987 resultados para intermittent


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O estudo de escoamentos turbulentos em descarregadores em degraus tem sido um desafio para os investigadores. A macro-rugosidade do leito, a ondulação da superfície livre, a intermitência da localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e o escoamento bi-fásico a jusante da secção inicial de entrada de ar fazem com que a caracterização do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus não seja simples. Actualmente, é possível combinar técnicas de medição fiáveis com simulações numéricas e análise teórica. Nesta dissertação, o estudo experimental baseia-se em resultados experimentais obtidos em duas instalações experimentais: a instalação A, do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:0.75H e a instalação B, do Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:2H. Uma sonda de ar, um tubo de Pitot modificado e vários hidrómetros permitiram o estudo do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões mono- e bifásico ao longo do descarregador em degraus da instalação A. Na bacia de dissipação de energia, a observação visual do escoamento foi auxiliada pelas leituras efectuadas em tomadas de pressão localizadas na soleira da bacia e pelas leituras da altura do escoamento efectuadas em réguas graduadas localizadas nas paredes da bacia. Na instalação B foram utilizados um tubo de Pitot e vários hidrómetros para estudar a região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões no descarregador em degraus. O estudo numérico é baseado em simulações numéricas da região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões sobre descarregadores em degraus com o código comercial de CFD FLOW-3D® de modo a reproduzir as condições ensaiadas experimentalmente. As simulações beneficiaram da técnica de blocos múltiplos (multi-block) num sistema de coordenadas cartesianas, da determinação da superfície livre pelo método TruVOF e da utilização de dois modelos de turbulência: os modelos k- e RNG k-. Por último, o estudo teórico consistiu em desenvolver um modelo simplificado 1D para determinar as características hidráulicas principais do trecho não arejado do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus. O modelo foi desenvolvido a partir das equações de Navier-Stokes, conjuntamente com resultados experimentais e numéricos. Os resultados apresentados nesta dissertação contribuem para o conhecimento do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus, nomeadamente na região não arejada, na secção inicial de entrada de ar e na região arejada. A hidráulica dos dissipadores de energia a jusante de descarregadores em degraus, em particular das bacias tipo III do USBR, é também objecto de estudo. Em relação à região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores com declive acentuado, e com base em resultados experimentais e numéricos, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, da espessura da camada limite, da concentração média de ar, do coeficiente de energia cinética, da dissipação de energia, do factor de resistência e do coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning. São ainda propostas expressões adimensionais para a energia cinética turbulenta e sua dissipação. Para declives moderados, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, do coeficiente de energia cinética e da energia específica residual. São ainda apresentados valores do expoente 1/N da expressão adimensional da distribuição de velocidades, quer para descarregadores com declive acentuado quer com declive moderado. Em conformidade com outros estudos centrados em escoamentos de parede e com derivações teóricas, para a região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores em degraus de acentuado declive, observa-se que o factor de resistência depende da macro-rugosidade criada pelos degraus e da geometria da secção transversal e que o coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning aumenta com a rugosidade. A descrição estatística da turbulência do escoamento é igualmente explorada, contribuindo para o conhecimento da estrutura do escoamento. Observou-se que para números de Reynolds rugoso não superiores a 6.8x104 a energia cinética turbulência e a sua dissipação cumprem leis de semelhança. Estas expressões adimensionais estão de acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros autores para escoamentos completamente desenvolvidos em canais abertos e no escoamento em rios com leito de gravilha. Em acréscimo, a taxa de dissipação de energia, quer para descarregadores de declive acentuado quer de moderado declive, é baixa. Por último, observa-se que os valores da média temporal da concentração de ar entre 0 e 1 medidos na região não arejada do escoamento dizem respeito não só ao ar capturado entre ondas de água, na zona de ondulação da superfície livre, mas também ao ar emulsionado no escoamento, i.e., sob a forma de bolhas de ar, quando perto da secção média inicial de entrada de ar, devido à diferença entre localizações instantânea e média temporal. Foram revistas metodologias e fórmulas para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e apresentadas expressões para estimar a concentração média de ar e a altura equivalente de água nessa secção. Relativamente à região de escoamento arejado em descarregadores em degraus com declive acentuado, os resultados experimentais apresentados nesta dissertação permitiram estimar a influência da definição da superfície livre nos parâmetros hidráulicos da região do escoamento arejado e estimar a máxima elevação do escoamento nesta região do escoamento. Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos na bacia de dissipação de energia do tipo III do USBR localizada a jusante do descarregador em degraus da instalação A, observou-se que os perfis da altura piezométrica e da altura do escoamento tendem a seguir o perfil recomendado pelo USBR para bacias tipo III. A excepção ocorre à entrada da bacia, onde as alturas piezométricas apresentadas nesta dissertação excedem largamente as apresentadas pelo USBR. É ainda observado que, tal como entre as bacias tipo I e tipo III do USBR, o ressalto hidráulico estabiliza muito mais rapidamente numa bacia tipo III a jusante de um descarregador em degraus do que uma bacia tipo I a jusante do mesmo descarregador em degraus. Finalmente, observa-se que os blocos de amortecimento a colocar no descarregador não têm influência visível nos resultados da altura piezométrica nem da altura do escoamento ao longo da bacia. Relativamente às simulações numéricas do escoamento não arejado, a proximidade entre resultados experimentais e numéricos permite validar o modelo teórico e a integração numérica usados no FLOW-3D®. As simulações desenvolvidas também mostraram que o modelo de turbulência k- permite representar as características do escoamento não arejado em descarregadores em degraus, uma vez que não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as simulações com este modelo e com o modelo RNG k-. Finalmente, observou-se que o modelo de entrada de ar usado no FLOW-3D® é válido para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar. Por último, a proximidade entre os resultados obtidos da aplicação do modelo teórico desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação e os resultados experimentais indica que as hipóteses e simplificações consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo são adequadas.


