using either the direct coprecipitation at constant pH or the anion exchange procedure in double surfactant S(+)S(-) phases. The obtained materials were characterized by means of powder X-ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis associated with mass spectrometry, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the O/I LDH assembly exhibit characteristic profiles of LDH-based materials with basal spacing depending on the nature of the dendrimer. Indeed, for both synthetic procedures, interleaved PAMAM -0.5 gives rise to an interlayer space in agreement with a perpendicular molecular arrangement against the layer of the host structure. For PAMAM+0.5, considering its spherical dimension, a much smaller basal spacing was observed. This observation was interpreted as shrinkage of the molecule to accommodate the interlayer LDH gap, which was rendered possible by the bond angle twisting within PAMAM-0.5. FTIR spectra confirm the presence of both moieties inside both Zn(2)Al/PAMAM G-0.5 and Zn(2)Al/PAMAM G+0.5 assemblies. Finally, thermal analysis associated with mass spectrometry confirm this composition, and in situ temperature XRD data reveal that the highly constrained arrangement for the generation +0.5 is not accompanied by a gain in thermal structural stability; in fact, the assembly prepared from PAMAM -0.5 is more stable. Both O/I PAMAM LDH assemblies constitute well-defined materials which are candidate for catalytic applications.
Background: Cannabis is the most used illicit drug in the world, and its use has been associated with prefrontal cortex (PFC) dysfunction, including deficits in executive functions (EF). Considering that EF may influence treatment outcome, it would be interesting to have a brief neuropsychological battery to assess EF in chronic cannabis users (CCU). In the present study, the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), a brief, easy to use neuropsychological instrument aimed to evaluate EF, was used to evaluate cognitive functioning of CCU. Methods: We evaluated 107 abstinent CCU with the FAB and compared with 44 controls matched for age, estimated IQ, and years of education. Results: CCU performed poorly as compared to controls (FAB total score = 16.53 vs. 17.09, p .05). CCU had also a poor performance in the Motor Programming subtest (2.47 vs. 2.73, p .05). Conclusion: This study examined effects of cannabis in executive functioning and showed evidence that the FAB is sensitive to detect EF deficits in early abstinent chronic cannabis users. Clinical significance of these findings remains to be investigated in further longitudinal studies. FAB may be useful as a screening instrument to evaluate the necessity for a complete neuropsychological assessment in this population.
O modelo brasileiro das organiza????es sociais representa uma das respostas poss??veis ?? crise do aparelho do Estado no ??mbito da presta????o dos servi??os sociais. Essas entidades s??o percebidas como uma forma de parceria do Estado com as institui????es privadas de fins p??blicos (perspectiva ex parte principe) ou, sob outro ??ngulo, uma forma de participa????o popular na gest??o administrativa (perspectiva ex parte populi). No texto s??o tematizadas as diferen??as e semelhan??as entre o marco legal das organiza????es sociais e das entidades de utilidade p??blica no Brasil, as notas distintivas entre a disciplina dos servi??os privados de interesse p??blico e dos servi??os p??blicos, bem como o que distingue juridicamente o modelo das organiza????es sociais de processos de privatiza????o e terceiriza????o. Em todos esses temas os juristas aparecem como protagonistas na determina????o dos limites do modelo das organiza????es sociais, evidenciando que processos de reforma normativa exigem, para serem eficazes, uma concomitante reforma na mentalidade dos agentes p??blicos.
This work consists in a study about the chemical activation of charred rice hulls using NaOH as the activation agent. The influence of the naturally-occurring silica was particularly evidenced. X-ray diffraction patterns showed the formation of sodium carbonate and silicates in the activated samples, whereas thermogravimetric curves revealed a strong reduction in the ash content of these samples after washing with water. Nitrogen adsorption data indicated a microporosity development only in the washed samples, with BET surface area values of 450 and 1380 m2/g achieved for the samples activated at 800 °C starting from the precursor with or without silica, respectively.
