971 resultados para secondary structure detection


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Polymers of N-substituted glycines (“peptoids”) containing chiral centers at the α position of their side chains can form stable structures in solution. We studied a prototypical peptoid, consisting of five para-substituted (S)-N-(1-phenylethyl)glycine residues, by NMR spectroscopy. Multiple configurational isomers were observed, but because of extensive signal overlap, only the major isomer containing all cis-amide bonds was examined in detail. The NMR data for this molecule, in conjunction with previous CD spectroscopic results, indicate that the major species in methanol is a right-handed helix with cis-amide bonds. The periodicity of the helix is three residues per turn, with a pitch of ≈6 Å. This conformation is similar to that anticipated by computational studies of a chiral peptoid octamer. The helical repeat orients the amide bond chromophores in a manner consistent with the intensity of the CD signal exhibited by this molecule. Many other chiral polypeptoids have similar CD spectra, suggesting that a whole family of peptoids containing chiral side chains is capable of adopting this secondary structure motif. Taken together, our experimental and theoretical studies of the structural properties of chiral peptoids lay the groundwork for the rational design of more complex polypeptoid molecules, with a variety of applications, ranging from nanostructures to nonviral gene delivery systems.


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In populations that are small and asexual, mutations with slight negative effects on fitness will drift to fixation more often than in large or sexual populations in which they will be eliminated by selection. If such mutations occur in substantial numbers, the combined effects of long-term asexuality and small population size may result in substantial accumulation of mildly deleterious substitutions. Prokaryotic endosymbionts of animals that are transmitted maternally for very long periods are effectively asexual and experience smaller effective population size than their free-living relatives. The contrast between such endosymbionts and related free-living bacteria allows us to test whether a population structure imposing frequent bottlenecks and asexuality does lead to an accumulation of slightly deleterious substitutions. Here we show that several independently derived insect endosymbionts, each with a long history of maternal transmission, have accumulated destabilizing base substitutions in the highly conserved 16S rRNA. Stabilities of Domain I of this subunit are 15–25% lower in endosymbionts than in closely related free-living bacteria. By mapping destabilizing substitutions onto a reconstructed phylogeny, we show that decreased ribosomal stability has evolved separately in each endosymbiont lineage. Our phylogenetic approach allows us to demonstrate statistical significance for this pattern: becoming endosymbiotic predictably results in decreased stability of rRNA secondary structure.


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Reaction of the Schiff-base complex [Co(acetylacetonate-ethylenediimine)(NH3)2]+ with metmyoglobin at pH 6.5 yields a partially folded protein containing six Co(III) complexes. Although half of its α-helical secondary structure is retained, absorption and CD spectra indicate that the tertiary structure in both B-F and AGH domains is disrupted in the partially folded protein. In analogy to proton-induced unfolding, it is likely that the loss of tertiary structure is triggered by metal-ion binding to histidines. Cobalt(III)-induced unfolding of myoglobin is unique in its selectivity (other proteins are unaffected) and in allowing the isolation of the partially folded macromolecule (the protein does not refold or aggregate upon removal of free denaturant).


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A hierarchy of residue density assessments and packing properties in protein structures are contrasted, including a regular density, a variety of charge densities, a hydrophobic density, a polar density, and an aromatic density. These densities are investigated by alternative distance measures and also at the interface of multiunit structures. Amino acids are divided into nine structural categories according to three secondary structure states and three solvent accessibility levels. To take account of amino acid abundance differences across protein structures, we normalize the observed density by the expected density defining a density index. Solvent accessibility levels exert the predominant influence in determinations of the regular residue density. Explicitly, the regular density values vary approximately linearly with respect to solvent accessibility levels, the linearity parameters depending on the amino acid. The charge index reveals pronounced inequalities between lysine and arginine in their interactions with acidic residues. The aromatic density calculations in all structural categories parallel the regular density calculations, indicating that the aromatic residues are distributed as a random sample of all residues. Moreover, aromatic residues are found to be over-represented in the neighborhood of all amino acids. This result might be attributed to nucleation sites and protein stability being substantially associated with aromatic residues.


