989 resultados para 117-728A
During the late early Miocene to early middle Miocene, the Owen Ridge was uplifted to a sufficient height as to be above the realm of turbidite deposition. Monsoonal-induced upwelling appears to have been initiated during the Miocene. On the Oman Margin, the effect of upwelling on the microplankton was established by the middle Miocene. However, the effects of upwelling on the Owen Ridge region were not realized until later, in the early late Miocene. A transition in the upwelling regime took place between the Pliocene and Pleistocene. While the Miocene and Pliocene sediments are dominated by the siliceous component, the Pleistocene sediments seem to be dominated by the calcareous component.
This paper is a comparative study of the variation in 10Be content of different late Cenozoic sedimentary environments recovered during ODP Leg 117. The Oman Margin site, Hole 728A, with overlying high-productivity cells, the pelagic Owen Ridge site, Hole 722A, and the Indus Fan site, Hole 720A, each display a specific 10Be distribution with time. Differences in scavenging intensity and upwelling in the water column, must account for the variations in the initial 10Be input into the sediments from Holes 728A and 722A, whereas differences in sediment character and sedimentation rate can explain the variances between Holes 722A, 728A, and 720A.
One hundred thirty-one marker horizons relating to the distinct and traceable layers were described for the Owen Ridge and Oman Margin sites. The correlations incorporated the calculations of true depth, corrected for coring disturbance and gas expansion. Intersite correlation of marker horizons has been improved based on color density data, measured with video densitometer, and oxygen isotope stratigraphic data. Distinct hiatuses were detected by the intersite correlation of the marker horizons in the Owen Ridge. The hiatuses are related to submarine slides induced by increasing gravitational instability for the accumulation of the pelagic sediments on the top of the Owen Ridge. The large amount of sediment supply with variable lithofacies during the glacial stages is represented by layer-bylayer correlation in the Oman Margin. The color density patterns with glacial-interglacial cycles are controlled by the balance of organic carbon content, increasing in the interglacial stages with strong upwelling induced by the southwest monsoon, and flux of terrigenous matter, increasing in the glacial stages. The present distinct climatic cycle relating to the southwest monsoon has been developed since Stage 8, 250 ka. The large amount of sediment supply in the glacial stages can be assumed as fluvial in origin from the humid Arabian Peninsula, relating to the weakened Tropical Easterly Jet, which is induced by the counter-current of the southwest monsoon and maintains the present arid climate in the north Africa and Arabian Peninsula.
Magnetic measurements were made on discrete samples from the Neogene pelagic and hemipelagic sediments recovered during ODP Leg 117. Polarity zones, usually identified for uppermost 200 m, were correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale referring to biostratigraphic datums. Quality and resolution of the magnetostratigraphy was partly limited by the weak and relatively soft magnetic character of almost all intervals, and core disturbance by gas expansion at some Oman Margin sites. Clear polarity records of the Brunhes and Matuyama chrons (C1 to C2r) were observed at Sites 724 and 727 on the Oman continental margin. Extended reversal records of the Pliocene were found at Site 722 on the Owen Ridge and Site 728 on the Oman Margin, and correlated to the Gauss to Gilbert chrons (C2A to C3).
The fabric of sediments recovered at sites drilled on the Indus Fan, Owen Ridge, and Oman margin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 117 was examined by scanning electron microscopy to document changes that accompany sediment burial. Two sediment types were studied: (1) biogenic sediments consisting of a variety of marly nannofossil and nannofossil oozes and chalks and (2) terrigenous sediments consisting of fine-grained turbidites deposited in association with the Indus Fan. Biogenic sediments were examined with samples from the seafloor to depths of 306 m below seafloor (mbsf) on the Owen Ridge (Site 722) and 368 mbsf on the Oman margin (Sites 723 and 728). Over these depth ranges the biogenic sediments are characterized by a random arrangement of microfossils and display little chemical diagenetic alteration. The microfossils are dispersed within a fine-grained matrix that is predominantly microcrystalline carbonate particles on the Owen Ridge and clay and organic matter on the Oman margin. Sediments with abundant siliceous microfossils display distinct, open fabrics with high porosity. Porosity reduction resulting from gravitational compaction appears to be the primary process affecting fabric change in the biogenic sediment sections. Fabric of illite-rich clayey silts and silty claystones from the Indus Fan (Site 720) and Owen Ridge (Sites 722 and 731) was examined for a composite section extending from 45 to 985 mbsf. In this section fabric of the fine-grained turbidites changes from one with small flocculated clay domains, random particle arrangement, and high porosity to a fabric with larger domains, strong preferred particle orientation roughly parallel to bedding, and lower porosity. These changes are accomplished by a growth in domain size, primarily through increasing face-to-face contacts, and by particle reorientation which is characterized by a sharp increase in alignment with bedding between 200 and 400 mbsf. Despite extensive particle reorientation, flocculated clay fabric persists in the deepest samples examined, particularly adjacent to silt grains, and the sediments lack fissility. Fabric changes over the 45-985 mbsf interval occur in response to gravitational compaction. Porosity reduction and development of preferred particle orientation in the Indus Fan and Owen Ridge sections occur at greater depths than outlined in previous fabric models for terrigenous sediments as a consequence of a greater abundance of silt and a greater abundance of illite and chlorite clays.