One of the most efficient approaches to generate the side information (SI) in distributed video codecs is through motion compensated frame interpolation where the current frame is estimated based on past and future reference frames. However, this approach leads to significant spatial and temporal variations in the correlation noise between the source at the encoder and the SI at the decoder. In such scenario, it would be useful to design an architecture where the SI can be more robustly generated at the block level, avoiding the creation of SI frame regions with lower correlation, largely responsible for some coding efficiency losses. In this paper, a flexible framework to generate SI at the block level in two modes is presented: while the first mode corresponds to a motion compensated interpolation (MCI) technique, the second mode corresponds to a motion compensated quality enhancement (MCQE) technique where a low quality Intra block sent by the encoder is used to generate the SI by doing motion estimation with the help of the reference frames. The novel MCQE mode can be overall advantageous from the rate-distortion point of view, even if some rate has to be invested in the low quality Intra coding blocks, for blocks where the MCI produces SI with lower correlation. The overall solution is evaluated in terms of RD performance with improvements up to 2 dB, especially for high motion video sequences and long Group of Pictures (GOP) sizes.
A rede temática POLIFONIA envolveu mais de 60 organizações de 32 países europeus, entre Outubro de 2004 e Outubro de 2007. Professores do ensino superior e músicos profissionais juntaram esforços para pesquisar, difundir informação e produzir documentação sobre a adaptação do nosso tipo de ensino aos desafios do Processo de Bolonha. Os grupos de trabalho dividiram-se entre os 3 ciclos do ensino superior, os estudos que lhes dão acesso, a inserção na vida profissional e as relações internacionais entre instituições. Resultados de Aprendizagem (Learning Outcomes), Créditos (ECTS), Desenvolvimento Curricular, Qualificação e a caracterização do nosso meio profissional foram alguns dos assuntos estudados e adaptados ao ensino especializado da música. As publicações já estão disponíveis (www.aecinfo.org) e o projecto concorreu a uma segunda fase de três anos já aprovada pela Comissão Europeia, que premiou a primeira fase do projecto pela qualidade e utilidade dos resultados apresentados.
Personal memories composed of digital pictures are very popular at the moment. To retrieve these media items annotation is required. During the last years, several approaches have been proposed in order to overcome the image annotation problem. This paper presents our proposals to address this problem. Automatic and semi-automatic learning methods for semantic concepts are presented. The automatic method is based on semantic concepts estimated using visual content, context metadata and audio information. The semi-automatic method is based on results provided by a computer game. The paper describes our proposals and presents their evaluations.
With the advent of wearable sensing and mobile technologies, biosignals have seen an increasingly growing number of application areas, leading to the collection of large volumes of data. One of the difficulties in dealing with these data sets, and in the development of automated machine learning systems which use them as input, is the lack of reliable ground truth information. In this paper we present a new web-based platform for visualization, retrieval and annotation of biosignals by non-technical users, aimed at improving the process of ground truth collection for biomedical applications. Moreover, a novel extendable and scalable data representation model and persistency framework is presented. The results of the experimental evaluation with possible users has further confirmed the potential of the presented framework.
RESUMO: Contexto: Indicadores fidedignos da composição corporal são importantes na orientação das estratégias nutricionais de recém-nascidos e pequenos lactentes submetidos a cuidados intensivos. O braço é uma região acessível para avaliar a composição corporal regional, pela medida dos seus compartimentos. A antropometria e a ultrassonografia (US) são métodos não invasivos, relativamente económicos, que podem ser usados à cabeceira do paciente na medição desses compartimentos, embora esses métodos não tenham ainda sido validados neste subgrupo etário. A ressonância magnética (RM) pode ser usada como método de referência na validação da medição dos compartimentos do braço. Objectivo: Validar em lactentes pré-termo, as medidas do braço por antropometria e por US. Métodos: Foi estudada uma coorte de