985 resultados para 126-793


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The candidate chiral doublet bands recently observed in Cs-126 have been extended to higher spins, several new linking transitions between the two partner members of the chiral doublet bands are observed, and gamma-intensities related to the chiral doublet bands are presented by analyzing the gamma-gamma coincidence data collected earlier at the NORDBALL through the Cd-116(N-14, 4n)Cs-126 reaction at a beam energy of 65 MeV. The intraband B(M1)/B(E2) and interband B(M1)(in)/B(M1)(out) ratios and the energy staggering parameter, S(I), have been deduced for these doublet bands. The results are found to be consistent with the chiral interpretation for the two structures. Furthermore, the observation of chiral doublet bands in Cs-126 together with those in Cs-124, Cs-128, Cs-130, and Cs-132 also indicates that the chiral conditions do not change rapidly with decreasing neutron number in these odd-odd Cesium isotopes.


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Background: More effective treatments have become available for haematological malignancies from the early 2000s, but few large-scale population-based studies have investigated their effect on survival. Using EUROCARE data, and HAEMACARE morphological groupings, we aimed to estimate time trends in population-based survival for 11 lymphoid and myeloid malignancies in 20 European countries, by region and age. Methods: In this retrospective observational study, we included patients (aged 15 years and older) diagnosed with haematological malignancies, diagnosed up to Dec 31, 2007, and followed up to Dec 31, 2008. We used data from the 30 cancer registries (across 20 countries) that provided continuous incidence and good quality data from 1992 to 2007. We used a hybrid approach to estimate age-standardised and age-specific 5-year relative survival, for each malignancy, overall and for five regions (UK, and northern, central, southern, and eastern Europe), and four 3-year periods (1997–99, 2000–02, 2003–05, 2006–08). For each malignancy, we also estimated the relative excess risk of death during the 5 years after diagnosis, by period, age, and region. Findings: We analysed 560 444 cases. From 1997–99 to 2006–08 survival increased for most malignancies: the largest increases were for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (42·0% [95% CI 40·7–43·4] to 55·4% [54·6–56·2], p<0·0001), follicular lymphoma (58·9% [57·3–60·6] to 74·3% [72·9–75·5], p<0·0001), chronic myeloid leukaemia (32·3% [30·6–33·9] to 54·4% [52·5–56·2], p<0·0001), and acute promyelocytic leukaemia (50·1% [43·7–56·2] to 61·9% [57·0–66·4], p=0·0038, estimate not age-standardised). Other survival increases were seen for Hodgkin's lymphoma (75·1% [74·1–76·0] to 79·3% [78·4–80·1], p<0·0001), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (66·1% [65·1–67·1] to 69·0% [68·1–69·8], p<0·0001), multiple myeloma/plasmacytoma (29·8% [29·0–30·6] to 39·6% [38·8–40·3], p<0·0001), precursor lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma (29·8% [27·7–32·0] to 41·1% [39·0–43·1], p<0·0001), acute myeloid leukaemia (excluding acute promyelocytic leukaemia, 12·6% [11·9–13·3] to 14·8% [14·2–15·4], p<0·0001), and other myeloproliferative neoplasms (excluding chronic myeloid leukaemia, 70·3% [68·7–71·8] to 74·9% [73·8–75·9], p<0·0001). Survival increased slightly in southern Europe, more in the UK, and conspicuously in northern, central, and eastern Europe. However, eastern European survival was lower than that for other regions. Survival decreased with advancing age, and increased with time only slightly in patients aged 75 years or older, although a 10% increase in survival occurred in elderly patients with follicular lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and chronic myeloid leukaemia. Interpretation: These trends are encouraging. Widespread use of new and more effective treatment probably explains much of the increased survival. However, the persistent differences in survival across Europe suggest variations in the quality of care and availability of the new treatments. High-resolution studies that collect data about stage at diagnosis and treatments for representative samples of cases could provide further evidence of treatment effectiveness and explain geographic variations in survival.


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The purposes of this report (Phase II of the project) are to specify in mathematical form the individual modules of the conceptual model developed in Phase I, to identify and evaluate sources of data for the model set, and to develop the transport networks necessary to support the models.


