526 resultados para misuse
The misuse of land by man and is causing serious problems to the environment, resulting in ecological imbalance and depletion of natural resources, especially when it comes to areas of permanent preservation, that ecosystems are essential for balance and water conservation importance . Conflicts of land use is a major cause of silting of rivers and water bodies, causing significant losses in soil and decaying natural water resources both in quantity and in quality. Within this scenario, the planning becomes essential for the control of environmental impacts to the environment factor. This study aimed to evaluate land use conflicts in permanent preservation areas of the stream Água Fria watershed, Bofete (SP) using Geographic Information System and satellite image of LANDSAT - 5 of 2010, scale 1:50000. The results show that 51.16% of the permanent preservation areas of the watershed are conflicting, especially for pasture (88.94%) and reforestation with eucalyptus (11.06%). The GIS IDRISI Selva and Cartalinx along with GIS techniques demonstrated speed and efficiency in identifying, measuring and editing maps of land use, preservation and ongoing conflicts in areas of permanent preservation.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The purpose of the ergonomics is to generate adequate working conditions, by the correct use of equipment and appropriate anatomic positions. Ergonomics has become essential in the dentist's life while in the dental practice. The misuse of equipment in performing tasks or the wrong choice of equipment can initiate various problems like back pain, bursitis, repetitive strain injury (RSI), limitation of movement, and stress. Using a survey that was implemented with professional dentists linked to Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons (APCD) and graduate students at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in the São José dos Campos (SP) region, this study intends to propose an adequate research instrument to identify ergonomic critical factors of dental stools and their relation to productivity and satisfaction of dentists. The survey was developed with Google Docs Forms tool and was designed by analysis of other studies, existing surveys and other papers in this area. Relevant content were discussed and developed questions about the stool used by dentists in their activities, the occurrence of any problems arising from the exercise of their profession and the views of respondents about the influence of using the dental stool in these cited problems as well as their productivity. Due to obstacles encountered during the project, particularly bureaucratic issues, the survey cannot be implemented as needed, resulting in a test with reduced number of answers. The users' opinion varies according to the stool used, bringing some difficulty to generalizing the answers, but if treated properly, it is possible to obtain relevant conclusions about the main aspects perceived by users in relation to the stool and the needs pointed as most important
The purpose of the ergonomics is to generate adequate working conditions, by the correct use of equipment and appropriate anatomic positions. Ergonomics has become essential in the dentist's life while in the dental practice. The misuse of equipment in performing tasks or the wrong choice of equipment can initiate various problems like back pain, bursitis, repetitive strain injury (RSI), limitation of movement, and stress. Using a survey that was implemented with professional dentists linked to Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons (APCD) and graduate students at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in the São José dos Campos (SP) region, this study intends to propose an adequate research instrument to identify ergonomic critical factors of dental stools and their relation to productivity and satisfaction of dentists. The survey was developed with Google Docs Forms tool and was designed by analysis of other studies, existing surveys and other papers in this area. Relevant content were discussed and developed questions about the stool used by dentists in their activities, the occurrence of any problems arising from the exercise of their profession and the views of respondents about the influence of using the dental stool in these cited problems as well as their productivity. Due to obstacles encountered during the project, particularly bureaucratic issues, the survey cannot be implemented as needed, resulting in a test with reduced number of answers. The users' opinion varies according to the stool used, bringing some difficulty to generalizing the answers, but if treated properly, it is possible to obtain relevant conclusions about the main aspects perceived by users in relation to the stool and the needs pointed as most important
The aim of this study was to gather information about ecstasy users in Brazil, particularly on issues related to risks associated to the use of the drug, so as to offer a basis to prevention projects. A total of 1,140 Brazilian ecstasy users answered an online questionnaire from August 2004 to February 2005. Participants were predominantly young single heterosexual well-educated males from upper economical classes. A categorical regression with optimal scaling (CATREG) was performed to identify the risks associated with ecstasy use. ""Pills taken in life"" had a significant correlation with every investigated risk, particularly ecstasy dependence, unsafe sex, and polydrug use. ""Gender,"" ""sexual orientation,"" and ""socioeconomic class"" were not predictive of risk behavior. The Internet proved to be a useful tool for data collection. Given the recent increase in ecstasy availability in Brazil, a first prevention campaign directed toward the drug is urgent. At least in a preliminary Brazilian intervention, the campaign must be conducted at night leisure places, mainly frequented by youngsters from upper socioeconomic classes. The results do not call for information material with specific targets, such as gender or sexual orientation. The study`s limitations have been noted.
