992 resultados para landscape characteristics


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We describe and discuss the unique electrical characteristics of an organic field-effect transistor in which the active layer consists of a type II lateral heterojunction located approximately midway between the source and drain. The two active semiconductors on either side of the junction transport only one carrier type each, with the other becoming trapped, which leads to devices that operate in only the steady state when there is balanced electron and hole injections from the drain and source. We describe the unique transfer characteristics of such devices in two material systems.


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The amount of metal residues from organometallic reagents used in preparation of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) by palladium catalysed Suzuki and nickel-induced Yamamoto polycondensations have been determined, and their effect upon the behaviour of the polymer in field-effect transistors (FETs) has been measured. The metal levels from material polymerised by Suzuki method were found to be much higher than from that made by the Yamamoto procedure. Simple treatment of the polymers with suitable metal trapping reagents lowered the metal levels significantly, with EDTA giving best results for nickel and triphenylphosphine for palladium. Comparison of the behaviour of FETs using polyfluorenes with varying levels of metal contamination, showed that the metal residues have little effect upon the mobility values, but often affect the degree of hysteresis, possibly acting as charge traps. Satisfactory device performances were obtained from polymer with palladium levels of 2000 μg/g suggesting that complete removal of metal residues may not be necessary for satisfactory device performance.


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Since the establishment of Australia’s earliest formal studies in landscape architecture, landscape planning has been a traditional focus within post-graduate studies at QUT. Study in this area has evolved from an earlier emphasis on applied physical geography through to traditional techniques and processes in visual assessment and management. The emphasis on these techniques has shifted again to a more complex exploration of natural, economic, social and cultural landscapes. Recently, the School has explored more innovative and complex dimensions of human and natural landscapes. This has involved a focus on particular regions under pressure from local social and economic change. These have included the under-threat ‘picturesque’ landscapes of the Blackall Range and the Tweed Valley. Attempts to bridge the institution and the landscape have unearthed, through a studio focus, strong connections with notions of sustainable villages, roadside interpretation, way finding, local economic initiatives, special area creation, cultural heritage brokering and ecological enhancements. These initiatives have spanned both local practice interests and academic pursuits. Central to this exploration is the concept of problem solving through the investigation of the concept of ‘multiple scales’. An open, yet intensive program is being developed with a team of ‘futurist’ practitioners offering a range of experiences and perspectives to students. The program is being increasingly linked to design studios so that landscape planning and landscape design form a fabric of inquiry that works towards reclaiming complex landscapes.


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Significant lifestyle and demographic changes in Queensland are beginning to alter the landscape of regional transport planning. In 2006, Queensland Transport undertook a study to understand the implications of these changes on the transport planning task in regional Queensland. The study focused on the current travel characteristics of three Local Government Areas in the Wide Bay Burnett Region. Hervey Bay City represented the ‘sea change’ phenomenon; Wondai Shire represented the growing ‘tree change’ lifestyle; and Monto Shire represented communities which were either experiencing limited change or a decrease in population. The results of this research will be used to inform long term integrated regional transport planning in the region.


