957 resultados para web-technologies


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In an overview of some of the central issues concerning the impact and effects of new technology in adolescence, this article questions the reality of the net generation before considering the interplay of new and old technologies, the internet as both communication and lifestyle resource, and newer technologies like text messaging and webcams.


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One of the most important advantages of database systems is that the underlying mathematics is rich enough to specify very complex operations with a small number of statements in the database language. This research covers an aspect of biological informatics that is the marriage of information technology and biology, involving the study of real-world phenomena using virtual plants derived from L-systems simulation. L-systems were introduced by Aristid Lindenmayer as a mathematical model of multicellular organisms. Not much consideration has been given to the problem of persistent storage for these simulations. Current procedures for querying data generated by L-systems for scientific experiments, simulations and measurements are also inadequate. To address these problems the research in this paper presents a generic process for data-modeling tools (L-DBM) between L-systems and database systems. This paper shows how L-system productions can be generically and automatically represented in database schemas and how a database can be populated from the L-system strings. This paper further describes the idea of pre-computing recursive structures in the data into derived attributes using compiler generation. A method to allow a correspondence between biologists' terms and compiler-generated terms in a biologist computing environment is supplied. Once the L-DBM gets any specific L-systems productions and its declarations, it can generate the specific schema for both simple correspondence terminology and also complex recursive structure data attributes and relationships.


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In 2002, an integrated basic science course was introduced into the Bachelor of Dental Sciences programme at the University of Queensland, Australia. Learning activities for the Metabolism and Nutrition unit within this integrated course included lectures, problem-based learning tutorials, computer-based self-directed learning exercises and practicals. To support student learning and assist students to develop the skills necessary to become lifelong learners, an extensive bank of formative assessment questions was set up using the commercially available package, WebCT®. Questions included short-answer, multiple-choice and extended matching questions. As significant staff time was involved in setting up the question database, the extent to which students used the formative assessment and their perceptions of its usefulness to their learning were evaluated to determine whether formative assessment should be extended to other units within the course. More than 90% of the class completed formative assessment tasks associated with learning activities scheduled in the first two weeks of the block, but this declined to less than 50% by the fourth and final week of the block. Patterns of usage of the formative assessment were also compared in students who scored in the top 10% for all assessment for the semester with those who scored in the lowest 10%. High-performing students accessed the Web-based formative assessment about twice as often as those who scored in the lowest band. However, marks for the formative assessment tests did not differ significantly between the two groups. In a questionnaire that was administered at the completion of the block, students rated the formative assessment highly, with 80% regarding it as being helpful for their learning. In conclusion, although substantial staff time was required to set up the question database, this appeared to be justified by the positive responses of the students.


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delta-Atracotoxin-Ar1a (delta-ACTX-Ar1a) is the major polypeptide neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the male Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus. This neurotoxin targets both insect and mammalian voltage-gated sodium channels, where it competes with scorpion alpha-toxins for neurotoxin receptor site-3 to slow sodium-channel inactivation. Progress in characterizing the structure and mechanism of action of this toxin has been hampered by the limited supply of pure toxin from natural sources. In this paper, we describe the first successful chemical synthesis and oxidative refolding of the four-disulfide bond containing delta-ACTX-Ar1a. This synthesis involved solid-phase Boc chemistry using double coupling, followed by oxidative folding of purified peptide using a buffer of 2 M GdnHCl and glutathione/glutathiol in a 1:1 mixture of 2-propanol (pH 8.5). Successful oxidation and refolding was confirmed using both chemical and pharmacological characterization. Ion spray mass spectrometry was employed to confirm the molecular weight. H-1 NMR analysis showed identical chemical shifts for native and synthetic toxins, indicating that the synthetic toxin adopts the native fold. Pharmacological studies employing whole-cell patch clamp recordings from rat dorsal root ganglion neurons confirmed that synthetic delta-ACTX-Ar1a produced a slowing of the sodium current inactivation and hyperpolarizing shifts in the voltage-dependence of activation and inactivation similar to native toxin. Under current clamp conditions, we show for the first time that delta-ACTX-Ar1a produces spontaneous repetitive plateau potentials underlying the clinical symptoms seen during envenomation. This successful oxidative refolding of synthetic delta-ACTX-Ar1a paves the way for future structure-activity studies to determine the toxin pharmacophore.