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The residue environment in protein structures is studied with respect to the density of carbon (C), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N) atoms within a certain distance (say 5 Å) of each residue. Two types of environments are evaluated: one based on side-chain atom contacts (abbreviated S-S) and the other based on all atom (side-chain + backbone) contacts (abbreviated A-A). Different atom counts are observed about nine-residue structural categories defined by three solvent accessibility levels and three secondary structure states. Among the structural categories, the S-S atom count ratios generally vary more than the A-A atom count ratios because of the fact that the backbone (O) and (N) atoms contribute equal counts. Secondary structure affects the (C) density for the A-A contacts whereas secondary structure has little influence on the (C) density for the S-S contacts. For S-S contacts, a greater density of (O) over (N) atom neighbors stands out in the environment of most amino acid types. By contrast, for A-A contacts, independent of the solvent accessibility levels, the ratio (O)/(N) is ≈1 in helical states, consistent with the geometry of α-helical residues whose side-chains tilt oppositely to the amino to carboxy α-helical axis. The highest ratio of neighbor (O)/(N) is achieved under solvent exposed conditions. This (O) vs. (N) prevalence is advantageous at the protein surface that generally exhibits an acid excess that helps to enhance protein solubility in the cell and to avoid nonspecific interactions with phosphate groups of DNA, RNA, and other plasma constituents.


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The reconstituted pea chloroplastic outer envelope protein of 16 kDa (OEP16) forms a slightly cation-selective, high-conductance channel with a conductance of Λ = 1,2 nS (in 1 M KCl). The open probability of OEP16 channel is highest at 0 mV (Popen = 0.8), decreasing exponentially with higher potentials. Transport studies using reconstituted recombinant OEP16 protein show that the OEP16 channel is selective for amino acids but excludes triosephosphates or uncharged sugars. Crosslinking indicates that OEP16 forms a homodimer in the membrane. According to its primary sequence and predicted secondary structure, OEP16 shows neither sequence nor structural homologies to classical porins. The results indicate that the intermembrane space between the two envelope membranes might not be as freely accessible as previously thought.


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The multidimensional free energy surface for a small fast folding helical protein is explored based on first-principle calculations. The model represents the 46-residue segment from fragment B of staphylococcal protein A. The relationship between collapse and tertiary structure formation, and the order of collapse and secondary structure formation, are investigated. We find that the initial collapse process gives rise to a transition state with about 30% of the native tertiary structure and 50–70% of the native helix content. We also observe two distinct distributions of native helix in this collapsed state (Rg ≈ 12 Å), one with about 20% of the native helical hydrogen bonds, the other with near 70%. The former corresponds to a local minimum. The barrier from this metastable state to the native state is about 2 kBT. In the latter case, folding is essentially a downhill process involving topological assembly. In addition, the order of formation of secondary structure among the three helices is examined. We observe cooperative formation of the secondary structure in helix I and helix II. Secondary structure in helix III starts to form following the formation of certain secondary structure in both helix I and helix II. Comparisons of our results with those from theory and experiment are made.


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The causal agent of chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle (CChM) disease has been identified, cloned, and sequenced. It is a viroid RNA (CChMVd) of 398–399 nucleotides. In vitro transcripts with the complete CChMVd sequence were infectious and induced the typical symptoms of the CChM disease. CChMVd can form hammerhead structures in both polarity strands. Plus and minus monomeric CChMVd RNAs self-cleaved during in vitro transcription and after purification as predicted by these structures, which are stable and most probably act as single hammerhead structures as in peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd), but not in avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd). Moreover, the plus CChMVd hammerhead structure also appears to be active in vivo, because the 5′ terminus of the linear plus CChMVd RNA isolated from infected tissue is that predicted by the corresponding hammerhead ribozyme. Both hammerhead structures of CChMVd display some peculiarities: the plus self-cleaving domain has an unpaired A after the conserved A9 residue, and the minus one has an unusually long helix II. The most stable secondary structure predicted for CChMVd is a branched conformation that does not fulfill the rod-like or quasi-rod-like model proposed for the in vitro structure of most viroids with the exception of PLMVd, whose proposed secondary structure of lowest free energy also is branched. The unusual conformation of CChMVd and PLMVd is supported by their insolubility in 2 M LiCl, in contrast to ASBVd and a series of representative non-self-cleaving viroids that are soluble under the same high salt conditions. These results support the classification of self-cleaving viroids into two subgroups, one formed by ASBVd and the other one by PLMVd and CChMVd.