recém-nascidos admitidos consecutivamente na unidade de cuidados intensivos neonatais, com 33 semanas de idade de gestação e peso adequado para a mesma, sem anomalias congénitas major e não submetidas a diuréticos ou oxigenoterapia no momento da avaliação. Nas vésperas da alta, foram efectuadas medições do braço, com ocultação, pelos métodos antropométrico, ultrassonográfico e RM. As medidas antropométricas directas foram: peso (P), comprimento (C), perímetro cefálico (PC), perímetro braquial (PB) e prega cutânea tricipital (PT). As área braquial total, área muscular (AM) e área adiposa foram calculadas pelos métodos de Jeliffee & Jeliffee e de Rolland-Cachera. Utilizando uma sonda PSH-7DLT de 7 Hz no ecógrafo Toshiba SSH 140A foram medidos os perímetros braquial e muscular e calculadas automaticamente as áreas braquial e muscular, sendo a área adiposa obtida por subtracção. Como método de referência foi utilizada a RM – Philips Gyroscan ACS-NT, Power-Track 1000 ®, 1.5 Tesla com uma antena de quadratura do joelho. Na análise estatística foram utilizados os métodos paramétricos e não paramétricos, conforme adequado. Resultados: Foram incluídas 30 crianças, nascidas com ( ±DP) 30.7 ±1.9 semanas de gestação, pesando 1380 ±325g, as quais foram avaliadas às 35.4 ±1.1 semanas de idade corrigida, quando pesavam 1786 ±93g. Nenhuma das medidas antropométricas, individualmente, constitui um indicador aceitável (r2 <0.5) das medições por RM. A melhor e mais simples equação alternativa encontrada é a que estima a AM (r2 = 0.56), derivada dos resultados da análise de regressão múltipla: AMRM = (P x 0.17) + (PB x 5.2) – (C x 6) – 150, sendo o P expresso em g, o C e o PB em cm. Nenhuma das medidas ultrassonográficas constitui um indicador aceitável (r2 <0.4) das medições por RM. Conclusões: A antropometria e as medidas ultrassonográficas do braço não são indicadores fidedignos da composição corporal regional em lactentes pré-termo, adequados para a idade de gestação.----------ABSTRACT: Background: Accurate predictors for body composition are valuable tools guiding nutritional strategies in infants needing intensive care. The upper-arm is a part of the body that is easily accessible and convenient for assessing the regional body composition, throughout the assessment of their compartments. Anthropometry and by ultrasonography (US) are noninvasive and relatively nonexpensive methods for bedside assessment of the upper-arm compartments. However, these methods have not yet been validated in infants. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used as gold standard to validate the measurements of the upper-arm compartments. Objective: To validate the upper-arm measurements by anthropometry and by US in preterm infants. Methods: A cohort of neonates consecutively admitted at the neonatal intensive care unit, appropriate for gestational age, with 33 weeks, without major congenital abnormalities and not subjected to diuretics or oxygen therapy, was assessed. Before the discharge, the upper-arm was blindly measured by anthropometry, US and MRI. The direct anthropometric parameters measured were: weight (W), length (L), head circumference (HC), mid-arm circumference (MAC), and tricipital skinfold thickness. The arm area (AA), arm muscle area (AMA) and arm fat area were calculated applying the methods proposed by Jeliffee & Jeliffee and by Rolland-Cachera. Using the sonolayer Toshiba SSH 140A and the probe PSH-7DLT 7Hz, the arm and muscle perimeters were measured by US, the arm and muscle areas included were automatically calculated, and the fat area was calculated by subtraction. The MR images were acquired on a 1.5-T Philips Gyroscan ACS-NT, Power-Track 1000 scanner, and a knee coil was chosen for the upper-arm measurements. For statistical analysis parametric and nonparametric methods were used as appropriate. Results: Thirty infants born with ( ±SD) 30.7 ±1.9 weeks of gestational age and weighing 1380 ±325g were included in the study; they were assessed at 35.4 ±1.1 weeks of corrected age, weighing 1786 ±93g. None of the anthropometric measurements are individually acceptable (r2 <0.5) for prediction of the measurements obtained by MRI. The best and simple alternative equation found is the equation for prediction of the AMA (r2 = 0.56), derived from the results of multiple regression analysis: AMARM = (W x 0.17) + (MAC x 5.2) – (L x 6) – 150, being the W expressed in g, and L and MAC in cm. None of the ultrasonographic measurements are acceptable (r2 <0.5) predictors for the measurements obtained by MRI. Conclusions: The measurements of the upper-arm by anthropometry and by US are not accurate predictors for the regional body composition in preterm appropriate for gestational age infants.