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Novel nonthermal processes, such as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), pulsed electric fields (PEFs), ionizing radiation and ultrasonication, are able to inactivate microorganisms at ambient or sublethal temperatures. Many of these processes require very high treatment intensities, however, to achieve adequate microbial destruction in low-acid foods. Combining nonthermal processes with conventional preservation methods enhances their antimicrobial effect so that lower process intensities can be used. Combining two or more nonthermal processes can also enhance microbial inactivation and allow the use of lower individual treatment intensities. For conventional preservation treatments, optimal microbial control is achieved through the hurdle concept, with synergistic effects resulting from different components of the microbial cell being targeted simultaneously. The mechanisms of inactivation by nonthermal processes are still unclear; thus, the bases of synergistic combinations remain speculative. This paper reviews literature on the antimicrobial efficiencies of nonthermal processes combined with conventional and novel nonthermal technologies. Where possible, the proposed mechanisms of synergy is mentioned. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Visando oferecer um servi??o inteligente, eficiente, ??gil e com maior qualidade ao contribuinte, a Diretoria de Arrecada????o do INSS disponibilizou, em conson??ncia com o Plano de A????o do Governo Eletr??nico e o Programa Nacional de Desburocratiza????o, o programa Baixa de Empresa Web, que viabiliza a emiss??o da certid??o de baixa para fins de registro ou arquivamento no ??rg??o pr??prio. Esse programa busca as informa????es contributivas da empresa e verifica a exist??ncia de restri????es ou impedimentos nos diversos bancos de dados do INSS, disponibilizando, em tempo real, o resultado do processamento. Os contribuintes podem acess??-lo pela Internet, no site da Previd??ncia Social (www.previdenciasocial.gov.br), e os servidores, pela Intranet


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As novas Tecnologias da Informa????o e Comunica????o (TIC), entre as quais se destacam a internet, as redes de computadores, a transmiss??o via sat??lite e a telefonia m??vel, criaram condi????es para o surgimento de Sociedades do Conhecimento. Nesse contexto, o Estado, por interm??dio do governo eletr??nico, ?? o principal instrumento de que os cidad??os disp??em atualmente para enfrentar os desafios impostos pela globaliza????o, por meio de intera????es in??ditas da sociedade, empresas e governos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer rela????es entre a governan??a do setor p??blico e o governo eletr??nico, partindo-se de um marco referencial te??rico das duas ??reas de estudo. Para tanto, foram delineados seus escopos e limites de atua????o, instituindo-se v??nculos, de acordo com a????es do Governo Eletr??nico brasileiro: certifica????o digital; Portal da Transpar??ncia; vota????o eletr??nica; preg??es eletr??nicos e Portal da Previd??ncia Social. Conclui-se que, apesar dos avan??os recentes observados pela an??lise de v??rias dimens??es da governan??a, baseados em iniciativas de governo eletr??nico aqui inventariadas, ainda h?? muito que fazer em dire????o ?? inclus??o social no Brasil, assim como em outros pa??ses. As TIC podem vir a ser um poderoso agente de inclus??o digital, apoiando a governan??a com a cria????o de espa??os virtuais para participa????o democr??tica e di??logo c??vico e expans??o da participa????o em tomada de decis??o coletiva, promovendo a igualdade e a cidadania.