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F. 1-4v Noël (incompl. du début) : — Vers sibyllins (3v). F. 5 Fragment de l'office de s. Étienne. F. 7v S. Trophime (Gazay, dans Ann. du Midi, 1935, 227-229, d'après ce ms.). F. 127v S. Geniez. F. 147v S. André. F. 149v Dédicace. F. 151-153v et 162-171v Commun des saints. F. 154-161 Du 2e au 6e dim. après la Pentecôte. F. 172-174v Vita s. Marii, Badonensis abbatis (XIIIe s.). F. 174v Lectiones ad honorem... b. V. Mariae (XIIIe s.). F. 175v Kyrie des laudes de la Semaine sainte (XIIIe s.). F. 176v S. Césaire. Cf. Cavallin, Literarhist. Stud. (Lund, 1934), 126. F. 178 Dom. VII post Pent. F. 205v Dom. II mensis novembris (incompl. de la fin). Pour les vies de saints, cf. Cod. hag., III, 523.


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Cartel, en italien, de Cagnino di Gonzaga à Cesare Fregoso. Bozolo,31 juillet 1539 (fol. 112), orig. imprimé, avec le sceau de Gonzaga. — Extraits des Mémoires de Sully (fol. 14). — Duels de Jean de Harcourt et Guillaume III de Tancarville, 1286 (fol. 20), — Raymond du Marcadil de Penne en Agenois et Étienne Donnadieu, 1330 (fol. 24), — M. de Sauvebeuf et Peyrot de Rastinhac, 1587 (fol. 26), — baron de Conros et Carbonat (fol. 29), — Louis de Loudierche, de Grizol et de Cheyladet, 1612 (fol 31, 59), — MM. de Candale et de Schomberg (fol. 36), — combat de la Barrière, 1605 (fol. 37). — Édit de Henri IV défendant les duels (fol. 39). — Accords faits par le connétable, les maréchaux de France et les lieutenants généraux des provinces entre MM. de Clermont et de S. Gery d'Avignon (fol. 50), — de Reilhac et de Drageac (fol. 53), — le duc de Nevers et M. de Montpensier, 1580 (fol. 55), — de Brezolles et de Carluz de Calvimond, 1610 (fol. 57), — de Naves et de Montaignac, 1613 (fol. 61), — le comte de Sault et M. de Brissac, 1638 (fol. 62). — Extraits du « stylus antiquus Parlamenti Parisiensis Caroli Molinoei », éd. 1558 (fol. 66, 72, 74, 156), — du « Coustumier de Normendie », éd. 1539 (fol. 76). — Duels de Jacques Le Gris et Jean de Carouges, 1387 (fol. 84) et autres duels extraits de Froissart (fol. 99 et suiv.). — Lettre orig. de Gaucher de Dinteville à Mgr le Dauphin [Henri II], Venise, 20 décembre 1538 (fol. 142). — « Les Cartelz, reponces et procès-verbaux du different d'entre le sieur de Vassé et le comte Guillaume de Furstenberg, 1540 (fol. 144).


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Contient : 1° Extrait du « Livre du Regime des Princes », de « GILLE DE ROMME », traduction [de JEAN GOLEIN] ; 2° « Livre de Viellesse », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT » [DE PREMIERFAIT] ; 3° « Livre de la vraie Amitié », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT DE PREMIERFAIT » ; 4° « Quadrilogium invectivum » [d'ALAIN CHARTIER] ; 5° « Dialogus familiaris amici et sodalis super depploracionem galice calamitatis, ab ALANO AURIGE editus » ; 6° Le Curial [d'ALAIN CHARTIER]


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Contient : 1° Extrait du « Livre du Regime des Princes », de « GILLE DE ROMME », traduction [de JEAN GOLEIN] ; 2° « Livre de Viellesse », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT » [DE PREMIERFAIT] ; 3° « Livre de la vraie Amitié », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT DE PREMIERFAIT » ; 4° « Quadrilogium invectivum » [d'ALAIN CHARTIER] ; 5° « Dialogus familiaris amici et sodalis super depploracionem galice calamitatis, ab ALANO AURIGE editus » ; 6° Le Curial [d'ALAIN CHARTIER]


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