970 resultados para production process


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The Brazilian houses in wood are executed with several techniques and species, in function of the areas they are located, therefore, it is treated of regional traditional houses, built practically without modem technological resources. These houses are the ones of the tropical areas, where there is abundance of this material, or the ones of the south region, prevailing the European immigrant's constructive techniques. Nowadays, in the urbanized centers of the country it is observed that this type of house can be found sheltering the most lacking populations, in the slums; or in highly sophisticated residential units which are conceived and executed by specialist professionals for a social class of high purchasing power; or still, those that are marketed by companies of small load, that offer standardized residences, usually acquired by the middle class as second residence, in the field or in the coast. The work has for objective to study the houses of these companies that are consolidated at the market, identifying the constructive system, the product; as well as, its production process, trying to verify which technologies are incorporated to these processes. The analysis that was made allows a larger understanding of the product, wood house, that exists in the market and identification of the technological degree in the productive process of those constructive systems.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação da Logística Reversa numa empresa multinacional que atua na área de laminação de vidros no Brasil. Na empresa estudada, a sucata gerada pelos seus clientes pode ser usada para realimentar o seu processo de produção. Inicialmente, são discutidos os principais aspectos relacionados ao tema, tais como, definição de Logística Reversa, ciclo de vida do produto, motivos e destinos do retorno, além dos fatores que influenciam a eficiência de um processo de Logística Reversa. A seguir, ilustradas pelo estudo de caso, são apresentadas e comentadas as etapas para uma implementação de um sistema de Logística Reversa ser bem sucedida. Finalmente, comentam-se as dificuldades, ganhos e vantagens competitivas obtidas por empresas que adotaram soluções da Logística Reversa, em particular na empresa em que o estudo de caso foi desenvolvido.


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Este trabalho apresenta um método de produção para a obtenção de cinza de casca de arroz (CCA) de elevada reatividade a partir de um processo de combustão não controlado. São detalhados os processos de obtenção da CCA, assim como sua atividade pozolânica. Pela Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA), foi possível quantificar o consumo de portlandita por parte da CCA, ou seja, a reação pozolânica. Adicionalmente, foram preparadas argamassas com diferentes porcentagens de CCA (5%, 10% e 15%) com o objetivo de comprovar sua influência nas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a CCA em estudo apresenta elevada reatividade, podendo ser utilizada como uma fonte alternativa da sílica ativa (SA).


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Three studies were performed using tailings kaolin for the synthesis of zeolite A. The first synthesis of zeolite A was performed using a kaolin waste generated from the beneficiation of kaolin for paper production process was studied. The kaolin waste was thermally activated at a temperature range of 550-800°C. For comparison was performed a synthesis pattern of Zeolite A(procedure IZA). The prepared materials were characterized by 27Al MAS NMR, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with microprobe rays. The pre-tramento proved to be the most appropriate and suitable temperatures are between 600 and 700°C. Observed the formation of zeolite A in all materials, reaching 52% crystallinity, and the presence of phase sodalite and amorphous material. The second study was the use of a highly reactive metakaolin originating from the Jari region in the synthesis of zeolite A by a new method of hydrothermal synthesis. The zeolite is obtained pure and highly crystalline employing the Jari kaolin calcined at 600 ° C for 2h when the transformation to metakaolin occurs. Get to zeolite phase A at 4pm. The best crystallization time was of 24 h afforded a crystallinity of 67.9%. The third study was the evaluation of the NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time on the synthesis of zeolite NaA from a sample of kaolin waste, named Kaolin Coverage. The experiments were performed using statistical design (axial points) and rejoinder the center point. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning microscopic analysis and chemical analysis using an EPMA microprobe. The results showed that a relationship exists between the amount of NaOH added and the crystallization time. The experiment performed using the lowest ratio NaOH / metakaolin (0.5) and shorter (4 h) produced an amorphous material. The increase ratio of NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time leads to formation of a more crystalline NaA phase, but the presence of phase with sodalite as impurities