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The noble idea of studying seminal works to ‘see what we can learn’ has turned in the 1990s into ‘let’s see what we can take’ and in the last decade a more toxic derivative ‘what else can’t we take’. That is my observation as a student of architecture in the 1990s, and as a practitioner in the 2000s. In 2010, the sense that something is ending is clear. The next generation is rising and their gaze has shifted. The idea of classification (as a means of separation) was previously rejected by a generation of Postmodernists; the usefulness of difference declined. It’s there in the presence of plurality in the resulting architecture, a decision to mine history and seize in a willful manner. This is a process of looking back but never forward. It has been a mono-culture of absorption. The mono-culture rejected the pursuit of the realistic. It is a blanket suffocating all practice of architecture in this country from the mercantile to the intellectual. Independent reviews of Australia’s recent contributions to the Venice Architecture Biennales confirm the malaise. The next generation is beginning to reconsider classification as a means of unification. By acknowledging the characteristics of competing forces it is possible to bring them into a state of tension. Seeking a beautiful contrast is a means to a new end. In the political setting, this is described by Noel Pearson as the radical centre[1]. The concept transcends the political and in its most essential form is a cultural phenomenon. It resists the compromised position and suggests that we can look back while looking forward. The radical centre is the only demonstrated opportunity where it is possible to pursue a realistic architecture. A realistic architecture in Australia may be partially resolved by addressing our anxiety of permanence. Farrelly’s built desires[2] and Markham’s ritual demonstrations[3] are two ways into understanding the broader spectrum of permanence. But I think they are downstream of our core problem. Our problem, as architects, is that we are yet to come to terms with this place. Some call it landscape others call it country. Australian cities were laid out on what was mistaken for a blank canvas. On some occasions there was the consideration of the landscape when it presented insurmountable physical obstacles. The architecture since has continued to work on its piece of a constantly blank canvas. Even more ironic is the commercial awards programs that represent a claim within this framework but at best can only establish a dialogue within itself. This is a closed system unable to look forward. It is said that Melbourne is the most European city in the southern hemisphere but what is really being described there is the limitation of a senseless grid. After all, if Dutch landscape informs Dutch architecture why can’t the Australian landscape inform Australian architecture? To do that, we would have to acknowledge our moribund grasp of the meaning of the Australian landscape. Or more precisely what Indigenes call Country[4]. This is a complex notion and there are different ways into it. Country is experienced and understood through the senses and seared into memory. If one begins design at that starting point it is not unreasonable to think we can arrive at an end point that is a counter trajectory to where we have taken ourselves. A recent studio with Masters students confirmed this. Start by finding Country and it would be impossible to end up with a building looking like an Aboriginal man’s face. To date architecture in Australia has overwhelmingly ignored Country on the back of terra nullius. It can’t seem to get past the picturesque. Why is it so hard? The art world came to terms with this challenge, so too did the legal establishment, even the political scene headed into new waters. It would be easy to blame the budgets of commerce or the constraints of program or even the pressure of success. But that is too easy. Those factors are in fact the kind of limitations that opportunities grow out of. The past decade of economic plenty has, for the most part, smothered the idea that our capitals might enable civic settings or an architecture that is able to looks past lot line boundaries in a dignified manner. The denied opportunities of these settings to be prompted by the Country they occupy is criminal. The public realm is arrested in its development because we refuse to accept Country as a spatial condition. What we seem to be able to embrace is literal and symbolic gestures usually taking the form of a trumped up art installations. All talk – no action. To continue to leave the public realm to the stewardship of mercantile interests is like embracing derivative lending after the global financial crisis.Herein rests an argument for why we need a resourced Government Architect’s office operating not as an isolated lobbyist for business but as a steward of the public realm for both the past and the future. New South Wales is the leading model with Queensland close behind. That is not to say both do not have flaws but current calls for their cessation on the grounds of design parity poorly mask commercial self interest. In Queensland, lobbyists are heavily regulated now with an aim to ensure integrity and accountability. In essence, what I am speaking of will not be found in Reconciliation Action Plans that double as business plans, or the mining of Aboriginal culture for the next marketing gimmick, or even discussions around how to make buildings more ‘Aboriginal’. It will come from the next generation who reject the noxious mono-culture of absorption and embrace a counter trajectory to pursue an architecture of realism.


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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics associated with fatal and non-fatal low-speed vehicle run-over (LSVRO) events in relation to person, incident and injury characteristics, in order to identify appropriate points for intervention and injury prevention. Methods: Data on all known LSVRO events in Queensland, Australia, over 11 calendar years (1999–2009) were extracted from five different databases representing the continuum of care ( prehospital to fatality) and manually linked. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were used to analyse the sample characteristics in relation to demographics, health service usage, outcomes, incident characteristics, and injury characteristics. Results: Of the 1641 LSVRO incidents, 98.4% (n=1615) were non-fatal, and 1.6% were fatal (n=26). Over half the children required admission to hospital (56%, n=921); mean length of stay was 3.4 days. Younger children aged 0–4 years were more frequently injured, and experienced more serious injuries with worse outcomes. Patterns of injury (injury type and severity), injury characteristics (eg, time of injury, vehicle type, driver of vehicle, incident location), and demographic characteristics (such as socioeconomic status, indigenous status, remoteness), varied according to age group. Almost half (45.6%; n=737) the events occurred outside major cities, and approximately 10% of events involved indigenous children. Parents were most commonly the vehicle drivers in fatal incidents. While larger vehicles such as four-wheel drives (4WD) were most frequently involved in LSVRO events resulting in fatalities, cars were most frequently involved in non-fatal events. Conclusions: This is the first study, to the authors’ knowledge, to analyse the characteristics of fatal and non-fatal LSVRO events in children aged 0–15 years on a state-wide basis. Characteristics of LSVRO events varied with age, thus age-specific interventions are required. Children living outside major cities, and indigenous children, were over-represented in these data. Further research is required to identify the burden of injury in these groups.


