992 resultados para surge-arresters
En el proceso del enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas entre el docente y el estudiante, existe una relación básica e importante, es el lenguaje, por ello ya existen diversas técnicas de cómo hablarles a los educandos, pero ¿qué pasa cuando los estudiantes son sordos?, con la nueva ley de inclusión no existe ni la posibilidad de no aceptarlos o rehusar el cargo, entonces surge el reto de cómo enfrentar lo mejor posible dicho proceso. Esta comunicación trata de mostrar la experiencia de como un profesor sin ser capacitado para tal situación, buscando alternativas para sus clases con población sorda, en grados Decimo y Undécimo de la I.E. Camacho Carreño, de la ciudad de Bucaramanga.
Exponemos en este documento algunos resultados de una investigación cualitativa que tiene como objetivo diseñar experiencias que posibiliten el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas (NCTM, 2000) en estudiantes de once grado, y analizar como dichas habilidades contribuyen en el progreso de su pensamiento algebraico. Este estudio surge para atender una problemática identificada en estudiantes de nuevo ingreso a la universidad, quienes en una prueba inicial dejan ver que sus respuestas incorrectas refieren más a su baja interpretación de enunciados que a la incorrecta aplicación de algoritmos. Para la consecución de dicho objetivo se diseña e implementa un plan de intervención con algunos casos de estudio, quienes en las primeras etapas de implementación del plan diseñado recaen en las mismas dificultades.
Understanding the dynamics of fine sediment transport across the upper intertidal zone is critical in managing the erosion and accretion of intertidal areas, and in managed realignment/estuarine habitat recreation strategies. This paper examines the transfer of sediments between salt marsh and mudflat environments in two contrasting macrotidal estuaries: the Seine (France) and the Medway (UK), using data collected during two joint field seasons undertaken by the Anglo-French RIMEW project (Rives-Manche Estuary Watch). High-resolution ADCP, Altimeter, OBS and ASM measurements from mudflat and marsh surface environments have been combined with sediment trap data to examine short-term sediment transport processes under spring tide and storm flow conditions. In addition, the longer-term accumulation of sediment in each salt marsh system has been examined via radiometric dating of sediment cores. In the Seine, rapid sediment accumulation and expansion of salt marsh areas, and subsequent loss of open intertidal mudflats, is a major problem, and the data collected here indicate a distinct net landward flux of sediments into the marsh interior. Suspended sediment fluxes are much higher than in the Medway estuary (averaging 0.09 g/m(3)/s), and vertical accumulation rates at the salt marsh/mudflat boundary exceed 3 cm/y. Suspended sediment data collected during storm surge conditions indicate that significant in-wash of fine sediments into the marsh interior can occur during (and following) these high-magnitude events. In contrast to the Seine, the Medway is undergoing erosion and general loss of salt marsh areas. Suspended sediment fluxes are of the order of 0.03 g/m(3)/s, and the marsh system here has much lower rates of vertical accretion (sediment accumulation rates are ca. 4 mm/y). Current velocity data for the Medway site indicate higher velocities on the ebb tide than occur on the flood tide, which may be sufficient to remobilise sediments deposited on the previous tide and so force net removal of material from the marsh.
La aplicación de la “Huella Hídrica” a la realidad española debe hacerse desde la consciencia de que hasta hace relativamente poco, el pensamiento científico dominante era el reduccionismo, cuyo enfoque considera que basta un conocimiento detallado de cada uno de los componentes de un sistema y de sus leyes fundamentales, para entenderlo globalmente. Y es que, el interés por este indicador surge de la importancia que cobran conceptos como “escasez” y “contaminación” del agua, como consecuencia directa e indirecta de la actividad humana sobre los sistemas hídricos, tanto en España como en los países de América Latina; con el fin de mejorar la gestión –desde la oferta y la demanda- de los recursos hídricos del planeta y reducir las desigualdades territoriales. De este modo, en el presente estudio se realiza una estimación de la “Huella Hídrica” de España y América Latina, así como de a la Red de Parques Nacionales Españoles, tanto a nivel económico como ambiental, describiendo los recursos hídricos utilizados, necesarios para satisfacer la demanda de bienes y servicios consumidos, en los prolegómenos del siglo XXI.