The objective of this study is to retrospectively report the results of interventions for controlling a vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) outbreak in a tertiary-care pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of a University Hospital. After identification of the outbreak, interventions were made at the following levels: patient care, microbiological surveillance, and medical and nursing staff training. Data were collected from computer-based databases and from the electronic prescription system. Vancomycin use progressively increased after March 2008, peaking in August 2009. Five cases of VRE infection were identified, with 3 deaths. After the interventions, we noted a significant reduction in vancomycin prescription and use (75% reduction), and the last case of VRE infection was identified 4 months later. The survivors remained colonized until hospital discharge. After interventions there was a transient increase in PICU length-of-stay and mortality. Since then, the use of vancomycin has remained relatively constant and strict, no other cases of VRE infection or colonization have been identified and length-of-stay and mortality returned to baseline. In conclusion, we showed that a bundle intervention aiming at a strict control of vancomycin use and full compliance with the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee guidelines, along with contact precautions and hand-hygiene promotion, can be effective in reducing vancomycin use and the emergence and spread of vancomycin-resistant bacteria in a tertiary-care PICU.
Introduction: Risk-taking behaviors, family criminality, poverty, and poor parenting have been frequently associated with an earlier onset of criminal activities and a longer criminal career among male convicts. Objective: This study aims to identify factors related to the onset and recurrence of criminal behavior among female robbers in the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil. Method: It was a cross-sectional study carried out inside a feminine penitentiary in Sao Paulo. From June 2006 to June 2010, 175 inmates convicted only for robbery were recruited to be evaluated about family antecedents of criminal conviction, alcohol and drug misuse, impulsiveness, depressive symptoms, and psychosocial features. Results: Having family antecedents of criminal conviction consistently predicted an earlier onset of criminal activities and a longer criminal career among female robbers. Drug use in youth and the severity of drug misuse were significantly related to the initiation and recurrence of criminal behavior, respectively. Discussion: Prisons must systematically screen detainees and provide treatments for those with health problems in general. Children of inmates should obtain help to modify the negative consequences of their parents' incarceration in order to mitigate the negative consequences of pursuing this 'static' factor.
Korruption, Gewalt, Machtmissbrauch – im medialen, aber auch im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs wird die afrikanische Polizei oft als dysfunktionale staatliche Institution dargestellt. Dabei erscheinen Polizisten und zivile Akteure als klar voneinander abgegrenzte Akteursgruppen, wobei die Polizisten einseitig das staatliche Gewaltmonopol durchsetzen. Ein Blick auf den Alltag polizeilichen Handelns in Nordghana eröffnet jedoch eine andere Perspektive: Wegen der niedrigen Legitimität, konkurrierenden alternativen Rechtsinstanzen und den Widersprüchen innerhalb ihrer Institution sind Polizisten mit massiven Unsicherheiten konfrontiert. Ihre Praktiken können als situative Anpassungen der Polizeiarbeit an dieses Umfeld verstanden werden. Dabei übertragen Polizisten oft Kernaufgaben ihrer Institution an zivile Akteure, die sogenannten „friends of the police“. Auch zivile Akteure verfügen jedoch durch physischen Widerstand, Beziehungen, Status und Geld über beträchtliche Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten. Die öffentliche Ordnung ergibt sich erst aus den Verhandlungen zwischen den Polizisten und unterschiedlichen zivilen Akteuren unter Einbeziehung ihrer sozialen Ressourcen und moralischer Vorstellungen.
Depending on the regulatory regime they are subject to, governments may or may not be allowed to hand out state aid to private firms. The economic justification for state aid can address several issues present in the competition for capital and the competition for transfers from the state. First, there are principal-agent problems involved at several stages. Self-interested politicians might enter state aid deals that are the result of extensive rent-seeking activities of organized interest groups. Thus the institutional design of political systems will have an effect on the propensity of a jurisdiction to award state aid. Secondly, fierce competition for firm locations can lead to over-spending. This effect is stronger if the politicians do not take into account the entirety of the costs created by their participation in the firm location race. Thirdly, state aid deals can be incomplete and not in the interest of the citizens. This applies if there are no sanctions if firms do not meet their obligations from receiving aid, such as creating a certain number of jobs or not relocating again for a certain amount of time. The separation of ownership and control in modern corporations leads to principal-agent problems on the side of the aid recipient as well. Managers might receive personal benefits from subsidies, the use of which is sometimes less monitored than private finance. This can eventually be to the detriment of the shareholders. Overall, it can be concluded that state aid control should also serve the purpose of regulating the contracting between governments and firms. An extended mandate for supervision by the European Commission could include requirements to disincentive the misuse of state aid. The Commission should also focus on the corporate governance regime in place in the jurisdiction that awards the aid as well as in the recipient firm.
