Radiolarian assemblages of ODP Leg 117 sites

Autoria(s): Nigrini, Catherine A

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 17.232453 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 58.799406 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 16.470500 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 57.371500 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 18.487300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 59.864500 * DATE/TIME START: 1987-09-03T12:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1987-10-04T00:45:00




Significant numbers of radiolarians ranging in age from late middle Miocene to Recent were recovered from six sites drilled on the Oman margin and Owen Ridge. Sparse faunas were recovered from five additional sites on the Oman margin and one site on the Indus Fan. Detailed range charts and biozonations are presented for most sites. The radiolarian assemblages are peculiar in that numerous common tropical forms, some of which are biomarkers, are absent or very rare. In addition, some species not usually found in tropical assemblages are present. These forms, indicative of up welling conditions, fall into three categories: (1) endemic upwelling: species endemic to upwelling and not previously described from the Indian Ocean; (2) displaced temperate: temperate forms not usually found in tropical waters; and (3) enhanced tropical: tropical forms which are more abundant and/or robust in areas of upwelling. Comparison of the Oman margin/Owen Ridge fauna with that recovered from the Peru margin upwelling area (ODP Leg 112) suggests that the assemblage may be globally diagnostic of upwelling conditions. The onset of upwelling is marked by the appearance of siliceous biota at about 11.9 Ma, and there is some indication of a decrease in the strength of the upwelling signal at about 9.6 Ma. A strong pulse in, or strengthening of, the upwelling mechanism is indicated by a marked fauna change at 4.7 Ma. There is a weaker signal, implying a change in upwelling conditions, at about 1.5 Ma.


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Supplement to: Nigrini, Catherine A (1991): Composition and biostratigraphy of radiolarian assemblages from an area of upwelling (northwestern Arabian Sea, Leg 117). In: Prell, WL; Niitsuma, N; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 117, 89-126, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #117-721A; 117-721B; 117-722A; 117-722B; 117-723A; 117-724B; 117-725C; 117-726A; 117-728A; 117-730A; 117-731A; A. angulare; A. murrayana; A. nosicaae; A. tritubus; A. ypsilon; Acrobotrys tritubus; Acrosphaera murrayana; Actinomma spp.; Age, maximum/old; Age, minimum/young; Age max; Age min; Ageprof dat des; Ageprofile Datum Description; Amphirhopalum ypsilon; Anthocyrtidium angulare; Anthocyrtidium nosicaae; Anthocyrtidium sp.; Arabian Sea; B. b. pretumidulus; B. b. tumidulus; B. bramlettei; B. invaginata; B. miralestensis; B = bottom, T = top; Botryostrobus bramlettei; Botryostrobus bramlettei pretumidulus; Botryostrobus bramlettei tumidulus; Botryostrobus miralestensis; Buccinosphaera invaginata; C. caepa; C. cornuta; C. davisiana; C. irregularis; C. japonica; C. tetrapera; C. tuberosa; C = common, F = few, R = rare, + = one or two specimens, - = absent; Calocycletta caepa; Collosphaera sp.; Collosphaera sp. aff. C. huxleyi; Collosphaera tuberosa; Comment; Cycladophora davisiana; Cypassis irregularis; Cyrtocapsella cornuta; Cyrtocapsella japonica; Cyrtocapsella tetrapera; D. antepenultima; D. bursa; D. hughesi; D. infabricatus; D. laticonus; D. ontongensis; D. penultima; D. petterssoni; D. splendens; Dendrospyris bursa; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Diartus hughesi; Diartus petterssoni; Dictyocoryne ontongensis; Dictyophimus infabricatus; Dictyophimus splendens; Didymocyrtis antepenultima; Didymocyrtis laticonus; Didymocyrtis penultima; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; E. calvertense; E. infundibulum; E. teuscheri; E. teuscheri teuscheri; Epoch; Eucyrtidium calvertense; Eucyrtidium infundibulum; Eucyrtidium sp.; Eucyrtidium teuscheri; Eucyrtidium teuscheri teuscheri; Event; G = good, M = moderate, P = poor; group; Joides Resolution; L. audax; L. cf. hexagonalis; L. daniellae; L. maritalis ventric; L. neoheteroporos; L. nigriniae; L. renzae; L. thornburgi; Label; Label 2; Lamprocyclas maritalis ventricosa; Lamprocyrtis daniellae; Lamprocyrtis neoheteroporos; Lamprocyrtis nigriniae; Leg117; Lithopera renzae; Lithopera thornburgi; Lithostrobus cf. hexagonalis; Lychnodictyum audax; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; P. campanula; P. crustula; P. doliolum; P. fistula; P. hertwigii; P. marylandicus; P. prismatium; Phormostichoartus crustula; Phormostichoartus doliolum; Phormostichoartus fistula; Phormostichoartus marylandicus; Pterocanium prismatium; Pterocorys campanula; Pterocorys hertwigii; Rad abund; Radiolarian preservation; Radiolarians abundance; Radiolarian zone; Rad preserv; Reference; Reference/source; S. ambus; S. berminghami; S. circumtexta; S. corona; S. delmontensis; S. johnsoni; S. klingi; S. omnitubus; S. pentas; S. peregrina; S. tetras tetras; S. universus; S. wolfii; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; Siphostichartus corona; Solenosphaera omnitubus; Source of age; Spongaster berminghami; Spongaster pentas; Spongaster tetras tetras; Spongodiscus ambus; Spongodiscus klingi; Stichocorys delmontensis; Stichocorys johnsoni; Stichocorys peregrina; Stichocorys wolfii; Streblacantha circumtexta; Stylatractus universus; T. trachelium; Theocorythium trachelium