The effect of water depth on the performance of a small surging wave energy converter (WEC) is investigated analytically, numerically and experimentally. It is shown that although the average annual incident wave power is significantly reduced by water depth, a large proportion of this reduction is due to the dissipation of highly energetic, but largely unexploitable seas. It is also shown that the power capture is related more closely to incident wave force than incident wave power. Experimental results demonstrate that both the surge wave force and power capture of a flap-type WEC increase in shallow water.
The Labour Government in the UK has announced, as part of its launch of The Children's Plan, that it 'wants to make this country the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up' in. This latest Plan is further evidence of the surge of interest that there has been in children (and, in particular, early childhood) over the last ten years in the UK and indeed elsewhere. Many of the recent policy and practice initiatives have implications for social workers working with young children. Yet, social work as a profession, in comparison with education, has remained relatively silent on these initiatives and it is hard to find any critical analysis of these developments in terms of either their underlying discourses or their implications for social workers. This article sets out to address these gaps by providing a critical analysis of: what types of knowledge regarding the early years have gained political currency; why and how this is the case; and what the implications are for the role and practices of social workers. The article proposes that discourses of 'need' and 'provision' mask more powerful discourses of economics, social control and risk avoidance, and it concludes by advocating more critically reflexive social work practice with young children and their families.
Pío Collivadino was a highly recognized painter in life, occupying the most important charges in the artistic field and receiving awards in his country and abroad, which turned him into an inescapable reference of young Argentinean artists who earned recognition throughout the twentieth century. Why, then, with the time, his work began to fall to the wayside? In response to this question, the present article, based on the analysis of the work of that artist, proposes to problematize the notion of subjectivity, both in its individual dimension and its national character, underlining the role that the figure of the artist meets for its formation. Developing the concepts of light-color and body-mass, from Collivadino painting, this article will attempt to explain the relation between the emergence of an Argentinean subjectivity, at the beginning of 20th century, and the art, not only at the level of the issues addressed, but, especially, taking into consideration its formal characteristics.
In this paper, we postulate the direct relationship that exists between waste production and artistic objects; its manufacturing system, consumption, and subsequent waste. What arises in this relationship then, is another character of interest –and that will serve as a reference to compare its modus operandi with the place of artists and the arts–, in this sick world, the Diogenes. The obsessed that lives among the garbage. The absurdity of the conquest of the infinite of the illogical within the logical. The amount clouded and blinded, nothing is enjoyed, nothing is appreciated; the countless abandons its place in the memory –memorable– and there only exists a pathological accumulation, mountains of garbage, desires to hold on to vital faith of the belief of doing Something for themselves. Working just to work and building something that will not last, like a sand castle, accumulation of detritus and dust. A new logic is born, the enjoyment of diseases and emptiness, the destruction of a world without a history. «Artists of the world, abandon! You have nothing to lose but your own professions!» (Kaprow, 2007, p. 37).
La iniciativa que se describe en este artículo, surge de una propuesta de investigación plástica, que se inició espontáneamente en el seno de una asignatura de escultura en la Facultad de Bellas Artes del CES Felipe II-UCM, y que tuvo como principal objetivo explorar nuevos modos de enseñanza artística desde la dinámica creativa en sí misma, con el fin de motivar el aprendizaje desde la participación directa en propuestas creativas que se apoyen en métodos de intervención crítica y que exploren las ventajas de las dinámicas interdisciplinares para complementar las eficacias de los ejercicios individuales, y así poder generar un aprendizaje desde dinámicas de trabajo en grupo. Para ello, hemos puesto en marcha procesos de trabajo cooperativo valorando sobre todo la experiencia directa, ofreciendo a los estudiantes contribuir en la actividad, tomar decisiones, lo que les permite aportar ideas, puntos de vista y opiniones sobre la combinación de nuevas tecnologías y técnicas tradicionales de la escultura, usados en proyectos artísticos actuales.