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This study presents an approach to tourism activity from the perspective of the territory, analyzing the importance of the roles of the State and public policies for tourism development. Tourism in the northeastern region of Brazil begins to take its rise from the late 1970 through public policies, whose goal was to provide the necessary conditions for tourism development. The tourism public policies were the key elements in the production process of tourist territories in the region. In the state of Paraíba, the public authorities elected the coastline as the main attraction and the state capital, João Pessoa, as the locus for the tourism development, with the city receiving a series of public policies. In this context, this research aims to analyze the development process of three specific public policies for tourism development in João Pessoa: The (mega)Projeto Costa do Sol (1988), the PRODETUR/PB I and II (1997 e 2005) and the Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Turismo na Paraíba, the Plano Amanhecer (2000). This study was guided by the question that even having been contemplated by the tourism public policies, João Pessoa still remains in a peripheral position in the regional tourism market. The methodological procedures for this study were literature and documents research and semi-structured interviews with tourism public officials and representatives from local tourism trade. The research came to prove that the discontinuity between governmental administrations hampered the implementation process of the tourism public policies studied. It was observed that the implementation of tourism public policies in the long term depends on the interaction between governments, as well as the collective political will to develop tourism in Joao Pessoa


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The working conditions, occupational health, occupational illness and workers quality of life, usually referring to the artisanal activities and the workers with a poor professional support. Because this reality is still present in locals without good infrastructure of social and economic attention, there is a need for a broad knowledge of problems related to the productive processes that include features of unsanitary and unhealthy. Despite the intense process of industrialization promoted by globalization and the growth of developing nations like Brazil, the activities of artisanal and small-scale mining are still suffering from the marginalization of their production processes and their workers. This dissertation deals with the description of mineral-based activities (MBA), especially the activities related to production processes of extraction and processing of red pottery and minerals in pegmatites in Parelhas city, Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte, which are conducted by small mining companies or artisanal miners. The study of the work process was based on direct observation, photographic documentation, ergonomics, health and occupational safety analysis, interviews and structured questionnaire with workers of the two activities. The results indicate the need for improvement in both workplaces (red pottery and pegmatites), adaptation of workers to safety standards specific to the workplace, more attention and care related to ergonomics and occupational safety, greater importance to economic and social relations among performed activities, workers and firms of mineral branch and better and greater integration of social policies, supported by different sectors of society with the intention of transforming the current social, cultural, labor and education situation


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Societal concerns about environmental sustainability has lead to the development of ecologically-friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides for crop protection. One such alternative is biological pest control. In particular, baculoviruses are well suited as insect biopesticides due to their narrow host specificity and relative ease of propagation. In Brazil, the baculovirus Anticarsia gemmatalis nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) is the main biological control agent employed for the soybean pest, Anticarsia gemmatalis. This baculovirus biopesticide is currently produced using caterpillars, but increasing market demand for the product has encouraged the development of an in vitro manufacturing process, which can be scaled up to much higher virus productivities. In this study, three wild-type AgMNPV isolates (AgMNPV-2D, AgMNPV-MP2 and AgMNPV-MP5) and a recombinant form (vAgEGT-LacZ) were characterised in terms of occlusion body (OB) production and infection kinetics, to enable future optimisation of the in vitro production process. These viruses were propagated using a Spodoptera frugiperda (IPLB-SF21) insect cell line grown in shaker-flask batch cultures. Among the virus isolates tested, AgMNPV-MP5 was found to be the best producer, yielding (5.3±0.85)x108 OB/mL after 8 days post infection. The characterisation of vAgEGT-LacZ propagation in suspension cell cultures has not been previously reported in the literature; hence it became the main focus for this thesis. In particular, it was carried out a study on the effect of the multiplicity of infection (MOI) on OB production. Five successive batches were performed getting a final production (8.9±1.42)x1014 occlusion bodies, considering that production is related for a bioreactor with final volume of 10m3. A low MOI associated with a fed-batch process for vAgEGT-LacZ production was found to support a 3-fold higher OB yield when compared to the default batch process (1.8x107 and 5.3x107 OB/mL, respectively). This yield is competitive with regards to the production process.


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The work present entitled the participation of resident in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada/CE has as objective analyse of which form the site population participates of the manufacturing process and appropriation of the territory s tourist Canoa Quebrada CE , in period undestood between from 1980 to the present day. The theoretical variable about which rest this search is the concept the territory expressed in the manifested in the process deterritorialization that always appears in conjuction whith the reconstruction of territories, in other words, the process of repossession. The migratory movement of new residents acts in the new sociospatial configuration that location, form new territoriality and (de) territorializing in space turistificado reflected dialectically through the emergence of a new sociospatial setting consisting of forms and images expressed physically in place.Finish the job showing that the participation of resident native and nonnative in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada occurred unevenly characterized by dominance of a small group, who has control of the practice of this activity, thus appears that tourism can be tendentious, since a large portion of the population does not benefit from their results, having a exclusion with various impacts that directly affect the everyday social population


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The kaon electromagnetic form factor is extracted from both components of the current: J(+) and J(-) with a pseudo-scalar coupling of the quarks to the meson. The pair production process does not contribute to J(+) in the Drell-Yan frame (q(+) = 0). However, the pair production process contribution is different from zero in J(-) and this contribution is necessary to keep the rotational symmetry properties of the current.


