989 resultados para 130-807C


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We investigated minor element ratios (Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca) in bulk sediment samples from Sites 803-807 using a recently optimized sample treatment protocol for calcium-carbonate-rich sediments consisting of sequential reductive and ion exchange treatments. We evaluated this protocol relative to bulk sediment leaching using samples from Sites 804 and 806, the two end-member sites in the depth transect, reporting as well Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios for sediments from these two sites processed by means of both methods. The Sr/Ca ratios were only slightly affected by the sample treatment, with an average reduction of 6%-7% caused primarily by the ion exchange step. The reductive sample treatment, designed to be effective at removing Mn-rich oxyhydroxides, has a major effect on Mg/Ca ratios, with up to 50% reduction, whereas little effect occurred in ion exchange alone on Mg/Ca ratios. The Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios were not consistently offset by the sample treatment, and these ratios do not appear to be representative of calcite geochemistry reflecting either ocean history or diagenetic overprinting. Celestite solubility appears to be an important control on interstitial water Sr concentrations in these sites, and it must be considered when constructing Sr mass balance models of calcite recrystallization. Calcite Sr/Ca ratios (range 1-2 mmol/mol) are similar from site to site when plotted vs. age, with a pattern comparable to that for well-preserved foraminifer tests over the past 40 Ma. Interstitial water Mg and Ca gradients appear to reflect basement character and the intensity of alteration; they can vary substantially over a small area. Calcite Mg/Ca ratios (range 1.5-4.5 mmol/mol) differ from site to site, with generally higher ratios for sites at a shallower water depth. Increasing calcite Mg/Ca ratios correlate with decreasing Sr/Ca ratios in the treated samples. No consistent pattern exists for calcite Mg/Ca ratios vs. age or depth, nor is any direct correlation to interstitial water Mg/Ca ratios present.


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Estimated relative errors on major and minor elements are 1%. For trace elements, errors (% standard deviation at levels measured) are estimated at 1 % for Cr, 3% for Ni, 3% for Rb at 30 ppm, and >20% at < 10 ppm; 2% for Sr and V, and 4% for Y and Zr.


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Understanding phosphorus (P) geochemistry and burial in oceanic sediments is important because of the role of P for modulating oceanic productivity on long timescales. We investigated P geochemistry in seven equatorial Pacific sites over the last 53 Ma, using a sequential extraction technique to elucidate sedimentary P composition and P diagenesis within the sediments. The dominant P-bearing component in these sediments is authigenic P (61-86% of total P), followed in order of relative dominance by iron-bound P (7-17%), organic P (3-12%), adsorbed P (2-9%), and detrital P (0-1%). Clear temporal trends in P component composition exist. Organic P decreases rapidly in younger sediments in the eastern Pacific (the only sites with high sample resolution in the younger intervals), from a mean concentration of 2.3 µmol P/g sediment in the 0-1 Ma interval to 0.4 µmol/g in the 5- 6 Ma interval. Over this same time interval, decreases are also observed for iron-bound P (from 2.1 to 1.1 µmol P/g) and adsorbed P (from 1.5 to 0.7 µmol P/g). These decreases are in contrast to increases in authigenic P (from 6.0-9.6 µmol P/g) and no significant changes in detrital P (0.1 µmol P/g) and total P (12 µmol P/g). These temporal trends in P geochemistry suggest that (1) organic matter, the principal shuttle of P to the seafloor, is regenerated in sediments and releases associated P to interstitial waters, (2) P associated with iron-rich oxyhydroxides is released to interstitial waters upon microbial iron reduction, (3) the decrease in adsorbed P with age and depth probably indicates a similar decrease in interstitial water P concentrations, and (4) carbonate fluorapatite (CFA), or another authigenic P-bearing phase, precipitates due to the release of P from organic matter and iron oxyhydroxides and becomes an increasingly significant P sink with age and depth. The reorganization of P between various sedimentary pools, and its eventual incorporation in CFA, has been recognized in a variety of continental margin environments, but this is the first time these processes have been revealed in deep-sea sediments. Phosphorus accumulation rate data from this study and others indicates that the global pre-anthropogenic input rate of P to the ocean (20x10**10 mol P/yr) is about a factor of four times higher than previously thought, supporting recent suggestions that the residence time of P in the oceans may be as short as 10000-20000 years.


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Stable isotopic analyses of bulk carbonates recovered from Ontong Java Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 192 (Holes 1183A and 1186A) show an ~0.5 per mil increase in d18O values from the upper Campanian/lower Maastrichtian to the upper Maastrichtian. This shift is consistent with widespread evidence for cooling at this time. Similar shifts were found at other localities on Ontong Java Plateau (Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP] Sites 288 and 289 and ODP Site 807) and at DSDP Site 317 on Manihiki Plateau. These data extend evidence for Maastrichtian cooling into the southwestern tropical and subtropical Pacific. The record of apparent cooling survives despite a significant diagenetic overprint at all sites. Comparing average Maastrichtian d18O values among sites suggests that diagenesis caused d18O to first be shifted toward higher values and then back toward lower values as burial depth increased. Carbon isotopes at the six sites show no apparent primary shifts, but at four sites, the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval coincides with a negative excursion attributed to alteration of sediments near the boundary.