The increasing number of television channels, on-demand services and online content, is expected to contribute to a better quality of experience for a costumer of such a service. However, the lack of efficient methods for finding the right content, adapted to personal interests, may lead to a progressive loss of clients. In such a scenario, recommendation systems are seen as a tool that can fill this gap and contribute to the loyalty of users. Multimedia content, namely films and television programmes are usually described using a set of metadata elements that include the title, a genre, the date of production, and the list of directors and actors. This paper provides a deep study on how the use of different metadata elements can contribute to increase the quality of the recommendations suggested. The analysis is conducted using Netflix and Movielens datasets and aspects such as the granularity of the descriptions, the accuracy metric used and the sparsity of the data are taken into account. Comparisons with collaborative approaches are also presented.
Introdução: Nos últimos 30 anos, em vários países, tem sido relatado um aumento da incidência de tosse convulsa, sobretudo em adolescentes e adultos, apesar das altas taxas de cobertura de imunização primária. Objectivos: Rever aspectos da epidemiologia da tosse convulsa, descrever algumas estratégias de controlo, com ênfase nas que incluem a utilização de vacinas com menores quantidades do toxóide diftérico e de alguns componentes pertussis (dTpa), e a avaliação da eficácia e efectividade destas vacinas. Métodos: Selecção de artigos relevantes, através da base de dados PubMed e sítios de acesso livre da internet, publicados entre 1991 e 2011. Resultados: As alterações do padrão epidemiológico são atribuídas, principalmente, à diminuição da imunidade ao longo dos anos, após a vacinação ou infecção natural. Os adolescentes e adultos foram identificados como importantes fontes de transmissão da doença para lactentes muito jovens que, uma vez não imunizados ou parcialmente imunizados, são mais vulneráveis às complicações relacionadas com a doença e apresentam maior mortalidade. A vacina (dTpa), formulada para o uso em adolescentes e adultos é segura e eficaz. A sua utilização também reduz a transmissão da tosse convulsa para os grupos etários com alto risco de complicações. Conclusão: A disponibilidade da dTpa oferece novas oportunidades para reduzir o impacto da tosse convulsa. A modificação das estratégias preventivas pode levar a um melhor controlo global da doença.
Oral busulfan is the historical backbone of the busulfan+cyclophosphamide regimen for autologous stem cell transplantation. However intravenous busulfan has more predictable pharmacokinetics and less toxicity than oral busulfan; we, therefore, retrospectively analyzed data from 952 patients with acute myeloid leukemia who received intravenous busulfan for autologous stem cell transplantation. Most patients were male (n=531, 56%), and the median age at transplantation was 50.5 years. Two-year overall survival, leukemia-free survival, and relapse incidence were 67±2%, 53±2%, and 40±2%, respectively. The non-relapse mortality rate at 2 years was 7±1%. Five patients died from veno-occlusive disease. Overall leukemia-free survival and relapse incidence at 2 years did not differ significantly between the 815 patients transplanted in first complete remission (52±2% and 40±2%, respectively) and the 137 patients transplanted in second complete remission (58±5% and 35±5%, respectively). Cytogenetic risk classification and age were significant prognostic factors: the 2-year leukemia-free survival was 63±4% in patients with good risk cytogenetics, 52±3% in those with intermediate risk cytogenetics, and 37 ± 10% in those with poor risk cytogenetics (P=0.01); patients ≤50 years old had better overall survival (77±2% versus 56±3%; P<0.001), leukemia-free survival (61±3% versus 45±3%; P<0.001), relapse incidence (35±2% versus 45±3%; P<0.005), and non-relapse mortality (4±1% versus 10±2%; P<0.001) than older patients. The combination of intravenous busulfan and high-dose melphalan was associated with the best overall survival (75±4%). Our results suggest that the use of intravenous busulfan simplifies the autograft procedure and confirm the usefulness of autologous stem cell transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia. As in allogeneic transplantation, veno-occlusive disease is an uncommon complication after an autograft using intravenous busulfan.
The Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT) is a memory test that controls attention and acquisition, by providing category cues in the learning process. Because it enables an assessment of memory not confounded by normal age-related changes in cognition and a high accuracy on Alzheimer's disease (AD) evaluation, it has been suggested by the International Working Group on AD. Our aim was to assess the construct related validity of the FCSRT in the AD spectrum disorders.