818 resultados para paired testing


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In the first part of the study, nine estimators of the first-order autoregressive parameter are reviewed and a new estimator is proposed. The relationships and discrepancies between the estimators are discussed in order to achieve a clear differentiation. In the second part of the study, the precision in the estimation of autocorrelation is studied. The performance of the ten lag-one autocorrelation estimators is compared in terms of Mean Square Error (combining bias and variance) using data series generated by Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that there is not a single optimal estimator for all conditions, suggesting that the estimator ought to be chosen according to sample size and to the information available of the possible direction of the serial dependence. Additionally, the probability of labelling an actually existing autocorrelation as statistically significant is explored using Monte Carlo sampling. The power estimates obtained are quite similar among the tests associated with the different estimators. These estimates evidence the small probability of detecting autocorrelation in series with less than 20 measurement times.


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The objective of this research project was to service load test a representative sample of old reinforced concrete bridges (some of them historic and some of them scheduled for demolition) with the results being used to create a database so the performance of similar bridges could be predicted. The types of bridges tested included two reinforced concrete open spandrel arches, two reinforced concrete filled spandrel arches, one reinforced concrete slab bridge, and one two span reinforced concrete stringer bridge. The testing of each bridge consisted of applying a static load at various locations on the bridges and monitoring strains and deflections in critical members. The load was applied by means of a tandem axle dump truck with varying magnitudes of load. At each load increment, the truck was stopped at predetermined transverse and longitudinal locations and strain and deflection data were obtained. The strain data obtained were then evaluated in relation to the strain values predicted by traditional analytical procedures and a carrying capacity of the bridges was determined based on the experimental data. The response of a majority of the bridges tested was considerably lower than that predicted by analysis. Thus, the safe load carrying capacities of the bridges were greater than those predicted by the analytical models, and in a few cases, the load carrying capacities were found to be three or four times greater than calculated values. However, the test results of one bridge were lower than those predicted by analysis and thus resulted in the analytical rating being reduced. The results of the testing verified that traditional analytical methods, in most instances, are conservative and that the safe load carrying capacities of a majority of the reinforced concrete bridges are considerably greater than what one would determine on the basis of analytical analysis alone. In extrapolating the results obtained from diagnostic load tests to levels greater than those placed on the bridge during the load test, care must be taken to ensure safe bridge performance at the higher load levels. To extrapolate the load test results from the bridges tested in this investigation, the method developed by Lichtenstein in NCHRP Project 12-28(13)A was used.


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The characterization and categorization of coarse aggregates for use in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements is a highly refined process at the Iowa Department of Transportation. Over the past 10 to 15 years, much effort has been directed at pursuing direct testing schemes to supplement or replace existing physical testing schemes. Direct testing refers to the process of directly measuring the chemical and mineralogical properties of an aggregate and then attempting to correlate those measured properties to historical performance information (i.e., field service record). This is in contrast to indirect measurement techniques, which generally attempt to extrapolate the performance of laboratory test specimens to expected field performance. The purpose of this research project was to investigate and refine the use of direct testing methods, such as X-ray analysis techniques and thermal analysis techniques, to categorize carbonate aggregates for use in portland cement concrete. The results of this study indicated that the general testing methods that are currently used to obtain data for estimating service life tend to be very reliable and have good to excellent repeatability. Several changes in the current techniques were recommended to enhance the long-term reliability of the carbonate database. These changes can be summarized as follows: (a) Limits that are more stringent need to be set on the maximum particle size in the samples subjected to testing. This should help to improve the reliability of all three of the test methods studied during this project. (b) X-ray diffraction testing needs to be refined to incorporate the use of an internal standard. This will help to minimize the influence of sample positioning errors and it will also allow for the calculation of the concentration of the various minerals present in the samples. (c) Thermal analysis data needs to be corrected for moisture content and clay content prior to calculating the carbonate content of the sample.


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The amount of asphalt cement in asphaltic concrete has a definite effect on its durability under adverse conditions. The expansion of the transportation system to more and heavier loads has also made the percentage of asphalt cement in a mix more critical. The laboratory mixer does not duplicate the mixing effect of the large pugmills; therefore, it is impossible to be completely sure of the asphalt cement needed for each mix. This percentage quite often must be varied in the field. With a central testing laboratory and the high production of mixing plants today, a large amount of asphaltic concrete is produced before a sample can be tested to determine if the asphalt content is correct. If the asphalt content lowers the durability or stability of a mix, more maintenance will be required in the future. The purpose of this project is to determine the value of a mobile laboratory in the field, the feasibility of providing adequate, early testing in the field, and correlation with the central laboratory. The major purpose was to determine as soon as possible the best percentage of asphalt.