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Strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) ratios in bulk and foraminiferal calcite have been used to constrain the history of Sr/Ca in the oceans and to evaluate calcite diagenetic alteration. However bulk Sr/Ca records also may be influenced by differences in Sr uptake and/or in the diagenetic susceptibility of different calcium carbonate sedimentary components. We present data on the sediment size fraction and calcium carbonate distribution in bulk samples, Sr/Ca in a range of sedimentary size components, and Sr/Ca in bulk sediments. Ocean Drilling Program samples from sites on Ontong Java Plateau and Ceara Rise (in the western equatorial Pacific and Atlantic, respectively) and from sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific were selected to represent progressive stages in the diagenetic pathway from the sea floor through a range of burial depths equivalent to sediment ages of ~5.6, ~9.4, and ~37.1 Ma. Samples were subdivided by size to produce a unique data set of size-specific Sr/Ca ratios. Fine fraction (<45 ?m) Sr/Ca ratios are higher than those of all corresponding coarse fractions, indicating that fine nannofossil-dominated calcite has a Sr partition coefficient 1.3-1.5 times greater than that of coarse foraminifera-dominated calcite. Thus, absolute values of bulk Sr/Ca in contemporaneous samples reflect, in part, the ratio of fine to coarse calcite sedimentary components. Sr/Ca values in fine and coarse components also behave differently in their response to pre-burial dissolution and to recrystallization at depth. Coarse size components are sensitive to bottom water carbonate ion undersaturation, and they lose original Sr/Ca differences among contemporary samples over not, vert, similar10 my. In contrast, fine components recrystallize faster in more deeply buried samples. Interpretation of the historical Sr/Ca record is complicated by post-depositional diagenetic artifacts, and thus our data do not provide clear evidence of specific temporal changes in oceanic Sr/Ca ratios over the past 10 million years. This paper represents the first systematic attempt to examine trends in calcite Sr/Ca as a function of sediment size fraction and age.


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Interpretations of calcite strontium/calcium records in terms of ocean history and calcite diagenesis require distinguishing the effects on deep-sea calcite sediments of changes in ocean chemistry, of different mixes of calcite-depositing organisms as sediment contributors through time and space, and of the loss of Sr during diagenetic calcite recrystallization. In this paper Sr/Ca and d18O values of bulk calcium carbonate sediments are used to estimate the relative extent of calcite recrystallization in samples from four time points (core tops, 5.6, 9.4, and 37.1 Ma) at eight Ocean Drilling Program sites in the equatorial Atlantic (Ceara Rise) and equatorial Pacific (Ontong Java Plateau and two eastern equatorial Pacific sites). The possibility that site-to-site differences in calcite Sr/Ca at a given time point originated from temporal variations in ocean chemistry was eliminated by careful age control of samples for each time point, with sample ages differing by less than the oceanic residence times of Sr and Ca. The Sr/Ca and d18O values of 5.6- and 9.4-Ma samples from the less-carbonate-rich eastern equatorial Pacific sites and Ceara Rise Site 929 appear to be less diagenetically altered than the Sr/Ca and d18O values of contemporaneous samples from the more carbonate-rich sites. It is evident from these data that both Sr/Ca and d18O in bulk calcite have been diagenetically altered in some samples 5.6 Ma and older. These data indicate that noncarbonate sedimentary components, like clay and biogenic silica, have partially suppressed recrystallization at the lower carbonate sites. Sr/Ca data from the less altered, carbonate-poor sites indicate higher oceanic Sr/Ca relative to today at 5.6 and 9.4 Ma.


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The distribution of Mesozoic calcareous nannofossils are tabulated for Holes 807C and 8O3D drilled on the Ontong Java Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific. Nannofossils were abundant but poorly preserved in Hole 803D and range from early Albian to Maastrichtian in age. A possibly complete and expanded K/T boundary interval yielded few diagnostic taxa because of the dissolution of Tertiary forms. The only nannofossil-bearing sample examined from Hole 803D contained the uppermost Maastrichtian zonal indicator Micula prinsii.


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We used well logs, in some cases combined with shipboard physical properties measurements to make more complete profiles and to correlate between sites on the Ontong Java Plateau. By comparing sediment bulk density, velocity, and resistivity logs from adjacent holes at the same site, we showed that even subtle features of the well logs are reproducible and are caused by variations in sedimentation. With only minor amounts of biostratigraphic information, we could readily correlate these sedimentary features across the entire top of the Ontong Java Plateau, demonstrating that for most of the Neogene the top of the plateau is a single sedimentary province. We found it more difficult, but still possible, to correlate in detail sites from the top of the plateau to those drilled on the flanks. The pattern of sedimentation rate variation down the flank of the plateau cannot be interpreted as simply controlled by dissolution. Site 805, in particular, oscillates between accumulating sediment at roughly the same rate as cores on top of the Ontong Java Plateau, and accumulating sediment as slowly as Site 803, 200 m deeper in the water column. These oscillations do not match earlier reconstructions of central Pacific carbonate compensation depth variations.