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Esta dissertação trata da análise da produção científica e tecnológica internacional e brasileira na área de conhecimento Engenharia Civil, por meio de indicadores bibliométricos. A área Engenharia Civil foi escolhida em razão da sua relevância para o desenvolvimento econômico do país. No entanto, em termos absolutos e relativos, está entre os setores tecnologicamente mais atrasados da economia. A bibliometria é uma disciplina com alcance multidisciplinar que estuda o uso e os aspectos quantitativos da produção científica registrada. Os indicadores de produção científica são objeto de análise de várias áreas do conhecimento, tanto para o planejamento e a execução de políticas públicas de vários setores quanto para maior conhecimento da comunidade científica sobre o sistema em que está inserida. A metodologia utilizada para a elaboração deste estudo descritivo de caráter exploratório foi a análise documental e bibliométrica, baseada em dados das publicações científicas, no período de 1970 a 2012, e tecnológicas, no período de 2001 a 2012, da área Engenharia Civil, indexadas nas bases de dados Science Citattion Index Expanded (SCI); Social Science Citation Index (SSCI); Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) e da Derwent Innovations Index (DII), que compõem a base de dados multidisciplinar da Web of Sicence (WoS). As informações foram qualificadas e quantificadas com o auxílio do software bibliométrico VantagePoint®. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram o baixo número de publicações científicas e tecnológicas na área de conhecimento Engenharia Civil de autores filiados a instituições de ensino e pesquisa brasileiras quando comparados aos dos países industrializados. Existe um conjunto de fortes condicionantes que ultrapassam o poder de decisão e de influência da academia, dificultando e limitando a disseminação das pesquisas e patentes brasileiras relacionadas a fatores de caráter sistêmico e cultural. A possibilidade de análise de indicadores de produção científica e tecnológica na Engenharia Civil contribui para criar políticas que, se utilizadas por agências de fomento, podem subsidiar investimentos mais fundamentados por parte dos governos e da iniciativa privada, a exemplo do que é feito por outros setores industriais.


