780 resultados para jordan


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The energy balance for the production of sunflower oil and cake was carried out during the agricultural and industrial stage phase, where it was considered a cold extraction by hydraulic pressing, with the plant location in a rural area with a radius of 30km range. Data on productivity was used in two varieties of sunflower (Helio 358 and Aguará 04) grown in different seasons (2007/2008, 2008/2009), under different irrigation levels. Data showed that irrigation resulted in an increase in productivity of both varieties, and the best response was observed for Aguará 04 variety. Moreover, the increased intensity of irrigation negatively affected the energy balance, reducing the ratio between energy produced and energy used in the production chain. The most significant inputs in the energy intake were fertilizer followed by diesel oil, when irrigation was not used for. When the irrigation technique was used, the most significant inputs, in order of representativeness, were: energy, fertilizer and equipment.


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ResumoAvaliou-se o rendimento térmico de um coletor solar plano construído em termoplástico, em condições reais de operação, registrando as temperaturas de entrada e de saída de água na placa, mediante quatro distintas vazões mássicas de água: 0,026 kg s-1; 0,04 kg s-1; 0,054 kg s-1; e 0,068 kg s-1. Os ensaios foram realizados no Laboratório de Termodinâmica e Energia da Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola da Unicamp. Com base nos valores de temperatura da água na entrada e na saída das placas, foram calculados os valores de potência térmica [W m-2]. O maior valor médio diário de potência térmica (753 W m-2) foi obtido para a vazão de 0,054 kg s-1. Para a maior vazão (0,068 kg s-1), o valor de potência térmica foi similar ao obtido para a vazão de 0,04 kg s-1 (715 W m-2), mostrando a existência de uma vazão ótima de operação.


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RESUMO A biomassa polidispersa tem como uma de suas principais características as variações das dimensões e dos formatos de suas partículas. Os métodos de determinação do diâmetro médio por peneiramento, amplamente utilizados devido a sua relativa simplicidade e baixo custo, quando aplicados a materiais heterogêneos, como a biomassa polidispersa, podem levar a resultados equivocados. Assim, com o objetivo de obter resultados mais precisos, foram avaliados três métodos de determinação do diâmetro médio de partículas de biomassa polidispersa, baseados na técnica de fracionamento por peneiramento mecânico: um de forma analítica (Diâmetro de Sauter) e outros dois por meio de análise gráfica das funções de distribuição das partículas (Função de Densidade de Distribuição Mássica e Função Cumulativa/Aumentativa de Distribuição). O método baseado na análise gráfica da função da distribuição da densidade mássica (FDDM) foi o mais eficiente para a análise do bagaço de cana, pois permitiu identificar as diferentes populações existentes e identificar com clareza as dimensões características, mostrando assim ser uma poderosa ferramenta para a análise granulométrica de biomassas polidispersas.


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ABSTRACT The integration of fish farming in intensive system and plant production, called "aquaponics" is practiced successfully in countries like the USA, Australia and Europe. In Brazil, this integration has attracted the attention of researchers and producers. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two substrates (crushed stone number 3, CS III and flexible polyurethane foam, FPF) on the production of aquaponic lettuce, moreover, to show that the residual water from intensive tilapia production provides sufficient qualitative characteristics for competitive production of lettuce without adding commercial fertilizers. The treatment in which FPF was used provided higher concentrations of macro and micronutrients in the shoots, higher production of fresh matter of shoots (95.48 g plant-1) and a larger number of leaves (14.90) relative to CS III. These results were attributed to the lower post-transplanting stress and the higher water retention time provided by the FPF. The residual water from tilapia intensive farming can provide sufficient nutrients for the production of lettuce, making the supplementary fertilization with commercial products unnecessary. Thus, the FPF presents the most suitable conditions to be used as substrate in aquaponics system with recirculation of the residual water from the intensive tilapia farming.