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The transport of cations across membranes in higher plants plays an essential role in many physiological processes including mineral nutrition, cell expansion, and the transduction of environmental signals. In higher plants the coordinated expression of transport mechanisms is essential for specialized cellular processes and for adaptation to variable environmental conditions. To understand the molecular basis of cation transport in plant roots, a Triticum aestivum cDNA library was used to complement a yeast mutant deficient in potassium (K+) uptake. Two genes were cloned that complemented the mutant: HKT1 and a novel cDNA described in this report encoding a cation transporter, LCT1 (low-affinity cation transporter). Analysis of the secondary structure of LCT1 suggests that the protein contains 8–10 transmembrane helices and a hydrophilic amino terminus containing sequences enriched in Pro, Ser, Thr, and Glu (PEST). The transporter activity was assayed using radioactive isotopes in yeast cells expressing the cDNA. LCT1 mediated low-affinity uptake of the cations Rb+ and Na+, and possibly allowed Ca2+ but not Zn2+ uptake. LCT1 is expressed in low abundance in wheat roots and leaves. The precise functional role of this cation transporter is not known, although the competitive inhibition of cation uptake by Ca2+ has parallels to whole plant and molecular studies that have shown the important role of Ca2+ in reducing Na+ uptake and ameliorating Na+ toxicity. The structure of this higher plant ion transport protein is unique and contains PEST sequences.


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We examine the occurrence of the ≈300 known protein folds in different groups of organisms. To do this, we characterize a large fraction of the currently known protein sequences (≈140,000) in structural terms, by matching them to known structures via sequence comparison (or by secondary-structure class prediction for those without structural homologues). Overall, we find that an appreciable fraction of the known folds are present in each of the major groups of organisms (e.g., bacteria and eukaryotes share 156 of 275 folds), and most of the common folds are associated with many families of nonhomologous sequences (i.e., >10 sequence families for each common fold). However, different groups of organisms have characteristically distinct distributions of folds. So, for instance, some of the most common folds in vertebrates, such as globins or zinc fingers, are rare or absent in bacteria. Many of these differences in fold usage are biologically reasonable, such as the folds of metabolic enzymes being common in bacteria and those associated with extracellular transport and communication being common in animals. They also have important implications for database-based methods for fold recognition, suggesting that an unknown sequence from a plant is more likely to have a certain fold (e.g., a TIM barrel) than an unknown sequence from an animal.


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Three novel families of transposable elements, Wukong, Wujin, and Wuneng, are described in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Their copy numbers range from 2,100 to 3,000 per haploid genome. There are high degrees of sequence similarity within each family, and many structural but not sequence similarities between families. The common structural characteristics include small size, no coding potential, terminal inverted repeats, potential to form a stable secondary structure, A+T richness, and putative 2- to 4-bp A+T-biased specific target sites. Evidence of previous mobility is presented for the Wukong elements. Elements of these three families are associated with 7 of 16 fully or partially sequenced Ae. aegypti genes. Characteristics of these mosquito elements indicate strong similarities to the miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) recently found to be associated with plant genes. MITE-like elements have also been reported in two species of Xenopus and in Homo sapiens. This characterization of multiple families of highly repetitive MITE-like elements in an invertebrate extends the range of these elements in eukaryotic genomes. A hypothesis is presented relating genome size and organization to the presence of highly reiterated MITE families. The association of MITE-like elements with Ae. aegypti genes shows the same bias toward noncoding regions as in plants. This association has potentially important implications for the evolution of gene regulation.