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The importance of intangible resources has increased dramatically in recent years comparing to tangible ones. The economy in which we live is the result of competitive pressures that have imposed the implementation of business at an international level as well as a requirement in the application of sophisticated technologies that allow us to follow this fast evolution. In this age of information and innovation organizations will only survive if they are inserted in a global network of strategic relations, generically called as the network economy by Lev (2003). The service sector has stood out against the more traditional sectors of the economy. The intensive use of knowledge and a strong customer orientation created a new reality in today’s organizations: a growing importance attached to innovation, to the quality of products and services offered, to the information and communication technologies adopted, and to the creativity and particular abilities of human resources. The concept of intangible assets is more common in an accounting language and intellectual capital is most often applied in the context of management, being associated with a more comprehensive, multidimensional approach, representing all the knowledge that the institution owns and that it applies in the form of expertise, the creativity and organizational competencies that lead to innovation and to the sustained attainment of future economic benefits. An analysis of the scope of intellectual capital is fundamental to take more appropriate management decisions so that a more appropriate accounting treatment could be given by the accounting standardization organizations. This study intends to analyse the practices of information disclosure of the intellectual capital in the banking sector in Portugal, complementing the analysis of the disclosure of intangible assets in the context of accounting standards with the disclosure of intellectual capital in the context of organizational management. In particular, our main aims are to identify the extent of disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal and also to identify the factors that determine such a disclosure. The disclosure in the context of accounting standards will be studied by checking the disclosure of intangible assets through the items listed in the International Accounting Standard 38 developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. The context of management was analysed by means of creating a voluntary disclosure index based on assumptions of the model Intellectus, developed by the Centro de Investigación sobre la Sociedad del Conocimiento – Instituto de Administración de Empresas (CIC-IADE) of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, and of the model Intellectual Capital Statement (made in Europe) (InCaS), both promoted by the European Commission and that we have adapted to the banking sector. When analysing the disclosure of intangible assets based on the context of accounting standards and the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, this study has tried to raise awareness about the importance of issuing reports on the intellectual capital as an alternative tool to take management decisions in the existing organizations and reflects the transparency and legitimacy that these institutions seek through a more extensive and more detailed information disclosure of their intellectual capital. Based on a complimentarily of economic theories, together with social and political theories, we tried to check the extent, evolution and tendencies of the compulsory disclosure of intangible assets and of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital analysed in the period 2001-2011. Banks characteristics were also analysed in order to deduce those factors that determine or promote a larger disclosure in this sector. Based on these objectives, we adopted a longitudinal approach to explore the extent and the development of the disclosure of intangible assets as well as the factors that have determined it. Furthermore, we sought to assess the impact of the adoption of IAS 38 in the financial statements of the organizations in this sector. The disclosure index created on the basis of the disclosure requirements stated in IAS 38 from IASB was applied to the consolidated financial statements of the seventeen banks that rendered their statements in Portugal from 2001 to 2009. Since the information disclosed in the context of accounting standards may not have an important role as a management tool once it was not able to reflect what really contributes to the competitiveness and organizational growth, the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital was analysed according to the information obtained from the 2010 annual individual reports of the banks operating in Portugal in that year and from their respective websites in 2011. We tried to analyse the extent of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital and of each of its components, human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The comparative analysis of their annual reports and their web pages allowed us to assess the incidence of the disclosure and discover what channel the banking sector focuses on when disclosing their intellectual capital. Also in this analysis the study of the disclosure determinants has allowed us to conclude about the influence of particular characteristics in the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. The results of the analysis to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements of the banking groups in Portugal in the period 2001-2009 have shown an average information disclosure of 0.24. This information disclosure evolved from an average value of 0.1940 in 2001 to 0.2778 in 2009. The average value is 0.8286 if it is only considered the disclosure of the intangible assets that the banks possessed. The evolution of this index means an increase in the average disclosure from 0.7852 in 2001 to 0.8788 in 2009. From the first results that are related to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the financial statements, we can verify that the banking groups present a low disclosure level of these resources. However, when considering the disclosure of only the intangible assets that each institution owns, the disclosure level appears to be in compliance with the disclosure requirements for this sector. An evolution in the disclosure of intangible assets for the period considered was confirmed, showing an increase in the information disclosure of intangible assets in 2005, the year in which the accounting rules for intangible assets changed. The analysis that focused on the disclosure in the context of management tried to understand the extent, the incidence and the determinants of the voluntary information disclosure of intellectual capital in the annual reports of 2010 and on their web pages in 2011, studying the 32 banks operating in Portugal in this period. The average voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in the 2010 annual reports is 0.4342 while that in web pages is 0.2907. A review of the components of the intellectual capital allowed us to assess the importance that the banks confer to each of these components. The data obtained show that the relational capital, and more specifically the business capital, is the most disclosed component by banks in Portugal both in the annual reports and in their institutional web pages, followed by the structural capital and, finally, by the human capital. The disclosure of the human capital and the structural capital is higher in the annual reports than that in the websites, while the relational capital is more disclosed in the websites than in the annual reports. The results have also shown that the banks make a complementary use of both sources when disclosing information about their structural capital and relational capital but they do not show any information about their human capital in their websites. We tried to prove the influence of factors that could determine the accounting disclosure and the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in this sector. The change in the IASB accounting rules as from January 1st 2005 gave a greater disclosure of accounting information of intangible assets in the financial statements of banks. The bank size and corporate governance measures have statistically proved to have an influence on the extent of the accounting disclosure of intangible assets and on the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. Economic and financial variables such as profitability, operating efficiency or solvency were not determinants of information disclosure. The instability that the banking sector has experienced in economic and financial indicators in recent years as a result of the global financial markets imbalance has worsen indicators such as profitability, efficiency and solvency and caused major discrepancies in the economic situation between banks in Portugal. This empirical analysis has contributed to confront the disclosure required by accounting rules performed in the financial statements of organizations with that performed in the main disclosure media which is available for entities and which is increasingly requested in the process of taking management decisions. It also allowed us to verify whether there is homogeneity between institutions in the fulfilment of the requirements for information disclosure of intangible assets. However, as for voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, there are large disparities in the disclosure extent between organizations. Regardless of this sector specific characteristics, the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal follows the trends in other sectors and the practices adopted in other countries, namely regarding the amount of information disclosed, the incidence of the disclosure on the indicators of relational capital and the importance of variables such as size as determinants of disclosure of intellectual capital. For a further knowledge in this field, we created a specific index for the banking sector, considering appropriate indicators for an incisive, comprehensive analysis in order to consider the most relevant indicators of intellectual capital components. Besides, confronting the analysis of disclosure in the context of accounting standards with the study of voluntary disclosure brought a new analysis approach to the research on intellectual capital disclosure. With this study, we have also intended to raise greater awareness of the need for harmonization in the intellectual capital disclosure on the part of the regulatory banking authority by means of a demanding, consistent and transparent report of intellectual capital with simple, clear, objective indicators so that those interested in disclosing intellectual capital information in the organizations in this sector may obtain more harmonized and comparable information. A research on the disclosure quality of intellectual capital, together with the application of other analysis methodologies in this sector, might be a promising approach for future research. Applying the voluntary disclosure index to the same sector in other countries may also contribute to the knowledge of disclosure practices in different geographical environments. We highlight the relevance of further studies contributing to the harmonization and consistency in the presentation of an intellectual capital report so as to enable organizations to disclose the resources that contribute most to their competitiveness and growth.