This article argues that the early development of crime writing needs to be understood in relation to the consolidation of the modern state. It demonstrates that London in the 1720s constitutes a significant moment in this early development for three main reasons. First, the period witnessed a crime epidemic which reached its climax in the 1720s and which precipitated a set of particularly aggressive counter-measures by the state; second, it saw the rise and eventual fall of the infamous Jonathan Wild who acted as both thief and surrogate policeman; and third, it was also marked by a surge in interests on the part of writers like Daniel Defoe and Bernard Mandeville in the related matters of crime and punishment. This article explores the ways in which accounts of crime and punishment in this period deployed and in some instances interrogated the rhetoric of social contract theory and writings on statecraft, particularly by Thomas Hobbes and Mandeville. But while the criminal biographies and gallows sermons produced by the Newgate prison’s ‘ordinaries’ provided crude and reductive accounts of the efficacy of the state, the article shows how two accounts of the life of Jonathan Wild (by Defoe and H.D) responded in highly complex ways to the issues of crime and policing and provided a consistently and self-consciously ambivalent reading of the state and state power. To conclude, I suggest that this ambivalence can be read as a critique of the impartial or neutral state and that it constitutes one of the key features of what we would later understand to be crime writing as a dedicated literary genre.
This paper describes an investigation of various shroud bleed slot configurations of a centrifugal compressor using CFD with a manual multi-block structured grid generation method. The compressor under investigation is used in a turbocharger application for a heavy duty diesel engine of approximately 400 hp. The baseline numerical model has been developed and validated against experimental performance measurements. The influence of the bleed slot flow field on a range of operating conditions between surge and choke has been analysed in detail.
The impact of the returning bleed flow on the incidence at the impeller blade leading edge due to its mixing with the main through-flow has also been studied. From the baseline geometry, a number of modifications to the bleed slot width have been proposed, and a detailed comparison of the flow characteristics performed. The impact of slot variations on the inlet incidence angle has been investigated, highlighting the improvement in surge and choked flow capability. Along with this, the influence of the bleed slot on stabilising the blade passage flow by the suction of the tip and over-tip vortex flow by the slot has been considered near surge.
This paper describes an investigation of map width enhancement and a detailed analysis of the inducer flow field due to various bleed slot configurations and vanes in the annular cavity of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor. The compressor under investigation is used in a turbocharger application for a heavy duty diesel engine of approximately 400 hp. This investigation has been undertaken using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the full compressor stage, which includes a manual multiblock-structured grid generation method. The influence of the bleed slot flow on the inducer flow field at a range of operating conditions has been analyzed, highlighting the improvement in surge and choked flow capability. The impact of the bleed slot geometry variations and the inclusion of cavity vanes on the inlet incidence angle have been studied in detail by considering the swirl component introduced at the leading edge by the recirculating flow through the slot. Further, the overall stage efficiency and the nonuniform flow field at the inducer inlet have been also analyzed. The analysis revealed that increasing the slot width has increased the map width by about 17%. However, it has a small impact on the efficiency, due to the frictional and mixing losses. Moreover, adding vanes in the cavity improved the pressure ratio and compressor performance noticeably. A detail analysis of the compressor with cavity vanes has also been presented.
This paper presents an investigation of map width enhancement and the performance improvement of a turbocharger compressor using a series of static vanes in the annular cavity of a classical bleed slot system. The investigation has been carried out using both experimental and numerical analysis. The compressor stage used for this study is from a turbocharger unit used in heavy duty diesel engines of approximately 300 kW. Two types of vanes were designed and added to the annular cavity of the baseline classical bleed slot system. The purpose of the annular cavity vane technique is to remove some of the swirl that can be carried through the bleed slot system, which would influence the pressure
ratio. In addition to this, the series of cavity vanes provides a better guidance to the slot recirculating flow before it mixes with the impeller main inlet flow. Better guidance of the flow improves the mixing at the inducer inlet in the circumferential direction. As a consequence, the stability of the compressor is improved at lower flow rates and a wider map can be achieved. The impact of two cavity vane designs on the map width and performance of the compressor was highlighted through a detailed analysis of the impeller flow field. The numerical and experimental study revealed that an effective vane design can improve the map width and pressure ratio characteristic without an efficiency penalty compared to the classical bleed slot system without vanes. The comparison study between the cavity vane and noncavity vane configurations presented in this paper showed that the map width was improved by 14.3% due to a significant reduction in surge flow and the peak pressure ratio was improved by 2.25% with the addition of a series of cavity vanes in the annular cavity of the bleed slot system.
