439 resultados para skull


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This brief note announces the publication of a nonmetric cranial trait database as a freely available resource on the Internet at: http://library.queensu.ca/web- doc/ssdc/cntd. The files were constructed in the program Excel, and are available also in comma-delimited format. These one-observer data on 38 traits were recorded in 1963–2003 in skeletal collections curated at many muse- ums. The 8,016 crania represent individuals from a broad geographic and temporal range of recent human popula- tions, with regions best represented being the Arctic and northwestern North America. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:551–553, 2013.


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The Early Miocene Napak XV locality (ca 20.5 Ma), Uganda, has yielded an interesting assemblage of fossils, including the very well represented amphicyonid Hecubides euryodon. The remarkable find of a nearly complete mandible, unfortunately with poorly preserved dentition, together with new dental remains allow us to obtain a better idea about the morphology and variability of this species. Additionally, we describe a newly discovered mandible of Hecubides euryodon from the Grillental-VI locality (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), which is the most complete and diagnostic Amphicyonidae material found in this area. Comparisons with Cynelos lemanensis from Saint Gérand le Pouy (France), the type locality, and with an updated sample of the species of amphicyonids described in Africa leads us to validate the genus Hecubides. Hecubides would be phylogenetically related to the medium and large size species of Amphicyonidae from Africa, most of them now grouped into the genera Afrocyon and Myacyon, both endemic to this continent.


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The Museu Geológico collections house some of the first sauropod references of the Lusitanian Basin Upper Jurassic record, including the Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis and Lusotitan atalaiensis lectotypes, previously considered as new species of the Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus genera, respectively. Several fragmentary specimens have been classical referred to those taxa, but the most part of these systematic attributions are not supported herein, excluding a caudal vertebra from Maceira (MG 8804) considered as cf. Lusotitan atalaiensis. From the material housed in the Museu Geológico were identified basal eusauropods (indeterminate eusauropods and turiasaurs) and neosauropods (indeterminate neosauropods, diplodods and camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms). Middle caudal vertebrae with lateral fossae, ventral hollow border by pronounced ventrolateral crests and quadrangular cross-section suggest for the presence of diplodocine diplodocids in north area of the Lusitanian Basin Central Sector during the Late Jurassic. A humerus collected from Praia dos Frades (MG 4976) is attributed to cf. Duriatitan humerocristatus suggesting the presence of shared sauropod forms between the Portugal and United Kingdom during the Late Jurassic. Duriatitan is an indeterminate member of Eusauropoda and the discovery of new material in both territories is necessary to confirm this systematic approach. The studied material is in according with the previous recorded paleobiodiversity for the sauropod clade during the Portuguese Late Jurassic, which includes basal eusauropods (including turiasaurs), diplodocids and macronarians (including camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms).


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The detailed, rich and diverse Argaric funerary record offers an opportunity to explore social dimensions that usually remain elusive for prehistoric research, such us social rules on kinship rights and obligations, sexual tolerance and the role of funerary practices in preserving the economic and political organization. This paper addresses these topics through an analysis of the social meaning of Argaric double tombs by looking at body treatment and composition of grave goods assemblages according to gender and class affiliation. The Argaric seems to have been a conservative society, scarcely tolerant regarding homosexuality, and willing to celebrate ancestry associated to certain places as a means of asserting residence and property rights.


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Open skull surgery of deeply located intracerebral lesions requires precise determination of the treatment area in 3-dimensional (3-D) space. 3-D MRI can give important additional information in presurgical determination of the surgical approach to the target, taking into account highly functional brain areas and important vascular structures. The day before surgery, a grid composed of 9 tubings intersecting at 90° at 1 cm intervals and filled with a Q1SO4 solution is firmly attached to the skin of the patient’s head in the presumed region of the craniotomy. A 3-D turbo-FLASH sequence is then performed in the sagittal plane after intravenous Gd-DOTA injection on a IT Magnetom. 3-D surface reconstruction of the cortical gyri and sulci is performed. Once the gyri are identified, the 3-D program is then implemented in order to perform a color display of the cortical veins and of the tumor boundaries. The surgical access is then chosen by the surgeon, taking into account highly functional areas. Finally, the boundaries of the tumor are projected on the cortex reconstruction and on the external reference placed on the skin. The entry place for surgery as well as the size of craniotomy are drawn on the skin and the tubed grid is removed. The accuracy of this method tested in 9 patients with deeply located brain tumors or arteriovenous malformations was very satisfactory. In daily practice, this method is a valuable technique providing important clinical information in determining the shortest and safest way through the brain tissue, decreasing possible functional deficit and reducing craniotomy size in cases of difficult to access deep brain areas. Our method does not require a stereotactic frame permanently fixed to the head of the patient during surgery. © 1994 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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When Kate and Laura Mulleavy of Rodarte worked with MAC to create their Autumn/Winter 2010 makeup collection and based their ideas on the murdered women of Ciudad Juarez, there was a public and industry outcry which led to the withdrawal of cosmetics with names such as ‘Factory’ ‘Juarez’ and ‘Ghost Town’. Rodarte tapped into the borderland mythologies of Juarez and crated an illusory fantasy world which sought to simultaneously obliterate and venerate the dead women. One eyeshadow, ‘Bordertown’, appears to look like chunks of rotting flesh streaked with blood. The models for their catwalk show had hollow blackened eyes, green-white pallor and lips that had been bloodlessly ‘lip-erased’ with a product specifically designed for the purpose. In Spanish, maquillar is to make up, to assemble. The women in the factories are asked to repeat simple mechanical operations thousands of times a day to make up the products which will be sold by global corporations. At the same time their images are being assembled, made up and aestheticized to create a cosmetic erasure of the crimes which they are subject to. When two American women and a global company make profit from this dangerous cosmetic erasure in order to sell products, the borders between bodies, countries, art and crime become leaky through the act and the illusion of symbiosis between the women of Ciudad Juarez and the products they inspired is threatened by the haunting of exploitation. Since then, the situation has become more complex. Chris Brown got a neck tattoo, based, he says, on the promotional material produced by MAC for the Rodarte sisters campaign. The image, which is of a skull, bears a striking resemblance to the police photographs of his ex, and now current, girlfriend, superstar Rihanna. The controversy over gendered violence, race and exploitation, begun by Rodarte and MAC, came back, haunting, once again. This paper seeks to address these connections, and ask what happens when domestic violence collides with globalism, fashion and murder.