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A question often posed in protein folding/unfolding studies is whether the process is fully cooperative or whether it contains sequential elements. To address this question, one needs tools capable of resolving different events. It seems that, at least in certain cases, two-dimensional (2D) IR correlation spectroscopy can provide answers to this question. To illustrate this point, we have turned to the Cro-V55C dimer of the λ Cro repressor, a protein known to undergo thermal unfolding in two discrete steps through a stable equilibrium intermediate. The secondary structure of this intermediate is compatible with that of a partially unfolded protein and involves a reorganization of the N terminus, whereas the antiparallel β-ribbon formed by the C-terminal part of each subunit remains largely intact. To establish whether the unfolding process involves sequential events, we have performed a 2D correlation analysis of IR spectra recorded over the temperature range of 20–95°C. The 2D IR correlation analysis indeed provides evidence for a sequential formation of the stable intermediate, which is created in three (closely related) steps. A first step entails the unfolding of the short N-terminal β-strand, followed by the unfolding of the α-helices in a second step, and the third step comprises the reorganization of the remaining β-sheet and of some unordered segments in the protein. The complete unfolding of the stable intermediate at higher temperatures also undergoes sequential events that ultimately end with the breaking of the H bonds between the two β-strands at the dimer interface.


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Improved strategies for synthesis make it possible to expand the range of glycopeptides available for detailed conformational studies. The glycopeptide 1 was synthesized using a new solid phase synthesis of carbohydrates and a convergent coupling to peptide followed by deprotection. Its conformational properties were subjected to NMR analysis and compared with a control peptide 2 prepared by conventional solid phase methods. Whereas peptide 2 fails to manifest any appreciable secondary structure, the glycopeptide 1 does show considerable conformational bias suggestive of an equilibrium between an ordered and a random state. The implications of this ordering effect for the larger issue of protein folding are considered.


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Recently, cryoelectron microscopy of isolated macromolecular complexes has advanced to resolutions below 10 Å, enabling direct visualization of α-helical secondary structure. To help correlate such density maps with the amino acid sequences of the component proteins, we advocate peptide-based difference mapping, i.e., insertion of peptides, ≈10 residues long, at targeted points in the sequence and visualization of these peptides as bulk labels in cryoelectron microscopy-derived difference maps. As proof of principle, we have appended an extraneous octapeptide at the N terminus of hepatitis B virus capsid protein and determined its location on the capsid surface by difference imaging at 11 Å resolution. Hepatitis B virus capsids are icosahedral particles, ≈300 Å in diameter, made up of T-shaped dimers (subunit Mr, 16–21 kDa, depending on construct). The stems of the Ts protrude outward as spikes, whereas the crosspieces pack to form the contiguous shell. The two N termini per dimer reside on either side of the spike-stem, at the level at which it enters the shell. This location is consistent with formation of the known intramolecular disulfide bond between the cysteines at positions 61 and −7 (in the residual propeptide) in the “e-antigen” form of the capsid protein and has implications for why this clinically important antigen remains unassembled in vivo.


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β1,4-Galactosyltransferase (β4GalT-I) participates in both glycoconjugate biosynthesis (ubiquitous activity) and lactose biosynthesis (mammary gland-specific activity). In somatic tissues, transcription of the mammalian β4GalT-I gene results in a 4.1-kb mRNA and a 3.9-kb mRNA as a consequence of initiation at two start sites separated by ≈200 bp. In the mammary gland, coincident with the increased β4GalT-I enzyme level (≈50-fold) required for lactose biosynthesis, there is a switch from the 4.1-kb start site to the preferential use of the 3.9-kb start site, which is governed by a stronger tissue-restricted promoter. The use of the 3.9-kb start site results in a β4GalT-I transcript in which the 5′- untranslated region (UTR) has been truncated from ≈175 nt to ≈28 nt. The 5′-UTR of the 4.1-kb transcript [UTR(4.1)] is predicted to contain extensive secondary structure, a feature previously shown to reduce translational efficiency of an mRNA. In contrast, the 5′-UTR of the 3.9-kb mRNA [UTR(3.9)] lacks extensive secondary structure; thus, this transcript is predicted to be more efficiently translated relative to the 4.1-kb mRNA. To test this prediction, constructs were assembled in which the respective 5′-UTRs were fused to the luciferase-coding sequence and enzyme levels were determined after translation in vitro and in vivo. The luciferase mRNA containing the truncated UTR(3.9) was translated more efficiently both in vitro (≈14-fold) and in vivo (3- to 5-fold) relative to the luciferase mRNA containing the UTR(4.1). Consequently, in addition to control at the transcriptional level, β4GalT-I enzyme levels are further augmented in the lactating mammary gland as a result of translational control.