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Understanding the biology of offshore species is hardened by the difficulties of sampling in the deep-sea environment. Additionally, due to the vastness of the open ocean, knowledge of early life histories of pelagic larvae is still relatively scarce. In decapod species with bentho-pelagic lifestyle, the transition from life in the seafloor to the water column not only is associated with drastic morphological metamorphosis, but also with changes in behavior and feeding ecology. The purpose of the present thesis was to investigate physiological, biochemical and behavioral adaptation occurring during early development of such species. The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, and the crab Monodaeus couchi were used as a model as these two species are encountered off the NE Atlantic shelf at depth greater than 300 m. Chapter 1 introduces the challenges faced by both adult and larvae inhabiting such remote habitats, including the effect of food availability on development and oceanographic processes on dispersal and recruitment. The thesis follows early life histories, starting with within-brood variability in the fatty acid (FA) profile displayed by developing N. norvegicus embryos. There were no differences in the FA composition of embryos sampled from both sides of the brooding chamber in most females. However, all females exhibited significant differences in the FA profiles of embryos sampled from different pleopods. Potential causes for the variations recorded may be differential female investment during oocyte production or shifts in FA catabolism during the incubation period promoted by embryo’s location within the brooding chamber. Next, feeding rates and digestive enzymes activity of the early stage larvae was investigated in N. norvegicus. Both stages were able to maximize food intake when larvae were scarce and showed increased feeding rate following periods of starvation. Amylase activity indicated that carbohydrates are not the primary energy reserve and that feeding may be required soon after hatching to trigger amylase activity. Protease activity indicated that protein reserves are catabolized under starvation. These results indicate that larvae may maximize prey ingestion in the presence of plankton patches with higher food abundance and minimize the deleterious effects induced by previous periods of intermittent starvation or unsuitable prey densities/types. Additionally, changes in enzymatic activity may allow newly hatched N. norvegicus larvae to metabolize protein reserves to overcome short-term starvation. Vertical migration behavior and the influence of oceanographic properties were studied next. All zoeal stages of M. couchi displayed reverse diel vertical migration. Abundance of early stages was correlated with chlorophyll a levels. An ontogenic shift in vertical distribution explained the results; earlier zoeal stages remain in the food-rich upper water column while later stages migrate to the bottom for settlement. This vertical migration behavior is likely to affect horizontal distribution of larvae. Indeed, global current patterns will result in low inter-annual variations in decapod larvae recruitment, but short term variations such as upwelling events will cause deviation from the expected dispersal pattern. Throughout development, from the embryo to metamorphosis into benthic juvenile, offshore decapods face many challenges. For the developing individual survivorship will depend heavily on food availability but also on the reserves passed on by the mother. Even though vertical migration behavior can allow the larvae to take advantage of depth varying currents for transport, the effect of general circulation pattern will superimpose local current and influence feeding conditions and affect dispersal and recruitment.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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The long-range transport of Ambrosia pollen to Poland is intermittent and mainly related to the passage of air masses over the Carpathian and Sudetes mountains. These episodes are associated with hot dry weather, a deep Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) in the source areas and winds from the south. Such episodes can transport significant amounts of Ambrosia pollen into Poland. The study investigates Ambrosia pollen episodes at eight sites in Poland during the period 7th to 10th September 2005, by examining temporal variations in Ambrosia pollen and back-trajectories. PBL depths in the likely source areas were calculated with the Eta meteorological model and evaluated against the mountain heights. Considerable amounts of Ambrosia pollen were recorded at several monitoring sites during the night or early in the morning of the investigated period. Trajectory analyses shows that the air masses arriving at the Polish sites predominantly came from the south, and were in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary the previous day indicating these countries as potential source areas. We have shown the progress of Ambrosia plumes into Poland from the south of the country, probably from Slovakia and Hungary, and demonstrated how Lagrangian back-trajectory models and meteorological models can be used to identify possible transport mechanisms of Ambrosia pollen from potential source regions.


