517 resultados para tactics
Vol. 1 has 17 fold, maps in pocket; v. 6, 12 fold. maps in pocket.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The captive.--The bonds of discipline.--A sahibs' war.--"Their lawful occasions."--The comprehension of Private Cooper.--Steam tactics.--"Wireless".--The army of a dream.--"They".--Mrs. Bathurst.--Below the mill dam.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
This study investigated factors that influence managers’ conceptions and subordinates’ perceptions of effective feedback. A social rules perspective was used to operationalize male and female managers’ conceptions of effective negative feedback. In the first study, 68 male and female managers identified their optimal strategies for providing feedback to subordinates. Male and female managers endorsed different goals and tactics for giving negative feedback, particularly in terms of levels of participation and directness. In the second study, 116 male and female subordinates evaluated the comparative effectiveness and difficulty of these and other standard approaches to feedback. The female manager strategy was evaluated by both men and women as generally more task and relationship effective but not more difficult to enact.
A social rules perspective was employed to identify the elements of socially appropriate responses to unfair criticism in the workplace. Women generally endorsed for themselves response strategies based on stronger obligation and softer rights components, while men endorsed responses based on stronger personal rights expression and weaker obligation components. In support of the utility of a social rules approach to operationalizing context-specific expectations, behavioral responses based on gender and status-specific rules were evaluated as more effective on task, relationship, and self-respect dimensions than were rights-only, rights-plus-empathy, or submissive strategies. Results are discussed in terms of the development of a context-specific model of interpersonal competence and implications for interpersonal skills and assertion training.
Sexual selection involves two main mechanisms: intrasexual competition for mates and intersexual mate choice. We experimentally separated intrasexual (male-male interference competition) and intersexual (female choice) components of sexual selection in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). We compared the roles of multiple morphological and behavioural traits in male success in both components of sexual competition, and their relation to male reproductive success, measured as paternity of offspring. Body size was important for both female choice and male-male competition, though females also preferred males that courted more vigorously. However, dominant males often monopolized females regardless of female preference. Subordinate males were not excluded from reproduction and sired some offspring, possibly through sneaked ejaculations. Male dominance and a greater intensity of carotenoid-based red colouration in their iris were the best predictors of male reproductive success. The extent of red iris colouration and parasite load did not have significant effects on female choice, male dominance or male reproductive success. No effect of parasite load on the expression of red eye colouration was detected, though this may have been due to low parasite prevalence in males overall. In conclusion, we showed that even though larger body size was favoured in both intersexual and intrasexual selection, male-male interference competition reduced opportunities for female choice. Females, despite being choosy, had limited control over the paternity of their offspring. Our study highlights the need for reliable measures of male reproductive success in studies of sexual selection.
Environmental conditions influence the breeding and migratory patterns of many avian species and may have particularly dramatic effects on long-distance migrants that breed at northern latitudes. Environment, however, is only one of the ecological variables affecting avian phenology, and recent work shows that migration tactics may be strongly affected by changes in predator populations. We used long-term data from 1978 to 2000 to examine the interactions between snowmelt in western Alaska in relation to the breeding or migration phenologies of small shorebirds and their raptor predators. Although the sandpipers' time of arrival at Alaskan breeding sites corresponded with mean snowmelt, late snowmelts did delay breeding. These delays, however, did not persist to southward migration through British Columbia, likely due to the birds' ability to compensate for variance in the length of the breeding season. Raptor phenology at an early stopover site in British Columbia was strongly related to snowmelt, so that in years of early snowmelt falcons appeared earlier during the sandpipers' southbound migration. These differential effects indicate that earlier snowmelt due to climate change may alter the ecological dynamics of the predator-prey system.