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Due to an equipment malfunction, too much sand was used in the concrete on the bridge floor placed on August 9, 1994, in Washington County, Project No. BRF-22-2(36)38-92. Freeze-thaw durability testing of cores taken from the concrete in question and the other two concretes not in question was performed. The experimental results indicate that the concrete in question is considered at least as durable and resistant to freeze-thaw damage as the concretes which are not in question. The concrete in question can be expected to function properly for the regular service life of the bridge.


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In May 1950 a proposal for a research project was submitted to the newly formed Iowa Highway Research Board for consideration and action. This project, designated RPSl by the Board, encompassed the study, development, preparation of preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of a wheel track to be used in the accelerated testing of highway pavements. The device envisioned in the proposal was a circular track about seventy-five feet in diameter equipped with a suitable automobile-tired device to test pavements about five feet in width laid into the track under regular construction practices by small scale construction equipment. The Board, upon review, revised and expanded the basic concepts of the project. The project as revised by the Board included a study of the feasibility of developing, constructing and operating an accelerated testing track in which pavements, bases and subgrades may be laid one full lane, or at least ten feet, in width by full size construction equipment in conformity with usual construction practices. The pavements so laid are to be subjected, during test, to conditions as nearly simulating actual traffic as possible.


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Due to frequent accidental damage to prestressed concrete (P/C) bridges caused by impact from overheight vehicles, a project was initiated to evaluate the strength and load distribution characteristics of damaged P/C bridges. A comprehensive literature review was conducted. It was concluded that only a few references pertain to the assessment and repair of damaged P/C beams. No reference was found that involves testing of a damaged bridge(s) as well as the damaged beams following their removal. Structural testing of two bridges was conducted in the field. The first bridge tested, damaged by accidental impact, was the westbound (WB) I-680 bridge in Beebeetown, Iowa. This bridge had significant damage to the first and second beams consisting of extensive loss of section and the exposure of numerous strands. The second bridge, the adjacent eastbound (EB) structure, was used as a baseline of the behavior of an undamaged bridge. Load testing concluded that a redistribution of load away from the damaged beams of the WB bridge was occurring. Subsequent to these tests, the damaged beams in the WB bridge were replaced and the bridge retested. The repaired WB bridge behaved, for the most part, like the undamaged EB bridge indicating that the beam replacement restored the original live load distribution patterns. A large-scale bridge model constructed for a previous project was tested to study the changes in behavior due to incrementally applied damage consisting initially of only concrete removal and then concrete removal and strand damage. A total of 180 tests were conducted with the general conclusion that for exterior beam damage, the bridge load distribution characteristics were relatively unchanged until significant portions of the bottom flange were removed along with several strands. A large amount of the total applied moment to the exterior beam was redistributed to the interior beam of the model. Four isolated P/C beams were tested, two removed from the Beebeetown bridge and two from the aforementioned bridge model. For the Beebeetown beams, the first beam, Beam 1W, was tested in an "as removed" condition to obtain the baseline characteristics of a damaged beam. The second beam, Beam 2W, was retrofit with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) longitudinal plates and transverse stirrups to strengthen the section. The strengthened Beam was 12% stronger than Beam 1W. Beams 1 and 2 from the bridge model were also tested. Beam 1 was not damaged and served as the baseline behavior of a "new" beam while Beam 2 was damaged and repaired again using CFRP plates. Prior to debonding of the plates from the beam, the behavior of both Beams 1 and 2 was similar. The retrofit beam attained a capacity greater than a theoretically undamaged beam prior to plate debonding. Analytical models were created for the undamaged and damaged center spans of the WB bridge; stiffened plate and refined grillage models were used. Both models were accurate at predicting the deflections in the tested bridge and should be similarly accurate in modeling other P/C bridges. The moment fractions per beam were computed using both models for the undamaged and damaged bridges. The damaged model indicates a significant decrease in moment in the damaged beams and a redistribution of load to the adjacent curb and rail as well as to the undamaged beam lines.