Calcium carbonate and organic carbon concentrations are from measurements made on board the JOIDES Resolution during Leg 117 (Prell, Niitsuma, et al., 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.117.1989). Values are for samples immdiately adjacent to fabric samples, or for Site 723 within 25 cm of the fabric sample interval. Intervals for which carbon analyses were not performed are represented by values in parenthesis which are from the nearest interval of similar lithology. Organic carbon analyses were not performed for samples below 402 mbsf at Site 731. Analyses performed on similar sediments at Sites 722 and 731 indicate the organic carbon concentration is probably <0.20%.
Neogene sediments from three areas of the Northern Indian Ocean (Indus Fan, Owen Ridge, Oman Margin, ODP Leg 117) were studied in order to determine the amount, type, and preservation of organic matter as functions of the environments encountered. The work consisted of geochemical analyses on whole sediment (Total Organic Content and Rock Eval pyrolysis) and of petrographic studies on isolated organic matter by optical and scanning electron microscopy. In Indus Fan sediments, organic matter is present in low amounts, mainly as lignaceous fragments. A contrasting situation exists in Oman Margin sediments which are generally rich in amorphous autochtonous organic matter. Owen Ridge, located between Indus fan and Oman Margin areas, shows two phases of organic sedimentation as a consequence of the uplift of the ridge. The older phase (Oligocene to early or middle Miocene) is strongly influenced by detrital supply from the Indus, while the younger phase (middle Miocene to Pleistocene) is characterized by relatively high amounts of autochtonous organic matter. From a general point of view it appears that high amounts of organic matter are mainly due to good preservation of marine amorphous organic matter, such as in Oman Margin sediments and in upper pelagic levels of Indus Fan and Owen Ridge deposits. Low total organic carbon contents are correlated with low proportions of amorphous material in the total organic matter due to oxidizing conditions. This leads to a relative enrichment in components derived from resistant materials (lignin, chitin, or other resistant biopolymers) such as lignaceous fragments (Indus Fan) and/or fragments from benthic organisms and alveolate microplankton (Oman Margin).
Significant numbers of radiolarians ranging in age from late middle Miocene to Recent were recovered from six sites drilled on the Oman margin and Owen Ridge. Sparse faunas were recovered from five additional sites on the Oman margin and one site on the Indus Fan. Detailed range charts and biozonations are presented for most sites. The radiolarian assemblages are peculiar in that numerous common tropical forms, some of which are biomarkers, are absent or very rare. In addition, some species not usually found in tropical assemblages are present. These forms, indicative of up welling conditions, fall into three categories: (1) endemic upwelling: species endemic to upwelling and not previously described from the Indian Ocean; (2) displaced temperate: temperate forms not usually found in tropical waters; and (3) enhanced tropical: tropical forms which are more abundant and/or robust in areas of upwelling. Comparison of the Oman margin/Owen Ridge fauna with that recovered from the Peru margin upwelling area (ODP Leg 112) suggests that the assemblage may be globally diagnostic of upwelling conditions. The onset of upwelling is marked by the appearance of siliceous biota at about 11.9 Ma, and there is some indication of a decrease in the strength of the upwelling signal at about 9.6 Ma. A strong pulse in, or strengthening of, the upwelling mechanism is indicated by a marked fauna change at 4.7 Ma. There is a weaker signal, implying a change in upwelling conditions, at about 1.5 Ma.
Calcareous nannofossils were studied in 574 Neogene samples recovered from eight sites drilled in block-faulted basins on the continental margin of Oman. This portion of the Arabian Sea experiences seasonal upwelling associated with the southwest monsoon. Not surprisingly, some of the more typical Neogene warm-water nannoplankton are either missing entirely or are extremely rare in these sediments. Coccolithus pelagicus, a typical cold-water indicator, is extremely abundant in many samples of late Pliocene to early Pleistocene age. These intervals correspond to periods of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Reworked Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic nannofossils are found in a majority of the samples. They were probably carried from the Arabian Peninsula or the continent of Africa on strong southwest summer winds. Ages for the various nannofossil events were calculated by projecting the nannofossil datums onto the magnetostratigraphic scale for Sites 724, 727, and 728. These are the first ages for the various nannofossil datums derived from Oman Margin sediments. The following ages have been calculated for these nannofossil events: FAD Emiliania huxleyi, 0.23 Ma; LAD Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, 0.38 Ma; FAD Helicosphaera inversa, 0.42 Ma; top of acme of Reticulofenestra sp. A, 0.70 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsaparallela, 0.85 Ma; LAD Gephyrocapsa spp. (large), 1.07 Ma; LAD Helicosphaera sellii, 1.34 Ma; LAD Calcidiscus macintyrei, 1.47 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa oceanica, 1.53 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica, 1.80 Ma; LAD Discoaster brouweri, 2.03 Ma; LAD Discoasterpentaradiatus, 2.31 Ma; LAD Discoaster surculus, 2.42; LAD Discoaster tamalis, 2.77 Ma; LAD Sphenolithus abies, 3.44 Ma; and LAD Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, 3.44 Ma.