This work presents first a study of the national and international laws in the fields of safety, security and safeguards. The international treaties and the recommendations issued by the IAEA as well as the national regulations in force in France, the United States and Italy are analyzed. As a result of this, a comparison among them is presented. Given the interest of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency for the aspects of criminal penalties and monetary, also the Japanese case is analyzed. The main part of this work was held at the JAEA in the field of proliferation resistance (PR) and physical protection (PP) of a GEN IV sodium fast reactor. For this purpose the design of the system is completed and the PR & PP methodology is applied to obtain data usable by designers for the improvement of the system itself. Due to the presence of sensitive data, not all the details can be disclosed. The reactor site of a hypothetical and commercial sodium-cooled fast neutron nuclear reactor system (SFR) is used as the target NES for the application of the methodology. The methodology is applied to all the PR and PP scenarios: diversion, misuse and breakout; theft and sabotage. The methodology is applied to the SFR to check if this system meets the target of PR and PP as described in the GIF goal; secondly, a comparison between the SFR and a LWR is performed to evaluate if and how it would be possible to improve the PR&PP of the SFR. The comparison is implemented according to the example development target: achieving PR&PP similar or superior to domestic and international ALWR. Three main actions were performed: implement the evaluation methodology; characterize the PR&PP for the nuclear energy system; identify recommendations for system designers through the comparison.
L’attività di ricerca è focalizzata sull’analisi delle normative in materia di contratto di lavoro a termine in Italia, Francia e Spagna. Si tratta di Stati che, al pari del nostro, fanno un grandissimo uso di tale fattispecie, divenuta nei fatti il principale canale di ingresso nel mondo del lavoro, con percentuali complessive di rapporti a tempo determinato anche superiori a quelle italiane. Il confronto con due Paesi a noi vicini da un punto di vista giuridico, culturale e sociale è servito allo scopo di valutare la razionalità e l’opportunità delle profonde modifiche apportate alla disciplina generale da parte del decreto-legge n. 34/2014 (c.d. Decreto Poletti) ed ancora prima dalla riforma del sistema risarcitorio ad opera della legge n. 183/2010. Per ciascun ordinamento sono prese in considerazione le regole finalizzate alla tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori a termine, nonché gli orientamenti giurisprudenziali che hanno contribuito, specie in materia di non discriminazione, ad implementare il livello di protezione della posizione dei lavoratori stessi. Specifica attenzione viene dedicata, inoltre, alla disciplina del pubblico impiego, settore in cui si riscontra spesso un uso distorto delle assunzioni a tempo determinato, come testimoniano le vicende degli agents contractuels francesi e dei lavoratori c.d. indefinidos no fijos de plantilla. La conclusione della tesi è affidata allo studio del contenzioso originato dai tre Stati avanti alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea, al fine di isolare eventuali momenti di sintesi delle differenze delle rispettive regolamentazioni. L’elemento aggregante che affiora dai dicta del supremo organo di giustizia comunitario è il principio di stabilità dell’impiego, la cui portata generale e trasversale può essere utile al fine di orientare l’attività produttiva e interpretativa delle norme nazionali nella direzione di un’implementazione delle tutele spettanti ai prestatori di lavoro a termine.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit fokussierten wir uns auf drei verschiedene Aspekte der Leishmanien-Infektion. Wir charakterisierten den Prozess des Zelltods „Apoptose“ bei Parasiten (1), untersuchten die Eignung von Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen als Wirtszelle für die Entwicklung der Parasiten (2) und analysierten die Konsequenzen der Infektion für die Entstehung einer adaptiven Immunantwort im humanen System. Von zentraler Bedeutung für dieses Projekt war die Hypothese, dass apoptotische Leishmanien den Autophagie-Mechanismus ihrer Wirtszellen ausnutzen, um eine T-Zell-vermittelte Abtötung der Parasiten zu vermindern.rnWir definierten eine apoptotische Leishmanien-Population, welche durch eine rundliche Morphologie und die Expression von Phosphatidylserin auf der Parasitenoberfläche charakterisiert war. Die apoptotischen Parasiten befanden sich zudem in der SubG1-Phase und wiesen weniger und fragmentierte DNA auf, welche durch TUNEL-Assay nachgewiesen werden konnte. Bei der Interaktion der Parasiten mit humanen Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen zeigte sich, dass die anti-inflammatorischen Makrophagen anfälliger für Infektionen waren als die pro-inflammatorischen Makrophagen oder die dendritischen Zellen. Interessanterweise wurde in den dendritischen Zellen jedoch die effektivste