Mesozoic calcareous nannofossils of ODP Leg 130 holes

Autoria(s): Mao, Shaozhi; Wise, Sherwood W

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 3.019500 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 158.583000 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 2.433000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 156.625000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 3.606000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 160.541000 * DATE/TIME START: 1990-01-31T00:45:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1990-03-22T23:15:00




The distribution of Mesozoic calcareous nannofossils are tabulated for Holes 807C and 8O3D drilled on the Ontong Java Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific. Nannofossils were abundant but poorly preserved in Hole 803D and range from early Albian to Maastrichtian in age. A possibly complete and expanded K/T boundary interval yielded few diagnostic taxa because of the dissolution of Tertiary forms. The only nannofossil-bearing sample examined from Hole 803D contained the uppermost Maastrichtian zonal indicator Micula prinsii.


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Supplement to: Mao, Shaozhi; Wise, Sherwood W (1993): Mesozoic calcareous nannofossils from Leg 130. In: Berger, WH; Kroenke, LW; Mayer, LA; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 130, 85-92, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #130-803D; 130-807C; A. cymbiformis; A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare; Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis; Arkhangelskiella sp.; Braarudosphaera sp.; Broinsonia sp.; C. conicus; C. crenulatus; C. ehrenbergii; C. margerelii; C. pelagicus; Coccolithus pelagicus; Cretarhabdus conicus; Cretarhabdus crenulatus; Cribrosphaerella ehrenbergii; Cyclagelosphaera margerelii; Cyclagelosphaera sp.; Cylindralithus sp.; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; G = good, M = moderate, P = poor; Joides Resolution; L. carniolensis; L. maleformis; L. quadratus; Label; Leg130; Lithologic unit/sequence; Lithraphidites carniolensis; Lithraphidites quadratus; Lucianorhabdus maleformis; M. decoratus; M. decussata; M. murus; M. pemmatoidea; M. praemurus; M. prinsii; Manivitella pemmatoidea; Microrhabdulus decoratus; Micula decussata; Micula murus; Micula praemurus; Micula prinsii; Nannoconus sp.; Nannofossil abundance; Nannofossils preservation; Nannofossil zone; Nannos abund; Nannos preserv; Nannos zone; North Pacific Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; P. cretacea; P. embergeri; Parhabdolithus embergeri; Prediscosphaera cretacea; Q. gartneri; Q. gothicum; Q. sissinghii; Q. trifidum; Quadrum gartneri; Quadrum gothicum; Quadrum sissinghii; Quadrum sp.; Quadrum trifidum; Sample code/label; Smear slide analysis; Stage; T. stradneri; Tegumentum stradneri; Tertiary: Okada and Bukry (1980), Cretaceous: Thierstein (1967) and Verbeek (1977); Thierstein (1967) and Verbeek (1977); Thoracosphaera sp.; Unit; W. barnesae; Watznaueria barnesae