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Novel therapeutic agents targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have improved outcomes for patients with colorectal carcinoma. However, these therapies are effective only in a subset of patients. Activating mutations in the KRAS gene are found in 30-40% of colorectal tumors and are associated with poor response to anti-EGFR therapies. Thus, KRAS mutation status can predict which patient may or may not benefit from anti-EGFR therapy. Although many diagnostic tools have been developed for KRAS mutation analysis, validated methods and standardized testing procedures are lacking. This poses a challenge for the optimal use of anti-EGFR therapies in the management of colorectal carcinoma. Here we review the molecular basis of EGFR-targeted therapies and the resistance to treatment conferred by KRAS mutations. We also present guideline recommendations and a proposal for a European quality assurance program to help ensure accuracy and proficiency in KRAS mutation testing across the European Union.


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Ga(3+) is a semimetal element that competes for the iron-binding sites of transporters and enzymes. We investigated the activity of gallium maltolate (GaM), an organic gallium salt with high solubility, against laboratory and clinical strains of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis (MSSE), and methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis (MRSE) in logarithmic or stationary phase and in biofilms. The MICs of GaM were higher for S. aureus (375 to 2000 microg/ml) than S. epidermidis (94 to 200 microg/ml). Minimal biofilm inhibitory concentrations were 3,000 to >or=6,000 microg/ml (S. aureus) and 94 to 3,000 microg/ml (S. epidermidis). In time-kill studies, GaM exhibited a slow and dose-dependent killing, with maximal action at 24 h against S. aureus of 1.9 log(10) CFU/ml (MSSA) and 3.3 log(10) CFU/ml (MRSA) at 3x MIC and 2.9 log(10) CFU/ml (MSSE) and 4.0 log(10) CFU/ml (MRSE) against S. epidermidis at 10x MIC. In calorimetric studies, growth-related heat production was inhibited by GaM at subinhibitory concentrations; and the minimal heat inhibition concentrations were 188 to 4,500 microg/ml (MSSA), 94 to 1,500 microg/ml (MRSA), and 94 to 375 microg/ml (MSSE and MRSE), which correlated well with the MICs. Thus, calorimetry was a fast, accurate, and simple method useful for investigation of antimicrobial activity at subinhibitory concentrations. In conclusion, GaM exhibited activity against staphylococci in different growth phases, including in stationary phase and biofilms, but high concentrations were required. These data support the potential topical use of GaM, including its use for the treatment of wound infections, MRSA decolonization, and coating of implants.


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Testing weather or not data belongs could been generated by a family of extreme value copulas is difficult. We generalize a test and we prove that it can be applied whatever the alternative hypothesis. We also study the effect of using different extreme value copulas in the context of risk estimation. To measure the risk we use a quantile. Our results have motivated by a bivariate sample of losses from a real database of auto insurance claims. Methods are implemented in R.


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Despite the increase of animal and plant introductions worldwide and the strong augmentation of the reptile trade, few invasive snake populations have been studied. Dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) were introduced to the shores of Lake Geneva (Switzerland) in the early 1920s, and are now well established. This region of introduction was previously inhabited by Viperine snakes (N. maura). Ever since these two species have been under monitoring (which began in 1996) the Viperine snake population has shown drastic decline. We examine here the possibility of trophic competition by analysing diet composition, prey size and trophic niche overlap. Spatial distribution is also assessed in order to address the question of spatial competitive exclusion. We found very similar diets, and thus a high trophic niche overlap, indicating no partitioning of the trophic resource. No arguments in favour of spatial competitive exclusion were found. Our study suggests that trophic competition may occur between the two natricines and that it may give an explanation for the drastic decline of the Viperine snake in this area. Other pathways potentially playing a role in the exclusion of the Viperine snake are discussed.


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This paper examines statistical analysis of social reciprocity, that is, the balance between addressing and receiving behaviour in social interactions. Specifically, it focuses on the measurement of social reciprocity by means of directionality and skew-symmetry statistics at different levels. Two statistics have been used as overall measures of social reciprocity at group level: the directional consistency and the skew-symmetry statistics. Furthermore, the skew-symmetry statistic allows social researchers to obtain complementary information at dyadic and individual levels. However, having computed these measures, social researchers may be interested in testing statistical hypotheses regarding social reciprocity. For this reason, it has been developed a statistical procedure, based on Monte Carlo sampling, in order to allow social researchers to describe groups and make statistical decisions.