726 resultados para 1307
The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake was unprecedented in terms of its magnitude (M-w 9.2), rupture length along the plate boundary (1300 km) and size of the resultant tsunami. Since 2004, efforts are being made to improve the understanding of the seismic hazard in the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone in terms of recurrence patterns of major earthquakes and tsunamis. It is reasonable to assume that previous earthquake events in the Myanmar Andaman segment must be preserved in the geological record in the form of seismo-turbidite sequences. Here we present the prospects of conducting deep ocean palaeoseismicity investigations in order to refine the quantification of the recurrence pattern of large subduction-zone earthquakes along the Andaman-Myanmar arc. Our participation in the Sagar Kanya cruise SK-273 (in June 2010) was to test the efficacy of such a survey. The primary mission of the cruise, along a short length (300 km) of the Sumatra Andaman subduction front was to collect bathymetric data of the ocean floor trenchward of the Andaman Islands. The agenda of our piggyback survey was to fix potential coring sites that might preserve seismo-turbidite deposits. In this article we present the possibilities and challenges of such an exercise and our first-hand experience of such a preliminary survey. This account will help future researchers with similar scientific objectives who would want to survey the deep ocean archives of this region for evidence of extreme events like major earthquakes.
USC-TIMIT is an extensive database of multimodal speech production data, developed to complement existing resources available to the speech research community and with the intention of being continuously refined and augmented. The database currently includes real-time magnetic resonance imaging data from five male and five female speakers of American English. Electromagnetic articulography data have also been presently collected from four of these speakers. The two modalities were recorded in two independent sessions while the subjects produced the same 460 sentence corpus used previously in the MOCHA-TIMIT database. In both cases the audio signal was recorded and synchronized with the articulatory data. The database and companion software are freely available to the research community. (C) 2014 Acoustical Society of America.
Rrp1B (ribosomal RNA processing1 homolog B) is a novel candidate metastasis modifier gene in breast cancer. Functional gene assays demonstrated that a physical and functional interaction existing between Rrp1b and metastasis modifier gene SIPA1 causes reduction in the tumor growth and metastatic potential. Ectopic expression of Rrp1B modulates various metastasis predictive extra cellular matrix (ECM) genes associated with tumor suppression. The aim of this study is to determine the functional significance of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in human Rrp1B gene (1307 T > C; rs9306160) with breast cancer development and progression. The study consists of 493 breast cancer cases recruited from Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, and 558 age-matched healthy female controls from rural and urban areas. Genomic DNA was isolated by non-enzymatic method. Genotyping was done by amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS-PCR) method. Genotypes were reconfirmed by sequencing and results were analyzed statistically. We have performed Insilco analysis to know the RNA secondary structure by using online tool m fold. The TT genotype and T allele frequencies of Rrp1B1307 T > C polymorphism were significantly elevated in breast cancer (chi (2); p = < 0.008) cases compared to controls under different genetic models. The presence of T allele had conferred 1.75-fold risk for breast cancer development (OR = 1.75; 95 % CI = 1.15-2.67). The frequency of TT genotype of Rrp1b 1307T > C polymorphism was significantly elevated in obese patients (chi (2); p = 0.008) and patients with advanced disease (chi (2); p = 0.01) and with increased tumor size (chi (2); p = 0.01). Moreover, elevated frequency of T allele was also associated with positive lymph node status (chi (2); p = 0.04) and Her2 negative receptor status (chi (2); p = 0.006). Presence of Rrp1b1307TT genotype and T allele confer strong risk for breast cancer development and progression.
A numerical study on wave dynamic processes occurring in muzzle blast flows, which are created by a supersonic projectile released from the open-end of a shock tube into ambient air, is described in this paper. The Euler equations, assuming axisymmetric flows, are solved by using a dispersion-controlled scheme implemented with moving boundary conditions. Three test cases are simulated for examining friction effects on the muzzle flow. From numerical simulations, the wave dynamic processes, including two blast waves, two jet flows, the bow shock wave and their interactions in the muzzle blasts, are demonstrated and discussed in detail. The study shows that the major wave dynamic processes developing in the muzzle flow remain similar when the friction varies, but some wave processes, such as shock-shock interactions, shock-jet interactions and the contact surface instability, get more intensive, which result in more complex muzzle blast flows.