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Etelä-Savon aluetalouskatsaus 2010 on laadittu ELY-keskuksen ESR-rahoitteisessa ennakointiprojektissa. Katsaus laaditaan vuosittain ja se toimii osaltaan maakunnan kehityksen seurannan ja tulevaisuuden arvioinnin dokumenttina. Katsaus perustuu pääosin viimeisiin saatavilla oleviin tilastotietoihin, jotka Tilastokeskus tuottaa. Suurimman osan katsauksesta muodostavat Tilastokeskukselta hankitut yritysten liikevaihdon, viennin ja henkilöstömäärän kehitystä kuvaavat indeksisarjat Etelä-Savon kannalta keskeisiltä toimialoilta ja yritysryhmistä. Indeksisarjojen tiedot ovat vuoden 2009 loppuun saakka ja kuvaavat suhdanteiden kehitystä, mikä nykytilanteessa kertoo parhaiten sen, missä mennään. Tekstien laadintaan ovat osallistuneet suunnittelijat Marja Haverinen, Anne Pylkkönen ja Vesa Horttanainen sekä kehityspäällikkö Marja Aro ja ennakointiasiantuntija Merja Toijonen Etelä-Savon ELY-keskuksesta . Arviointeja varten on haastateltu mm. ELY-keskuksen ja Finnveran asiantuntijoita. Vuotta 2009 elettiin koko maassa taantuman merkeissä. Etelä-Savossa talouden supistuminen jäi kuitenkin jonkin verran koko maata pienemmäksi. Vuotuisella kasvuprosentilla mitaten Etelä-Savon yritysten liikevaihto supistui edellisestä vuodesta 13,18 prosenttia, kun koko maa taantui 16,13 prosentin verran. Etelä-Savossa teollisuudessa ja rakentamisessa supistuminen oli vuonna 2009 suurin piirtein koko maan keskimääräistä tasoa, tosin teollisuuden henkilöstömäärä putosi Etelä-Savossa hiukan koko maata enemmän. Loppuvuodesta 2009 teollisuuden liikevaihdon lasku taittui koko maassa, mutta Etelä-Savossa se jatkoi vielä laskuaan. Maakunnan teollisuuden kehitys, varsinkin teknologiateollisuuden yrityksissä, on jäänyt koko maahan verrattuna jälkeen jo taantumaa edeltävinä vuosina. Puutuoteteollisuudessa taantuman aiheuttama pudotus oli suurempi kuin koko maassa mutta ala on alkanut jo toipua maakunnassa ja vientitilanne kohentua. Palvelualoilla ja varsinkin kaupassa Etelä-Savon yritysten liikevaihdon supistuminen jäi viime vuonna koko maata pienemmäksi. Uusia kauppaketjuja on levittäytynyt Etelä-Savoon ja niiden myötä ostovoiman odotetaan pysyvän entistä enemmän omassa maakunnassa eikä valuvan alueen ulkopuolelle. Vuonna 2009 Etelä-Savon työttömyysaste nousi kahdella prosenttiyksiköllä 11,5 prosenttiin Koko maan työttömyysaste oli 9,9 prosenttia. Lomautukset ovat heikentäneet koko taantuman ajan erityisesti miesten työllisyyttä. Huhtikuussa 2010 alkoi kuitenkin sekä henkilökohtaisesti lomautettujen että ryhmälomautettujen määrä selvästi laskea. Huomattavaa on, että vuoden 2009 aikana Etelä-Savon työllisten määrä laski 3 000:lla edellisvuoden 65 000:sta. Samaan aikaan myös työikäisten määrä aleni yli 800 hengellä. Vaikka odotettavissa on työttömien määrän väheneminen seuraavan vuoden aikana, ei työllisten määrässä päästäne enää 2000-luvun alkuvuosien tasolle maakunnan ikärakenteesta johtuen.


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In this master’s thesis, wind speeds and directions were modeled with the aim of developing suitable models for hourly, daily, weekly and monthly forecasting. Artificial Neural Networks implemented in MATLAB software were used to perform the forecasts. Three main types of artificial neural network were built, namely: Feed forward neural networks, Jordan Elman neural networks and Cascade forward neural networks. Four sub models of each of these neural networks were also built, corresponding to the four forecast horizons, for both wind speeds and directions. A single neural network topology was used for each of the forecast horizons, regardless of the model type. All the models were then trained with real data of wind speeds and directions collected over a period of two years in the municipal region of Puumala in Finland. Only 70% of the data was used for training, validation and testing of the models, while the second last 15% of the data was presented to the trained models for verification. The model outputs were then compared to the last 15% of the original data, by measuring the mean square errors and sum square errors between them. Based on the results, the feed forward networks returned the lowest generalization errors for hourly, weekly and monthly forecasts of wind speeds; Jordan Elman networks returned the lowest errors when used for forecasting of daily wind speeds. Cascade forward networks gave the lowest errors when used for forecasting daily, weekly and monthly wind directions; Jordan Elman networks returned the lowest errors when used for hourly forecasting. The errors were relatively low during training of the models, but shot up upon simulation with new inputs. In addition, a combination of hyperbolic tangent transfer functions for both hidden and output layers returned better results compared to other combinations of transfer functions. In general, wind speeds were more predictable as compared to wind directions, opening up opportunities for further research into building better models for wind direction forecasting.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Julkaisussa: La cosmographia y geographia del S. Hieronimo Girava Tarragones


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1761/01 (T89)-1761/06.


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1764/01 (T95)-1764/06.


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1757/01 (T81)-1757/06.


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1723/01 (T13)-1723/06.