In recent years there has been a remarkable surge of interest in the concept of punitiveness in theoretical criminology. Accounts serve to emphasise rupture over continuity, drawing attention to the increased focus on managerialism, risk and expressive penal policies in countries such as England and the US. Criticisms of these accounts have drawn attention to the weak empirical base for such assertions and the continued relevance of local cultural, historical and political conditions in mediating the effect of more punitive trends. In light of the relative neglect of smaller jurisdictions in this literature it was decided to locate these debates in three small common law jurisdictions, namely, Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand over the period 1976-2006 with a view to assessing the empirical evidence for penal change. This was done using a broader definition of punitiveness than normally employed incorporating indices relating to the ‘front end’ (eg police powers) as well as the ‘back end’ (eg prison and probation) of the criminal justice system. Data were collected on the three case studies using a multi-method approach involving examination of extensive quantitative data, interviews with key criminal justice stakeholders and documentary analysis. The data provide some support for the ‘new punitiveness’ thesis in these countries through a pattern of increased legislative activity aimed at controlling violent and sexual offenders and significant increases in the lengths of sentences imposed. However, analysis of qualitative data and a larger number of variables reveals distinctly different patterns of punitiveness over the thirty year period in the three countries. It is argued that the study holds important lessons for comparative criminology into the ‘new punitiveness’. There is a need for qualitative as well as quantitative data; for multiple rather than singular indices across a wide range of areas (juvenile justice, prison conditions, etc); and for ‘front end’ as well as ‘back end’ indices.
This thesis investigates the hydrodynamics of a small, seabed mounted, bottom hinged, wave energy converter in shallow water. The Oscillating Wave Surge Converter is a pitching flap-type device which is located in 10-15m of water to take advantage of the amplification of horizontal water particle motion in shallow water. A conceptual model of the hydrodynamics of the device has been formulated and shows that, as the motion of the flap is highly constrained, the magnitude of the force applied to the flap by the wave is strongly linked to the power absorption.
An extensive set of experiments has been carried out in the wave tank at Queen’s University at both 40th and 20th scales. The experiments have included testing in realistic sea states to estimate device performance as well as fundamental tests using small amplitude monochromatic waves to determine the force applied to the flap by the waves. The results from the physical modelling programme have been used in conjunction with numerical data from WAMIT to validate the conceptual model.
The work finds that tuning the OWSC to the incident wave periods is problematic and only results in a marginal increase in power capture. It is also found that the addition of larger diameter rounds to the edges of the flap reduces viscous losses and has a greater effect on the performance of the device than tuning. As wave force is the primary driver of device performance it is shown that the flap should fill the water column and should pierce the water surface to reduce losses due to wave overtopping.
With the water depth fixed at approximately 10m it is shown that the width of the flap has the greatest impact on the magnitude of wave force, and thus device performance. An 18m wide flap is shown to have twice the absorption efficiency of a 6m wide flap and captures 6 times the power. However, the increase in power capture with device width is not limitless and a 24m wide flap is found to be affected by two-dimensional hydrodynamics which reduces its performance per unit width, especially in sea states with short periods. It is also shown that as the width increases the performance gains associated with the addition of the end effectors reduces. Furthermore, it is shown that as the flap width increases the natural pitching period of the flap increases, thus detuning the flap further from the wave periods of interest for wave energy conversion.
The effect of waves approaching the flap from an oblique angle is also investigated and the power capture is found to decrease with the cosine squared of the encounter angle. The characteristic of the damping applied by the power take off system is found to have a significant effect on the power capture of the device, with constant damping producing between 20% and 30% less power than quadratic damping. Furthermore, it is found that applying a higher level of damping, or a damping bias, to the flap as it pitches towards the beach increases the power capture by 10%.
A further set of experiments has been undertaken in a case study used to predict the power capture of a prototype of the OWSC concept. The device, called the Oyster Demonstrator, has been developed by Aquamarine Power Ltd. and is to be installed at the European Marine Energy Centre, Scotland, in 2009.
The work concludes that OWSC is a viable wave energy converter and absorption efficiencies of up 75% have been measured. It is found that to maximise power absorption the flap should be approximately 20m wide with large diameter rounded edges, having its pivot close to the seabed and its top edge piercing the water surface.