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Eventos climáticos extremos poderão ter conduzido à instabilidade de habitats e em última instância à sua fragmentação, causando repercussões ainda visíveis nos predadores de topo, tais como o boto (Phocoena phocoena). Consequentemente, os indivíduos que não se adaptaram, tiveram de procurar novos habitats com as respetivas condições ideais, nomeadamente os indivíduos da população de botos do Atlântico Este (norte e sul da Baía de Biscaia). O presente estudo focou-se em indivíduos da costa portuguesa (representando uma amostra da população residente a sul da Baía de Biscaia) e, recorrendo a informação proveniente de estudos previamente realizados, procurou salientar diferenças entre os botos que habitam ao longo do Atlântico Este. Foi aplicado um método de limpeza e branqueamento em crânios de boto, para posterior medição. Foram medidos 65 crânios de botos (programa Image J®), providenciados pela rede de arrojamentos de animais marinhos e obtidos no âmbito do projeto LIFE+ MarPro. As comparações das medidas dos crânios entre géneros foram realizadas a partir de modelos alométricos (programa GraphPad Prism ®) e as comparações entre géneros de cada estágio de desenvolvimento foram efetuadas com recurso a uma análise de PERMANOVA unifatorial (usando distâncias euclidianas), através do programa PAST® v. 2.12. Concluiu-se que na população em estudo, tanto as fêmeas como os machos apresentaram um modelo de alometria negativa. Reportou-se que as fêmeas apresentam comprimentos corporais superiores aos machos, assim como comprimentos e larguras cranianas. Comparativamente aos indivíduos da população a norte da Baía de Biscaia, a amostra de estudo da população do sul da Baía de Biscaia (representada pelos indivíduos da costa portuguesa) apresentou maiores comprimentos corporais e cranianos e maior largura craniana. Estes resultados corroboram observações prévias sobre a população de botos do Atlântico, que detetaram já diferenças genéticas e partilha limitada de genes, diferenças nos hábitos alimentares e habitats distintos nos botos de norte e sul da Baía de Biscaia.


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Objetivos: Analisar dados demográficos, apresentação clínica, fatores de risco, opções terapêuticas e sobrevida de doentes com adenocarcinoma nasossinusal. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de doentes com Adenocarcinoma Nasossinusal tratados entre 2000 e 2014, no IPOFGL. Resultados: Identificamos 33 doentes com diagnóstico de Adenocarcinoma. A idade média foi de 65.6 anos. A terapêutica mais comum foi cirurgia com radioterapia adjuvante. A sobrevida global e livre de doença aos 3 anos foi de 57.6% e 40.5%. A invasão do seio esfenoidal (p=0.038) e da base do crânio (p=0.003) influenciaram a sobrevida global. O desenvolvimento de metástases à distância teve impacto sobre a sobrevida livre de doença (p=0.01). Conclusões: Os Adenocarcinomas são tumores raros. A excisão da lesão toma um papel determinante no tratamento dos doentes. Na nossa amostra, a invasão do seio esfenoidal, da base do crânio e o desenvolvimento de metástases à distância estão associados a um pior prognóstico.


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Malignant otitis externa (MOE) is an aggressive but benign entity which evolves into skull base osteomyelitis. An 81-year-old female patient was admitted for left hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopia. She complained of headache radiating to the right cervical area. A recent history of recurrent otitis media was present. Head and neck imaging showed an ischemic infarction (right temporo-occipital) and a parapharyngeal soft tissue mass originating in an external and medial ear infection. Culture samples revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection leading to the diagnosis of Malignant otitis externa (MOE). Parenteral antibacterial therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy resulted in improvement.