Umwandlung zur krankheitsauslösenden, amastigoten Lebensform beobachtet. Da sowohl Makrophagen als auch dendritische Zellen zu den antigenpräsentierenden Zellen gehören, könnte dies zur Aktivierung der T-Zellen des adaptiven Immunsystems führen. Tatsächlich konnte während der Leishmanien-Infektion die Proliferation von T-Zellen beobachtet werden. Dabei stellten wir fest, dass es sich bei den proliferierenden T-Zellen um CD3+CD4+ T-Zellen handelte, welche sich überraschenderweise als Leishmanien-spezifische CD45RO+ T-Gedächtniszellen herausstellten. Dies war unerwartet, da ein vorheriger Kontakt der Spender mit Leishmanien als unwahrscheinlich gilt. In Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten konnte eine signifikant schwächere T-Zell-Proliferation in Makrophagen, jedoch nicht in dendritischen Zellen beobachtet werden. Da sich die T-Zell-Proliferation negativ auf das Überleben der Parasiten auswirkt, konnten die niedrigsten Überlebensraten in dendritischen Zellen vorgefunden werden. Innerhalb der Zellen befanden sich die Parasiten in beiden Zelltypen im Phagosom, welches allerdings nur in Makrophagen den Autophagie-Marker LC3 aufwies. Chemische Induktion von Autophagie führte, ebenso wie die Anwesenheit von apoptotischen Parasiten, zu einer stark reduzierten T-Zell-Proliferation und dementsprechend zu einem höheren Überleben der Parasiten.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich aus unseren Daten schließen, dass Apoptose in Einzellern vorkommt. Während der Infektion können sowohl Makrophagen, als auch dendritische Zellen mit Leishmanien infiziert und das adaptive Immunsystem aktivert werden. Die eingeleitete T-Zell-Proliferation nach Infektion von Makrophagen ist in Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten reduziert, weshalb sie im Vergleich zu dendritischen Zellen die geeigneteren Wirtszellen für Leishmanien darstellen. Dafür missbrauchen die Parasiten den Autophagie-Mechanismus der Makrophagen als Fluchtstrategie um das adaptive Immunsystem zu umgehen und somit das Überleben der Gesamtpopulation zu sichern. Diese Ergebnisse erklären den Vorteil von Apoptose in Einzellern und verdeutlichen, dass der Autophagie-Mechanismus als potentielles therapeutisches Ziel für die Behandlung von Leishmaniose dienen kann.rn
Nursing homes have been criticized for frequent use and possible misuse of psycho-active agents. These issues are of clinical concern and policy relevance, especially since the passage of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987. Using a sample of 419 residents, the authors examined the relationships among antipsychotic drug (AP) use, behavior, and mental health diagnoses. Only 23.2% of the residents were administered APs on a routine and/or "as-needed" basis. Based on the Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES) ratings, AP users were more irritable, disoriented, and withdrawn than were nonusers. Also, AP users demonstrated agitated behaviors more frequently. Notably, AP users and nonusers differed significantly in terms of documented mental health diagnoses. Among AP users, 70.1% had documented dementia, 8.3% were psychotic or had other psychiatric disorders, and 21.6% had no mental health diagnoses. In contrast, the majority of nonusers had no mental health disorders. Logistic regression revealed that diagnostic factors, frequency of agitation, level of withdrawal, and marital status were significant predictors of AP use.
OBJECTIVE: To describe and evaluate psychosocial factors in nonorganic voice disorders (NVDs). Nonorganic voice disorders are presumed to be the result of increased muscular tension that is caused to varying extents by vocal misuse and emotional stress. It is therefore necessary to include both of these in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with voice disorders. DESIGN: Clinical survey. SETTING: Academic tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: To evaluate psychosocial factors in NVDs, a sample of 74 patients with NVDs was examined psychologically using the Giessen Test and Picture Frustration Test. The results were compared with a control group of 19 patients with an organic dysphonia (vocal cord paralysis). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Six scales of the Giessen Test (social response, dominance, control, underlying mood, permeability, and social potency), 3 reaction types of the Picture Frustration Test (obstacle dominance, ego defense, and need persistence), and 3 aggression categories of the Picture Frustration Test (extrapunitivity, intropunitivity, and impunitivity). RESULTS: The most striking significant difference between the 2 groups was that in conflict situations, patients with NVDs sought a quick solution or expected other people to provide one, which prevented them from understanding the underlying causes of the conflict. CONCLUSIONS: Only if the psychosocial aspects are taken into account can patients with NVD be offered a therapy that treats the causes of the voice disorder. It must be decided individually whether and when a voice training approach or a more psychological-psychotherapeutical approach is preferable.