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Este estudo de Educação Ambiental envolveu crianças de 6 a 11 anos de idade de um bairro de classe popular - Cohab I - na cidade de Botucatu. O objetivo principal do projeto foi contribuir para desenvolver nas crianças atitudes de cuidado com o meio onde vivem, proporcionando oportunidades de aquisição de conhecimentos, valores, atitudes e interesse ativo para protegê- lo e melhorá-lo. Trata-se de um estudo desenvolvido com os referenciais da metodologia da pesquisa-ação participativa, que considera fundamental a participação dos sujeitos envolvidos tanto no processo de produção de conhecimentos quanto na tomada de decisões. Através de conversas, atividades e brincadeiras variadas, as crianças construíram conhecimentos sobre o bairro, percebendo como podem e devem exercer ali um importante papel social de melhoria da qualidade de vida no ambiente em que vivem. As crianças foram incentivadas a participar e levar essa preocupação aos adultos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Além da produtividade física e da conservação do solo, o cultivo protegido e o preparo do solo, na olericultura, requerem altos investimentos, muito trabalho e insumos externos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho, foi identificar combinações entre ambiente, preparo do solo e época de plantio capazes de melhorar o desempenho econômico e a produtividade da cultura da alface em cultivo orgânico, em Rio Branco, Acre. O cultivo foi realizado em quatro tipos de ambientes: 1 - sombreamento proporcionado em 52% sob latada de maracujá; 2 - 35% de sombreamento sob estufa; 3 - 50% sob tela de sombreamento; e, 4 - cultivo a pleno sol (testemunha), considerando cada ambiente como um experimento, que avaliou-se três preparos de solo (plantio direto, cultivo mínimo e preparo convencional) em duas épocas de plantio (estiagem e chuvosa), sob delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Considerou-se como custo de produção a soma de todos os valores (insumos) e operações (serviços) utilizados no processo produtivo, incluindo-se os respectivos custos alternativos ou de oportunidade e a depreciação das instalações. O cultivo em estufa e sob tela de sombreamento aumenta a produtividade em época de estiagem, enquanto em época chuvosa, a produtividade é maior em cultivo sob estufa. O plantio direto e cultivo mínimo a pleno sol ou cultivo mínimo sob tela de sombreamento promovem maior produtividade no preparo convencional do solo. Proporcionam lucro supernormal (RMe > CTMe): o cultivo na época chuvosa (verão); sob sombreamento de latada de maracujá-amarelo; a pleno sol; o preparo convencional do solo sob latada e o plantio direto a pleno sol.


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Estudos sobre a ecologia de organismos envolvidos no processo de produção são necessários para o desenvolvimento de uma agricultura sustentável, e hoje, a sustentabilidade está intimamente ligada à rentabilidade de produção. Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar a ocorrência de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em plantas daninhas de lavouras brasileiras e avaliar o potencial de solubilização de fosfato inorgânico da microbiota associada. 36 espécies de plantas daninhas foram avaliadas quanto à ocorrência de micorrizas, e 11 foram selecionadas para avaliação do potencial de solubilização total e relativa de fosfato. Todas as espécies apresentaram colonização por micorrizas, inclusive um exemplar da família Brassicaceae, geralmente enquadrada como não micorrizada. Na maioria das espécies, os tipos morfológicos de arbúsculos e enovelados de hifas foram observados, sendo os enovelados mais comuns entre as gramíneas. Fungos endofíticos do tipo dark septate foram visualizados na maioria das plantas. As plantas daninhas apresentaram distintos potenciais de solubilização de P na rizosfera. Amaranthus retroflexus, Bidens pilosa e Leonotis nepetaefolia apresentaram elevados valores de solubilização relativa de fosfato. Este é o primeiro relato de micorrizas e da atividade de solubilização de fosfato em plantas daninhas no Brasil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)