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Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio descriptivo, fue evaluar la posición del hueso hioides en los diferentes patrones esqueletales de Clase I, II y III mediante el trazado cefalométrico del triángulo hioideo propuesto por Bibby y Preston, estableciendo diferencias entre cada clase esqueletal. Materiales y métodos: La muestra consistió en 161 radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales, correspondientes a individuos de ambos sexos (75 hombres y 86 mujeres), entre edades de 9 y 18 años, las mismas que fueron divididas en tres subgrupos (Clase I, clase II y clase III) de acuerdo a los ángulos ANB y APDI. Se determinó la posición anteroposterior, vertical y angular del hueso hioides mediante el trazado cefalométrico del triángulo hioideo siendo el mentón, la tercera vértebra cervical y el hueso hioides las estructuras anatómicas utilizadas para el trazado del mismo. Se obtuvieron medidas estándar para cada clase esqueletal. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la medida de H-Rgn entre clase I y II y entre clase II y III (p<0,005). El valor del ángulo del plano hioidal presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre clase I y III y entre clase II y III (p<0,005). Se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres con clase I esqueletal en la medida H-Rgn (p<0,005). Conclusiones: La posición del hueso hioides varía en los diferentes patrones esqueletales. Sin embargo, su posición en relación a la columna cervical presenta menos variabilidad que su relación con la mandíbula


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El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación cráneo cervical en pacientes clases I, II y III esqueletal entre 9 y 18 años de edad, mediante radiografías cefálicas laterales de un centro radiológico de la ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando el análisis cráneo cervical propuesto por Rocabado. Materiales y métodos: Fueron analizadas 161 radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales, de ambos sexos, con edad promedio de 12.3 años (DE± 2.4). Se incluyeron radiografías de individuos con dentición mixta y permanente, sin tratamiento ortodóncico y en donde se observe hasta la sexta vértebra cervical. Fueron excluidas las radiografías de pacientes con mordida abierta, traumatismos maxilofaciales y radiografías de mala calidad. Las telerradiografías fueron analizadas mediante el programa cefalométrico Nemoceph NX, donde se determinó el patrón esqueletal mediante los ángulos SNA, SNB, ANB y APDI. La evaluación de la postura cervical, se realizó mediante el análisis cráneo cervical propuesto por Rocabado. Se obtuvo el índice de concordancia (ICC=0.94). Mediante estadística descriptiva se analizaron las relaciones entre variables usando la prueba de Chi cuadrado y T de Student. Resultados: Se encontró mayor rotación posterior de cráneo en clase I y II esqueletal, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto al ángulo cráneo vertebral entre hombres y mujeres en individuos clase II esqueletal. Las mujeres presentaron mayor rotación posterior de cráneo a diferencia de los hombres. (p=0.004). En clase III se encontró una relación normal. El espacio suboccipital en las tres clases esqueletales se presento con normalidad. No se encontró diferencia significativa respecto a la edad. Conclusiones: La relación cráneo cervical se presenta con una tendencia a la rotación posterior de cráneo, influida fuertemente por el sexo del individuo. El espacio suboccipital es normal en clase I y II esqueletal y con tendencia al aumento en clase III.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Brain abscesses can cause an incapacitating neurological deicit in up to 50% of patients, thus the reduction of these sequelae becomes the main goal of its timely and speciic surgical and medical treatment. With technological advances in bacteriological identiication and diagnostic imaging, the clinical suspicion can be conirmed, and the speciic etiological agent can be identiied in a larger number of cases. New pathogens have emerged through this process, such as Streptococcus porcinus, in which the ability to affect the central nervous system has not been documented. A clinical case is presented of a brain abscess in an immunocompetent patient, and its favorable response to surgical drainage t hrough a skull burr h ole and nee dle aspiration with antibiotic therapy (ceftriaxone, metronidazole and vancomycin) is discussed.


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Fossils of terrestrial mammals preserved in submarine environment have been recorded in several places around the world. In Brazil such fossils are rather abundant in the southernmost portion of the coast, associated to fossiliferous concentrations at depths up to 10 m. Here is presented a review of such occurrences and the first record of fossils in deeper areas of the continental shelf. The fossils encompass several groups of both extinct and extant mammals, and exhibit several distinct taphonomic features, related to the marine environment. Those from the inner continental shelf are removed and transported from the submarine deposits to the coast during storm events, thus forming large konzentrat-lagerstatte on the beach, called "Concheiros". The only fossils from deeper zones of the shelf known so far are a portion of a skull, a left humerus and of a femur of Toxodon sp. and a lower right molar of a Stegomastodon waringi, all collected by fishermen at depths around 20 m. The presence of fossils at great depths and distances from the present coastline, without signs of abrasion and far from areas of fluvial discharges does indicate that these remains have not been transported from the continent to the shelf, but have been preserved directly on the area that today correspond to the continental shelf. These remains indicate the existence of large fossiliferous deposits that have developed during periods of sea-level lowstand (glacial maxima) and have been submerged and reworked by the sea-level rise at the end of the last glaciation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.