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This research was a step forward in investigating the characteristics of recycled concrete aggregates to use as an unbound pavement material. The results present the guidelines for successfully application of recycled concrete aggregates in high traffic volume roads. Outcomes of the research create more economical and environmental benefits through reducing the depletion of natural resources and effectively manage the generated concrete waste before disposal as land fill.


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This paper reports profiling information for speeding offenders and is part of a larger project that assessed the deterrent effects of increased speeding penalties in Queensland, Australia, using a total of 84,456 speeding offences. The speeding offenders were classified into three groups based on the extent and severity of an index offence: once-only low-rang offenders; repeat high-range offenders; and other offenders. The three groups were then compared in terms of personal characteristics, traffic offences, crash history and criminal history. Results revealed a number of significant differences between repeat high-range offenders and those in the other two offender groups. Repeat high-range speeding offenders were more likely to be male, younger, hold a provisional and a motorcycle licence, to have committed a range of previous traffic offences, to have a significantly greater likelihood of crash involvement, and to have been involved in multiple-vehicle crashes than drivers in the other two offender types. Additionally, when a subset of offenders’ criminal histories were examined, results revealed that repeat high-range speeding offenders were also more likely to have committed a previous criminal offence compared to once only low-range and other offenders and that 55.2% of the repeat high-range offenders had a criminal history. They were also significantly more likely to have committed drug offences and offences against order than the once only low-range speeding offenders, and significantly more likely to have committed regulation offences than those in the other offenders group. Overall, the results indicate that speeding offenders are not an homogeneous group and that, therefore, more tailored and innovative sanctions should be considered and evaluated for high-range recidivist speeders because they are a high-risk road user group.


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A systematic literature review and a comprehensive meta-analysis that combines the findings from existing studies, was conducted in this thesis to analyse the impact of traffic characteristics on crash occurrence. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to investigate the quality, publication bias and outlier bias of the various studies, and the time intervals used to measure traffic characteristics were considered. Based on this comprehensive and systematic review, and the results of the subsequent meta-analysis, major issues in study design, traffic and crash data, and model development and evaluation are discussed.


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There is a great deal of research that examines flexible working arrangements, but this work tends to be concentrated in large organisations. This research examines the approach taken to flexible working arrangements in five small community based, not for profit organisations. We present three propositions that aim to understand the constraints and the characteristics of flexible work in this rarely studied sector.


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This study explores how explicit transit quality of services (TQoS) measures including service frequency, service span, and travel time ratio, along with implicit environmental predictors such as topographic grade factor influence bus ridership using a case study city of Brisbane, Australia. The primary hypothesis tested was that bus ridership is higher within suburbs with high transit quality of service than suburbs that have limited service quality. Using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) this study identifies a strong positive relationship between route intensity (bus-km/h-km2) and bus ridership, indicating that increasing both service frequency and spatial route density correspond to higher bus ridership. Additionally, travel time ratio (in-vehicle transit travel time to in-vehicle auto travel time) is also found to have significant negative association with ridership within a suburb, reflecting a decline in transit use with increased travel time ratio. Conversely, topographic grade and service span are not found to exert any significant impact on bus ridership in a suburb. Our study findings enhance the fundamental understanding of traveller behaviour which is informative to urban transportation policy, planning and provision.