Movements of wide-ranging top predators can now be studied effectively using satellite and archival telemetry. However, the motivations underlying movements remain difficult to determine because trajectories are seldom related to key biological gradients, such as changing prey distributions. Here, we use a dynamic prey landscape of zooplankton biomass in the north-east Atlantic Ocean to examine active habitat selection in the plankton-feeding basking shark Cetorhinus maximus. The relative success of shark searches across this landscape was examined by comparing prey biomass encountered by sharks with encounters by random-walk simulations of ‘model’ sharks. Movements of transmitter-tagged sharks monitored for 964 days (16754km estimated minimum distance) were concentrated on the European continental shelf in areas characterized by high seasonal productivity and complex prey distributions. We show movements by adult and sub-adult sharks yielded consistently higher prey encounter rates than 90% of random-walk simulations. Behavioural patterns were consistent with basking sharks using search tactics structured across multiple scales to exploit the richest prey areas available in preferred habitats. Simple behavioural rules based on learned responses to previously encountered prey distributions may explain the high performances. This study highlights how dynamic prey landscapes enable active habitat selection in large predators to be investigated from a trophic perspective, an approach that may inform conservation by identifying critical habitat of vulnerable species.
This paper reflects upon our attempts to bring a participatory design approach to design research into interfaces that better support dental practice. The project brought together design researchers, general and specialist dental practitioners, the CEO of a dental software company and, to a limited extent, dental patients. We explored the potential for deployment of speech and gesture technologies in the challenging and authentic context of dental practices. The paper describes the various motivations behind the project, the negotiation of access and the development of the participant relationships as seen from the researchers' perspectives. Conducting participatory design sessions with busy professionals demands preparation, improvisation, and clarity of purpose. The paper describes how we identified what went well and when to shift tactics. The contribution of the paper is in its description of what we learned in bringing participatory design principles to a project that spanned technical research interests, commercial objectives and placing demands upon the time of skilled professionals. Copyright © 2010 ACM, Inc
This article explores the implementation of a comprehensive model of union strategy,consisting of union aims, union methods, union tactics, and level of decision-making (Gahan 1998). The analysis further employs the framework of Boxall and Haynes (1997) to assess the dominant strategy pattern of the unions. Empirical data are provided from a survey of seven national enterprise unions in the telecommunications industry in Indonesia. Research findings reveal that consultancy unionism is playing important roles in explaining the relationships among unions, workers, and employers. This pattern of strategy places more emphasis on servicing and limited partnership with employers. The stronger organising solidarity from their members may improve their partnership in the interest of union survival facing tough competition in the telecommunications business.
O crescimento desordenado e a ausência de políticas públicas mais eficientes levaram a uma diversificação quanto ao uso dos recursos naturais, principalmente no que se refere à água para o saneamento básico. O marco regulatório estabelecido na década de 1980 registrou as políticas públicas para o meio ambiente, que trouxeram avanços sobre o tema, desencadeando uma série de ações voltadas tanto para a estrutura burocrática e da prevenção, quanto solução para os problemas de degradação e esgotamento dos recursos naturais. Com o advento das leis específicas de proteção aos mananciais e mediante a lei 13.579/09 do Estado de São Paulo que trata sobre a área da Billings, percebeu-se um avanço na questão do gerenciamento para proteção e desenvolvimento de acordo com as características da região. Instrumentos de políticas públicas para conter as ações referentes aos danos causados ao meio ambiente, como a lei contra crimes ambientais foram às ações práticas do Estado para conter tais ações. O Objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as possíveis discrepâncias entre as penalidades financeiras aplicadas na ocorrência das infrações ambientais e os modelos de valoração dos ativos ambientais, utilizando a simulação de implantação de um hotel em áreas de proteção e recuperação de manancial no Município de São Bernardo do Campo no Estado de São Paulo. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa se baseou no método de custo de reposição (MCR) para dimensionar os possíveis impactos gerados por um empreendimento hoteleiro e seu respectivo valor econômico. Posteriormente, os impactos ambientais foram relacionados com a legislação do município para determinar os valores das possíveis penalidades aplicáveis ao dano causado. Dentre os resultados levantados, verificou-se uma significativa discrepância entre a valoração econômica e as multas aplicáveis, sendo que nos impactos referentes a impermeabilidade do solo e contaminação do lençol freático, com diferenças superiores em relação às penalidades de R$ 804.922,78 e R$ 453.333,33 respectivamente. A partir da metodologia aplicada na pesquisa, observou-se que as penalidades incidentes em casos de danos ao meio ambiente, muitas vezes não atinge o objetivo, que é inibir a ação do infrator, pois o real custo econômico não é medido na aplicação do valor da multa.