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Background: The pollen grains of Ambrosia spp. are considered to be important aeroallergens. Previous studies have shown that the long-range transport of Ambrosia pollen to Poland is intermittent and mainly related to the passage of air masses over the Carpathian and Sudetes mountains from sources to the south, e.g. the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In this study, Ambrosia pollen counts and back-trajectories from specific episodes in 1999 and 2002 have been analysed with the aim of identifying possible new sources of Ambrosia pollen arriving at three sites in Poland. Method: The combination of Ambrosia pollen measurements (daily average and bi-hourly concentrations) and air mass trajectory calculations were used to investigate two Ambrosia pollen episodes recorded at Rzeszow, Krakow and Poznań on the 4th and 5th September 1999 and 3rd September 2002. Ambrosia pollen counts were recorded by volumetric spore traps of the Hirst design. Trajectories were calculated using the transport model within the Lagrangian air pollution model, ACDEP (Atmospheric Chemistry and Deposition). Results: The collective results of pollen measurements and back-trajectory analysis indicate plumes of Ambrosia pollen travelling up through Poland from the southeast during the investigated episodes. In 1999, the plume was first recorded at Rzeszow in Southeastern Poland during the morning of the 4th September. Its route can be followed as it passed Krakow during the afternoon of the 4th, and later on the 4th and 5th September at Poznań. Similarly, back-trajectories calculated during the morning and afternoon from Krakow and Rzeszow on the 3rd September 2002 indicates that the air masses arrived at these sites from the East or Southeast. Conclusion: This study shows the progress of Ambrosia plumes into Poland from the southeast. Ambrosia pollen release occurs mainly during the day and so a midday peak in Ambrosia pollen concentrations may indicate a local source. However, if the plume of Ambrosia pollen tracked along its northwesterly path over Poland during investigated episodes did not originate from inside Poland, then it is likely that it came from the Ukraine. This identifies a possible new source of ragweed pollen for Poland. Trajectory analysis can only show the path along which an air mass travels, not the specific source area. Further investigation could therefore include source based transport models such as 3D Eulerian atmospheric transport models.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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In this paper, a stochastic programming approach is proposed for trading wind energy in a market environment under uncertainty. Uncertainty in the energy market prices is the main cause of high volatility of profits achieved by power producers. The volatile and intermittent nature of wind energy represents another source of uncertainty. Hence, each uncertain parameter is modeled by scenarios, where each scenario represents a plausible realization of the uncertain parameters with an associated occurrence probability. Also, an appropriate risk measurement is considered. The proposed approach is applied on a realistic case study, based on a wind farm in Portugal. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The introduction of new distributed energy resources, based on natural intermittent power sources, in power systems imposes the development of new adequate operation management and control methods. This paper proposes a short-term Energy Resource Management (ERM) methodology performed in two phases. The first one addresses the hour-ahead ERM scheduling and the second one deals with the five-minute ahead ERM scheduling. Both phases consider the day-ahead resource scheduling solution. The ERM scheduling is formulated as an optimization problem that aims to minimize the operation costs from the point of view of a virtual power player that manages the network and the existing resources. The optimization problem is solved by a deterministic mixed-integer non-linear programming approach and by a heuristic approach based on genetic algorithms. A case study considering a distribution network with 33 bus, 66 distributed generation, 32 loads with demand response contracts and 7 storage units has been implemented in a PSCADbased simulator developed in the field of the presented work, in order to validate the proposed short-term ERM methodology considering the dynamic power system behavior.


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The large penetration of intermittent resources, such as solar and wind generation, involves the use of storage systems in order to improve power system operation. Electric Vehicles (EVs) with gridable capability (V2G) can operate as a means for storing energy. This paper proposes an algorithm to be included in a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, which performs an intelligent management of three types of consumers: domestic, commercial and industrial, that includes the joint management of loads and the charge/discharge of EVs batteries. The proposed methodology has been implemented in a SCADA system developed by the authors of this paper – the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM). Any event in the system, such as a Demand Response (DR) event, triggers the use of an optimization algorithm that performs the optimal energy resources scheduling (including loads and EVs), taking into account the priorities of each load defined by the installation users. A case study considering a specific consumer with several loads and EVs is presented in this paper.