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The selection of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one of the most sensitive and highest impact processes in the area of information systems and technologies, because it supports and integrates the whole business of an organization. Hence the importance of deciding the best solution in order to contribute to the organization's competitiveness in a global and increasingly demanding market. Therefore, it is essential to provide tools to support decision making, turning complex and often intangible decisions into simple and quantifiable scenarios. This study addressed the adoption of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) multicriteria decision method to support the selection of an ERP system. The literature review was the source used to obtain the set of the most relevant criteria to be considered in this decision, which were subsequently validated through systematic application of various surveys of experts and people related to the field of ERP systems. To support the application of AHP, according to the model obtained in the study, it was developed a web application that will be available to the general public. The responsible for the acquisition of ERP systems can use it to easily apply the AHP method based on validated decision model. On the other hand, the web application can be used as a validation tool, allowing collecting data for future developments of the decision model.


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Este estudo pretende conhecer o nível de divulgação de informação sobre responsabilidade social(RS) e analisar possíveis factores determinantes em 60 municípios portugueses. Assumindo que os municípios utilizam cada vez mais Internet como meio de comunicação com seus stakholders, a metodologia de estudo consistiu na analise de conteúdo dos websites e dos documentos disponíveis para download. com vista a determinar se para cada item de informação necessária é elaboração dos Índices de Divulgação de Informação, que permitissem medir o nível de divulgação de informação de cada município. Como forma de analisar a associação existente entre os índices de divulgação de informação criados e os potenciais factores determinantes, foram efectuados diversos testes ás hipóteses formuladas. Os resultados apontam para níveis de divulgação médios na maioria dos índices analisados. O Índice de Divulgação Total(IDT) apurado foi de 0,46. Para cada bloco de informação, o índice que apresentou um valor mais alto foi o da Informação Económica(IDE) com 0,66, seguindo-se o da Informação Social(IDS) com 0,61 e o Ambiental(IDA) com 0,36. O Índice de divulgação de informação genérica(IDG) sobre o RS foi o qeu apresentou valores mais reduzidos, 0,22. Foi efectuada uma analise univariada e bivariada que surgem vários factores como explicativos dos níveis de divulgação de informação. Da aplicação do Modelo de Regressão Linear Multiplica resulta que o IDG é influenciado pelo facto e o município implementar a Agenda 21 Local(A21L) e a pela percentagem de despesas ambientais nas despesas totais(DAMB);que apenas a elevada percentagem de despesas de licenciados(ESCOL)influência o IDE; e a localização do município(LOC, a A21L e a Carga Fiscal(FISC) tem influência no IDA e que a percentagem de habitantes com idade <19 anos e >65 anos(POPID) influencia negativamente o IDA; por ultimo e no que diz respeito ao Índice de Divulgação Total, a CARAT, a A21L, o possuir Certificação e a FISC influenciam positivamente o IDT, enquanto que a POPID influencia negativamente.


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Os sítios Web são a face das instituições, mas há evidências de frequentemente serem pouco cuidados, sobretudo ao nível dos seus conteúdos. Nesta tese apresentamos uma investigação que desenvolve um modelo de avaliação da qualidade dos conteúdos de sítios Web de unidades de saúde. A revisão bibliográfica, realizada neste trabalho, permitiu identificar as dimensões e atributos de avaliação da qualidade de conteúdos de sítios Web mais considerados pelos diversos autores dos trabalhos mais importantes da área, mas não um modelo que, a partir deles, fosse capaz de os avaliar objetivamente. Assim, levantou-se o problema de saber se todos os atributos têm a mesma importância. Atributos mais importantes devem dar maior contributo na avaliação pretendida e o modelo a ser considerado deve refletir isso, adicionalmente a ferramenta de avaliação deveria ser intuitiva e rápida na aplicação. Para determinar a importância de cada atributo aplicou-se o Método Delphi tendo sido necessário três rondas para encontrar consenso relativamente à importância dos atributos a que se seguiu a aplicação de um conjunto de modelos estatísticos de forma a determinar uma métrica consistente e que permitisse a comparação de pontuações entre sítios web. De acordo com as questões de investigação e os objetivos definidos foi possível encontrar um modelo que fornecesse uma medida objetiva, normalizada e consistente acerca da qualidade de conteúdos de sítios web de unidades de saúde