El estudio se desarrolló en la finca El Cielo, departamento de Boaco, municipio de Boaco, la cual se encuentra integrada al programa de producción de carne orgánica. Con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad del nosodes homeopático se procedió a la formación de grupos experimentales y controles, cada grupo con un número total de diez animales, en dos categorías. A los grupos experimentales se le inoculó 1ml de nosodes por cinco días con repetición a los veintiún días corridos posterior a la última aplicación. Una vez sometidos los grupos experimentales al tratamiento se procedió a la exploración clínica sistemática de los grupos con la utilización de la observación como método de investigación. Los datos recopilados fueron ordenados en fichas de campo, las cuales fueron designadas como instrumento para el análisis de variable. Se utilizó un experimento factorial sobre la base de un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA), para determinar si existía diferencia significativa entre tratamientos (Nosodes y Testigo) en diferentes categorías de ganado vacuno. El conteo del número de tórsalos y la efectividad fueron considerados variables de estudio. Se realizó análisis de varianza y comparación de medias con la Prueba de Duncan, utilizando el Sistema de Análisis Estadístico (SAS). El análisis de varianza para la variable número de tórsalos determinó que el tratamiento al cual fueron sometidos los grupos experimentales de ambas categorías, no fue significativo (P > 0.05) en relación a los grupos controles. La prueba de separación de media por Duncan indica que existe diferencia significativa (P < 0.05) en relación al número de tórsalos que presento cada categoría, hecho que se asocia a factores de manejo de los grupos involucrados en el estudio.
El presente trabajo se desarrolló con el objetivo de generar información agronómica a través de la caracterización y evaluación preliminar de 24 líneas de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en sus diferentes estados fenológicos. El experimento fue establecido en la Estación Experimental “La Compañía”, ubicada en el Departamento de Carazo. El diseño experimental ut ilizado fue bloques completos al azar (BCA) con 24 tratamientos, un testigo (variedad INTA ROJO) y 3 réplicas. Para la caracterización se tomaron 28 caracteres cualitativos y 9 caracteres cuantitativos. Las variables evaluadas fueron días a la floración, días a la madurez fisiológica, días a cosecha, número de vainas por planta, número de semillas por vaina, número de plantas cosechadas, peso de 100 semillas, rendimiento (kg ha-1) y reacción a enfermedades. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 15 plantas dentro de la parcela útil, a excepción de las variables fenológicas, rendimiento (kg ha-1), reacción a enfermedad y peso de 100 semillas. El análisis estadístico hecho para las variables fue el ANDEVA, separación de medias por Tukey al 95% de confianza y análisis descriptivo para los 9 caracteres cuantitativos de la caracterización. Las variables fenológicas resultaron con una alta significancia, demostrando un comportamiento de precoz a intermedio, cumpliendo su ciclo en un rango de 65 a 72 días; los componentes de rendimiento fueron de significativo a altamente significativo para el número de semillas por vaina y peso de 100 semillas, respectivamente; no así para el número de vainas por planta y número plantas cosechadas, que resultaron no significativos. El rendimiento (kg ha-1) resultó significativo, con promedios que fueron de 1307 a 2264 kg ha-1. La separación de medias por Tukey demostró que ninguno de los materiales supera estadísticamente al testigo en casi todas las variables, a excepción del peso de 100 semillas. En la evaluación de la enfermedad Mustia hilachosa (Thanatephorus cucumeris); de las líneas evaluadas resultaron 3 resistentes, 20 intermedias y 1 susceptible.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.
The purpose of this report is to present the results of the initial quantification of background water quality in each of the state's major potable aquifer systems. Results are presented and interpreted in light of the influencing factors which locally and regionally affect ambient ground-water quality. This initial data will serve as a baseline from which future sampling results can be compared. Future sampling of the Network will indicate the extent to which Florida's regional ground-water resources are improving or declining in quality. (Document has 378 pages.)
We present an efficient photorefractive volume hologram recording technique with a pulsed signal beam and continuous reference-beam illumination. The grating envelope can be simply controlled by manipulation of the duty cycle of the signal beam. Thus, for any grating coupling strength and different initial reference-signal intensity ratios, the diffraction efficiency can be maximized with this technique and can be greatly increased in comparison with that of the conventional recording technique. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.
长期以来,远场光学荧光显微镜凭借其非接触、无损伤、可探测样品内部等优点,一直是生命科学中最常用的观测工具。但由于衍射极限的存在,使传统的宽场光学显微镜横向和纵向的分辨率分别仅约为230 nm和1000 nm。为了揭示细胞内分子尺度的动态和结构特征,提高光学显微镜分辨率成为生命科学发展的迫切要求,在远场荧光显微镜的基础上,科学家们已经发展出许多实用的提高分辨率甚至超越分辨率极限的成像技术。例如,采用横向结构光照明提高横向分辨率到约100 nm,利用纵向驻波干涉效应将纵向分辨率提高5~10倍。然而,直到在光学荧光显微镜中引入非线性效应后,衍射极限才被真正突破,如受激荧光损耗显微镜利用非线性效应实现了30~50 nm的三维分辨率。另外应用荧光分子之间能量转移共振原理以及单荧光分子定位技术也可以突破衍射极限,甚至可以将分子定位精度提高到几个纳米的量级。