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Smart grids with an intensive penetration of distributed energy resources will play an important role in future power system scenarios. The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources brings new challenges, requiring an efficient management of those sources. Additional storage resources can be beneficially used to address this problem; the massive use of electric vehicles, particularly of vehicle-to-grid (usually referred as gridable vehicles or V2G), becomes a very relevant issue. This paper addresses the impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in system operation costs and in power demand curve for a distribution network with large penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) units. An efficient management methodology for EVs charging and discharging is proposed, considering a multi-objective optimization problem. The main goals of the proposed methodology are: to minimize the system operation costs and to minimize the difference between the minimum and maximum system demand (leveling the power demand curve). The proposed methodology perform the day-ahead scheduling of distributed energy resources in a distribution network with high penetration of DG and a large number of electric vehicles. It is used a 32-bus distribution network in the case study section considering different scenarios of EVs penetration to analyze their impact in the network and in the other energy resources management.


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Multi-agent approaches have been widely used to model complex systems of distributed nature with a large amount of interactions between the involved entities. Power systems are a reference case, mainly due to the increasing use of distributed energy sources, largely based on renewable sources, which have potentiated huge changes in the power systems’ sector. Dealing with such a large scale integration of intermittent generation sources led to the emergence of several new players, as well as the development of new paradigms, such as the microgrid concept, and the evolution of demand response programs, which potentiate the active participation of consumers. This paper presents a multi-agent based simulation platform which models a microgrid environment, considering several different types of simulated players. These players interact with real physical installations, creating a realistic simulation environment with results that can be observed directly in the reality. A case study is presented considering players’ responses to a demand response event, resulting in an intelligent increase of consumption in order to face the wind generation surplus.


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Hoje em dia, um dos grandes objetivos das empresas é conseguirem uma gestão eficiente. Em particular, empresas que lidam com grandes volumes de stocks têm a necessidade de otimizar as quantidades dos seus produtos armazenados, com o objetivo, de entre outros, reduzir os seus custos associados. O trabalho documentado descreve um novo modelo, desenvolvido para a gestão de encomendas de uma empresa líder em soluções de transporte. A eficiência do modelo foi alcançada com a utilização de vários métodos matemáticos de previsão. Salientam-se os métodos de Croston, Teunter e de Syntetos e Boylan adequados para artigos com procuras intermitentes e a utilização de métodos mais tradicionais, tais como médias móveis ou alisamento exponencial. Os conceitos de lead time, stock de segurança, ponto de encomenda e quantidade económica a encomendar foram explorados e serviram de suporte ao modelo desenvolvido. O stock de segurança recebeu especial atenção. Foi estabelecida uma nova fórmula de cálculo em conformidade com as necessidades reais da empresa. A eficiência do modelo foi testada com o acompanhamento da evolução do stock real. Para além de uma redução significativa do valor dos stocks armazenados, a viabilidade do modelo é reflectida pelo nível de serviço alcançado.


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Background: Children with spina bifida represent the major risk group for latex sensitization. Purpose: To determine the prevalence of latex sensitization in these children and to identify risk factors. Material and methods: We studied 57 patients with spina bifida. The mean age was 5.6 years and the male/female ratio was 0.8/1. In all patients a questionnaire, skin prick test (SPT) with latex (UCBStallergènes, Lofarma and ALK-Abelló), common aeroallergens and fruits (UCB-Stallergènes) and serum determination of total IgE (AlaSTAT) were performed. Results: The prevalence of latex sensitization was 30 %; only two sensitized children (12 %) had symptoms after exposure. Risk factors for latex sensitization were age 5 years (p = 0.008; OR = 6.0; 95% CI = 1.7-22.1), having at least four previous surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 18.5; 95% CI = 3.6-94.8), having undergone surgery in the first 3 months of life (p = 0.008; OR = 5.4; 95% CI = 0.7-29.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.03; OR = 3.8; 95 %CI = 1.1-13.1). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that only a history of four or more surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 26.3; 95 %CI = 2.9-234.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.02; OR = 8.6; 95% CI = 1.4-53.4) were independently associated with latex sensitization. Sex, family and personal allergic history, hydrocephalus with ventriculoperitoneal shunt, cystourethrograms, intermittent bladder catheterization and atopy were not related to latex sensitization. Conclusions: In children with spina bifida, significant and independent risk factors identified for latex sensitization were multiple interventions and higher levels of total serum IgE. A prospective study will clarify the clinical evolution of assymptomatic children sensitized to latex.